Inside This Issue - Brownsburg Community Schools

Inside This Issue - Brownsburg Community Schools

Inside This Issue - Brownsburg Community Schools


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Delaware<br />

November 9, 2012<br />

Delaware Trail Elementary<br />

School<br />

3680 Hornaday Road<br />

<strong>Brownsburg</strong>, IN 46112<br />

Principal: Mrs. Jennifer Greene<br />

Counselor: Mrs. Stacey Kraus<br />

Trail Blazer<br />

Http://www.brownsburg.k12.in.us/delawaretrail/<br />

Happy Friday Delaware Trail Families!<br />

Principal’s Message<br />

Important to Remember:<br />

For student safety, we need all<br />

visitors to sign in at the front<br />

office please.<br />

Our school day is 8:45-3:40<br />

Wednesday Early Release<br />

3:10<br />

<br />

<br />

No early release if there is a<br />

2-hour delay on Wednesday<br />

Students must be in<br />

attendance for the entire day<br />

to be considered for perfect<br />

attendance<br />

<strong>Inside</strong> <strong>This</strong> <strong>Issue</strong><br />

Principal’s Corner<br />

Watch Dog<br />

Counselor News<br />

We have had a lot of excing acvies happening here at DT since returning from Fall<br />

Break. Our first day back from break we hosted a “Chick Teacher Night” at the Avon<br />

Chick Fil A. We had many students, parents and teachers in aendance.<br />

Last night, we held a family literacy night called, “Come Read with Me”. <strong>This</strong> was a<br />

huge success with over 500 people in aendance. One of our school improvement<br />

goals focuses on literacy and we are<br />

working as a school community to<br />

strengthen this area.<br />

Today, we hosted both our Grandparent’s Breakfast and our Veteran’s Day convoca‐<br />

on. All of these events are reminders to me of how important our school and community<br />

partnerships are in helping to create posive experiences for our students. I<br />

truly appreciate your connued support of our school.<br />

Hope you have a wonderful weekend :)<br />

Mrs. Greene<br />

PTSG Corner<br />

Perfect Attendance & Honor Roll<br />

Dates to Remember & Physical<br />

Education Calendar<br />

Indiana Department of Education Report Card Grade for Delaware Trail: A<br />

Letter grades are calculated based on data collected throughout each school year.<br />

Indiana recently shifted to a more comprehensive way of measuring and reporting<br />

school performance, as required by state law. These grades take into account a<br />

variety of factors, namely student performance and student growth.

2012 Elecon Day at Delaware Trail<br />

The polls were open and busy at Delaware Trail on Elecon Day. We had over<br />

390 students cast votes for President and Governor. The students signed in,<br />

went in to the vong booth and deposited their ballot in the ballot box.<br />

Delaware Trail had a very evenul and evenul week!

“Watch Dog” Tackles Bullying and Crime<br />

BCSC has launched a new anonymous reporting system provided by Crime Stoppers. <strong>This</strong> system, that will be known as "Watch Dog", allows anyone - students, parents,<br />

community members - to anonymously report anything that may affect the safety of our students and our schools. "Watch Dog" provides the flexibility for anonymous tips to<br />

be made through a phone call, text message or online submission. Read more in the current issue of Spotlight on Education.<br />

1. Text “INDYCY” + your tip to 274637<br />

2. Online @CrimeTips.org<br />

3. Call (317) 262-8477 (TIPS) or 800-222-8477 (TIPS)<br />

Watch Dog is the preferred reporting method for middle and high school students, rather than current school hotline numbers,<br />

although current hotline numbers will remain active until the beginning of the second semester in January of 2012. Elementary<br />

students can also use this process.<br />

Note: Here’s the link to the October Spotlight hp://www.brownsburg.k12.in.us/documents/communicaons/spotlight/octspot.pdf<br />

Super Hero Trail Dash<br />

Mrs. Flynn’s class parcipated in the Super Hero Trail Dash obstacle course at Williams Park, an event<br />

sponsored by the <strong>Brownsburg</strong> Parks Department. The students dressed as their favorite super hero and<br />

competed the obstacle course. Fun was had by all.

Counselor News:<br />

Character Education:<br />

The <strong>Brownsburg</strong> <strong>Community</strong> School Corporation character trait for<br />

November and December is<br />

Compassion<br />

Compassion means being kind to others. Compassion is about showing empathy towards others. Compassion is using kind<br />

words to others such as, "way to go," "nice job," "good work," "thanks," "you look nice today," "please", and "thank you."<br />

When you use words like this, you make others feel good—you might even make them smile. Compassion is also about helping<br />

others when they need it. <strong>This</strong> month students are talking about Compassion during character education lessons with<br />

Mrs. Kraus and learning about ways to show others that they care about them.<br />

Help encourage our students to show Compassion by talking about the character trait each week in November and December.<br />

Body Safety:<br />

The school counselor, Mrs. Kraus, will conduct lessons on body and personal safety for all students at Delaware Trail the week<br />

on November 28 th and 29th.<br />

11/28 2 nd grade, 5 th grade, 4/5, and Kindergarten<br />

11/29 3 rd grade, 2/3, 4 th grade, and 1 st grade<br />

These lessons are part of our school corporation’s health education program called the Michigan Model for Comprehensive<br />

Social Health Education. Unfortunately, sexual abuse of children takes place more often than we would like to believe. The<br />

counselor will meet with each grade level, show a video and discuss self-protection. Each video and each discussion is tailored<br />

for the grade level. As a result of the lesson, students will develop the ability to differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate<br />

touches; they will learn assertive self-protection skills; and they will identify people to whom they can go for help.<br />

The Parent Information Night for this program was held earlier in the year. Please call or email Mrs. Kraus if you have additional<br />

questions about this program.<br />

Also, please check the E-Friday Folder for important information regarding body safety and how to discuss this topic with your<br />

child.<br />

Cheer Food Drive:<br />

Delaware Trail needs your help to bring cheer to our <strong>Brownsburg</strong> families. We are asking you to assist the <strong>Brownsburg</strong> Cheer<br />

Committee in reaching out to families in need this holiday season. Following is a list of donations that Delaware Trail Elementary<br />

students and families have been asked to provide. If you can donate any of the items, please drop it off at the school or<br />

have your child bring it in to their classroom between Monday, November 26 th and Friday, November 30 th . Thank you for<br />

any help you can provide. The following items are needed:<br />

Bath Soap<br />

Boxed Dinners<br />

Canned Fruit<br />

Canned Meat<br />

Deodorant<br />

Laundry Detergent<br />

Dish Soap<br />

Paper Towels/Napkins<br />

Soup<br />


Parent Teacher Support Group (PTSG) News Corner<br />

Here are some excing upcoming acvies that you don’t want to miss! Be<br />

sure to mark these special events on your calendars!<br />

The Discover INDY Savings book went home with your child last Monday. <strong>This</strong> is a great opportunity to raise money for Delaware Trail<br />

while passing the chance to save money onto those around us. The Discover INDY Savings Book is a “coupon” book for the Indianapolis<br />

and surrounding areas; the savings include restaurants, movies, bowling, and many area aracons, just to name a few. Books are<br />

$25 each.<br />

The Discover INDY Savings Book that came home with your child is to be used as a visual aid to those interested in purchasing a savings<br />

book. The books sell themselves; all you have to do is get out there and give friends, family, coworkers and neighbors the opportunity<br />

to buy. What a great holiday gi; why not start thinking about Christmas now and stock up!<br />

Our goal is to sell 600 books. Delaware Trail receives 40% of the total sales! Funds raised will go towards field trips, Track & Field<br />

Day, and much more! Here are some details for turning in the Discover INDY Savings Books orders:<br />

Orders, money collected and unsold books are due on Monday, November 12.<br />

If no books were sold, place book in the white fundraising envelope and return.<br />

If books were sold, please keep the original book to deliver and only return the order form in the envelope.<br />

Thank you for your aenon to these details. Together we can make this fundraiser a huge success!<br />

Fall Class Pares<br />

November 21, 2:15 pm<br />

Fall Class Pares are just around the corner! The pares will be held in class on Wednesday, November 21, at 2:15 pm. Set‐up may<br />

begin at 2:00 pm. Lead Party Coordinators should be contacng parent volunteers to get everything organized for<br />

the pares. If you are interested in donang/helping with a class party and have not heard from the Lead Party Coordinator,<br />

please contact the PTSG at delawaretrailptsg@yahoo.com. Donaons and creave planning from the<br />

parents are what makes these pares a fun success for our students!<br />

Movie Night: Rio<br />

November 30, 6:00 pm<br />

The PTSG is hosng a Family Movie Night on Friday, November 30, at 6:00 pm. <strong>This</strong> year’s movie will be Rio! Pizza,<br />

snack, and prizes will be included. Advance ckets are $5 per family, and will be available on sale on Thursday,<br />

November 29, and Friday, November 30, before school, beginning at 8:30 am. Tickets will be available at the door on Movie Night, and<br />

will cost $6 per family.<br />

Students are encouraged to wear their pajamas to the show!<br />

Santa Shoppe<br />

December 10‐14<br />

Please save the date for this year’s Santa Shoppe. <strong>This</strong> fun shopping experience for our students will be held the<br />

week of December 10‐14. Look for more informaon in the December TrailBlazer, as well as on our PTSG<br />

Facebook page.

DOG JOG 2012<br />

DOG JOG 2012 was an awesome success this year! With the help of students, parents, and community volunteers, we raised over<br />

$9,000!!! <strong>This</strong> money goes directly back into our school to support field trips, character educaon and much more.<br />

A few DOG JOG 2012 facts…<br />

*We had approximately 120 volunteers help us kick off and execute Dog Jog.<br />

*We hole‐punched over 8,000 mes.<br />

*We filled over 1,500 cups of water.<br />

*We had over 500 happy kids running around the track to “Who Let the Dogs Out”!<br />

To put all of this together, we had 5 amazing commiee volunteers who did an awesome job yet again this year! A big THANK YOU to:<br />

Ali Garne Calli Crawford Trisha Rowe Stephanie Pierce Erica Reed<br />

THANK YOU!!<br />

We would like to thank everyone for helping make the Chick‐Fil‐A Spirit Night a success! We were able to raise $350 for Delaware<br />

Trail! Thank you to the families for coming out to parcipate! And thank you to the teachers for being so involved in making this a fun<br />

night for our students! Everyone loved seeing the teachers dressed up in their Halloween costumes!! The winner of the Teacher<br />

Costume Contest based on having the most “ps” in her jar is…Mrs. Terry, dressed as Pinkalicious! Congratulaons, Mrs. Terry!!<br />

Also, THANK YOU to everyone who donated food items for the teachers during teacher conferences! Those are long days for our<br />

teachers, and we were so happy to be able to provide dinner for them due to your generosity! We would like to extend a big THANK<br />

YOU to Jen Rademacher for organizing such a wonderful way to treat and thank our teachers!<br />

PTSG Parent Noficaons<br />

We would like to take an opportunity to introduce you to the formats available to you to learn about upcoming PTSG sponsored acvies<br />

and ways you can help support our children in their academic and personal development while aending school.<br />

PTSG News Corner<br />

As acvies and/or fundraisers draw near you will<br />

find informaon about these programs at a high‐level within<br />

the school newsleer – the Delaware TrailBlazer! You’ll also<br />

find informaon on our PTSG Bullen Board in the school<br />

lobby.<br />

Delaware Trail Elementary Parent Teacher<br />

Support Group (PTSG) is on Facebook<br />

We will keep you up‐to‐date about acvies we have<br />

planned this year using this social media site.<br />

Of course, you can always reach us by email at delawaretrailptsg@yahoo.com!<br />

You can help our school earn free money and educaonal resources!<br />

We will have several collecon contests during this school year so<br />

start collecng your labels now! A collecon container for these<br />

labels is located in the school office and can be submied at any<br />

me. Remember to include your child’s classroom teacher when<br />

subming your labels.

Perfect Aendance—First Nine Weeks<br />

Kindergarten<br />

Logan Anderson<br />

Chole Barnard<br />

Elinor Bergstrom<br />

Anna Deatline<br />

Oscar Grant<br />

Hunter Henry<br />

Elijah Johnson<br />

Eliysa Johnson<br />

Levi Ratliff<br />

Jordan Reynolds<br />

Jackson Wagner<br />

Tyler Whitley<br />

Cassidy Wiseman<br />

First Grade<br />

Kadence Abbott<br />

Samantha Boyd<br />

Elise Cougill<br />

Lathan Denson<br />

Ainsley Fought<br />

Matthew Gatton<br />

Allison Goff<br />

Devon Harding<br />

Haneef Jenkins<br />

Andrew Johnson<br />

Keagan Kline<br />

Isaac LaRoche<br />

Nicholas Ozolins<br />

Jackson Suddeth<br />

Malori Walden<br />

Mackenzie Williams<br />

Second Grade<br />

Elijah Appleget<br />

Maya Black<br />

Jacob Bollinger<br />

Olivia Carmin<br />

Maia Cristo<br />

Jaxsen DeLaRosa<br />

Kimberlyn Duety<br />

Clare Dueweke<br />

Grant Enlow<br />

Emily Fults<br />

Bianca Granderson<br />

Elijah Grant<br />

Noah Miller<br />

Mark Ober<br />

Henry Pham<br />

Aubrey Polen<br />

Kiersten Reed<br />

Conner Rogers<br />

Maya Rowe<br />

Cohen Scott<br />

Gaven Smith<br />

Jaiden Sucec<br />

Parker Suddeth<br />

Caleb Walters<br />

Snit Welde<br />

Selena Weldeselasie<br />

* Denotes All A’s<br />

Third Grade<br />

Kevin Amalaraj<br />

Adam Beeler<br />

Mary Brondyke<br />

Rowan Brown<br />

Jack Bush<br />

Evelyn Cougill<br />

Murphi Crawford<br />

Jailynn Euliss<br />

Caden Garner<br />

Dawan Gray<br />

Ekamveer Grewal<br />

Kushveer Grewal<br />

Paramveer Grewal<br />

Helen Hauser<br />

Ananiah Lang<br />

Sophia Lattimer<br />

Jaden LeBlanc<br />

Kayleigh McCarthy<br />

Jayme Miller<br />

Garret Milum-Dunbar<br />

Maxwell Palmer<br />

Danial Qasim<br />

Emery Reszka<br />

Isabella Stonebraker<br />

Vivian Tran<br />

Lucas Watson<br />

Hermon Welde<br />

Cora White<br />

Braden Wood

Perfect Aendance—First Nine Weeks<br />

Fourth Grade<br />

Madilynn Adams<br />

Cayla Barnard<br />

Clara Barnard<br />

Jessica Bush<br />

Emma Hacker<br />

Luke Henley<br />

Nathaniel Heyen<br />

Audrey Hites<br />

Bailey Johnson<br />

Julia Lashbrook<br />

Allison Nelson<br />

Zoe Nelson<br />

Brandon Nguyen<br />

Timothy Powers<br />

Kayla Rogers<br />

Grant Smith<br />

Alivia Wesley<br />

Jalen Wilson<br />

Jordan Wright<br />

Fifth Grade<br />

Brianna Abbott<br />

Ali Ahmed<br />

Irene Amalaraj<br />

Isaiah Appleget<br />

Gabriella Berna<br />

Lillian Brown<br />

Joselyn Carter<br />

Emma Cougill<br />

Austin Denson<br />

Brooke Dixon<br />

Dominic Duety<br />

Mark Hamilton<br />

Jared Hughes<br />

Jacob Kemp<br />

Keilee LeBlanc<br />

Dev Patel<br />

Ethan Polen<br />

Arif Qasim<br />

Olivia Romano<br />

Makayla Rooney<br />

Tyler Rowe<br />

Julia Stonebraker<br />

Cambryn Torres<br />

Terrance Webb<br />

Lucy Wrinkle<br />

Delaware Trail Attendance<br />

<strong>This</strong> month’s attendance— 97.9%<br />

Kindergarten—97.6%<br />

First Grade—97.4%<br />

Second Grade—98.2%<br />

Year to Date—98%<br />

Third Grade—97.4%<br />

Fourth Grade—98.6%<br />

Fifth Grade—98%

First Nine Weeks<br />

Fourth Grade<br />

Fifth Grade<br />

Madilynn Adams * Angela Mahowald * Brianna Abbott Alisha Patel *<br />

Alexis Ashley Ashton May Ali Ahmed * Dev Patel *<br />

Margaret Beery * Jacob Meller * Austin Alley * MacAlister Perkins<br />

Ethan Benjamin Natalie Metzger * Irene Amalaraj * Kaitlyn Pierce *<br />

Saniya Blain Alexandra Napers Isaiah Appleget * Ethan Polen<br />

Gavin Bollman Allison Nelson Thomas Barnes * Arif Qasim *<br />

Diana Bonilla Zoe Nelson Nicholas Bolden Landon Reed *<br />

Jonathan Bourque Nathaniel Ober Angelo Botha * James Roberts *<br />

Jessica Bush Christopher Pearson Emily Britton Olivia Romano *<br />

Ethan Carr Samuel Perkins Lillian Brown * Molly Romine *<br />

Natalie Cash Timothy Powers Rachael Bruce * Tyler Rowe *<br />

Anthony Cookerly Kathleen Preo Casey Bryson-Johnson Nolan Sinclair *<br />

Maya Delong * Aidn Rademacher Geoffrey Carr * Parker Sinclair *<br />

Warner Douglas Nicholas Reynolds * Joselyn Carter Petter Solomon<br />

Madelyn Edwards Kayla Rogers Emma Cougill * Abby Stephens *<br />

Avery England Logan Rose Lauren Cover-Rinehart * Julia Stonebraker<br />

Alex Freeman * Rory Smith Emily Crawford * Jamie Sweet *<br />

Morgan Fultz Adaline Stevens Taia Cummings Mary Alice Topi<br />

Myles Grant * Aiyanna Sucec * Brooke Dixon * Cambryn Torres<br />

Emma Hacker Carson Thomas Dominic Duety Terrance Webb<br />

Caitlin Hagmeier Samantha Vondersaar * Jayden Dykstra Tomas Weldu<br />

Luke Henley * Alivia Wesley Mark Hamilton Skye Wente<br />

Nathaniel Heyen * Jalen Wilson Emma Hart Jenna Wilhite *<br />

Audrey Hites Claeb Yoder Jared Hughes Lucy Wrinkle *<br />

Jansen Hobbs Tristen Yoder Amanprett Hundal<br />

Bailey Johnson * Sophia Yohman * Lauren Hunt *<br />

Lillian Jones<br />

Jacob Kemp<br />

Kanon Kelley Allison Krutz *<br />

Benjamin Lanius Keilee LeBlanc *<br />

Julia Lashbrook Rachel McIntosh *<br />

Raven Lucas<br />

Samantha Miley<br />

Madeline Lynch Maxwell Newberry *<br />

Fitzhugh Lyons * Payton Nowlin *

Delaware Trail School Improvement Plan Goals:<br />

Our academic goal is 92%<br />

92% passing ISTEP, 92% reaching Benchmark in DIBELS<br />

Our aendance goal is 97% or higher<br />

Yankee Candle<br />

Yankee Candle pick up will be Nov. 13 from 4‐7 p.m. and Nov. 14 from 12 ‐4 and<br />

6‐8 p.m. at Harris Academy. All items MUST be picked up during this me. If you have<br />

quesons, please call Angela Falcone, Yankee Candle Chair at 902‐9658. Thank you for<br />

your support of the <strong>Brownsburg</strong> Educaon Foundaon.<br />

E‐Friday Folder<br />

Please make sure to check out the E‐Friday Folder for informaon about sport<br />

camps and other acvies offered in the schools and community. Some of the features<br />

you will find include:<br />

Musical Breakfast with Santa<br />

Turkey Bowl<br />

Christmas Music Program<br />

Our Christmas Music Programs are fast approaching and are a nice way to get in the holiday spirit. Students are asked to aend<br />

and parcipate in their scheduled programs. Please make plans to aend these amazing pro‐<br />

grams.<br />

Monday December 17<br />

Grade 2 at 6:30 The Incredible Reindeers<br />

Grade 4 and Mrs. Dougherty’s class at 7:30 Elfis and the Sleighriders<br />


NOVEMBER 19<br />

Picture Retakes<br />

NOVEMBER 21 Fall Pares 2:15‐3:00<br />

NOVEMBER 22‐23<br />

NOVEMBER 28<br />

NOVEMBER 30<br />

Thanksgiving<br />

Student Council Snack Sale<br />

Movie Night

Let’s be thankful for what<br />

we have and enjoy our<br />

families, friends, and<br />

significant others.<br />

NOVEMBER 2012 2012<br />

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

Eat a fruit snack<br />

while walking around<br />

Lie on your back and<br />

keep a ball from touch‐<br />

Challenge a family<br />

member to a “smile off”.<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

Jump in the air and<br />

touch your toes. Can<br />

With a paper and<br />

pencil, play a game of<br />

Catch five partner passes<br />

in a row while both of<br />

Measure how far you<br />

can sprint and scream<br />

Bounce a ball as high as you<br />

can. Set a personal record<br />

Toss a jump rope in<br />

the air, catch, swing,<br />

Touch your nose to<br />

your knee from three<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

Move while dribbling<br />

a ball (hand or<br />

Jump rope to 100<br />

with your eyes<br />

Do a jumping jack for<br />

each pound you<br />

See if you can leap<br />

frog another<br />

Face a partner in a curlup<br />

posion (toes touch‐<br />

Play a tag game<br />

while all<br />

Face a partner with toes<br />

touching. Hold hands<br />

18<br />

19<br />

20<br />

21<br />

22<br />

23<br />

24<br />

Using two balls, see<br />

how long you can keep<br />

Put your feet (socks) up<br />

against a wall like a hand‐<br />

Find a partner. Run<br />

around your house<br />

Find two ways of<br />

supporng a partner<br />

Be thankful for what<br />

you have. Try one fruit<br />

Try 3 handstands. Set a<br />

personal goal for a me<br />

Pracce partner pushups<br />

with a ball balanced<br />

25<br />

Do a sit up for each<br />

pound you weigh.<br />

26<br />

Dribble a basketball<br />

around your body<br />

while sing down.<br />

27<br />

Work on keeping<br />

your balance<br />

During one song.<br />

28<br />

Bounce a basketball<br />

10 , throw and<br />

catch it 10 mes.<br />

29<br />

Play push up<br />

Hockey with a partner.<br />

Try to slide<br />

beanbag, sock,<br />

30<br />

Dance non stop to<br />

three songs<br />

“I am<br />

thankful for all of<br />

you.”<br />

Happy<br />


<strong>Brownsburg</strong> Basketball<br />

Annual Purple and White<br />

Night<br />

1 st<br />

Featuring <strong>Brownsburg</strong> High School’s Varsity Basketball Team<br />

along with the BHS Junior Varsity and Freshman<br />

also East MS, West MS, and <strong>Brownsburg</strong> Hoops League Teams<br />

November 12, 2012<br />

<strong>Brownsburg</strong> High School Varsity Fieldhouse<br />

7:00‐8:30 pm<br />

Price of Admission: Donaon of a Case of Water or Gatorade to the Basketball Program<br />

Order of Events:<br />

Quarter 1: East 7 th Grade vs West 7 th Grade<br />

Quarter 2: East 8 th Grade vs West 8 th Grade<br />

Quarter 3: Freshman vs Junior Varsity<br />

Quarter 4: Varsity Scrimmage<br />

Join us for a first look at your <strong>Brownsburg</strong> Basketball Teams as well as concessions,<br />

fan compeons, and prizes

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