SOUVENIR - Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture

SOUVENIR - Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture

SOUVENIR - Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture


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ON<br />


'I2 - 33 February, 2004<br />

<strong>SOUVENIR</strong><br />


Collcgc <strong>of</strong> Fisheries, OUXT,<br />

Rangailunda, Berhnmpur-760 007, Orissa, India<br />

Oriss:~ Fisheries College Aluri~rii .Association Rnng:lilunda (OFCAAR),<br />

Ecrhampur-760 007, Orissa, India<br />

Association <strong>of</strong>Aquacuiturists,<br />

CIFA, Rhnab3nc.sw:1r-751 002, Oriss;~. India<br />

<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> Freshwater XquacuIture,<br />

Kausal~aganga, t3iiub:lncswar-75I 002, Qrissa, India<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Fishcrics Graduates F'oI-u~I,<br />

CIFE, Sc.\en Burng:llo\is, \'crsos;i, IiIun~b;li--$OO 061, India<br />

College <strong>of</strong> Fisheries;<br />

Qrissa UniversIQ <strong>of</strong> Agriculture and Technology<br />

Rangailunda, Berhampur-760 007, Orissa, India



&lathew Abraham and S. 31. Piliai<br />

Cenfral Institlire <strong>of</strong> Brack~shvarerlquacuitl~re,<br />

7.5, Santhorne High Road, R. A. Puram, Cilenmi- 600 0-78, Tamil Xadu, India<br />

1. Introduction<br />

One <strong>of</strong> the rapidly growing food prodxtion activities in the world is<br />

aquaculture. The quality <strong>of</strong> food produced from naier-based production system is<br />

important in planning the nutritional securiy <strong>of</strong> the people. The open seas and the<br />

land locked aquatic systems were fished to meet these requirements. This process,<br />

over a period <strong>of</strong> time, has resulted in depletion <strong>of</strong> the resources over its rejuvenation<br />

capacity. To augment production from aquatic resources, aquaculture was followed.<br />

Food production in the form <strong>of</strong> shrimps and fishes from the low lying, barren,<br />

unproductive or marginally productive coastal sa!ine lands, swamps and other<br />

brackishwater bodies is done through brackishwater!coastal aquacul:ure. Traditional<br />

brackishwzter aquaculture systems like the bheries <strong>of</strong> West Bengal, gheries <strong>of</strong><br />

Orissa, pokkali fields <strong>of</strong> Kerala, khar lands <strong>of</strong> Karnataka and khazani fields <strong>of</strong> Goa<br />

wherein shrimp filtration is followed is an age old practice. Modern brackishwater'<br />

aquaculture is an <strong>of</strong>fshoot <strong>of</strong> the traditional aquaculture and it is largely confined to<br />

shrimp aquaculture.<br />

India is the third largest fish producing nation with 2.5% share in world<br />

seafood export. In shrimp aquaculture, India ranks 5'511 production. Farmed shrimp<br />

contributes 60% by volume and 82% by value <strong>of</strong> teal shrimp exports.<br />

2. <strong>Brackishwater</strong> <strong>Aquaculture</strong>-Resources and Potential<br />

2.1 Coastal Resources<br />

India has a long coastline <strong>of</strong> 8 118 km distributed in 9 coastal states and 4<br />

Union Territories. The biodiversity <strong>of</strong> the coastal ecosystem <strong>of</strong> the country is rich<br />

and varied and SLipporrs a wide spectrum <strong>of</strong> species <strong>of</strong> plants and animals. There are<br />

about 3.9 million ha <strong>of</strong> estuaries and 3.5 million ha <strong>of</strong> brackish\t.ater areas available<br />

in the country. It is estimated that about 1.2 million ha coastal area suitable for<br />

development <strong>of</strong> brackishwater aquaculture is available. In addition to this, around 8.5<br />

million ha salt affected areas are available in the countq. Out <strong>of</strong> this, about 2.6<br />

million ha area which are unsuitable or marginally suitablc for agriculture can be<br />

utilized for, brackish\vatcr aquaculture. The coatal mangrove areas is estimated<br />

around 0.5 million ha.

2.2 Biological Resources<br />

The biolo_cical potential is rich ivith a variety <strong>of</strong> cuiturable species: -, They<br />

include: shrimps-Pc~ioeris 111o11odor1, Fcnncropc~7oc1~s indicus, F. ~lro.griicrsi-~, F.<br />

pe~lcil/alus, Jlcloperlneits 1~io,7occros and !i-L Fr111cI7et:.ris; finfishes - Latcs calr;rrlkr,<br />

Epi~~epJ~elz~s ~u~ll'jria, hh~g-i/ ccpl~nlus, Lira pu~~ia,<br />

L. nlncrolepis, L. lade, Ci!trllos<br />

chailos and E1rop111s SN~UIC~S~S and mud crabs - Scj,lla serrnta and S. ~rnqrrehiirica.<br />

3. Current Status <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brackishwater</strong> <strong>Aquaculture</strong><br />

3.1 Area Dcvcloprncnt<br />

Thc growth <strong>of</strong> brackish\va~er aquaculture is phenomenal. Out <strong>of</strong> 1.2 rniilion<br />

ha potential area available for brackishwater farming, around 68,327 ha were under<br />

culture during 1991-92, ivhich increased to 1,94,010 ha during 2001-02 inc!uding<br />

about 30,000 ha under scampi production. During his period, @e total shrimp<br />

production also increased substantially from 40,000 tonne in 1991-92 to 1.27.170<br />

tonne in 2001-02 In a decade, this sector bvitnessed expansion in area <strong>of</strong> S4b and<br />

increase <strong>of</strong> 424h ki in shrimp production (Table 1). Though there is rapid development<br />

in shrimp farming in the country, only 16.3% <strong>of</strong> the total estimated potential ura has<br />

been brought under. shrimp aquaculture. the production rate is 655 kg%3 I\-hich is<br />

veo, low, compared to the 2000-3000 kgiha productions <strong>of</strong> Thailand and Tail\&<br />

A critical analysis <strong>of</strong> the development <strong>of</strong> shrimp aquaculture enterprise in the<br />

country since 1990-91 revealed that this sector is growing at an annual averas rate<br />

<strong>of</strong> 116%. Shrimp farming developed at a faster pace during the pre-disease sc:nario<br />

since 1990-91 till 1995-96 and the growth was 108% during this period. Follon.ing<br />

the widespread outbreaks <strong>of</strong> white spot viral disease (WSSV) during 1994-96. the<br />

rate <strong>of</strong> development declined sharply to 76% for the period 1996-99. In fact. it \cars<br />

primariIy due to the disease outbreaks and the writ petition against commercial<br />

shrimp farming resulting in the .Apex coufl's judgment permitting only tradi~ional<br />

and improved traditional s>.stems <strong>of</strong> shrimp farming within CRZ. Aquaczlrure<br />

authority issued guidelines for the improvement <strong>of</strong> productior! and produciivi. from

h-se systems specihing various changes in the culture technology. Treatnent <strong>of</strong><br />

intake water in reservoir ponds has become a necessiry in areas where more shrimp<br />

fa.ms are located in close prosimiy. Stocking densities have been reduced to 6<br />

no.i'm2 within CRZ and 10 no./rn2 outside CRZ. Farmers have understood the<br />

inportance <strong>of</strong> the quality <strong>of</strong> hatchery produced seed and are resorting to testing <strong>of</strong><br />

seed for viral pathogens before stocking in the ponds. Some enterprising fanners<br />

hakt adapted minimal water exchange programme with trea~ed water to avoid the<br />

entr) <strong>of</strong> pathogens through water or through carriers. Intensive feed management and<br />

health management methods have been prescribed to avoid excess nutrient loading<br />

an@ disease outbreak in the culture water. Wastewater treatment ponds have become<br />

mandatory for larger farins. A production level <strong>of</strong> 1 to 1.5 tonneslidcrop is expected<br />

from these systems <strong>of</strong> culture.<br />

Though shrimp seed production technology has been commercialized since<br />

earl! 1990s, the hatchery operators still depend on the wild spawners for the<br />

praduction <strong>of</strong> nauplii. With most <strong>of</strong> the wild broodstock are infected with i+hite spot<br />

virus, the induction <strong>of</strong> maturitj under captive conditions has encountered serious<br />

setbacks. -&e present shrimp seed requirement is estimated to be around 12-15<br />

billion post-larvae. which is largely met by the 237 hatcheries. By 2020, it is<br />

expected that 3,00.000 ha will be brought under shrimp farming and then the annual<br />

seed requirement will be around 30 billion post-lan,a$<br />

Feed processing technology has also been developed indigenously and these<br />

technologies are yet to be commercialized. The major problem faced by the<br />

indigenous technology is the non-availability <strong>of</strong> quality ingredients. The locally<br />

available fish meal is very <strong>of</strong>ten <strong>of</strong> inferior quali~ and the feed manufacturers are<br />

importing this ingredient.<br />

For white spot virus, CIBA has developed a simple and rapid DNA-based<br />

diagnostic technique using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for the diagnosis <strong>of</strong><br />

nhite spot virus infection in P. monodon and P. indicus at a very early stage. The<br />

molecuiar diagnosis <strong>of</strong> [his viral disease was standardized in these shrimps using the<br />

395 base pair CIBA primer. The know-how has already been shared with the<br />

indus:ry and a diagnostic kit has been commercialized which has reduced the cost <strong>of</strong><br />

seed resting considersbiy.<br />

3.3 Thrust .4reas <strong>of</strong> Research<br />

Shrimp farming which has developed by leaps and bounds needs organized<br />

gro\\th for its sustainability and the folloiving issues require urgent research attention<br />

fdr the regulated and continuous development <strong>of</strong> this sector.

3.4 Captive Broodstock Dc~~clopmcnt<br />

Shrimp aquacuiturc is expanding at an average annual groi\th rate <strong>of</strong> 1 1676 in<br />

the countr). and concurrent \vi~h the expansion, there is even an increasing demand <strong>of</strong><br />

quality shrimp seed. The esistin: 137 hatcheries are mainly dcpcndant on the sca for<br />

the spa\i,ners and very <strong>of</strong>ien this is fclt as a limiting factor in rhe operation <strong>of</strong><br />

hatcheries. Further majority <strong>of</strong> the natural spawners are infected with diseases.<br />

Studies conducted by ClBA have rc\'eaii.d that 30-70% <strong>of</strong> ihe wild broodstock <strong>of</strong> .<br />

n~onodon from both the coasts are infected with WSSV. Funher it is estimated that<br />

about 6100.000 shrimp broodstock will Ire required by 2020. Raising <strong>of</strong> disease free<br />

shrimp broodstock in land-based s),stcms under captive bio-secure nlanagerncnt<br />

conditions is the only alternative to ensure availability <strong>of</strong> disease free broodstock.<br />

This vvill prevent vertical transmission <strong>of</strong> the disease through mother shrimps and<br />

facilitate production <strong>of</strong> quality post-ianae free <strong>of</strong> pathogens.<br />

CISA has already succeeded in raising disease free F2 generation <strong>of</strong> .if<br />

japoriclts and raised P. monodon broodstock from post-larvae under con~rollcd<br />

conditions. Further studies are urgently needed to develop specific patho~en free<br />

broodstock.<br />

3.5 Management <strong>of</strong> shrimp farm wastewater<br />

Production <strong>of</strong> healthy shrimps is directly related to the hygiene <strong>of</strong> the<br />

production unit. Soil and water qualit) <strong>of</strong> shrimp ponds determine to a great estent<br />

the successful raising <strong>of</strong> shrimp crop. A majority <strong>of</strong> the social and environmental<br />

issues and disease outbreaks are attributed to poor water quality management.<br />

Sustainability <strong>of</strong> brackishwater aquaculture is dependant on solving the problem <strong>of</strong><br />

water use and wastewater disposal. Bioremediation measures ernplo),ing probiotic<br />

and other biological products (agricultural by-produce) are to be standardized to treat<br />

shrimp farm wastewater.<br />

3.6 Disease Prevention and Control bleasures<br />

There is an increasing trend among shrimp farmers to apply chemicals and<br />

drugs into shrimp ponds without the basic knowledge on their usefulness. Since a<br />

number <strong>of</strong> antibiotics were banned for use in aquaculture, there is an urgent need to<br />

educate and create awareness among farmers about the futility <strong>of</strong> their use and the<br />

harmful effects they may cause to the organisi~ls and the environment. In addition,<br />

R&D efforts should be strengthened for surveillance, monitoring, prevention and<br />

control <strong>of</strong> diseases. Research in areas like integrated nutrient supply, bi<strong>of</strong>ertilizers,<br />

bioaugmentors, immunostimuiants and biopesticides should be given importznce.<br />

3.7 Alternative <strong>Aquaculture</strong><br />

<strong>Brackishwater</strong> aquaculture that is currently practiced in the county is shrimp<br />

farming that is largely centred around one species, P. monodon. In the light <strong>of</strong> WSSV

infection that is experienced as a perpetual problem, farmers are looking out for<br />

<strong>of</strong> shrimps, fishes and crabs for culture. CIBA has already s~andardized<br />

hatchcv secd production technology <strong>of</strong> seabass, ~aies calcarifcr and propagating its<br />

cu/rurc in different ago-climatic regions <strong>of</strong> the countj. Limited success has already<br />

J<br />

been achieved in the seed producrion <strong>of</strong> mud crab, Scj.lla troiq~i~boica.<br />

~:~ndardization <strong>of</strong> culture techniques for mullets. pearl spot, seabass and crabs are<br />

urgcntljr needed.<br />

3.8 Development <strong>of</strong> 'Eco-friendly' Fced<br />

In view <strong>of</strong> the scarce aiailability <strong>of</strong> quality fish meal, studies on alternate<br />

source for the shrimp feed are being caried out at CIBA. CIB.4 has<br />

developed cost-effective feed for gro~+.-out culture <strong>of</strong> shrimps. Further, studies on<br />

the deielopment <strong>of</strong> eco-friendl). feeds with reduced protein levels and high energy<br />

content need to be developed with a view to reduce the nutrient loading due to feed<br />

to protect the environment.<br />

3.9 Environment Monitoring and Carrying CapaciQ Studies<br />

Environment rnonitorin,o, carrying capacity <strong>of</strong> the source creek and the level<br />

<strong>of</strong> operation <strong>of</strong> shrimp farms are to be studied in detail to understand the carqing<br />

capacity level. Though effluent treatment has become mandatory in large farms:<br />

small farmers do not have resources to develop bioponds in their farms. Ir, such<br />

cases, where large numbers <strong>of</strong> small farmers are operating their shrimp farms. a cooperative<br />

method <strong>of</strong> effluent treatment should be initiated by the Government<br />

agencies to sustain the shrimp culture activities.

Tablc I. State-wise tletails <strong>of</strong> sllri~np farming irl1NDIA<br />

Source: MPEDA A= Area under culture in ha P= Eslimated production in tonne Neg.= Negligible

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