Hist and Proj Operating Receipts FY 2011 2 17 2010 - DC Water

Hist and Proj Operating Receipts FY 2011 2 17 2010 - DC Water Hist and Proj Operating Receipts FY 2011 2 17 2010 - DC Water


OVERVIEW FY 2010 Major Recommended Activities and Changes • Implementation of the Sonar Inspection Project along the Potomac Interceptor • Support MS4 Permit as required. Secure independent contract to clean water quality catch basins in the District. • Continue implementation of Potomac Interceptor Interim Odor Control • Work with the Department of Engineering & Technical Services (DETS) on detailed design and permitting requirements for the Potomac Interceptor Long-Term Odor Abatement Program sites • Begin design phase for the rehabilitation of several outfall sewers and control structures • Administer construction contract for sewer main rehabilitation - relining contract • Expand testing of alternative means to controlling Fat, Oil, and Grease (FOG) and Roots in Collection System • Begin construction to separate the combined sewers areas • Start detailed design for Control structure renovation recommended in the Sewer Assessment Plan • Work with DETS on rehabilitation of Potomac Interceptor structures • Continue working on the final phase for rehabilitation of 5,300-foot segment of the Potomac Interceptor with DETS • Administer construction contract to reduce backlog of defective sewer laterals • Continue c1eaninQ retrofitted catch basins and catch basins on Federal HiQhways FY 2011 Major Recommended Activities and Changes • Begin Erosion Control Study for the Potomac Interceptor • Continue implementation of the Sonar Inspection Project along the Potomac Interceptor Pipeline • Work with DETS on implementation of construction for the rehabilitation of Potomac Interceptor Structures • Coordinate rehabilitation of Outfall sewer with the operation of Main and 0 Street Pumping Stations • Continue working with DETS to rehabilitate Upper Potomac Interceptor Sewer segment that is currently out of service • Rehabilitation of critical easement access roadways along Potomac Interceptor • Work with DETS on construction phase for rehabilitation of the 1,800 foot and 5,300-foot segment of the Potomac Interceptor in Virginia • Work with DETS to finalize Statement of Work for critical access road improvements on the Potomac Interceptor • Continue the implementation of an asset management strategy and system for water and sewer infrastructure in conjunction with Department of Water Services Impact of Capital Projects on FY 2010 and FY 2011 Operating Expenditures • As pumping stations are rehabilitated, there is a potential requirement for additional screenings that will increase costs associated with disposal of debris. • The rehabilitated pumping stations will have odor scrubbers that utilize carbon canisters. The canisters useful life is less than a year, thus the department of Sewer Services will potential face increasing cost for chemicals. • The FOG management program is intended to reduce odors, sewer backups, corrosion in pipes and excessive wear on pumps.

FY 2005 - FY 2011 Catch Basins Cleaned FY 2005 Actual FY 2006 Actual FY 2007 Actual FY 2008 Actual FY 2009 Actual FY 2010 Revised FY 2011 Projection

<strong>FY</strong> 2005 - <strong>FY</strong> <strong>2011</strong> Catch Basins Cleaned<br />

<strong>FY</strong> 2005<br />

Actual<br />

<strong>FY</strong> 2006<br />

Actual<br />

<strong>FY</strong> 2007<br />

Actual<br />

<strong>FY</strong> 2008<br />

Actual<br />

<strong>FY</strong> 2009<br />

Actual<br />

<strong>FY</strong> <strong>2010</strong><br />

Revised<br />

<strong>FY</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />


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