Report 2013 - Kelly Fagan HERE - Australian Publishers Association

Report 2013 - Kelly Fagan HERE - Australian Publishers Association

Report 2013 - Kelly Fagan HERE - Australian Publishers Association


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Cross Industry Collaboration<br />

In this current climate of change, both inside trade publishing houses and change within the market generally, cross<br />

industry collaboration seems more important than ever. I discussed earlier in this report the vibrancy and the immediacy<br />

of the trade press in the UK, which goes a long way to fostering positive communication and debate across the industry.<br />

There is a wealth of opinion shared, and few actions from publishers or retailers go without comment. As somewhat of<br />

an outsider in London, The Bookseller website was a huge source of information about all segments of publishing and<br />

it was refreshing to read articles written by editors and publicists and marketers and people from all levels, from all over<br />

the industry.<br />

The Bookseller also organises are series of conferences for publishing professionals throughout the year: The<br />

Bookseller Design Conference; The Bookseller Children’s Conference; The Bookseller Marketing and Publicity<br />

Conference; FutureBook Innovation Workshop; The Booksellerr Futurebook Conference – all boast stellar lineups<br />

of presenters and workshops and go a long way toward championing excellence within these disciplines. Each<br />

conference aims to provide inspiration and practical advice, and I was surprised at the attendance of the Marketing<br />

and Publicity conference not to mention the usefulness of it.<br />

I also found the <strong>Publishers</strong>’ Publicity Circle and Book Marketing Society to be of tremendous value to the UK industry.<br />

In light of the challenges facing both of these departments, particularly in the instances where departments have been<br />

merged or roles have been changed, both organisations provide a professional forum in which to discuss issues and<br />

ideas.<br />

The <strong>Publishers</strong>’ Publicity Circle has been running for over fifty years and aims to enable ‘all book publicists from<br />

publishing houses and freelance PR agencies to gather and share information on a regular basis’. 69<br />

Quarterly meetings are held in central London to provide a forum for press journalists, television and radio researchers<br />

and producers to meet publicists collectively. Representatives from the media are invited to speak about the ways<br />

in which they can feature authors and their books, and how book publicists can most effectively provide relevant<br />

information and material.<br />

The meetings are held in the Gallery of Foyles on the Charing Cross Road, cost £15 to attend and include lunch. The<br />

meeting I attended had publicity representatives from all major publishers that ranged from assistants to directors.<br />

The agenda for this particular meeting was The Times newspaper, and editors from several supplements and<br />

sections came to speak about the opportunities for books within their pages over the coming months.<br />

Quarterly awards are also presented to the best publicity campaigns– these are judged according to the use of<br />

imagination, careful thought and effective planning rather than the most coverage achieved.<br />

The Book Marketing Society represents marketers within the UK book industry. It champions marketing professionalism<br />

and works on co-operative industry projects and events to raise the profile of books in general and help expand<br />

the UK book market. Anyone working for a publisher, bookseller, wholesaler or other associated areas of the book<br />

industry is eligible for membership.<br />

According to their impressive website, The Book Marketing Society aims to deliver:<br />

▪▪<br />

collaborative projects<br />

▪▪<br />

networking opportunities<br />

▪▪<br />

a forum to debate industry initiatives<br />

▪▪<br />

a briefing centre with news on trends and marketing technology<br />

▪▪<br />

career opportunities<br />

▪▪<br />

a higher profile for marketing within the book industry, through awards, events and market research<br />

69 http://www.publisherspublicitycircle.co.uk/index.asp<br />

Author: <strong>Kelly</strong> <strong>Fagan</strong><br />


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