Hist and Proj Operating Receipts FY 2011 2 17 2010 - DC Water

Hist and Proj Operating Receipts FY 2011 2 17 2010 - DC Water Hist and Proj Operating Receipts FY 2011 2 17 2010 - DC Water


WHY RATE INCREASES ARE NEEDED, cont. 700,000 DEBT SERVICE AS PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES ased on FY 2009 -2018 Financial Plan (ln $000's) 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 FY 2009 FY 2010 Ff 2011 Fy 2012 Fy 2013 Fy 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 I Operating Bpenditures ¡ Debt Service v -21

WHY RATE INCREASES ARE NEEDED, cont. OPERATING & DEBT SERVICE EXPENDITURES FY2009-fl2018 Over the ten-year period, total expenditures increase on average by 7.0 percent annually. DC WASAis proposed rate increases are primarily required to fund increasing debt seruice cosfs, . Operations and maintenance expenditures (excluding the payment in lieu of taxes and right of way fee) increase on average by only 3.0 percent annually. . Debt service expenditures grow at an annual average rate of 15.5 percent. . This year's ten-year financial plan reflects anticipated operating cost savings at Blue Plains beginning in FY 2014 due to the implementation of the digester/cambi biosolids management project. v -22



<strong>FY</strong>2009-fl2018<br />

Over the ten-year period, total expenditures increase on average by 7.0 percent annually.<br />

<strong>DC</strong> WASAis proposed rate increases are primarily required to fund increasing debt seruice cosfs,<br />

. Operations <strong>and</strong> maintenance expenditures (excluding the payment in lieu of taxes <strong>and</strong> right of way fee) increase on<br />

average by only 3.0 percent annually.<br />

. Debt service expenditures grow at an annual average rate of 15.5 percent.<br />

. This year's ten-year financial plan reflects anticipated operating cost savings at Blue Plains beginning in <strong>FY</strong> 2014 due<br />

to the implementation of the digester/cambi biosolids management project.<br />

v -22

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