Tong Tana - Bruno Manser Fonds

Tong Tana - Bruno Manser Fonds

Tong Tana - Bruno Manser Fonds


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Editorial<br />

bm – I’m on my way in beautiful Switzerland<br />

in the year 1999 AD. A McDonald’s<br />

wrapping flies out of the train window, a<br />

Coke can follows soon afterwards. “Do you<br />

find that funny” I asked the youth who realised<br />

that he had shown bravado in the<br />

wrong place. – A walk with my 78 year-old<br />

mother, who has trouble walking and uses<br />

crutches. The path in the green park is littered<br />

with garbage and glass from broken bottles<br />

after a young people’s party: father state, or<br />

rather a good foreigner, will clean everything<br />

up again. – At the edge of the Rhine river in<br />

Basel: within minutes 3 empty beer bottles fall<br />

with a plop into the dark river at night. Out of<br />

sight, out of mind. The Rhine will wash everything<br />

clean.<br />

Switzerland is one of the richest countries<br />

in the world. Federal Council member<br />

Couchepin sees further economic growth,<br />

even more production, even more consumption,<br />

as conditions for social security. Social<br />

security for whom Already three or four people<br />

successfully commit suicide in Switzerland<br />

every day.<br />

We export weapons in order to save jobs.<br />

Thanks to the war in Ex-Yugoslavia various<br />

businesses are flourishing. War boosts the<br />

economy. The economy and war are allies.<br />

The economy and politics are allies. Politics<br />

and war are allies. It is up to the Swiss politicians<br />

and every one of us to show that it need<br />

not be so, that Switzerland shows solidarity<br />

with people in the Third World protecting their<br />

and our environment. We are all in the same<br />

boat: our wonderful, beautiful planet Earth.<br />

The first proof of our honesty is transparency.<br />

All products on the market should be<br />

declared according to origin and contents.<br />

Objective information is a prerequisite for<br />

a conscious society; and only such a society<br />

will have a future in the new millenium. After<br />

the introduction of a mandatory declaration<br />

for meat, genetically modified organisms and<br />

toxic substances, the declaration for wood<br />

will be a further small step towards honesty.<br />

Only give your vote to those members of the<br />

National Council this autumn who clearly<br />

commit themselves in this sense to more transparency<br />

in commerce. The mandatory declaration<br />

has been put on the agenda for the parliamentary<br />

session in autumn after not being<br />

dealt with in the summer session.<br />

Or does nothing make sense anymore Is<br />

it too late to act Mrs Spaehnhauer said to me<br />

on the phone that, even if it is difficult at the<br />

moment, good will triumph in the end, to<br />

which I answered that we will also hold fast<br />

to this hope. “Don’t talk like this! Good will<br />

triumph! Set an exclamation mark behind it”<br />

the 82-year-old lady called out energetically.<br />

– Chapeau!<br />

And again I’m sitting on the banks of the<br />

Rhine. A drowning swallow drifts in the current.<br />

Save it Jump in Get wet The bird is<br />

certainly already dead – or not Quickly I<br />

throw off my clothes an, “splash”, the swift lies<br />

in my hand. One of its eyes is almost closed,<br />

the other tired. The body is shivering. With its<br />

beak wide open it breathes heavily. Are you<br />

dying After 1 1 / 2 hours in my hand it suddenly<br />

spreads its wings, lifts off, flies low over<br />

the surface of the water in a wide curve over<br />

the Rhine, over the roofs of the town and disappears<br />

in the distance.<br />

Contents<br />

Editorial 2<br />

Sarawak (Malaysia) 3–5<br />

The great ripening of the fruits<br />

(Tá-un Buá) 6–7<br />

Canada respects the<br />

indigenous Inuit people 8<br />

Speaking of Wood: Amazon 9<br />

Speaking of Wood: Miscellany news 10<br />

Switzerland: Mandatory<br />

declaration of timber 11–13<br />

Speaking of wood: Switzerland 14–15<br />

BMF internal affairs 16<br />


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