Approved Materials - Reston Community Center

Approved Materials - Reston Community Center

Approved Materials - Reston Community Center


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Facility Rentals:<br />

Leila explained that RCC last reviewed rental rates, outside of <strong>Center</strong>Stage, <strong>Community</strong> Room and<br />

Gallery rates, in 2002. Based on a review of current comparable rental rates, increases to meeting room<br />

and extra service levels pricing, and perhaps weekend utilization pricing may be recommended for<br />

implementation in September 2014.<br />

Subsidized Programs:<br />

Leila explained that the last data section of report describes RCC’s Fee Waiver Program, which applies to<br />

all of the above departments. The staff has analyzed RCC data, as well as similar Park Authority data and<br />

believes a more robust discussion with the Board is the next step to be sure the Fee Waiver program and<br />

its utilization is continuing to meet their policy goals. From a staff perspective there should be continued<br />

support for subsidized activities at RCC.<br />

<strong>Community</strong> Partnerships:<br />

We were gratified by the community’s statements that support how effective our efforts have been to<br />

collaborate and partner with other <strong>Reston</strong> organizations. RCC will continue to invest in our current<br />

facilities to ensure we can continue to deliver high-quality outcomes for all who use RCC facilities.<br />

Chris Perreca (member of the public attending) questioned the comparative data (listed on page 4 of the<br />

Staff report) that states that a resident will be charged $2.50 to use a multiple-visit pass. Based on this<br />

data, he disagrees with the staff report and believes the RCC value is similar to Herndon, unless<br />

someone else can prove otherwise. Note: the data in the report is accurate.<br />

Leila thanked the guest for his input and introduced Len Bogorad from RCLCO.<br />

Robert Charles Lesser & Co. (RCLCO) Real Estate Report<br />

Len Bogorad, Managing Director of RCLCO, explained that RCLCO is a national firm – based in<br />

Bethesda, Md. – that conducts real estate consulting for the country and region. He said that the RCC<br />

Board asked his firm to provide the best possible forecasts for the tax base - and therefore revenues to<br />

RCC for the future – to be helpful as they consider facility expansion. He explained the sources and<br />

methodology for their analysis and emphasized that he and his team made their best estimate based on<br />

the data they were given and data they have regarding near-term development projects as well as the<br />

George Mason scenarios used by the <strong>Reston</strong> Master Plan Special Study Task Force. He indicated that<br />

his firm did not analyze what these findings mean with regard to RCC efforts. The report will now be<br />

turned over to RCC for review. See attached report.<br />

Leila introduced Craig Levin from Brailsford & Dunlavey.<br />

Outline of Key Market and Demographic Factors and Financing Frameworks<br />

Craig Levin, Senior Project Manager at Brailsford & Dunlavey, indicated that his team is working to<br />

update the market analysis created several years ago so that the Board would be able to review current<br />

data. He summarized the public’s suggestions from the February 11 meeting, reviewed comparative data<br />

points they are specially examining and suggested next steps. See attached report slides.<br />

Leila emphasized that we are immersed in the process of community engagement and she hopes<br />

<strong>Reston</strong>ians will come to the Board’s meetings and/or provide their written comments so that the Board<br />

can hear various opinions. She then opened the floor to public comments and reminded guests to please<br />

respect time limits of three minutes per individual and five minutes for an organization so everyone can be<br />

heard.<br />

Public Comments<br />

Chris Perreca, <strong>Reston</strong> resident, said he grew up in Rockville, Md. and for three years he went to the<br />

Montgomery aquatics center, which is a magnificent facility. It has a 50M indoor pool used for<br />

competition. He has lived in <strong>Reston</strong> for 14 years and is disappointed that we do not have a similar facility.<br />

He acknowledged that he has protested development in <strong>Reston</strong>, including a new Kindercare, a noisy fire<br />

station in his neighborhood, and the lack of traffic signal at his street corner. He therefore understands<br />

people’s concerns regarding location or development. However, he said the community desperately<br />

needs a new aquatics facility; right now, he has to travel to Montgomery County or George Mason<br />

University. His passion is water polo and he would therefore like a deep-water facility. He also stated that<br />

RCC’s pricing is unfair to single people. Finally, he asked Craig Levin to add the Montgomery County<br />


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