Proposed Title 1: - Queen's University

Proposed Title 1: - Queen's University Proposed Title 1: - Queen's University
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Deformation-Metamorphism: 1860-1840 Ma (Nimbawah Event) Deposition of El Sherana Group (ca. 1830 Ma) Deposition of Kombolgie Group (ca. 1750 Ma) feldspar xenoliths in the matrix (Fig. 4.5A). In places, Kfs 0 feldspar xenoliths are completely replaced by Src 1 . Minerals Deposition of Koolpin Formation and associated volcanic rocks (1900-1870 Ma) Quartz Qtz 0 Feldspar KFs 0 Biotite* Bt 0 Muscovite Ms 0 Pre-Ore alteration Quartz overgrowth Qtz 1 Sericite Src 1 Monazite Mzn 1 Titanite Tt 1 Chalcopyrite Cpy 1 Pyrite Py 1 Apatite* Ap 1 Early quartz vein Qtz 2 140 o C Hematite Hem 1 Chlorite Chl 1 160 o C Calcite Cal 1 Main U mineralization Event 250 o C Chlorite Chl 2 Calcite Cal 2 Muscovite Ms 2 Uraninite U 1 1820Ma Hematite Hem 2 Galena Pb 1 Gold Au 1 Chalcopyrite Cpy 2 Late alteration Event Chlorite Chl 3 100 o C Secondary uraninites U 2 Calcite Cal 3 Quartz Qtz 3 Hematite Hem 3 Azurite Az 1 Kaolinite Kln 1 Relative timing Host rock Pre-ore Syn-ore Post-ore Figure 4.4. General mineral paragenesis of the Coronation Hill deposit. The three main alteration stages include a pre-, syn-, and post-ore alteration of the basement rocks. The thickness of the lines indicates the relative mineral abundance. An asterisk (*) marks the primary minerals present in quartz feldspar porphyry and granophyre rocks. Temperatures associated with the different alteration minerals are derived from their chlorite crystal chemistry. The temperature of 140 o C for the pre-ore Qtz 2 is from Mernagh et al. (1994), 147

which was interpreted as being associated with the U mineralization. The age of 1820 Ma is interpreted from U-Pb geochronology of paragenetically constrained U 1 . (See text for details). Disseminated Cpy 1 chalcopyrite and Py 1 pyrite are present in the most altered samples. Mzn 1 monazite associated with Ttn 1 titanite occurs as disseminated aggregates of grains (Fig. 4.5B) and Ap 1 apatite occurs as elongated euhedral and transparent tabular crystals (Fig. 4.5C). Early Qtz 2 quartz veins crosscut the quartz-feldspar porphyry (Fig. 4.5D) and occur locally as stockworks. Chl 1 chlorite is present as replacement of Src 1 sericite in the matrix (Fig. 4.5E) or frequently as coarse, felty-textured, radiating aggregates coating Qtz 2 veins (Fig. 4.5D) where it forms thin needles crosscutting Qtz 2 veins (Fig. 4.5D). Hem 1 hematite forms primary inclusions in Qtz 2 veins where it replaces Chl 1 chlorite needles (Fig. 4.5D) and Src 1 sericite (Fig. 4.5E) in the matrix. Cal 1 calcite also replaces Src 1 sericite and Chl 1 chlorite in the matrix (Fig. 4.5F). The granophyre rock displays a similar pre-ore alteration pattern. Src 1 sericite replaces Kfs 0 alkali feldspar in quartz-alkali feldspar intergrowths. Src 1 sericite is later replaced by Cal 1 calcite. Bt 0 biotite and Ms 0 muscovite laths are typically pseudomorphous after Chl 1 Chlorite. Ap 1 apatite, Hem 1 hematite and Ttn 1 titanite are part of the pre-ore assemblage. 148

Deformation-Metamorphism:<br />

1860-1840 Ma (Nimbawah Event)<br />

Deposition of El Sherana Group (ca. 1830 Ma)<br />

Deposition of Kombolgie Group (ca. 1750 Ma)<br />

feldspar xenoliths in the matrix (Fig. 4.5A). In places, Kfs 0<br />

feldspar xenoliths are<br />

completely replaced by Src 1 .<br />

Minerals<br />

Deposition of Koolpin Formation and associated volcanic rocks (1900-1870 Ma)<br />

Quartz Qtz 0<br />

Feldspar KFs 0<br />

Biotite* Bt 0<br />

Muscovite Ms 0<br />

Pre-Ore alteration<br />

Quartz overgrowth Qtz 1<br />

Sericite Src 1<br />

Monazite Mzn 1<br />

Titanite Tt 1<br />

Chalcopyrite Cpy 1<br />

Pyrite Py 1<br />

Apatite* Ap 1<br />

Early quartz vein Qtz 2 140 o C<br />

Hematite Hem 1<br />

Chlorite Chl 1 160 o C<br />

Calcite Cal 1<br />

Main U mineralization Event<br />

250 o C<br />

Chlorite Chl 2<br />

Calcite Cal 2<br />

Muscovite Ms 2<br />

Uraninite U 1 1820Ma<br />

Hematite Hem 2<br />

Galena Pb 1<br />

Gold Au 1<br />

Chalcopyrite Cpy 2<br />

Late alteration Event<br />

Chlorite Chl 3 100 o C<br />

Secondary uraninites U 2<br />

Calcite Cal 3<br />

Quartz Qtz 3<br />

Hematite Hem 3<br />

Azurite Az 1<br />

Kaolinite Kln 1<br />

Relative timing<br />

Host rock<br />

Pre-ore Syn-ore Post-ore<br />

Figure 4.4. General mineral paragenesis of the Coronation Hill deposit. The three main<br />

alteration stages include a pre-, syn-, and post-ore alteration of the basement rocks. The<br />

thickness of the lines indicates the relative mineral abundance. An asterisk (*) marks the<br />

primary minerals present in quartz feldspar porphyry and granophyre rocks. Temperatures<br />

associated with the different alteration minerals are derived from their chlorite crystal<br />

chemistry. The temperature of 140 o C for the pre-ore Qtz 2 is from Mernagh et al. (1994),<br />


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