Программа Конференции (формат PDF, 452Кб)

Программа Конференции (формат PDF, 452Кб) Программа Конференции (формат PDF, 452Кб)


32 ОПТИКА – 2005 Time 9-00 – 14-00 14-00 – 17-00 Time 9-30 – 10-00 10-00 – 11-40 11-40 – 12-00 12-00 – 14-00 14-00 – 15-00 Schedule of the Topical Meeting on Optoinformatics’05 Monday, October, 17 Event Registration, Hall of the University, 14, Sablinskaya str. Boat-party. River Neva. Tuesday, October, 18 Event Late registration Session “Optical Technologies in Information Processing and Communications I” Coffee-break Session “Optical Technologies in Information Processing and Communications II” Lunch 15-00 – 16-40 16-40 – 17-00 17-00 – 18-20 Time 09-30 – 10-50 10-50 – 11-10 11-10 – 12-50 12-50 – 14-00 14-00 – 15-20 15-20 – 15-40 15-40 – 18-00 Session “Optical Technologies in Measurements I” Coffee-break Session “Optical Technologies in Measurements II” Wednesday, October, 19 Event Session “Holography and Recording Media I” Coffee-break Session “Holography and Recording Media II” Lunch Session “Optical Devices, Optical Transformations, and Modelling I” Coffee-break Poster Session, Free discussions Thursday, October, 20 Full day. Social program. Bus trip, excursion program, dinner. Details will be announced later. 9-30 – 10-00 Late registration Program of the Topical Meeting on Optoinformatics Tuesday, October, 18 10-00 – 14-00 Session “Optical Technologies in Information Processing and Communications” Chair-persons: Prof. Eugene M. Zolotov, Moscow, RUSSIA Dr. Alexander V. Pavlov, S.I.Vavilov State Optical Institute, St.Petersburg, RUSSIA 10-00 – 10-40 SOME ASPECTS OF SECURITY OF CHAOS-BASED COMMUNICATIONS (Invited) Vladimir S. Udaltsov a , A. Locquet a,b , L. Larger a , J. P. Goedgebuer a , and D. S. Citrin a,b a GTL-CNRS TELECOM, Metz, France b School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA 10-40 – 11-00 INTEGRATED OPTICAL BRAGG GRATINGS FOR FAST ELECTROOPTICAL CONTROL OF SPECTRAL CHANNELS IN OPTICAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS (Oral) Alexander Shamray, A. Kozlov, I. Ilichev, M. Petrov A.F.Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, St.Petersburg, RUSSIA 11-00 – 11-20 OPTOELECTRONIC GATES ON BIPHOTONS (Oral) Yu. A. Asikritova, I. D. Balatsky, V. N. Gorbachev, A. I. Trubilko Quantum Information and Computation Laboratory, Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Saint-Petersburg, RUSSIA 11-20 – 11-40 UNCERTAINTY RELATIONSHIPS FOR ANGULAR POSITION AND ANGULAR MOMENTUM OF LIGHT (Oral) Eric Yao, Miles Padgett University of Glasgow, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ, 17 – 21 Октября 2005 33 11-40 – 12-00 Coffee-break 12-00 – 12-40 OPTICAL CORRELATION SYSTEMS FOR SECURITY VERIFICATION (Invited) Leonid I. Muravsky Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute, Lviv, UKRAINE 12-40 – 13–00 DETERMINATION OF SPECKLE DISPLACEMENT BY HYBRID OPTICAL-DIGITAL SPECKLE CORRELATOR (Oral) O. M. Sakharuk, N. V. Fityo, L. I. Muravsky, P. V. Yezhov* Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of NAS of Ukraine, Lviv, UKRAINE * Institute of Physics of NAS of Ukraine, Kiev, UKRAINE 13-00 – 13–20 MODELLING THE SPECKLE PATTERNS OF DEFORMABLE SURFACE FOR RIGID BODY MOTION ELIMINATION (Oral) Nazar V. Fityo Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of NAS of Ukraine, Lviv, UKRAINE 13-20 – 13–40 IMAGE ENHANCEMENT BY IMPROVED CONTRAST-STRETCHING TECHNIQUE (Oral) Ching-Chung Yang Department of Electronic Engineering, Far East College, Tainan, Taiwan, R. O. C. 13-40 – 14–00 FOTOBIOFTAL-1: A DATA ACQUISITION, PROCESSING AND STORAGE SYSTEM FOR AN OPHTHALMIC INSTRUMENT (Oral) Sorin Miclos, M. Mustata, D. Savastru, C. Cotirlan, T. Brezeanu, E. Ristici, A. Stefanescu-Dima* National Institute of R&D for Optoelectronics, Bucharest, ROMANIA * Bucharest Clinical Eye Hospital, Bucharest, ROMANIA 14-00 – 15-00 Lunch 15-00 – 18-20 Session “Optical Technologies in Measurements” Chair-persons: Prof. Leonid I. Muravsky, Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute, Lviv, UKRAINE Prof. Vladimir S. Udaltsov, GTL-CNRS Telecom, FRANCE 15-00 – 15-40 RESPONSE PROCESSING IN MODERN OPTICAL HETERODYNE MICROSCOPY (Invited) Eugene M. Zolotov Institute for General Physics, Moscow, RUSSIA 15-40 – 16-00 3-D MEASUREMENT OF AUTOMOTIVE GLASS BY USING A REFLECTIVE FRINGE TECHNIQUE (Oral) Oleksandr A. Skydan, Michael J. Lalor, David R. Burton General Engineering Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK 16-00 – 16-20 THE APPLICATION OF DIRECT INTEGRAL-GEOMETRIC METHODS FOR THE ANALYSIS OF SOME EXPERIMENTAL INTERFEROMETRIC IMAGES (Oral) Abutrab A. Aliverdiev Institute of Physics, Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Science, Makhachkala, RUSSIA 16-20 – 16-40 DIGITAL HOLOGRAPHY PARTICLE IMAGE VELOCIMETRY WITH ANALYSIS FOR 3DT-3C FLOW MEASUREMENTS (Oral) Gong Xin Shen, H-G Zhang Institute of Fluid Mechanics, Beijing Univ. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, CHINA 16-40 – 17-00 Coffee-break 17-00 – 17-40 LASER PHOTOACOUSTIC MICROSCOPY OF MECHANICAL STRESSES IN MODERN MATERIALS (Invited) Kirill L. Muratikov A.F.Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, St.Petersburg, RUSSIA

32 ОПТИКА – 2005<br />

Time<br />

9-00 – 14-00<br />

14-00 – 17-00<br />

Time<br />

9-30 – 10-00<br />

10-00 – 11-40<br />

11-40 – 12-00<br />

12-00 – 14-00<br />

14-00 – 15-00<br />

Schedule of the Topical Meeting on Optoinformatics’05<br />

Monday, October, 17<br />

Event<br />

Registration, Hall of the University, 14, Sablinskaya str.<br />

Boat-party. River Neva.<br />

Tuesday, October, 18<br />

Event<br />

Late registration<br />

Session “Optical Technologies in Information Processing and Communications I”<br />

Coffee-break<br />

Session “Optical Technologies in Information Processing and Communications II”<br />

Lunch<br />

15-00 – 16-40<br />

16-40 – 17-00<br />

17-00 – 18-20<br />

Time<br />

09-30 – 10-50<br />

10-50 – 11-10<br />

11-10 – 12-50<br />

12-50 – 14-00<br />

14-00 – 15-20<br />

15-20 – 15-40<br />

15-40 – 18-00<br />

Session “Optical Technologies in Measurements I”<br />

Coffee-break<br />

Session “Optical Technologies in Measurements II”<br />

Wednesday, October, 19<br />

Event<br />

Session “Holography and Recording Media I”<br />

Coffee-break<br />

Session “Holography and Recording Media II”<br />

Lunch<br />

Session “Optical Devices, Optical Transformations, and Modelling I”<br />

Coffee-break<br />

Poster Session, Free discussions<br />

Thursday, October, 20<br />

Full day. Social program. Bus trip, excursion program, dinner. Details will be announced later.<br />

9-30 – 10-00 Late registration<br />

Program of the Topical Meeting on Optoinformatics<br />

Tuesday, October, 18<br />

10-00 – 14-00 Session “Optical Technologies in Information Processing and Communications”<br />

Chair-persons: Prof. Eugene M. Zolotov, Moscow, RUSSIA<br />

Dr. Alexander V. Pavlov, S.I.Vavilov State Optical Institute, St.Petersburg, RUSSIA<br />


Vladimir S. Udaltsov a , A. Locquet a,b , L. Larger a , J. P. Goedgebuer a , and D. S. Citrin a,b<br />

a GTL-CNRS TELECOM, Metz, France<br />

b School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA<br />



Alexander Shamray, A. Kozlov, I. Ilichev, M. Petrov<br />

A.F.Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, St.Petersburg, RUSSIA<br />


Yu. A. Asikritova, I. D. Balatsky, V. N. Gorbachev, A. I. Trubilko<br />

Quantum Information and Computation Laboratory, Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace<br />

Instrumentation, Saint-Petersburg, RUSSIA<br />


OF LIGHT (Oral)<br />

Eric Yao, Miles Padgett<br />

University of Glasgow, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

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