Confirmation Mass Booklet 2011 - Smascotvale.catholic.edu.au

Confirmation Mass Booklet 2011 - Smascotvale.catholic.edu.au

Confirmation Mass Booklet 2011 - Smascotvale.catholic.edu.au


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St Mary’s Parish of Ascot Vale<br />

Sacrament of<br />

<strong>Confirmation</strong><br />

Conferred by<br />

Bishop Les Tomlinson<br />

Friday 1 st April <strong>2011</strong>



St Mary’s, Ascot Vale<br />

Principal Celebrant:<br />

Celebrant: Rev.<br />

Bishop Les Tomlinson<br />

Fr Justin Ford<br />

St Mary’s Acting Principal: Sandra Lind<br />

RE Co-ordinator: Michael Dwyer<br />

Teachers:<br />

Music:<br />

Sharyn Greedy<br />

Anthony D’Amico<br />

Caithleen Malone<br />

Kindly switch off pagers/mobile phones<br />

No photos or videos are to<br />

be taken during the ceremony<br />

Thank you for your co-operation<br />



Read by Thomas McAllister<br />

Welcome Bishop Tomlinson, families, teachers and friends to the<br />

<strong>Confirmation</strong> celebration for the Parish of St. Mary’s Ascot Vale<br />

<strong>2011</strong>.<br />

We come together as children of God, wanting to look on the<br />

world as Jesus did through hearts full of love, compassion and<br />

service.<br />

Jesus shows us in his life that he lived justly. Do we<br />

Jesus shows us in his life that he lived compassionately. Do we<br />

We who have gathered here today, are challenged, not only to<br />

listen and know the Word of God but to live the Word of God.<br />

Please remain seated as the candidates process in and then stand<br />

as Father and the Bishop pass your seat. Thank you.<br />




by: Dan Schutte<br />

I, the Lord of sea and sky,<br />

I have heard my people cry.<br />

All who dwell in dark and sin<br />

My hand will save.<br />

I who made the stars of night,<br />

I will make their darkness bright.<br />

Who will bear my light to them<br />

Whom shall I send<br />

Refrain:<br />

Here I am, Lord. Is it I, Lord<br />

I have heard you calling in the night.<br />

I will go, Lord, if you lead me.<br />

I will hold your people in my heart.<br />

I, the Lord of snow and rain,<br />

I have borne my people’s pain.<br />

I have wept for love of them.<br />

They turn away.<br />

I will break their hearts of stone,<br />

Give them hearts for love alone.<br />

I will speak my words to them.<br />

Whom shall I send<br />

Refrain<br />

I, the Lord of wind and flame,<br />

I will tend the poor and lame.<br />

I will set a feast for them.<br />

My hand will save.<br />

Finest bread I will provide,<br />

Till their hearts be satisfied.<br />

I will give My life to them,<br />

Whom shall I send<br />

Refrain<br />


Bishop Tomlinson:<br />

All:<br />


Bishop Tomlinson:<br />

All:<br />

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and<br />

of the Holy Spirit.<br />

Amen<br />

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love<br />

of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be<br />

with you all.<br />

And also with you.<br />


Bishop Tomlinson You raise the dead to life in the Spirit:<br />

Lord, have mercy.<br />

All:<br />

Lord, have mercy<br />

Bishop Tomlinson: You bring pardon and peace to the sinner:<br />

Christ, have mercy.<br />

All:<br />

Christ, have mercy<br />

Bishop Tomlinson: You bring light to those in darkness:<br />

Lord, have mercy.<br />

All:<br />

Lord, have mercy<br />

Bishop Tomlinson:<br />

May almighty God have mercy on us,<br />

forgive us our sins, and bring us to<br />

everlasting life.<br />

All:<br />

Amen.<br />



Bishop Tomlinson:<br />

Lord, fulfill your promise. Send your Holy Spirit to make<br />

us witnesses before the world to the good news proclaimed by Jesus Christ<br />

our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God,<br />

forever and ever.<br />

All:<br />

Amen<br />


(Please be seated)<br />

FIRST READING: read by Alison Ramsay<br />

A Reading from the Prophet Isaiah 11:1-4<br />

A shoot springs from the stock of Jesse, a scion thrusts from his roots: on<br />

him the spirit of the Lord rests, a spirit of wisdom and of insight, a spirit<br />

of counsel and power, a spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.<br />

The fear of the Lord is his breath.<br />

He does not judge by appearances, he gives no verdict on hearsay,<br />

but judges the wretched with integrity, and with equity gives a verdict for<br />

the poor of the land.<br />

This is the Word of the Lord.<br />

All:<br />

Thanks be to God.<br />


RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Psalm 103:1. 24.27-28. 30-31. 33-34. R/v. 30<br />

Michael<br />

Didham<br />

All:<br />

Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.<br />

Bless the Lord, my soul!<br />

Lord God, how great you are.<br />

How many are your works, O Lord!<br />

In wisdom you have made them all.<br />

The earth is full of your riches.<br />

Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.<br />

Bree All of these look to you<br />

Cultrera to give them their food in due season.<br />

You give it, they gather it up:<br />

you open your hand, they have their fill.<br />

All: Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.<br />

Grace You send forth your spirit, they are created;<br />

McKerrow and you renew the face of the earth.<br />

May the glory of the Lord last for ever!<br />

May the Lord rejoice in his works!<br />

All: Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.<br />

Owen<br />

Scott<br />

All:<br />

I will sing to the Lord all my life,<br />

make music to my God while I live.<br />

May my thoughts be pleasing to him.<br />

I find my joy in the Lord.<br />

Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.<br />


SECOND READING: read by Rory Harrington<br />

A Reading from the Letter of Saint P<strong>au</strong>l to the Ephesians 4:1-6<br />

I, the prisoner in the Lord, implore you to lead a life worthy of your<br />

vocation. Bear with one another charitably, in complete selflessness,<br />

gentleness and patience. Do all you can to preserve the unity of the Spirit<br />

by the peace that binds you together. There is one Body, one Spirit, just as<br />

you were all called into one and the same hope when you were called.<br />

There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God who is Father of<br />

all, over all, through all and within all.<br />

This is the Word of the Lord.<br />

All:<br />

Thanks be to God.<br />

Please stand to welcome the Gospel<br />


Read by Milan Howell<br />

Praise to you Lord, Jesus Christ, King of endless glory.<br />

The Spirit of truth will bear witness to Me, says the Lord,<br />

and you also will be My Witnesses.<br />

Praise to you Lord, Jesus Christ, King of endless glory.<br />

GOSPEL John 14:23-26<br />

Fr. Justin:<br />

All:<br />

The Lord be with you.<br />

And also with you<br />


A reading from the holy Gospel according to John<br />

All:<br />

Glory to you Lord.<br />

Jesus said to his disciples:<br />

“If anyone loves me he will keep my word, and my Father will love him,<br />

and we shall come to him and make our home with him.<br />

Those who do not love me do not keep my words. And my word is not<br />

my own: it is the word of the one who sent me. I have said these things to<br />

you while still with you; but the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the<br />

Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of<br />

all I have said to you.”<br />

This is the Gospel of the Lord.<br />

All:<br />

Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.<br />


(Please be seated)<br />

Father Justin:<br />

Would those who are to be confirmed<br />

please stand in their places<br />

(Only those to be confirmed stand. Father Justin then addresses the Bishop).<br />

Father Justin:<br />

Bishop Tomlinson, the candidates here<br />

from St Mary’s Parish seek to receive<br />

the Sacrament of <strong>Confirmation</strong>,<br />

the seal of the Holy Spirit.<br />

The candidates now sit in their places.<br />


HOMILY<br />



(<strong>Confirmation</strong> candidates please stand)<br />

Bishop Tomlinson: Do you reject Satan and all his works<br />

and all his empty promises<br />

Candidates:<br />

I do.<br />

Bishop Tomlinson: Do you believe in God the Father<br />

almighty, Creator of heaven and earth<br />

Candidates:<br />

I do.<br />

Bishop Tomlinson: Do you believe in Jesus Christ, His only<br />

Son, our Lord, who was born of the<br />

Virgin Mary, was crucified, died and was<br />

buried, rose from the dead, and is now<br />

seated at the right hand of the Father<br />

Candidates:<br />

I do.<br />


Bishop Tomlinson: Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord,<br />

the giver of life, who came upon the<br />

apostles at Pentecost and today is given<br />

to you sacramentally in <strong>Confirmation</strong><br />

Candidates:<br />

I do.<br />

Bishop Tomlinson: Do you believe in the Holy Catholic Church, the<br />

communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the<br />

resurrection of the body and life everlasting<br />

Candidates:<br />

I do.<br />

Bishop Tomlinson: This is our faith. This is the faith of the<br />

Church. We are proud to profess it in<br />

Christ Jesus our Lord.<br />

All:<br />

Amen<br />


Bishop Tomlinson:<br />

My dear friends,<br />

In Baptism God our Father gave the new<br />

birth of eternal life to His chosen sons<br />

and d<strong>au</strong>ghters.<br />

Let us pray to our Father that He will<br />

pour out the Holy Spirit to strengthen<br />

His sons and d<strong>au</strong>ghters with His gifts<br />

and anoint them to be more like Christ<br />

His Son.<br />


(All pray in silence for a few moments. The Bishop lays hands upon all the candidates by<br />

extending his hands over them).<br />

Bishop Tomlinson: All powerful God, Father of our Lord<br />

Jesus Christ, by water and the Holy Spirit you freed your<br />

sons and d<strong>au</strong>ghters from sin and gave them new life.<br />

Send your Holy Spirit upon them to be their helper and<br />

guide.<br />

Give them the Spirit of wisdom and understanding,<br />

the Spirit of right judgement and courage,<br />

the Spirit of knowledge and reverence.<br />

Fill them with the Spirit of wonder and awe in your<br />

presence.<br />

We ask this through Christ our Lord.<br />

All:<br />

Amen.<br />


(<strong>Confirmation</strong> candidates please sit)<br />

(Each candidate approaches the Bishop with his or her sponsor. The candidate kneels in<br />

front of the Bishop. The sponsor places his or her right hand on the shoulder of the<br />

candidate. The Bishop anoints the candidate on the forehead).<br />

Bishop Tomlinson:<br />

Newly Confirmed:<br />

Bishop Tomlinson:<br />

Newly Confirmed:<br />

(name) be sealed with the<br />

Gift of the Holy Spirit.<br />

Amen<br />

Peace be with you.<br />

And also with you.<br />


During the Anointing, the following hymns will be sung:<br />

(Chorus)<br />

Holy Spirit live in us<br />

Holy Spirit live in us<br />

Holy Spirit live in us this day<br />

Holy Spirit today we come<br />

To celebrate what was begun<br />

In loving arms so many years ago<br />


by: John Burland<br />

Holy Spirit as one we come<br />

Anoint us as your family<br />

Your fire burns deep within our hearts<br />

Holy Spirit with love we come<br />

To share your strength through everyday<br />

Your light it leads us on our way<br />


by: Matthew Shawcross<br />

1. Come, Holy Spirit of God<br />

Come, Holy Spirit of God<br />

Help us to use your Gift of REVERENCE<br />

Come, Holy Spirit of God<br />

2……Help us to use your gift of WISDOM<br />

3……Help us to use your gift of COURAGE<br />

4……Help us to use your gift of KNOWLEDGE<br />

5……Help us to use your gift of UNDERSTANDING<br />


6……Help us to use your gift of WONDER<br />

7……Help us to use your gift of RIGHT JUDGEMENT<br />

Spirit burn, Spirit burn for me.<br />

Spirit burn, Spirit burn for me.<br />

Spirit come, Spirit light up my life.<br />

Live in me, be a part of my life.<br />


by: Michele Hedley<br />

Everywhere in the world today,<br />

We can see a need for the Spirit to shine;<br />

Spirit shine through me.<br />

If we trust, open up our hearts the Spirit will shine;<br />

Shine through me.<br />

Spirit burn for me.<br />

(Spirit burn, Spirit burn for me)<br />

Spirit burn, Spirit burn for me.<br />

Spirit burn, Spirit burn for me.<br />

Spirit come, Spirit light up my life.<br />

Live in me, be a part of my life.<br />

Renew in our hearts the promises made for us.<br />

Enrich our lives; with Your presence here.<br />

Your will be done as the flame burns deep within us;<br />

For the glory of God.<br />

Spirit burn for me.<br />

(Spirit burn, Spirit burn for me)<br />

Spirit burn, Spirit burn for me<br />

Spirit burn, Spirit burn for me<br />



Bishop Tomlinson:<br />

We welcome God’s Spirit among us comforting,<br />

inspiring, consoling and helping us as we pray to God<br />

for what we need.<br />

Read by Darcy Hewat<br />

For a desire to live by the Spirit.<br />

(Please Stand)<br />

The Word teaches us that we are God’s children living<br />

by the Spirit of God.<br />

May we deepen our desire to witness to the gospel, rejoicing<br />

that God is our Father who invites us to share the glory of<br />

Christ. Lord hear us.<br />

All:<br />

Lord hear our prayer.<br />

Read by Aweet Akot<br />

For an appreciation of the gifts God gives us.<br />

The Spirit distributes his gifts to all his people.<br />

May we be open to the gifts God gives, eager to use them<br />

for the service of others.<br />

Lord hear us.<br />

All:<br />

Lord hear our prayer.<br />


Read by Emily Atchison<br />

For the gift of peace<br />

Aware of Christ’s presence amongst us today, may we<br />

celebrate the gift of peace and become peacemakers in the<br />

Church and in the world, in our families and communities.<br />

Lord hear us<br />

All:<br />

Lord hear our prayer.<br />

Read by Isabella Zarafa<br />

For those who are leaders in the church.<br />

The Lord bestows His children into the arms of the faithful.<br />

May Pope Benedict and all Church leaders exercise<br />

<strong>au</strong>thority and leadership while being guided by the<br />

compassion and example set by our ever-loving God.<br />

Lord hear us.<br />

All:<br />

Lord hear our prayer.<br />

Read by Jack Fuhrer<br />

For a desire to be of service.<br />

God calls us to be servants of one another in the<br />

community of saints that is the Church all over the world.<br />

May our love and acceptance of one another make us<br />

worthy to be called the people of God<br />

Lord hear us.<br />

All:<br />

Lord hear our prayer.<br />


Read by Georgia Rice<br />

For the spirit of unity.<br />

Jesus tells of his love for his followers, praying for unity. We<br />

pray for tolerance and mutual respect amongst all peoples.<br />

Lord Hear us<br />

All:<br />

Lord hear our prayer<br />

Read by Jakobi Talbot<br />

For healing in our lives.<br />

May all who are broken or bereaved, alone or in sorrow, be<br />

comforted by the compassion of Jesus, and the care of those<br />

in the community called the Church. Lord hear us.<br />

All:<br />

Lord hear our prayer.<br />

Bishop Tomlinson:<br />

God of love,<br />

you teach us that we must be like children in welcoming<br />

your reign in our lives.<br />

Help us to be open to your guiding Spirit and to renew<br />

each day our hope in you.<br />

We make this and all our prayers through Christ our Lord.<br />

All:<br />

Amen.<br />




Please be seated<br />


Gifts and a record of the candidates’ Community Service will be brought to the altar by<br />

Lucas Mosbey, Michele Carella, Grace Lawler and Vinh Tran<br />

Bishop Tomlinson: Blessed are you, Lord, God of all creation.<br />

Through your goodness we have this bread to offer,<br />

which earth has given and human hands have made.<br />

It will become for us the bread of life.<br />

All:<br />

Blessed be God forever.<br />

Bishop Tomlinson: Blessed are you, Lord, God of all creation.<br />

Through your goodness we have this wine to offer,<br />

fruit of the vine and work of human hands.<br />

It will become our spiritual drink.<br />

All:<br />

Blessed be God forever.<br />


Bishop Tomlinson: Pray, brethren, that our sacrifice<br />

may be acceptable to God, the<br />

almighty Father.<br />

All:<br />

May the Lord accept the sacrifice<br />

at your hands for the praise and<br />

glory of His name, for our good,<br />

and the good of all his Church.<br />

Please stand<br />



Bishop Tomlinson:<br />

Lord,<br />

You have signed our brothers and<br />

sisters<br />

with the cross of your Son and<br />

anointed them with the<br />

oil of salvation.<br />

As they offer themselves with Christ,<br />

continue to fill their hearts with your Spirit.<br />

We ask this through Christ our Lord.<br />

Amen.<br />


Bishop Tomlinson: The Lord be with you.<br />

All:<br />

And also with you.<br />

Bishop Tomlinson:<br />

Lift up your hearts.<br />

All:<br />

We lift them up to the Lord.<br />

Bishop Tomlinson: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.<br />

All:<br />

It is right to give him thanks and praise.<br />


Bishop Tomlinson: Father, all powerful and ever-living God,<br />

we do well always and everywhere<br />

to give you thanks.<br />

You give us gifts of grace for every time and season<br />

as you guide the Church in the<br />

marvellous ways of your providence.<br />

You give us your Holy Spirit<br />

to help us always by his power,<br />

so that with loving trust we may<br />

turn to you in all our troubles, and<br />

give you thanks in all our joys,<br />

through Jesus Christ our Lord.<br />

In our joy we sing to your glory<br />

with all the choirs of angels:<br />


(Sung)<br />

All:<br />

Holy, holy, holy Lord.<br />

God of power and might,<br />

Heaven and earth are full of your glory,<br />

Hosanna in the highest.<br />

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.<br />

Hosanna in the highest.<br />

(Please kneel)<br />


Bishop Tomlinson: Lord, you are holy indeed, the fountain<br />

of all holiness. Let your Spirit come<br />

upon these gifts to make them<br />

holy, so that they may become for<br />

us the body and blood of our Lord,<br />

Jesus Christ.<br />

Before he was given up to death, a<br />

death he freely accepted, he took<br />

bread and gave you thanks. He broke the<br />

bread, gave it to his disciples and said:<br />

Take this, all of you, and eat it:<br />

this is my body which will be given<br />

up for you.<br />

When supper was ended, he took<br />

the cup. Again he gave you thanks<br />

and praise, gave the cup to his disciples<br />

and said:<br />

Take this, all of you, and drink from it:<br />

this is the cup of my blood,<br />

the blood of the new and everlasting<br />

covenant.<br />

It will be shed for you and for<br />

all so that sins may be forgiven.<br />

Do this in memory of me.<br />



Bishop Tomlinson: Let us proclaim the mystery of faith.<br />

Sung<br />

Christ has died,<br />

Christ is risen,<br />

Christ will come again.<br />

Bishop Tomlinson: In memory of his death and resurrection,<br />

we offer you, Father this life-giving<br />

bread, this saving cup.<br />

We thank you for counting us worthy to<br />

stand in your presence and serve you.<br />

May all of us who share in the body and<br />

blood of Christ be brought together in<br />

unity by the Holy Spirit.<br />

Lord, remember your Church throughout<br />

the world; make us grow in love,<br />

together with Benedict our Pope, Denis,<br />

our Bishop and all the clergy.<br />

Remember our brothers and sisters who<br />

have gone to their rest in the hope of<br />

rising again; bring them and all the<br />

departed into the light of your presence.<br />

Have mercy on us all; make us worthy<br />

to share eternal life with Mary, the virgin<br />

Mother of God, with your apostles, and with<br />

all the saints who have done your will<br />

throughout the ages.<br />

May we praise you in union with them,<br />

and give you glory through your Son, Jesus Christ.<br />


Bishop Tomlinson Through him,<br />

& Fr. Justin: with him,<br />

in him,<br />

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,<br />

all glory and honour is yours,<br />

almighty Father,<br />

for ever and ever.<br />

All: Amen. (Sung)<br />


(Please Stand)<br />

Bishop Tomlinson: Jesus t<strong>au</strong>ght us to call God our Father and so we<br />

have the courage to say:<br />

All:<br />

Our Father, who art in heaven,<br />

hallowed be thy name.<br />

Thy kingdom come.<br />

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.<br />

Give us this day our daily bread<br />

And forgive us our trespasses as we<br />

forgive those who trespass against us,<br />

and lead us not into temptation,<br />

but deliver us from evil.<br />


Bishop Tomlinson: Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and<br />

grant us peace in our day. In your mercy<br />

keep us free from sin and protect us from all<br />

anxiety as we wait in joyful hope for the<br />

coming of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.<br />

All:<br />

For the kingdom, the power and the glory<br />

are yours, now and forever.<br />


Bishop Tomlinson: Lord Jesus Christ, you said to your<br />

apostles: I leave you peace, my peace<br />

I give you. Look not on our sins but<br />

on the faith of your Church, and grant<br />

us the peace and unity of your<br />

kingdom where you live for ever<br />

and ever.<br />

All:<br />

Amen<br />

Bishop Tomlinson: The peace of the Lord be with you always.<br />

All:<br />

And also with you.<br />

Bishop Tomlinson: Let us offer each other the sign of peace.<br />


(Sung)<br />

All:<br />

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world:<br />

have mercy on us.<br />

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world:<br />

have mercy on us.<br />

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world:<br />

grant us peace.<br />


Bishop Tomlinson:<br />

(Please kneel)<br />

This is the Lamb of God<br />

who takes away the sins of the world.<br />

Happy are those who are called to his supper.<br />

All:<br />

Lord I am not worthy to receive you,<br />

But only say the word and I shall be healed.<br />



by: Christopher Walker<br />

Chorus:<br />

Jesus, you are bread for us<br />

Jesus, you are life for us<br />

In your gift of Eucharist,<br />

We find love.<br />

When we feel we need a friend<br />

You are there with us,<br />

Jesus, thank you for the friend you are<br />

Thank you for the love we share.<br />

When we feel that we need love<br />

You are there with us,<br />

Jesus, thank you for the friend you are.<br />

Thank you for the love we share.<br />

When we feel that things aren’t fair<br />

You are there with us,<br />

Jesus, thank you for the friend you are.<br />

Thank you for the love we share.<br />

25<br />

Chorus:<br />

Chorus<br />


In Communion we believe<br />

You are there with us,<br />

Jesus, thank you for the friend you are.<br />

Thank you for the love we share.<br />

Chorus<br />

Create a new heart in me,<br />

Come and set me free,<br />

Open my eyes to see,<br />

You can create a new heart in me.<br />

Show me your love and kindness,<br />

Touch me deep within.<br />

Wash me clean from pain, O God,<br />

Cleanse me from my sins.<br />

Teach me the secrets of wisdom,<br />

Make me faithful again.<br />

Do not shut me out, O God,<br />

Or take your Spirit away.<br />

Fill me with joy and gladness,<br />

Keep my spirit strong.<br />

Open up my lips, O God,<br />

And I will sing your song.<br />


by: Michael Mangan<br />



(Please Stand)<br />

Bishop Tomlinson: Let us pray.<br />

Lord,<br />

you give your Son as food<br />

to those you anoint with your Spirit.<br />

Help them to fulfill your law<br />

by living in freedom as your children.<br />

May they live in holiness<br />

and be your witnesses to the world.<br />

We ask this through Christ our Lord.<br />

All:<br />

Amen.<br />


Read by Sophie Bovell<br />


Bishop Tomlinson: The Lord be with you.<br />

All:<br />

And also with you.<br />

God our Father made you his<br />

children by water and the Holy Spirit:<br />

may he bless you and watch over<br />

you with his fatherly love.<br />

All:<br />

Amen<br />


Bishop Tomlinson: Jesus Christ the Son of God promised<br />

that the Spirit of truth would be<br />

with his Church forever: may he<br />

bless you and give you courage in<br />

professing the true faith.<br />

All:<br />

Amen<br />

Bishop Tomlinson: The Holy Spirit came down upon the<br />

disciples and set their hearts on<br />

fire with love: may he bless you,<br />

keep you one in faith and love and<br />

bring you to the joy of God’s Kingdom.<br />

All:<br />

Amen<br />

Bishop Tomlinson: May Almighty God bless you,<br />

the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.<br />

All:<br />

Amen.<br />

Bishop Tomlinson: Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.<br />

All:<br />

Thanks be to God<br />




by: David Haas<br />

Come! Live in the light!<br />

Shine with the joy and the love of the Lord!<br />

We are called to be light for the kingdom,<br />

To live in the freedom of the city of God!<br />

Refrain:<br />

We are called to act with justice,<br />

We are called to love tenderly,<br />

We are called to serve one another;<br />

To walk humbly with God.<br />

Come! Open your heart!<br />

Show your mercy to all those in fear!<br />

We are called to be hope for the hopeless<br />

So all hatred and blindness will be no more!<br />

Sing! Sing a new song!<br />

Sing of that great day when all will be one!<br />

God will reign, and we’ll walk with each other<br />

As sisters and brothers united in love!<br />




<strong>2011</strong><br />

Alexander Galle<br />

Alison Ramsay<br />

Aweet Akot<br />

Ben Doran<br />

Bianca Moritz<br />

Bree Cultrera<br />

Celia Talbot-Roche<br />

Christopher Gusman<br />

Clara L<strong>au</strong>ricella<br />

Clarke Baker<br />

Clodagh Ridgway<br />

Darcy Hewat<br />

Dylan Lombard<br />

Emily Atchison<br />

Ethan Batticciotto<br />

Georgia Rice<br />

Grace Lawler<br />

Grace McKerrow<br />

Henry Fleming<br />

Isabella Zarafa<br />

Jack Fuhrer<br />

Jacques Romanin<br />

Jakobi Talbot<br />

Jesse Cattanach<br />

Jordan Le<br />

Joshua Mastronardo<br />

Justin Ho<br />

Kiara Cavallo<br />

Lucas Mosbey<br />

Mazen Fayad<br />

Michael Didham<br />

Michele Carella<br />

Milan Howell<br />

Mitchell Bateman<br />

Molly McCord<br />

Nicholas Njegac<br />

Olivia McIlroy<br />

Owen Scott<br />

Phoebe Appleby<br />

Rory Harrington<br />

Ruby McLean<br />

Sean Nguyen<br />

Sophie Bovell<br />

Thomas McAllister<br />

Vinh Tran<br />

William Myers<br />

Special Blessing:<br />

Daniel Hanna<br />



We wish to thank Bishop Tomlinson and everyone<br />

who has assisted the children in preparing<br />

to receive the Sacrament of <strong>Confirmation</strong>,<br />

and all those who have participated in this Liturgy.<br />

Please keep the children in your thoughts<br />

and prayers to support them in bringing<br />

the gifts of the Spirit<br />

they have received today into their lives.<br />


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