Proposed Title 1: - Queen's University

Proposed Title 1: - Queen's University Proposed Title 1: - Queen's University
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tensional mode I vein of Qtz 3 and Cal 3 . D: Reflected light photomicrograph of U 2 replacing Py 3 in vein. E: Transmitted light photomicrograph of mineralized albite-metasomatized granite showing U 3 associated with Hem 5 and Ttn 2 in void left after Cal 5 and Qtz 1 dissolution. F: Reflected light photomicrograph of mineralized albite-metasomatized granite. G: Transmitted light photomicrograph of mineralized breccia with albitized fragments of cataclasite rock in Cal 8 matrix. U 4 rims breccia fragments and disseminated in Cal 8 matrix associated with Chl 7 , and Hem 6 . H: Reflected light photomicrograph of a highly U- mineralized breccia. U 4 with Cal 8 and Chl 7 forming the matrix. I: Transmitted light photomicrograph of breccia vein composed of crushed Qtz 1 , Kfs 1 and Cal 1 embedded in a chlorite-rich matrix. U 5 is disseminated in the matrix associated with Hem 7 , Chl 8 and Ap 1 . J: Reflected light photomicrograph of breccia vein. K: Transmitted light photomicrograph of late mineralized veins containing U 6 , Chl 9 and Hem 8 . L: Reflected light photomicrograph of the late mineralized veins. Locally, U 4 uraninite displays a colloform texture with concentric banding indicating effects of late fluid alteration events. Chl 7 chlorite generally forms radiating aggregates enveloping U 4 uraninite. The size and texture of Chl 7 chlorite indicate growth into open pore spaces that were possibly created by brittle deformation. U 4 is associated with Src 3 sericite, Hem 6 hematite, Py 5 pyrite, and Cpy 4 chalcopyrite. In places, U 4 replaces Py 4 pyrite. U 5 uranium mineralization associated with mafic dikes occurs as veinlets or millimetric to metric breccia-dikes crosscutting the shear zone at Cinch Lake (Dieng et al., 2011). Field observations indicate a spatial relationship between breccia-dikes and mafic dikes. Breccia-dikes are composed of angular country rock fragments, Qtz 1 quartz, Kfs 1 feldspar and Cal 1 calcite grains embedded in a chlorite matrix (Fig. 3.4I). U 5 occurs as disseminated grains cementing altered fragments (Fig. 3.4J) and is intergrown with Chl 8 chlorite, Cal 9 calcite, Src 4 sericite, Hem 7 hematite, Mzn 2 monazite, and Ttn 3 titanite (Fig. 95

3.4J). Py 6 Pyrite and Cpy 5 chalcopyrite are disseminated in the matrix. Ap 1 apatite as tabular crystals is intergrown with U 5 (Fig. 3.4J). Athabasca-type U mineralization fills late fractures and consists of U 6 uraninite associated with Cal 10 calcite, Chl 9 chlorite, Hem 8 hematite, and minor Py 7 pyrite (Fig. 3.4L). These late veins (Fig. 3.4K) crosscut the Murmac Bay Group, the basal conglomerates of the Martin Lake Group and the mafic dikes and are the youngest mineralized phase. U 6 uraninite is typically massive and generally rims Cal 10 calcite veins. Late veins of Cal 11 calcite, Chl 10 chlorite, Qtz 5 quartz and sulfide occur as fracture-filling minerals cutting primary ore assemblages. The sulfides are Gn 1 galena, Cpy 6 chalcopyrite, Py 8 pyrite, Sph 1 sphalerite, and copper minerals. Gn 1 galena forms inclusions or fracturefilling in uraninite and Py 8 pyrite or thin films along Cal 8 calcite cleavage in the breccia rock. Sph 1 sphalerite occurs as irregular masses or fine blebs in Py 8 pyrite. Copper mineralization is present as disseminated aggregates of Bn 1 bornite, Dg 1 digenite, and Cv 1 covellite at the Ace-Fay and Gunnar deposits and appears to postdate the main event of U mineralization. 3.4.2. Crystal Chemistry Mineral chemistry of uraninite and brannerite Electron microprobe and backscattered images reveal that uraninite from all stages of mineralization has been variably altered to different forms of uranyl-silicates (Table 3.1, Fig. 3.5). These uraninites demonstrate evidence of considerable variation in reflectance, suggesting significant heterogeneity in their chemical composition as a result of variable alteration by later fluids (Kotzer and Kyser, 1993; Alexandre et al., 2005). 96

3.4J). Py 6 Pyrite and Cpy 5 chalcopyrite are disseminated in the matrix. Ap 1 apatite as<br />

tabular crystals is intergrown with U 5 (Fig. 3.4J).<br />

Athabasca-type U mineralization fills late fractures and consists of U 6 uraninite<br />

associated with Cal 10 calcite, Chl 9 chlorite, Hem 8 hematite, and minor Py 7 pyrite (Fig.<br />

3.4L). These late veins (Fig. 3.4K) crosscut the Murmac Bay Group, the basal<br />

conglomerates of the Martin Lake Group and the mafic dikes and are the youngest<br />

mineralized phase. U 6 uraninite is typically massive and generally rims Cal 10 calcite veins.<br />

Late veins of Cal 11 calcite, Chl 10 chlorite, Qtz 5 quartz and sulfide occur as fracture-filling<br />

minerals cutting primary ore assemblages. The sulfides are Gn 1 galena, Cpy 6 chalcopyrite,<br />

Py 8 pyrite, Sph 1 sphalerite, and copper minerals. Gn 1 galena forms inclusions or fracturefilling<br />

in uraninite and Py 8 pyrite or thin films along Cal 8 calcite cleavage in the breccia<br />

rock. Sph 1<br />

sphalerite occurs as irregular masses or fine blebs in Py 8 pyrite. Copper<br />

mineralization is present as disseminated aggregates of Bn 1 bornite, Dg 1 digenite, and Cv 1<br />

covellite at the Ace-Fay and Gunnar deposits and appears to postdate the main event of U<br />

mineralization.<br />

3.4.2. Crystal Chemistry<br /> Mineral chemistry of uraninite and brannerite<br />

Electron microprobe and backscattered images reveal that uraninite from all stages of<br />

mineralization has been variably altered to different forms of uranyl-silicates (Table 3.1,<br />

Fig. 3.5). These uraninites demonstrate evidence of considerable variation in reflectance,<br />

suggesting significant heterogeneity in their chemical composition as a result of variable<br />

alteration by later fluids (Kotzer and Kyser, 1993; Alexandre et al., 2005).<br />


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