US History – Constitution Test Review Guide Repu

US History – Constitution Test Review Guide Repu

US History – Constitution Test Review Guide Repu


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U.S. <strong>History</strong> – <strong>Constitution</strong> <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Review</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

<strong>Repu</strong>blic<br />

Federalism:<br />

Definition:<br />

How laws are passed:<br />

Great Compromise:<br />

Father of the <strong>Constitution</strong>:<br />

Preamble:<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

6.<br />

Legislative Branch – Article ___<br />

Role:<br />

AKA:<br />

# of Members of House and WHY:<br />

Powers delegated to the Senate:<br />

Filibuster:<br />

Elastic Clause:<br />

Overriding a Presidential Veto:<br />

Powers denied to Congress:

Executive Branch – Article ___<br />

Role:<br />

AKA:<br />

Powers delegated to the President:<br />

Requirements/Number of terms and WHY:<br />

Pocket Veto:<br />

Electoral College:<br />

Total # AND # of Votes needed to become President:<br />

Criticisms:<br />

Citizenship:<br />

Naturalization:<br />

Jus Soli:<br />

Cabinet Departments:<br />

Justice:<br />

Defense:<br />

Treasury:<br />

Health & Human Services:<br />

State:<br />

Judicial Branch – Article ___<br />

Role:<br />

AKA:<br />

Requirements of a Federal Judge:

Separation of Powers:<br />

Checks & Balances:<br />

Positives:<br />

Negatives:<br />

States and the Union – Article ___<br />

Reserved Powers:<br />

Delegated Powers:<br />

Concurrent Powers:<br />

Amending the <strong>Constitution</strong> – Article ___<br />

Purpose:<br />

Ratification:<br />

First Amendment<br />

5 Freedoms:<br />

Clear & Present Danger:<br />

Establishment Clause:<br />

Fourth Amendment<br />

Probable Cause:<br />

Fifth Amendment<br />

Plead the Fifth:<br />

Double Jeopardy:<br />

Eminent Domain:<br />

Sixth Amendment:<br />

Fifteenth Amendment:

<strong>Constitution</strong> is the Supreme Law of the Land – Article ___<br />

Ratifying the <strong>Constitution</strong> – Article ___<br />

Needed for Approval:<br />

Illinois <strong>Constitution</strong><br />

Former Capitals:<br />

Executive Branch:<br />

AKA:<br />

Term Limits:<br />

Legislative/Veto Rights:<br />

Budget:<br />

State Treasurer:<br />

Secretary of State:<br />

Legislative Branch:<br />

AKA:<br />

Ratifying Amendments:<br />

Lobbyists:<br />

Judicial Branch:<br />

AKA:<br />

Terms:<br />

Trial Courts:<br />

Elections/Voting:<br />

Gerrymandering:<br />


Candidate Requirements:<br />

Voter Requirements:<br />

Local School Districts:<br />

Primary Elections:<br />

Referendum:<br />

Absentee Ballot:

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