Proposed Title 1: - Queen's University

Proposed Title 1: - Queen's University Proposed Title 1: - Queen's University
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associated with cataclasite rocks. Hydraulic fracturing in response to fluid generation via decompression and hydration reactions was probably the mechanism of the early tensional ±U2 veins formation. D: 2.0-1.9: 1.94-1.92 Ga peak metamorphism of the Taltson-Thelon Orogen produced a regional migmatitic foliation (S1) and tight to isoclinal folds of early S1 fabric. 1.91-1.90 Ga metamorphic event of the Snowbird Tectonic Zone produced an overprinting northeast-striking regional fabric associated with tight to isoclinal folds. E: 1850 Ma: U4-rich brecciation of pre-existing rocks along reactivated faults during regional metamorphism of the Trans-Hudson Orogen or most likely post-peak compressional uplift during terminal collision of the Taltson-Thelon Orogen. F: 1820 Ma: Formation of the successor Martin Lake Basin, which developed along lines of pre-existing tectonic weakness during late stage of the Trans-Hudson Orogen. The Martin Lake Basin is associated with extrusion of mantle-affinity alkaline to sub-alkaline mafic dikes around 1818±4 Ma. The volcanic-type ±U5 is spatially associated with the mafic dikes. G: 1620 Ma: Deposition of the Athabasca Basin at ca. 1750 Ma and formation of Athabasca-related ±U6 veins coincident with the age of the unconformity-related U-mineralizing event in the Athabasca Basin that records tectonic reactivation during the 1.65-1.60 Ga Mazatzal Orogen. H: Late alteration events: From the Mesoproterozoic to recent time, far field tectonic events of several orogenic episodes during the thermotectonic evolution of the Laurentian plate caused minor brittle fault reactivation in the Beaverlodge area. 2.5.2. Temporal relationships of fault activities and uranium mineralization to regional tectonic events The oldest observed deformation event corresponds to mylonitization with obliquenormal and dextral sense of shearing in the ductile environment at amphibolite facies metamorphism (Fig. 2.13B). Mylonitization along these faults likely occurred during the Arrowsmith Orogen at ca. 2.33 Ga (Berman, 2005; Hartlaub et al., 2007), concomitant with initial deposition of the Murmac Bay Group sediments. Metamorphic retrogression took place during exhumation to shallower crustal depths, resulting in greenschist facies conditions, probably subsequent to a period of tectonic quiescence and regional erosion. 69

Mylonites were then reactivated at shallower structural levels where brittle-ductile fracturing under hydrated conditions associated with cataclasite faulting became the dominant failure process (Fig. 2.13C). The formation age of the cataclasite ±U 1 and early tensional veins-type ±U 2 mineralization, suggests that these two mineralizing events were coeval and their timing is consistent with fault reactivation during late stage Arrowsmith Orogen that affected the Beaverlodge area (Fig. 2.13C). Post-orogenic exhumation and erosion may have led to the development of fluid-related features (Miller et al., 2002) as deformation occurred under hydrated conditions in the ductile-brittle environment. Hydraulic tensile fracturing in response to fluid generation via decompression and hydration reactions (Miller and Cartwright, 2006) was probably the mechanism of the early tensional ±U 2 -veins formation. The vein-forming fluid was likely driven into these fractures by suction pump processes (Sibson, 1987). Interaction between the hydrothermal brine and the metamorphic host rocks likely promoted the deposition of the ±U 2 uranium mineralization and the Cal 2 -Hem 3 -Chl 3 - Src 2 -Cpy 2 -Py 2 mineral assemblage (Fig. 2.8). The 207 Pb/ 206 Pb system of U 1 and U 2 uraninites displays five groups of ages reflecting post-mineralization alteration by later fluid events that are related to fault reactivation (Fig. 2.15). The intervals 2.2-2.1 Ga and 2.1-2.0 Ga correspond to a period of global extension and rifting related to the protracted breakup of the Kenorland supercontinent (Williams et al., 1991; LeCheminant et al., 1997) (Fig. 2.15). For example, the 2.2-2.1 Ga mafic swarms in the Slave, Churchill, Superior and Nain provinces (LeCheminant et al., 1996; Bleeker et al., 2007) and the 2.2-2.0 Ga intrusive complexes in the Slave province (Buchan and Ernst, 70

Mylonites were then reactivated at shallower structural levels where brittle-ductile<br />

fracturing under hydrated conditions associated with cataclasite faulting became the<br />

dominant failure process (Fig. 2.13C).<br />

The formation age of the cataclasite ±U 1 and early tensional veins-type ±U 2<br />

mineralization, suggests that these two mineralizing events were coeval and their timing is<br />

consistent with fault reactivation during late stage Arrowsmith Orogen that affected the<br />

Beaverlodge area (Fig. 2.13C). Post-orogenic exhumation and erosion may have led to the<br />

development of fluid-related features (Miller et al., 2002) as deformation occurred under<br />

hydrated conditions in the ductile-brittle environment. Hydraulic tensile fracturing in<br />

response to fluid generation via decompression and hydration reactions (Miller and<br />

Cartwright, 2006) was probably the mechanism of the early tensional ±U 2 -veins formation.<br />

The vein-forming fluid was likely driven into these fractures by suction pump processes<br />

(Sibson, 1987). Interaction between the hydrothermal brine and the metamorphic host rocks<br />

likely promoted the deposition of the ±U 2 uranium mineralization and the Cal 2 -Hem 3 -Chl 3 -<br />

Src 2 -Cpy 2 -Py 2 mineral assemblage (Fig. 2.8).<br />

The 207 Pb/ 206 Pb system of U 1 and U 2 uraninites displays five groups of ages reflecting<br />

post-mineralization alteration by later fluid events that are related to fault reactivation (Fig.<br />

2.15). The intervals 2.2-2.1 Ga and 2.1-2.0 Ga correspond to a period of global extension<br />

and rifting related to the protracted breakup of the Kenorland supercontinent (Williams et<br />

al., 1991; LeCheminant et al., 1997) (Fig. 2.15). For example, the 2.2-2.1 Ga mafic swarms<br />

in the Slave, Churchill, Superior and Nain provinces (LeCheminant et al., 1996; Bleeker et<br />

al., 2007) and the 2.2-2.0 Ga intrusive complexes in the Slave province (Buchan and Ernst,<br />


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