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Isotopic evidence for dolomite formation in soils<br />

J.L. Díaz-Hernández, A. Sánchez-Navas, E. Reyes<br />

PII:<br />

S0009-2541(13)00141-1<br />

DOI:<br />

doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2013.03.018<br />

Reference: CHEMGE 16850<br />

To appear in:<br />

Chemical Geology<br />

Received date: 19 November 2012<br />

Revised date: 25 March 2013<br />

Accepted date: 28 March 2013<br />

Please cite this article as: Díaz-Hernández, J.L., Sánchez-Navas, A., Reyes, E.,<br />

Isotopic evidence for dolomite formation in soils, Chemical Geology (2013), doi:<br />

10.1016/j.chemgeo.2013.03.018<br />

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Díaz-Hernández, J.L. 1 , Sánchez-Navas, A. 2,3 , Reyes, E. 3<br />

1 IFAPA Camino de Purchil, Área de Recursos Naturales, Consejería de Agricultura, Pesca y Medio<br />

Ambiente, Junta de Andalucía, Apartado 2027, 18080 Granada, Spain. josel.diaz@juntadeandalucia.es<br />

2 Departamento de Mineralogía y Petrología, Universidad de Granada, Campus Fuentenueva, Granada,<br />

Spain.<br />

3 Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra IACT (CSIC-UGR), Avda. de las Palmeras, 18100 Armilla,<br />

Granada, Spain.<br />

Abstract<br />

Dolomite formation in soils constitute a particular challenge because of: 1) scant<br />

magnesium content in continental environments as opposed to the marine medium, 2)<br />

the kinetic problem related to the incorporation of magnesium into the carbonate, and 3)<br />

the unknown role of soil dolomites in the global carbon cycle.<br />

Pedogenic dolomite formed at deeper soil levels (subsoil) before the development of<br />

petrocalcic horizon barriers was investigated in a semiarid region of SE Spain (Guadix-<br />

Baza basin). Mineralogical characterization, textural relationships and isotopic data<br />

concerning soil dolomite, together with the results of a precipitation experiment,<br />

provided fuller knowledge of the processes and conditions governing neoformation of<br />

dolomite in these soils.<br />

In the study case, dolomite enrichment occurs beyond the limit of major biological<br />

activity, which coincides with the rooting depth of native perennial plants in the<br />

semiarid soils studied. Textural studies reveal the corrosion of inherited dolomite<br />

crystals in the upper soil horizons and the formation of dolomite in depth in relation to a<br />


clayey material, composed mainly of smectites. Stable isotope distribution in dolomites<br />

throughout the profiles indicates a fractionation with depth. This is explained by the<br />

formation of dolomites after the dissolution of the pedogenic calcite. The calcite<br />

detected in the subsoil is interpreted here as a precursor of the neoformed dolomites that<br />

transport the isotopic signal associated with biological activity of soils to deeper layers.<br />

Dolomite formation appears be favoured by the presence of clay minerals in the<br />

precipitation media. Clays retain water during evapotranspiration stages, which<br />

drastically change the transport properties of the media and promote the incorporation<br />

of Mg into the structure of the neoformed Ca,Mg-carbonate. As confirmed by<br />

laboratory experiments, diffusion-controlled crystal-growth processes lead to the<br />



formation a precursory “protodolomite” with disordered Ca,Mg distribution from a fluid<br />

locally supersaturated in dolomite.<br />

Keywords: Carbon-Oxygen isotopes, Dolomite problem, Inorganic carbon, Pedogenic<br />

processes, Semiarid soils, Soil carbon storage.<br />


The genesis of calcic and petrocalcic horizons in soils occurs as part of carbonate<br />

dissolution-precipitation cycles (Gile et al., 1966; Salomons and Mook, 1976). Detrital<br />

limestone and other calcareous materials undergoing decarbonation constitute a source<br />

for secondary carbonate accumulation in soils. Biogenic and atmogenic CO 2 are<br />

alternative sources for the carbon fixation in the soil under physico-chemical conditions<br />

stabilizing the carbonate ion. The pedogenic environment is strongly influenced by<br />

biological activity: root mats, in addition to associated lichens and microorganisms,<br />

contribute directly to mineral dissolution-precipitation in soils. In fact, pedogenesis<br />

begins with intense biological activity in the weathering zone (Wright and Tucker,<br />

1991; Wright, 1992; Cerling and Quade, 1993). Carbonic acid produced in association<br />

with biological activity (mainly roots) is the main acid involved in the dissolution of<br />

calcium carbonate. The leaching depth of the dissolved carbonate augments with<br />

increasing mean annual precipitation and temperature (Arkley, 1963; Stevenson et al.,<br />

2005). Carbonate precipitation at the deeper layers results largely from the declining<br />

P CO2 in the soil and from the higher concentrations of solutes in the soil solution due to<br />

evapotranspiration. In this sense, the carbonation process is favoured in arid-semiarid<br />

regimes. Large amounts of soil inorganic carbon, stored in the form of calcium<br />

carbonate, has been reported in cultivated mollisols under moderately cold temperatures<br />

(5-5.5ºC), and with a mean annual precipitation between 581-397 mm (Mikhailova and<br />

Post, 2006; Mikhailova et al., 2009), suggesting an increase in the carbonation process<br />

with agricultural practices.<br />

Isotopic relationships found in pedogenic carbonates in arid-semiarid ecosystems<br />

indicate that carbonate dissolution-precipitation cycles in a pedogenic environment<br />

provoke changes in the isotopic composition of the precipitated carbonate, by inducing<br />

significant inputs of biogenic carbon (Cerling, 1984). Biogenic carbon carries a unique<br />

isotopic signature, and the biological fractionation processes deplete 13 C to negative<br />

values (Salomons et al., 1977; Magaritz and Amiel, 1980; Magaritz et al., 1981).<br />




Therefore, the pedogenic carbonate will usually have more negative 13 C than detrital<br />

carbonates.<br />

Modern dolomites are formed only in certain environments such as meteoric, marine,<br />

hypersaline, subsurface brines, and hydrothermal (Hardie, 1987). The precipitation of<br />

dolomite and dolomitization of previous Ca-rich carbonates are among the leastunderstood<br />

problems encountered in the geochemistry of carbonates: e.g. surface<br />

seawater is strongly oversaturated in dolomite, but little evidence is available on the<br />

widespread dolomite precipitation in modern, open-marine sediments. To explain the<br />

“dolomite problem”, models have emerged ascribing microbial activity to the mediation<br />

of dolomite precipitation. Various authors have focused their attention on the role<br />

played by the bio-mediation that leads to CO 2 enrichment and raises alkalinity, and<br />

presumably drives dolomite formation in Mg-rich environments (e.g. Wright, 1999). In<br />

any case, the occurrence of dolomite in the geochemical systems of the earth’s surface<br />

is often strongly controlled by reaction kinetics (Arvidson and Mackenzie, 1999;<br />

Deelman, 2005) and/or mass-transport processes.<br />

The formation of dolomite in soils is rarely reported, its origin being related to parentmaterial<br />

inheritance, to atmospheric Mg 2+ wet deposition, and to the addition of<br />

dolomite contained in atmospheric dust (Ghebre-Egziabhier and St. Arnaud, 1983;<br />

Ming, 2002; Goddard et al., 2007; Díaz-Hernández, et al., 2011). The occurrence of<br />

neoformed dolomite in soils is usually restricted to saline environments (Shermann et.<br />

al., 1962; Kohut et al., 1995). However, the presence of high-Mg water solutions in<br />

soils derived from weathering of serpentinites and basaltic rocks may lead to the<br />

formation of authigenic dolomite in non-saline environments (Podwojewski, 1995;<br />

Capo et al., 2000). Although the formation of dolomite in soils has been discussed<br />

(Drees and Wilding, 1987; Sobecki and Karathanasis, 1987; Bui et al., 1990; Whipkey<br />

and Hayob, 2008), no mechanism explaining the precipitation of dolomite in soils has<br />

been reported. The incorporation of magnesium into the calcite structure to form high<br />

magnesian-calcites and proto-dolomites under surface conditions is broadly described in<br />

the literature (Hardie, 1987 and references therein; Deleuze and Brantley, 1997).<br />

Sedimentary and diagenetic dolomites probably precipitated as protodolomites and their<br />

isotopic composition was controlled by the protodolomite-water fractionation (Fritz and<br />

Smith, 1970). In any case, the incorporation of magnesium to the rhombohedral<br />

carbonate structure is not easy and appears to be controlled by kinetic factors (Mucci<br />

and Morse, 1983; Putnis et al., 1995; Fernández-Díaz et al., 1996).<br />





In this paper, we study the occurrence of pedogenic dolomite in soils of an arid/semiarid<br />

region. Calcite is by far the most abundant and best-studied pedogenic carbonate. On<br />

the other hand, dolomite is not usually evaluated in soils and its role in the pedogenic<br />

processes is scarcely known. Here, we describe the formation of dolomite at soil depths<br />

below indurated layers delimitated by petrocalcic horizons or caliches. Deeper layers<br />

(subsoil) in these types of soils are scarcely studied because caliches are hard to<br />

excavate and their features at these depths are irrelevant for soil taxonomy or for<br />

judging the soil as a support for plants.<br />

Several reasons underlie this approach: 1) Knowledge of the distribution of carbon in<br />

the deep-soil-layer system in semiarid areas is essential to assess soil carbonates (calcite<br />

and dolomite) as a sink for atmospheric carbon. However, the carbon distribution in<br />

deeper layers (subsoil) has rarely been determined (Jobággy and Jackson, 2000; Díaz-<br />

Hernández et al., 2003). 2) Well-ordered dolomite, together with protodolomites, has<br />

recently been documented in soils (Whipkey and Hayob, 2008). 3) The soils of the<br />

study area are particularly rich in inherited dolomites and, therefore, could be suitable<br />

for the development of pedogenic dolomites in addition to calcites. 4) Periodic moisture<br />

movement to depths below solum horizons serves as a regulating factor in maintaining<br />

soluble Mg at levels favourable to the precipitation of low-magnesium calcites (St.<br />

Arnaud and Herbillon, 1973), and occasionally also leads to the formation of dolomites.<br />

5) The few studies available concerning pedogenic dolomites (St. Arnaud, 1979; Botha<br />

and Hughes, 1992; Capo et al., 2000) point to the occurrence of pedogenic dolomites in<br />

depth.<br />

The main objective of this research is to demonstrate the formation of dolomite in soils.<br />

For this, we firstly studied compositional, mineralogical, and textural variations<br />

throughout the soil profiles, finding that dolomite was dissolved in superficial horizons<br />

and precipitated at greater depths than was the pedogenic calcite. Also, we analysed the<br />

isotopes in calcite and dolomite of the soil samples. This second stage revealed that the<br />

biogenic isotopic signature of the pedogenic calcite was transferred to a neoformed<br />

dolomite through the dissolution-precipitation cycles that affected the soil carbonates.<br />

Finally, we discuss the physico-chemical constraints on the dolomite formation in<br />

subsoil. According to the model proposed for the precipitation of dolomite: 1) inherited<br />

dolomite constitutes the main source for the Mg 2+ ; 2) hydrodynamics in the soil studied<br />




controls moisture and solute transport properties in the subsoil; 3) the incorporation of<br />

magnesium to the carbonate structure in Mg-rich confined porous media to form<br />

dolomite is explained from the standpoint of kinetics.<br />


3.1. Geological setting and climate<br />

The Guadix-Baza basin is located in the Betic cordillera (SE Spain, Fig. 1A). The area<br />

studied was developed as an endorheic depression from the Late Neogene to the Late<br />

Pleistocene (Vera, 1970; Peña, 1985; García-Aguilar and Martín, 2000; Gibert et al.,<br />

2007, among others), and occupies about 3500km 2 . During this period, the basin was<br />

filled with alluvial and lacustrine materials for which the composition varies depending<br />

on the nature of source materials. Those from the Subbetic ranges (North border) are<br />

rich in limestone, while those from the Betic ranges (South border) are rich in quartzite,<br />

micaschist, and dolomite (IGME, 1973-1999). The Guadix sub-basin is comprised of<br />

fluvial sediments (silts, sands and conglomerates) and the Baza sub-basin is formed<br />

mainly by lacustrine deposits (limestones, marly limestones, and gypsum). The rocky<br />

relief surrounding the Guadix-Baza depression coincides partially with the Atlantic-<br />

Mediterranean divide. The depression is characterized by having elevations ranging<br />

from 1500m a.s.l. (above sea level) on the edges to 650m a.s.l. at the Guadiana Menor<br />

River, the main drain of the area.<br />

The capture of the internal drainage network of the depression by the Guadiana Menor<br />

River (a tributary of the Guadalquivir River) modelled the landscape into two main<br />

geomorphological groups (Díaz-Hernández and Juliá, 2006):<br />

1) Old surfaces (350,000-205,000 yr): S1, S2, S3, consisting of dissected piedmont<br />

plains gently sloping towards the centre of the basin (Fig. 1B), capped by caliche soils<br />

with thick petrocalcic horizons (Petric Calcisols and Chromic Luvisols (FAO-<br />

UNESCO, 1988) (Calciorthids, Paleorthids, Paleargids, Haploxeralfs, Rodoxeralfs and<br />

Xerochrepts, following the Soil Taxonomy (SSS, 1999)). Dolomite enrichment<br />

observed under the petrocalcic horizon (see below) suggests that the formation of<br />

dolomite began within this broad time range.<br />

2) The youngest surfaces (115,000-48,000 yr): S4 (badlands, with Gypsic, Calcaric and<br />

Eutric Regosols (FAO-UNESCO, 1988) (Xerortents, SSS, 1999) and S5 (alluvials, with<br />

Calcaric Fluvisols (FAO-UNESCO, 1988) (Xerofluvents, SSS, 1999).<br />




The climate of the basin is semiarid, hot in summer, with frequent frosts in winter. The<br />

mean annual temperature is 15ºC. Mean annual precipitation is about 250-300mm in the<br />

central part and about 400mm in the higher fans located along the mountain fronts<br />

(MAPA, 1989). Rainfall occurs mainly during the autumn-winter months; in summer,<br />

rain is scarce, falling as infrequent torrential storms.<br />

3.2. Sampling<br />

Soil profiles were studied at 81 sites in the Guadix-Baza basin (Fig. 1A), where the<br />

depth and features of the caliches could be accurately determined. Natural or artificial<br />

pits reached an average depth of about 200cm (in several cases down to 400cm) and the<br />

sampling sites were distributed as evenly as possible, in 10 × 10km cells to simulate a<br />

probabilistic sampling, with one or two sites selected per cell. Data from the deepest<br />

layers were not considered here because of the statistical results from the few data<br />



The fine fraction (


3.6. Electron microscopy<br />

Two samples corresponding to the fine fraction of soil material located below the<br />

petrocalcic horizon at 120 and 220cm depths (profile 46) were selected on the basis of<br />

their dolomite content. They were consolidated and prepared as polished sections and<br />

later carbon coated for the textural and mineralogical study by analytical scanning<br />

electron microscopy. Back-scattered electron (BSE) images and energy-dispersion X-<br />

ray (EDX) spot analyses (200nm of diameter) were performed with a high-resolution<br />

field-emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) Auriga (Carl Zeiss) equipped<br />

with a LinK INCA 200 (Oxford Instruments) microanalysis system operated at an<br />

acceleration voltage of 10-20kV.<br />

For transmission electron microscopy (TEM), the same


4. RESULTS<br />

4.1. Compositional, mineralogical and particle-size variations in the soil profiles<br />

The distribution of organic and inorganic carbon with depth varied considerably in the<br />

soils of the study region (Figs. 2A-C; see also Fig. 1 in Díaz-Hernández, 2010),<br />

reflecting the heterogeneity of the area, in which several soil types are represented<br />

(Díaz-Hernández et al., 2003). Profiles of organic and inorganic carbon (calcite and<br />

dolomite) distribution with depth for alluvial soils, badlands, and piedmont units are<br />

depicted in Figs. 2A-C. Organic carbon decreases with depth in all soil types, and it is<br />

particularly marked in the case of piedmonts (Fig. 2A). Petrocalcic horizon, represented<br />

by the enrichment in calcite content in depth, is detected mostly in piedmonts. This<br />

horizon appears between 10cm and 90cm depth, with 30-130cm of thickness (Fig. 2B,<br />

see also Díaz-Hernández et al., 2003). An increase of the dolomite content with depth is<br />

also better appreciated in piedmont profiles, usually below the petrocalcic horizon<br />

(compare Fig. 2B with 2C). In the soils studied, dolomite enrichment can occur at great<br />

depth (below 200cm), as is the case of the profile PC-43 of the Fig. 2C. This can be<br />

explained by the presence of Mg-rich substrates, constituted by altered ophitic rocks in<br />

the subsoil. The development of the petrocalcic horizons and the occurrence of<br />

associated dolomite enrichment in depth are better observed in the case of piedmonts.<br />

A total of 81 profiles were analysed, 8 corresponding to alluvial, 11 to badlands, and 62<br />

to piedmonts, in order to gain statistical information concerning carbon distribution in<br />

depth for the soils studied. Table 1 and Fig. 2D show the depth distribution of soil<br />

organic carbon content (from organic matter) and calcite and dolomite content (soil<br />

inorganic carbon), expressed as an average percentage. The average organic carbon<br />

decreased rapidly with depth, tending to near-zero values below 120cm (N = 81<br />

profiles), and continued to decline gradually to a depth of 220cm (N = 27 profiles). The<br />

calcite content initially increased with depth, showing minor amounts near the surface<br />

and a maximum between 40-60cm depth (43% in the bulge). Below this depth the<br />

calcite diminished gradually to 200cm in depth (around 30%). A second bulge at a<br />

depth of 200-280cm appeared from the profiles of the units of type S1. Polycyclic<br />

profiles showing this second maximum of calcite accumulation within this depth range<br />

were found for S1 unit (not shown). These minor maxima correspond to hard substrates<br />

or paleosols in those units, probably caused by regional sedimentological changes, and<br />

are not considered in this work. The average depth distribution of dolomite began with a<br />

low content (9% in the superficial horizons) which progressively increased from 40cm,<br />




reaching 17% at 140cm depth. However, the depth distribution of the dolomite and<br />

calcite contents proved somewhat irregular below 180cm due to the low number of<br />

samples for these depths (Table 1) Average particle-size distributions throughout the<br />

soil profiles studied show high contents of sand and gravels with respect clays and silts<br />

(Fig. 2E).<br />

The XRD study evidenced that the major minerals of soil samples were quartz, calcite,<br />

and dolomite, with minor amounts of clays, feldspars, and micas. For dolomite-rich<br />

samples, superstructure reflection (015) (the main reflection of well-ordered dolomites;<br />

Goldsmith and Graf, 1958; Reeder and Sheppard, 1984) was present. The depth<br />

distribution of quartz, calcite, and dolomite was shown in the XRD mapping of Fig. 3,<br />

corresponding to a depth sequence of diffractogram patterns for profile 46 (piedmont).<br />

This image shows a decrease in quartz with depth on the basis of the change in the<br />

intensity of the (101) reflection, and an interruption of the signal coinciding with the<br />

maximum of calcite enrichment (100cm depth). By contrast, the dolomite (104 peak)<br />

showed an inverse distribution to that of quartz (in-depth enrichment), with the same indepth<br />

interruption and lack in superficial horizon. Calcite enrichment between 60-<br />

130cm of depth, as indicated by the increase in the intensity of the (104) peak,<br />

coincided with the development of a petrocalcic horizon of 70cm thick in this profile.<br />

4.2. Isotopic data<br />

The frequency distribution of<br />

13 C and<br />

18 O of the calcite in the study samples are<br />

shown in Figs. 4A and B, respectively. These values were consistently negative, and<br />

13 C ranged from -13 to -1‰ and<br />

18 O from -10 to -2‰, with a normal distribution and<br />


modes around -7‰ in both cases. These negative values indicate a contribution of<br />

isotopically light carbonate. The histograms for the<br />

13 C and<br />

18 O of the dolomite<br />

showed bimodal distributions (Figs. 4C and D): the two modal values for<br />

13 C were -5<br />

and -1‰, and -6 and -3‰ for<br />

18 O. The scatter diagram relating both values for the<br />

dolomite samples also showed these two different tendencies in the histograms, and two<br />

clusters may be identified within the diagram (Fig. 4E). The average isotopic<br />

composition of the inherited dolomites from the coarse fraction of the studied soils is<br />

also represented in the bivariate plot (star in Fig. 4E). It plotted close to the analysed<br />

dolomite cluster with less negative and even positive values (cluster I in Fig. 4E).<br />

Samples of deeper layers (>70cm) defined the cluster with more negative<br />

13 C and<br />

18 O<br />



values (cluster II in Fig. 4E) that corresponded to the smallest left-hand maximum<br />

observed in the histograms (Figs. 4C and D). However, none of single profiles studied<br />

here showed a clear isotopic fractionation with the dolomite enrichment in depth.<br />

4.3. SEM and TEM study<br />

Electron microscopy confirmed the XRD observations of Fig. 3 regarding dolomite<br />

dissolution and calcite precipitation in relation to the formation of petrocalcic horizon.<br />

BSE images of Figs. 5A and 5B correspond to a sample below the petrocalcic horizon<br />

(120cm depth), where the corrosion affecting dolomite and quartz crystals and the<br />

precipitation of calcite are visible. In Fig. 5A the voids, after quartz dissolution, appear<br />

to be filled mainly with calcite. Frequently, calcification is widespread and calcite<br />

nodules occur with dolomite relicts within the concretions (Fig. 5B). The calcified<br />

nodules frequently had a highly porous texture. The dissolution process of inherited<br />

dolomites sometimes began along crystallographic planes and advanced from inner to<br />

outer regions with progressive corrosion, forming hollow dolomite crystals (Fig. 5C). In<br />

addition, corroded dolomite grains sometimes showed central voids (Fig. 5D). Calcite<br />

rhyzocretions also occurred close to the petrocalcic horizon (Fig. 5D).<br />

Samples from 220cm in depth showed corroded calcite grains surrounded by dolomite<br />

and clay minerals (Figs. 5E-F). Fig. 5F, corresponding to an inset of Fig. 5E, shows<br />

dolomite+clays secondary products located in a corrosion gulf which includes<br />

fragments of partially altered calcite relics. A detailed observation of precursory calcite<br />

evidenced the presence of a poorly crystalline material, basically clay minerals, close to<br />

irregular corrosion boundaries at the surface of calcite grains, in addition to inherited<br />

chlorites. Clay minerals also surrounded sub-idiomorphic dolomite crystals with sizes<br />

around 2 m in diameter, and sometimes localized preferentially between corroded<br />

calcite grains and rhombohedral dolomite crystals (Figs. 6A and 6B). Poorly defined<br />

crystalline material surrounding dolomite consisted of smectites plus Si-rich amorphous<br />

substance (Figs. 6C, 7 and Table 2). According to AEM analyses of Table 2 the<br />

smectite is intermediate between beidellite and montmorillonite, although several<br />

analyses correspond to mixtures of clay minerals and Si-rich amorphous substances. Si<br />

excess cannot be incorporated in the smectite structure and must therefore derive from<br />

adjacent non-crystalline material. Bubbles occurring in relation to clay minerals and<br />

amorphous substance in TEM image (Fig. 6C) resulted from the gradual release of<br />

volatile substances after pervasive electron bombardment. Clay minerals were also<br />




studied by XRD from separate fractions of the sample at 220cm depth (Fig. 8). This<br />

study confirms the occurrence of the following clay minerals: 1) An inherited chlorite is<br />

evidenced by (002) and (004) peaks (Fig. 8A; see also BSE image and qualitative<br />

microanalysis of Fig. 6B); 2) a detrital illite with peaks at 1.0 and 0.5nm d-spacing<br />

corresponding to (001) and (002) reflections; 3) abundant smectites and minor illitesmectite<br />

mixed-layer phases (probably R3-ordered I/S). The latter is evidenced by the<br />

broad basal reflection of the 1.0-1.2nm zone in the untreated sample (Fig. 8A). The<br />

smectite had a basal spacing of around 1.4nm in the air-dried state, which expands up to<br />

1.8nm upon ethylene glycol saturation (Fig. 8B).<br />


5.1. Origin of compositional and mineralogical variations along the profiles<br />

Organic carbon shows the expected distribution (Figs. 2A and D) for these types of soils<br />

with a usual decrease with depth due to the more intense biogenic activity in the upper<br />

horizons. The combination of water from rainfall, Ca 2+ ions from diverse sources and<br />

CO 2 generated mostly from organic-matter decomposition and root respiration (Gile et<br />

al., 1966; Deines, 1980; Rech et al., 2003), the transient decrease in P CO2 and the<br />

increase in the concentration of solutes due to evapotranspiration lead to the<br />

accumulation in depth of pedogenic calcium carbonate in arid and semiarid regions. The<br />

formation of the petrocalcic horizon explains the occurrence of the bulge at 40-60cm<br />

depth in the calcite average regional profile (Fig. 2D), and the calcite enrichment found<br />

in the individual profiles shown in this work (Figs. 2B and 3). Although the dolomite<br />

content in the individual profiles was somewhat irregular (Fig. 2C), and in particular for<br />

depths below 180cm, it was evident that a regional decrease occurred near the surface<br />

with a marked enrichment in depth (Fig. 2D, Table1). Moreover, a smooth increase<br />

began at 40cm and continued to 140cm depth. Below 180cm depth, the values in the<br />

profile may have resulted from the interference of authigenic processes with the effects<br />

of the substratum on the mineralogy. Although the maximum in the case of the dolomite<br />

was less marked than in the calcite, the overall variation in dolomite (around 10%) was<br />

quite similar to the percentage change observed in calcite (around 12%). As occurred<br />

for calcite, dolomite dissolution/precipitation may explain the occurrence of the smooth<br />

maximum, just below the petrocalcic horizon, preceded by the change of sign in the<br />

curvature of the dolomite pattern in the Fig. 2D. Therefore, at the regional scale,<br />

dolomite underwent superficial dissolution and its precipitation occurred at greater<br />




depths than in the case of calcite. In short, the calcite-and dolomite-distribution patterns<br />

found here clearly indicate that they were affected by similar processes, but, in the case<br />

of dolomite, different dynamics seem to have occurred within the soil (see below).<br />

Dissolution of the dolomite in the superficial horizon of the studied profiles (e.g. Fig. 3)<br />

in relation to the development of petrocalcic horizon was also evidenced by Figs. 5A-D,<br />

where detrital dolomite appeared partially or almost completely dissolved and calcite<br />

precipitates in voids and formed rhyzocretions. A general decline in the quartz content<br />

was noted in the profile in the Fig. 3, contradicting the assumption that quartz content<br />

remains constant throughout the soil profiles (Lelong, 1969; Souchier, 1971; Sohet et<br />

al., 1988). The appearance of a physical barrier represented by the petrocalcic horizon<br />

prevents the redistribution of the upward-added quartz from diverse sources, mainly<br />

aeolian (Díaz-Hernández et al., 2011), and is therefore responsible for the observed<br />

decrease of quartz below it. However, the quartz content may decrease below the<br />

petrocalcic horizon as a result of dissolution processes, as evidenced by Fig. 5A, where<br />

the precipitation of calcite after quartz dissolution is evident. Calcite concretions after<br />

the dissolution dolomite and quartz had a marked porous texture (Figs. 5A and 5B)<br />

which may be interpreted in relation to bio-mediated precipitation processes.<br />

As mentioned above, dolomite enrichment below 40cm in depth was observed in the<br />

depth-wise variation of dolomite at the regional scale (Fig. 2D) and in the representative<br />

profiles of the Figs. 2C and 3. One possible explanation would imply no dolomite<br />

precipitation, but only dissolution; thus, the increment in-depth would be due to more<br />

intense dissolution for superficial horizons, the solutes being leached out of the system.<br />

On the other hand, in dissolution/precipitation mechanism proposed here, dolomite<br />

dissolved above 40cm is potentially precipitated below this depth. Figs. 5E-F and 6,<br />

corresponding to a sample situated at 220cm in depth in the studied profile, show the<br />

occurrence of dolomite and clay overgrowth in relation to calcite. Textural relations<br />

indicate the dissolution of calcite and the precipitation of dolomite in relation to clays.<br />

The specific mechanisms explaining the observed spatial association of calcite,<br />

dolomite and clays in SEM and TEM images are discussed below.<br />


5.2. Pedogenic isotopic fractionation and neoformed dolomites<br />

The proposed dolomite dissolution/precipitation model is consistent with the<br />

heterogeneity observed in the isotopic data from the dolomite samples analysed, which<br />

showed two different signals (Figs. 4C, 4D, and 4E). Cluster I in Fig. 4E, with higher<br />



isotopic values, lies close to the parent material that supplies the dolomite to the system<br />

(star in Fig. 4E). The precipitation of a neoformed dolomite below the petrocalcic (Figs.<br />

5E, 5F and 6) as a result of dissolution of inherited dolomite and pedogenic calcite of<br />

upper horizons explains the high dispersion observed in the δ 13 C values of the samples<br />

of deeper layers (cluster II in Fig. 4E and smallest left-hand maximum in the histograms<br />

of Figs. 4C and D). These values define the MDL (Meteoric Dolomite Line), a term<br />

similar to that proposed by Lohmann (1988) for the Meteoric Calcite Line (MCL). The<br />

C dispersion is explained by a mixing of inherited carbon from dolomite-rich parent<br />

material, with positive values, and pedogenic carbon from neoformed dolomite, with<br />

very negative C values. In addition, O values close to 6‰ (V-PDB) observed for<br />

pedogenic dolomites (cluster II in Fig. 4E) are consistent with the O measured in<br />

surface waters, values ranging from -7.5 and -9‰ (V-SMOW), and temperatures<br />

between ~17 and 24ºC.<br />

The isotopic composition of the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and oxygen in soil<br />

waters below the petrocalcic horizon is in equilibrium with the isotopic composition of<br />

neoformed dolomites. Carbon and oxygen are distributed among three chemical species<br />

with a pH-dependent relative abundance (CO 2 , HCO - 3 and CO 2- 3 ). Most of the carbonic<br />

acid derives from the vegetal cover and prompts an increase of negative C in DIC<br />

(Cerling, 1984, 1991; Usdowski and Hoefs, 1993; Reyes et al., 1998). In the pedogenic<br />

medium studied, this isotopic signature is transported towards deeper layers through<br />

carbonate dissolution (mostly calcite) above the petrocalcic horizon. The negative<br />

carbon isotope composition of the neoformed dolomite is determined mainly by the<br />

isotopic pedogenic calcite because pore fluids generally have low carbon contents so<br />


that the 13 C of the precursor is generally retained (Hoefs, 2004). Low<br />

13 C and<br />

values are expected in biomediated calcite and dolomite precipitates (Jones and<br />

Donnelly, 2004; Wacey et al., 2007). Multiple cyclic dissolution/precipitation processes<br />

that affected the carbonates in the soils explain not only the formation of an isotopically<br />

light calcite, related to pedogenic-biogenic processes above the petrocalcic horizon<br />

(Magaritz and Amiel, 1980; Magaritz et al., 1981), but also the formation of an<br />

isotopically light dolomite, occurring below the petrocalcic horizon, in which the<br />

isotopic composition differs from that observed for the inherited dolomites (Fig. 4). The<br />

isotopic values of the pedogenic calcite co-existing with neoformed dolomite may be<br />

assigned to the maximum observed in the histograms of Figures 4A-B. Calcite isotopic<br />

18 O<br />



values are more negative than those of dolomite, as expected, because most of the<br />

calcite in soil is pedogenic in origin. The pedogenic dolomite precipitated in depth has a<br />

marked isotopic contribution from inherited dolomite, and therefore lower negative<br />

values than those measured for the pedogenic calcite are expected.<br />

Dolomite isotopic composition is not usually determined in soils, and much less in deep<br />

layers (“subsoil”). Until now, the occurrence of a pedogenic 13 C (and 18 O) signal in soils<br />

is associated exclusively with the calcite genesis. In the case studied, the neoformed<br />

dolomite, characterized by relatively negatives values, forms after partial dissolution of<br />

the calcite, with a partial “transference” of the biogenic isotopic signature. Therefore,<br />

calcite precipitation is interpreted here as an intermediate stage for dolomite<br />

precipitation, below the petrocalcic horizon, because of the carbonate dissolutionprecipitation<br />

cycles forming pedogenic calcite are also responsible of the formation of<br />

the pedogenic dolomites.<br />

Kinetic effects, such as diffusion transport, may also induce a certain fractionation in<br />

soils. The carbon isotope fractionation in soils caused by diffusion processes has been<br />

estimated to be around 4‰ (Cerling, 1984; Hesterberg and Siegenthaler, 1991).<br />

According to these authors 13 CO 2 diffuses into the atmosphere at lower rates than the<br />

lighter 12 CO 2 molecule. However this effect is clearly counteracted by the major 12 CO 2<br />

production related to root respiration and organic-matter decomposition in the upper<br />

horizons of soil, as evidenced clearly by the lower<br />

13 C values recorded for the<br />

pedogenic calcite of soil in relation to the pedogenic dolomite occurring in the subsoil.<br />

The kinetic effect discussed above resulting in 13 C enrichment would partly explain the<br />

shift from the very negative<br />

13 C at the C3 vegetal cover (~ -27‰ vs. V-PDB, Deines,<br />


1980) due to CO 2 from organic matter decomposition, toward values around -12‰ in<br />

the soil (Cerling, 1984; 1991; Reyes et al., 1998). Other kinetic processes such as<br />

intracrystalline diffusion of C and O within the dolomite structure might explain isotope<br />

exchange between the solid and the pore fluid in soils, and the observed fractionation in<br />

Fig. 4, without the need for an explanation involving the dolomite dissolutionprecipitation<br />

process. However, alternative explanations of these isotopic data based on<br />

intracrystalline diffusion processes should be discarded in our case because of: 1)<br />

According to the Arrhenius relationship between the diffusion rate and the temperature,<br />

intracrystalline diffusion is negligible at low temperature (Putnis, 2003). 2) Volume<br />

diffusion of C within the structure of the rhombohedral carbonates occurs by diffusion<br />

of carbonate anions, whereas the lattice diffusion of O is due to vacancy migration<br />



(Labotka et al., 2000); this explains why the diffusivity of carbon is 4 orders of<br />

magnitude smaller than the diffusivity of oxygen in calcite (Ferry et al., 2010). The<br />

latter point disagrees with our observations, where a broader range of variation is found<br />

for<br />

13 C compared to that of<br />

dolomite located at deeper levels.<br />

18 O for the cluster II (Fig. 4E) corresponding to the<br />

5.3. Physico-chemical constraints on the dolomite formation in the subsoil<br />

As shown, dissolution of inherited dolomite above petrocalcic constitutes the main<br />

source for the Mg 2+ enrichment in the soil solution necessary for dolomite<br />

neoformation. An exception to this is provided by the profiles with altered ophitic rocks<br />

in their subsoil, where minor dolomite was formed at great depth (below 200cm, Fig.<br />

2C). The montmorillonitic component of the smectites localized preferentially between<br />

corroded calcite grains and rhombohedral dolomite crystals (Table 2 and Figs. 6A-B)<br />

may constitute an additional source for Mg 2+ . Despite the occurrence of high Mg:Ca<br />

mole ratio, Mg rich calcite form only at very high salinity (Stanley and Hardie, 1998).<br />

However, for medium salinities, a low Mg content was expected in the calcite formed<br />

from solutions in soils. This is because Mg 2+ ions tend to remain in solution during<br />

carbonate precipitation, where they are thought to be heavily solvated (de Leeuw and<br />

Parker, 2001), due to strongly attractive Mg-water interactions.<br />

The formation of the petrocalcic horizon prevents rain-water infiltration into the subsoil.<br />

The observed dolomite enrichment in the subsoil probably occurred during the initial<br />

stages of the formation of the petrocalcic horizon (soft caliches), and before its<br />

hardening that led to the consolidation of the impermeable barrier. The high content of<br />

gravels and sands throughout the profile (Fig. 2E) favoured rainwater infiltration into<br />

the subsoil. Under these physical conditions, evapotranspiration processes affected not<br />

only the soil, but also deeper levels during the less rainy climatic episodes. The<br />

decreased water content in the subsoil diminished bulk flow of the grain-boundary fluid<br />

containing dissolved solutes. Under this regime, the fluid film is restricted to a<br />

monolayer of molecules adsorbed onto the smectite particles. To understand the role of<br />

the water molecules adsorbed onto smectites in the incorporation of Mg to the structure<br />

of the calcite, we dealt here with the transport of solute in a viscous solid media (Putnis<br />

et al., 1995; Fernández-Díaz et al., 1996; Sánchez-Navas et al., 2009). It can be deduced<br />

from Table 3 that the quantity of Mg incorporated into the structure of the calcite<br />

increased in viscous medium and that the incorporation of Mg into magnesian-calcite<br />




produced a lattice contraction of the rhombohedral carbonate, as well as a reduction of<br />

crystallinity. In addition, metastable phases also appeared when a viscous medium was<br />

used for the precipitation experiment (Fig. 9). Micro-textural data (Fig. 6) indicate that<br />

the precipitation of neoformed dolomite in depth after partial dissolution of pedogenic<br />

calcite was mediated by the smectites of the soils studied (Figs. 7 and 8). Clay minerals<br />

surrounding neoformed dolomite crystals acted as a catalytic material in the process of<br />

incorporation of Mg into the structure of the rhombohedral carbonates. This was<br />

because the transport of reacting material from dissolution sites to those of growth was<br />

the rate-determining process. Therefore, as suggested by our laboratory experiments, it<br />

is necessary to consider the constraints that transport properties may make on the<br />

incorporation of an element during crystal growth. Fig. 10A shows the concentration<br />

profile of Mg at the crystal-water interface during interface-controlled calcite growth.<br />

As suggested at the beginning of this section, the partition coefficient between the<br />

concentration of magnesium in carbonate crystal and the concentration of magnesium in<br />

bulk medium, [Mg] carb /[Mg] m , must be clearly less than 1. For a diffusion-controlled<br />

growth of dolomite, the concentration of Mg rises above [Mg] m at the crystal-medium<br />

interface ([Mg]i m ). If the partition coefficient remains constant, [Mg] carb increases with<br />

decreasing diffusion rate until, in the limit, [Mg] carb =[Mg] m . As a result the effective<br />

partition coefficient equals 1, and therefore most of the Mg of the medium is then<br />

incorporated into the structure of the rhombohedral carbonate (Fig. 10B).<br />

Previous experimental data and the occurrence in soils of high-magnesium calcite<br />

together with well-ordered dolomite (Whipkey and Hayob, 2008) suggest that our<br />

neoformed dolomite that precipitated in relation to smectites in the “subsoil” should be,<br />

at least initially, a “protodolomite” or “Mg-kutnohorite” with essentially disordered Ca-<br />

Mg distribution.<br />



The present study detected the presence of a clear enrichment of dolomite beyond the<br />

lower limit of biological activity in semiarid soils. This limit coincides with the rooting<br />

depth of native perennial plants and, in the case study, is defined by the occurrence of<br />

the petrocalcic horizon.<br />

Isotopic data establish a bimodal distribution of<br />

13 C and<br />

18 O for dolomites, indicating<br />

the occurrence of an inherited and a neoformed dolomite. Isotopically light dolomite<br />

formed below the petrocalcic horizon after partial dissolution of the pedogenic calcite,<br />



which transferred the pedogenic (biological) 13 C and 18 O signature from the soil (s. str.)<br />

to subsoil.<br />

Before the formation of nonpermeable petrocalcic horizon, the high contents in gravel<br />

and sand fractions in the studied soils favoured infiltration and evapotranspiration<br />

processes in the subsoil. The moisture in the subsoil was a determining factor<br />

controlling the precipitation of Ca and Mg carbonates, the precursors of dolomite. The<br />

precipitation of the neoformed dolomite below the petrocalcic horizon was related to the<br />

presence of smectites. Smectite retained soil water and acted as a catalyst for the<br />

incorporation of Mg into the carbonate.<br />

The geochemical model proposed here for the incorporation of Mg to the carbonate in<br />

slow diffusive transport medium, such as a clayey-rich and water deficient<br />

environments, would also explain the close association of Mg-carbonates with clays<br />

observed on the surface of Mars (Ehlmann et al., 2008).<br />

This study documents the occurrence of changes in carbonate mineralogy in depth.<br />

Levels below the petrocalcic are traditionally considered as zones not affected by the<br />

pedogenic processes.<br />

In the soils studied, the dolomite content reached 43 kg m -2 (Díaz-Hernández, 2010),<br />

and therefore dolomite should be considered in the quantification of carbon stored in<br />

arid-semiarid soils. Pedogenic processes occurring in the subsoil, such as the dolomite<br />

formation, should be included in the carbon-soil balances.<br />


We acknowledge support from grant P11-RNM-7067 of the Junta de Andalucía<br />

(C.E.I.C.-S.G.U.I.T.) and the projects CGL2007-65572-C02-01/BTE, CGL-2009-<br />

09249, CGL2010-21257-C02-01 and CGL2012-32169 of the Ministerio de Ciencia e<br />

Innovación (MICINN, Spain). We would like to thank Drs. D. Martín-Ramos and F.<br />

Nieto for help with the XRD analyses, A. González, M.M. Abad and M.J. Guerrero for<br />

guidance with SEM and TEM studies and Dr. A. Delgado for his assistance with the<br />

stable isotope data. We thank the anonymous reviewers for their suggestions, which<br />

contributed to improve the <strong>manuscript</strong>. Mr. David Nesbitt revised the English<br />

<strong>manuscript</strong>.<br />



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Fig. 1. A) Location of the study area showing the position of 81 profiles sampled. B)<br />

Cross section indicated in A showing the spatial relationship between the<br />

geomorphological units of the area.<br />

Fig. 2. A-C) Vertical distribution of organic and inorganic (calcite and dolomite) carbon<br />

in alluvial soils (PA, Fluvisols), badlands (PB, Regosols) and piedmonts (PC,<br />

Calcisols). Geomorphological units are also indicated in brackets. Arrows in Fig. C<br />

mark dolomite enrichment in depth for the diverse type of soils. D) Depth-wise (y-axis)<br />

variation of the organic carbon, calcite, and dolomite (inorganic carbon) content,<br />

expressed as an average percentage, in the study profiles of Guadix-Baza basin, drawn<br />

from the data of Table 1. E) Distribution with depth of diverse granulometric fractions<br />

of soils; only mean values calculated from the studied profiles has been represented<br />

(gravel + fraction


the dolomite-water system (Irwin et al., 1977) with the range of local meteoric water (-8<br />

to -9‰ vs. V-SMOW) and surface temperatures from 17 to 24ºC.<br />

Fig. 5. A-B) Back-scattered electron images showing precipitation of pedogenic calcite<br />

at 120cm depth (profile 46): Grain of quartz partly corroded and filled with calcite and<br />

probably siderite (A). Calcite nodule including dolomite relicts (B). Note the porous<br />

texture of the calcite precipitates in these images. C) Back-scattered electron<br />

micrograph of a large idiomorphic crystal of dolomite in an advanced stage of corrosion<br />

located at 120cm in depth. Note that this corrosion occurs in preferential plains, and<br />

progresses from the centre to outer edges. D) Small dolomite crystals with central voids;<br />

in addition, there are pedogenic calcites as rhyzocretions. E) Back-scattered electron<br />

image of a partly corroded large calcite grain surrounded by a mixture of clays and<br />

carbonates in a sample from 220cm in depth (profile 46). F) Inset of E in which we can<br />

see some dolomite grains surrounded by clays and corroded calcite grains.<br />

Fig 6. Electron images of a sample from 220cm depth (profile 46). A-B) Back-scattered<br />

electron images of rhombohedral dolomite crystals adjacent to corroded calcite grains<br />

and surrounded by clays. Detrital clays (chlorites) also occur in the area shown in Fig.<br />

B. C) Transmission electron microscopy image of a small subhedral dolomite crystal<br />

surrounded by smectite plus Si-rich amorphous substance.<br />

Fig. 7. A) General TEM image of clays and poorly crystalline material surrounding<br />

dolomite crystals in a sample from 220cm depth (profile 46). In addition to well-defined<br />

smectite packets (S), with a composition shown in Table 2, amorphous substance (A)<br />

with a mottled appearance and marked dark contrast also occurs in the poorly crystalline<br />

material located around the neoformed dolomite crystal (Dol). Other areas in the image<br />

lacking fringe contrast and of mottled aspect may correspond to smectites with a slight<br />

disorientation of the layers (Sd) or to a mixture of poorly crystalline smectites and<br />

amorphous substance (Table 2). B) Structural features of the small smectite packets,<br />

some of them composed of a few basal layers. The packets appear to be part of a (gellike)<br />

matrix formed by disoriented smectite-like flakes and a substance of relatively low<br />

atomic number lacking fringe contrast.<br />




Fig. 8 A) Powder X-ray diagram obtained from oriented aggregated (fraction 2) of the<br />

sample at 220cm depth (profile 46), with an indication of d values corresponding to the<br />

reflections of the observed mineral phases. (B) Comparison of air-dried and ethyleneglycol-treated<br />

diagrams, where the basal spacing of smectites is displaced from 1.46nm<br />

to 1.76nm after glycolation.<br />

Fig. 9. X-ray diffraction diagrams for magnesian calcites obtained in batch precipitation<br />

experiments (see Section 3.7 and Table 3) by using viscous (A) and liquid media (B).<br />

d 104 spacing of calcite varies from 0.301nm for the liquid medium to 0.295nm for the<br />

viscous media. In the viscous medium monohydrocalcite also precipitates together with<br />

the magnesian calcite.<br />

Fig. 10. Concentration profiles of Mg at the crystal-medium interface. A) Concentration<br />

distribution at an infinitely fast bulk-diffusion rate. B) Steady-state distribution at very<br />

slow surface-diffusion rate along the grain boundaries of clay minerals. ([Mg] carb ,<br />

concentration of magnesium in carbonate crystal; [Mg] m , concentration of magnesium<br />

in bulk medium; [Mg] i m, concentration of magnesium at the carbonate crystal-medium<br />

interface; thickness of the diffusion boundary layer). Based on Henderson (1986).<br />


Table 1: Arithmetic mean percentage (Mean in %) of the organic and inorganic (calcite<br />

and dolomite) carbon content and of the diverse particle-size fractions for the specified<br />

depths in the studied profiles (number of samples, N, for each depth is also indicated).<br />


Table 2. Analytical electron microscopy chemical analyses, expressed in atoms per<br />

formula unit, of smectite packets and mixture of smectites and amorphous substance.<br />

Normalization to 22 charges.<br />

Table 3. X-ray diffraction results for magnesian calcites obtained in batch precipitation<br />

experiments by using two types of media. In both cases the concentrations of the mixed<br />

soluble salts are the same: 50mM Na 2 CO 3 , 50 mM CaCl 2·6H 2 O, and 0.1 M<br />

MgCl 2·6H 2 O (starting pH 7.4).<br />




a.s.l.: Above Sea Level<br />

AEM: Analytical Electron Microscopy<br />

apfu: Atoms Per Formula Unit<br />

BSE: Back Scattered Electrons<br />

DIC: Dissolved Inorganic Carbon<br />

EDX: Energy-Dispersion X-ray<br />

FESEM: Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscope<br />

MCL: Meteoric Calcite Line<br />

MDL: Meteoric Dolomite Line<br />

OA: Oriented Aggregated<br />

TEM: Transmission Electron Microscopy<br />

XRD: X-ray diffraction<br />




Table 1<br />

Organic Carbon Inorganic Carbon Particle-Size (2mm)<br />

Depth Calcite Dolomite Clay Silt Sand Gravels<br />

(cm) N Mean (%) Mean (%) Mean (%) Mean (%) N Mean (%) N<br />

0 81 1.82 29.35 9.19 19.48 31.26 42.26 69 34.44 81<br />

20 81 1.13 37.60 8.42 19.82 29.59 50.60 55 34.83 68<br />

40 81 0.67 42.59 10.34 19.38 25.58 55.04 43 37.85 60<br />

60 81 0.46 42.23 12.95 15.51 28.27 56.22 43 43.14 57<br />

80 81 0.34 39.35 14.68 13.62 26.45 59.93 46 39.89 65<br />

100 81 0.25 35.90 15.24 12.04 23.43 64.53 43 37.73 65<br />

120 81 0.19 32.64 16.16 11.88 23.96 64.16 50 39.05 67<br />

140 75 0.16 31.41 16.83 11.46 21.49 67.05 42 35.55 65<br />

160 64 0.15 29.78 15.81 11.08 19.66 69.26 37 41.63 59<br />

180 55 0.12 31.25 13.28 10.94 22.82 66.23 35 41.14 48<br />

200 44 0.13 28.09 16.97 12.72 20.46 66.82 31 45.99 40<br />

220 27 0.11 33.63 18.33 12.12 17.99 69.89 17 53.06 24<br />

240 19 0.12 38.25 13.57 13.76 25.17 61.08 14 52.15 17<br />

260 12 0.14 37.31 16.26 10.18 15.63 74.19 6 51.91 9<br />

280 9 0.15 28.81 12.73 14.57 17.92 67.51 5 56.14 7<br />

300 8 0.18 26.78 12.77 18.89 19.18 61.94 4 59.46 6<br />

320 8 0.22 25.03 13.51 11.72 29.10 59.18 4 55.71 6<br />

340 4 0.22 31.14 14.00 9.20 15.66 75.14 2 58.12 3<br />

Total 892 546 747<br />

Table 2<br />

Smectite analyses<br />

Mixed analyses<br />

Si 3.79 3.88 3.83 3.78 4.16 4.17 4.12 4.41<br />

Al IV 0.21 0.12 0.17 0.22 -0.16 -0.17 -0.12 -0.41<br />


Al VI 1.55 0.84 1.57 1.69 1.55 1.28 1.43 1.53<br />

Fe (3+) 0.24 0.62 0.17 0.14 0.05 0.28 0.24 0.16<br />

Mg 0.34 0.53 0.22 0.14 0.31 0.48 0.26 0.21<br />

Ʃ VI 2.14 2.00 1.97 1.97 1.91 2.03 1.93 1.90<br />

Ca 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.02 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.03<br />

K 0.07 0.36 0.34 0.31 0.28 0.16 0.22 0.21<br />

Ʃ XII 0.10 0.40 0.34 0.33 0.33 0.21 0.28 0.24<br />



Table 3<br />

Type of medium d 104 (Å) FWHM (º2θ)* % Mg<br />

Liquid 3.01 0.3 10<br />

Viscous 2.95 1.26 25<br />

*FWHM: full width at half maximum (peak broadening measured for 104 reflection in the XRD<br />

diagrams of the Fig. 10 ).<br />




Fig. 1<br />





Fig. 2<br />



Fig. 3<br />




Fig. 4<br />




Fig. 5<br />





Fig. 6<br />



Fig. 7<br />




Fig. 8<br />




Fig. 9<br />




Fig. 10<br />





1. Neoformed dolomite appears in semiarid soils below the petrocalcic horizon<br />

2. An isotopically light dolomite forms after dissolution of pedogenic calcite<br />

3. Smectite acts as a catalyst for dolomite/protodolomite precipitation<br />

4. Pedogenic dolomite must be taken into account in carbon-soil balances<br />



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