75 Integrating Membrane Transport with Male Gametophyte ... - TAIR

75 Integrating Membrane Transport with Male Gametophyte ... - TAIR

75 Integrating Membrane Transport with Male Gametophyte ... - TAIR


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161 Global and Locus-Specific Roles for Arabidopsis Paf1C Homologs in Transcription and<br />

Chromatin Modifications<br />

Sookyung Oh, Steven van Nocker<br />

Program in Plant Breeding and Genetics, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824<br />

RNA Polymerase II-Associated Factor 1 Complex (Paf1C) in budding yeast plays a key role in reinforcing<br />

transcriptional activity by mediating the establishment and/or maintenance of specific chromatin modifications, promoting<br />

elongation and linking Pol II <strong>with</strong> elements of pre-mRNA processing machinery. This transcription factor is associated<br />

<strong>with</strong> chromatin at all canonical transcriptional units yet investigated and therefore probably plays a general transcriptional<br />

role.<br />

Although components of Paf1C are conserved in higher eukaryotes, their potential mechanism in transcription has<br />

not been explored. In Arabidopsis, Paf1C subunit homologs are encoded by the VERNALIZATION INDEPENDENCE<br />

(VIP) genes. We found that loss of VIP gene function affects a substantial portion of the transcriptome, but strongly<br />

silences only a small subset of genes including the FLC/MAF family of MADS-domain flowering regulators.<br />

To better understand the mechanism of VIP proteins in transcription, we characterized genome-wide and locusspecific<br />

effects of loss of VIP proteins on histone modifications and Pol II distribution. We analyzed methylation and<br />

acetylation sites (Lys-4, Lys-9, Lys-14, Lys-36) on the major canonical and variant histone H3 proteins, and found that at<br />

least VIP3 does not play a significant role in establishing these modifications when evaluated on a whole-chromatin level.<br />

However, we found that VIP proteins are required for specific chromatin modifications <strong>with</strong>in a subset of VIP-dependent<br />

genes. Loss of VIP3 resulted in a decrease of Pol II density throughout FLC chromatin, including the promoter regions,<br />

suggesting the major influence on FLC expression is through Pol II recruitment and transcriptional initiation rather than<br />

elongation or pre-mRNA processing.<br />

162 Female sporophytic Arabidopsis mutants impaired in pollen tube guidance<br />

Yiding Huang, Ravi Palanivelu<br />

Univeristy of Arizona, Univeristy of Arizona<br />

A pollen tube's journey to an egg cell <strong>with</strong>in the pistil involves cell to cell interactions such as attraction, repulsion<br />

and adhesion. This journey begins <strong>with</strong> pollen tube growing between the walls of the stigma cells, travelling through<br />

the extracellular matrix of the transmitting tissue, and finally arriving at the ovary, where it migrates up the funiculus,<br />

and enter the micropyle of an ovule to deliver the two sperm cells, one fertilizes an egg and other the central cell. Thus a<br />

pollen tube navigates past several different female cells before it reaches the egg and seeds are not produced if the pollen<br />

tube guidance process is disrupted. To isolate pollen tube guidance signals from female sporophytic cells, we performed<br />

a mutant screen by visually selecting Arabidopsis plants <strong>with</strong> reduced seed containing siliques from among the SALK<br />

TDNA insertion collection. Mutations that cause reduction in seeds for other reasons besides pollen tube growth and<br />

guidance defects male sporophytic and gametophytic defects (reduced or lack of pollen), pollination defects (reduced or<br />

lack of pollen on the stigma), embryo and endosperm lethality (shriveled seeds) and fully penetrant female gametophytic<br />

defects (~ half the number of seeds) were eliminated from the screen. To date, a primary screen of 5000 lines resulted<br />

in twenty candidate mutants. These candidate lines were then subjected to a series of assays to select only those lines<br />

that are impaired in pollen tube guidance. Based on the progeny analyses and reciprocal crosses to wild type plants we<br />

confirmed that at least two of these lines are impaired in pollen tube guidance due to female sporophytic tissue specific<br />

mutations. Progress on microscopy and in vitro pollen tube guidance analyses of mutants, and cloning the genes that are<br />

tagged <strong>with</strong> TDNA will be reported.

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