Mr. Schiff's Physics Topics

Mr. Schiff's Physics Topics Mr. Schiff's Physics Topics


Unit 1- Introduction to Physics (Kinematics) Introduction to Physics 1) Physics Outline 2) Reasons to take physics 3) New York State Lab Policy 4) Launch Lab 5) Mathematical Assessment for Honors/Regents Physics 6) Balloon Tower Lab 7) Classwork: Using Algebra on Newton’s Kinematic Equations 8) Algebra Skills 9) Quiz #1- Algebra and Substitution Motion of Objects 1) Notes on Kinematics 2) Video: Standard Deviant’s Introduction to Physics 3) Graphing Techniques 4) Lab: Graphing Height vs. Armspan 5) Motion Diagrams using Vector Arrows 6) Kinematic Problems 7) Measurement and Estimation Lab 8) Video: Something in the Way Things Move 9) Quiz#2- Introduction to Kinematics Dimensional Analysis 1) Lab: Finding Pi 2) Notes: Converting Units 3) Assignment: Taking the Quickway 4) Introducing the Physics reference table 5) Dimensional Analysis worksheet 6) Conversions and Equations 7) Dimensional Analysis questions 8) Lab: Walk Jog Run 9) Conversion Factors Worksheet 10) HONORS: Principals and Problems (2 Reinforcement) 11) Quiz #3 Kinematic Problems Constant Acceleration 1) Hot Wheels Lab 2) Notes: Constant Acceleration 3) Kinematic Acceleration Problems 4) Constant Velocity Lab 5) Kinematic Equations #1 6) Remembering Kinematic Equations 7) Reviewing Kinematic Equations 8) Kinematic Equations #2 9) Quiz #4 One Dimensional Kinematic Equations

Unit 1- Introduction to <strong>Physics</strong> (Kinematics)<br />

Introduction to <strong>Physics</strong><br />

1) <strong>Physics</strong> Outline<br />

2) Reasons to take physics<br />

3) New York State Lab Policy<br />

4) Launch Lab<br />

5) Mathematical Assessment for Honors/Regents <strong>Physics</strong><br />

6) Balloon Tower Lab<br />

7) Classwork: Using Algebra on Newton’s Kinematic Equations<br />

8) Algebra Skills<br />

9) Quiz #1- Algebra and Substitution<br />

Motion of Objects<br />

1) Notes on Kinematics<br />

2) Video: Standard Deviant’s Introduction to <strong>Physics</strong><br />

3) Graphing Techniques<br />

4) Lab: Graphing Height vs. Armspan<br />

5) Motion Diagrams using Vector Arrows<br />

6) Kinematic Problems<br />

7) Measurement and Estimation Lab<br />

8) Video: Something in the Way Things Move<br />

9) Quiz#2- Introduction to Kinematics<br />

Dimensional Analysis<br />

1) Lab: Finding Pi<br />

2) Notes: Converting Units<br />

3) Assignment: Taking the Quickway<br />

4) Introducing the <strong>Physics</strong> reference table<br />

5) Dimensional Analysis worksheet<br />

6) Conversions and Equations<br />

7) Dimensional Analysis questions<br />

8) Lab: Walk Jog Run<br />

9) Conversion Factors Worksheet<br />

10) HONORS: Principals and Problems (2 Reinforcement)<br />

11) Quiz #3 Kinematic Problems<br />

Constant Acceleration<br />

1) Hot Wheels Lab<br />

2) Notes: Constant Acceleration<br />

3) Kinematic Acceleration Problems<br />

4) Constant Velocity Lab<br />

5) Kinematic Equations #1<br />

6) Remembering Kinematic Equations<br />

7) Reviewing Kinematic Equations<br />

8) Kinematic Equations #2<br />

9) Quiz #4 One Dimensional Kinematic Equations

Graphing Motion<br />

1) Graph Practice<br />

2) Overhead: graphs of motion<br />

3) Fan Cart Acceleration Lab<br />

4) Motion Graphing Test Review<br />

5) Web lab: Kinematics<br />

6) Quiz #5 Graphs of Motion<br />

Free Fall<br />

1) Notes: Free Fall<br />

2) Free Fall worksheet<br />

3) Free Fall homework sheet<br />

4) Song: the story of Free Falling<br />

5) Lab: Reaction Time<br />

6) Video: Myth Busters (penny drop)<br />

7) Lab: Free Fall Investigation<br />

8) Free Fall (up and down) worksheet<br />

9) Free Fall (up and down) homework sheet<br />

10) Up and Down Investigation<br />

11) Quiz #6 Free Fall<br />

EXAM #1<br />

Unit 2- Motion in a Plane<br />

Horizontal Projectile Motion<br />

1) Notes: Introducing Forward Falling Motion<br />

2) Projectile Horizontal Falling Motion<br />

3) Transparency: Horizontal and Vertical Projectiles<br />

4) Review- Horizontal Projectile Motion<br />

5) Marble Lab<br />

6) Cliff Problem Practice Quiz<br />

7) Quiz #7 Projectile Horizontal Falling Motion<br />

Projectiles Launched at an Angle<br />

1) Notes: Projectiles Launched at an Angle<br />

2) Transparency: the Trajectory of a Projectile<br />

3) Introducing Projectile Motion<br />

4) Projectile Motion- Using Initial Velocity and Launch Angle<br />

5) Analyzing Projectile Motion<br />

6) The Effect of Changing Angles<br />

7) Rocket Launch Lab<br />

8) Review- Projectile Motion<br />

9) Web Lab (2- Dimensional Motion)

10) Quiz #8 Projectiles Launched at an Angle<br />

11) Lab: Picturing Motion with Graphs<br />

Unit 3- Newton’s Laws of Motion (Dynamics)<br />

Newton’s Laws of Motion<br />

1) Notes on Newton’s First Law (Inertia)<br />

2) Inertia Lab<br />

3) Newton’s First Law<br />

4) Video: Mythbusters (Killer Tissue Box)<br />

5) Notes on Newton’s Second Law (F=ma)<br />

6) Newton’s Second Law Practice Problems<br />

7) Lab: Weight in Newtons<br />

8) Ten Week Test Review/ Projectile Unit Exam Review/10 week test review<br />

9) Newton’s 2 nd Law<br />

10) Newton’s 2 nd Law of Motion Practice Problems<br />

11) Newton’s 2 nd Law Worksheet 1<br />

12) Quiz #9 Newton’s 2 nd Law<br />

13) Honors: Honors Type Questions<br />

Exam #2<br />

Concurrent Forces<br />

1) Notes on Newton’s Third Law and Interactive Forces<br />

2) Introducing Concurrent Force<br />

3) Lab: Concurrent Force Investigation<br />

4) Newton’s 3 rd Law and Interactive Forces<br />

5) Equilibrants Lab<br />

6) Quiz # 10 Concurrent Forces<br />

Sliding Friction<br />

1) Notes: Sliding Friction<br />

2) Problem Set: Friction<br />

3) Sliding Friction Problems<br />

4) Lab: Investigating Sliding Friction<br />

5) HW: Friction and Acceleration<br />

6) Quiz #11 Friction<br />

7) Web Lab (Forces)<br />

8) <strong>Physics</strong> Review Games

Inclined Planes<br />

1) Notes: The Motion of Sliding Objects on an Incline<br />

2) Help sheet<br />

3) Inclined Planes Worksheet<br />

4) Stationary Balloon Lab<br />

5) Traffic Accident Investigation<br />

6) Inclined Plane (Friction Lab)<br />

7) Quiz #12 Sliding Friction on An Inclined Plane<br />

8) Review Dynamics<br />

Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation<br />

1) Notes: Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation<br />

2) Law of Universal Gravitation Problems<br />

3) Video: Bill Nye – Gravity<br />

4) Problem Set- Universal Gravitation<br />

5) Overhead demo: inverse squared law<br />

6) Inverse squared law<br />

7) The Inverse Squared Law Lab<br />

8) HW- Universal Law of Gravitation<br />

9) Universal Law of Gravitation Relationships<br />

10) Review Universal Law of Gravitation<br />

11) The Earth, the Moon and the Universal Law of Gravitation<br />

12) Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation Practice Problems<br />

13) Cars Lab<br />

14) Quiz #13 Law of Universal Gravitation<br />

15) Santa’s <strong>Physics</strong> worksheet (the <strong>Physics</strong> of Santa Claus)<br />

Exam #3<br />

Circular Motion<br />

1) Notes on Circular Motion<br />

2) Intro to Circular Motion<br />

3) Uniform Circular Motion Relationships<br />

4) Regents Questions on Circular Motion<br />

5) Review: Uniform Circular Motion<br />

6) (HONORS)- a short history of nearly everything<br />

7) Uniform Motion Practice Problems<br />

8) Flying Pig Force Lab<br />

9) Lincoln Worksheet<br />

10) Centripetal Force Lab (rubber stopper)<br />

11) Quiz #14 Centripetal Force Quiz

Momentum and Impulse<br />

1) Notes on Momentum and Impulse<br />

2) Worksheet 1- Momentum<br />

3) 7-18 Momentum Problems<br />

4) Worksheet 3 and 4<br />

5) Practice Problems for Momentum and Impulse<br />

6) Momentum and Impulse<br />

7) Review Momentum and Impulse<br />

8) Momentum-Impulse worksheet<br />

9) Egg Drop Lab<br />

10) Quiz #15: Momentum and Impulse<br />

EXAM #4<br />


Conservation of Momentum<br />

1) Practice Problems on the Conservation of Momentum<br />

2) The Law of Conservation of Momentum<br />

3) Conservation of Momentum Lab<br />

4) Conservation of Momentum Problems<br />

5) More conservation of momentum problems<br />

6) Quiz #16 Conservation of Momentum<br />

Unit 4: Work, Power, and Energy<br />

Work<br />

1) Notes on Work<br />

2) Work Lab<br />

3) Work Work<br />

4) Quiz #17 Work<br />

Power<br />

1) Notes on Power<br />

2) Power Lab<br />

3) Worksheet 1- <strong>Physics</strong> Problems (resolving forces)<br />

4) Work and Power<br />

5) Snowman Review (the Law of Conservation of Momentum)<br />

6) Review 5- Work and Power Again<br />

7) Quiz #18: Power

Unit 5: Mechanical Energy<br />

Mechanical Energy<br />

1) Notes of Mechanical Energy<br />

2) The Frictionless Rollercoaster<br />

3) Work, GPE, and KE<br />

4) Practice Problems on Energy<br />

5) Finding Q lab<br />

6) Conservation of Energy Regents Questions<br />

7) <strong>Physics</strong>- Conservation of Energy<br />

8) Quiz #19: Energy<br />

Swings and Springs<br />

1) Notes on Springs<br />

2) Practicing Spring Questions<br />

3) Hooke’s Law<br />

4) Hooke’s Law Lab<br />

5) Regents questions on Hooke’s Law<br />

6) Notes on Swings<br />

7) Period of a Pendulum Lab<br />

8) Regents Questions on Swings and Springs<br />

9) Quiz #20 Swings and Springs<br />

10) Hopper Popper Lab<br />

Exam #5 – Work, Power, Conservation of Energy, Swings and Springs<br />

Unit 6: Waves<br />

Properties of Transverse Waves<br />

1) Notes on Transverse Waves<br />

2) Notes on Measuring Waves<br />

3) Worksheet Measuring Waves<br />

4) Problems on Period, Frequency, and Velocity<br />

5) Reviewing Reflection<br />

6) Part 3 Reflection Problem<br />

7) Lab: Reflection<br />

8) Ripple Tank Demos and Questions<br />

9) Quiz #21: Measuring Waves

Refraction<br />

1) Notes on Refraction<br />

2) Overhead: Index of Refraction<br />

3) Mediums and Light Speed<br />

4) Regents questions on Refraction<br />

5) Refraction through multiple layers<br />

6) Refraction Lab<br />

7) Quiz #22: Quiz on Refraction<br />

Wave Behaviors (standing waves)<br />

1) Notes on Standing Waves<br />

2) Interference<br />

3) Lesson: When Waves Meet<br />

4) Review Questions: When Waves Meet<br />

5) Period of a Pendulum Lab<br />

6) Review Questions on Wave Phenomenum<br />

7) Quiz #23 Wave Behaviors<br />

Sound<br />

1) Notes on Longitudinal Waves<br />

2) Doppler Effect<br />

3) Red and Blue Shifts<br />

4) Speed of Sound Lab<br />

5) Quiz #24 Sound<br />

Exam #6 Waves<br />

Unit 7- Electricity and Magnetism<br />

Static Electricity<br />

1) Notes on Static Electricity<br />

2) Intro to Static Electricity<br />

3) Static Electricity Lab<br />

4) Notes on Coulomb’s Law<br />

5) Coulomb’s Law Problems<br />

6) Coulomb’s Law HW<br />

7) Notes: Transfer of Charge<br />

8) Transparency: Sharing Charges<br />

9) Electricity Worksheet 1<br />

10) Quiz #25: Static Electricity

Electric Fields<br />

1) Notes on Electric Fields<br />

2) Homework- Regents Questions on Electric Fields<br />

3) Intro to Magnetic Fields- overhead and demo<br />

4) Magnetic Field Lab<br />

5) Electric Field Strength<br />

6) Quiz #26: Electric Fields<br />

Energy and Electric Potential<br />

1) Notes on Potential Difference<br />

2) Voltage and KE<br />

3) Electric Potential Difference “voltage”<br />

4) Lab: Investigating Charges<br />

5) Chapter 10: Electric Fields and Forces<br />

6) Quiz #27: Electricity<br />

Electric Currents<br />

1) Notes on Electric Current<br />

2) HW: Current Electricity<br />

3) Regents Questions on current and resistance<br />

4) Quiz #28: Current<br />

Series Circuits<br />

1) Notes: Series Circuits<br />

2) Series Circuit Practice Problems<br />

3) Properties of Series Circuits<br />

4) Circuits Lab: Ohm’s Law<br />

5) Quiz #29 Series Circuits<br />

Parallel Circuits<br />

8) Notes on Parallel Circuits<br />

9) Parallel Circuits Practice Problems<br />

10) Intro to System Analysis<br />

11) Notes on Kirchoff’s Law, Power, and Energy<br />

12) Kirchoff’s rules<br />

13) Series and Parallel Problems<br />

14) Lab: Series and Parallel Circuits<br />

15) Quiz #30: Ohm’s Law, Power, and Energy<br />

Exam #7: Electricity and Magnetism

Unit 8- Modern <strong>Physics</strong><br />

The Standard Model<br />

1) Notes on the Classification of Matter<br />

2) Classification of Matter<br />

3) Particles of the Standard Model<br />

4) Regents Review #17: Standard Model<br />

Energy and Matter<br />

1) Einstein’s Equation<br />

2) Matter and Energy<br />

3) E= mc 2<br />

4) Quiz #31- Particles and Forces<br />

The Bohr Model<br />

1) Handout: the Bohr Model<br />

2) Practice Problems<br />

3) Quiz #32: The Bohr Model

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