1. Introduction - METNET : An e-Governance Intra-IMD Portal - India ...

1. Introduction - METNET : An e-Governance Intra-IMD Portal - India ...

1. Introduction - METNET : An e-Governance Intra-IMD Portal - India ...


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<strong>1.</strong> <strong>Introduction</strong> :<br />

Meteorological Centers are located at state capitals in <strong>India</strong> and are the<br />

backbone of the <strong>India</strong> Meteorological Department. Day to day collection/recording of<br />

basic meteorological observations of their regions( state) and their transmission to RTH<br />

NEW DELHI ( main computer ) on real time mode ; issuing weather forecasts and its<br />

related warnings on different sub scales , archival of past meteorological data for<br />

climatology purposes ; data supply , weather queries pertaining to the state,<br />

maintenance and inspection of all observatories and rain gauge stations ; coordination<br />

with state government and other government agencies for disaster management ;<br />

briefing print and electronic media about different past and future weather events of<br />

their region are the main responsibilities of the meteorological centers ( M C’ s ) . In<br />

the recent past, staff strength has been reduced considerably due to retirement/transfer of<br />

employees but no new/contractual appointment is being made. On the other hand<br />

responsibilities and work load have increased due to increase in observational net<br />

work, advancement in technology and user requirements. Existence of different<br />

operational units are not same at all met.Centers .<br />

2. Main Objectives :<br />

<strong>1.</strong> To facilitate uniform administrative practices at all M.C.s<br />

2. Providing value-based administrative service<br />

3. Improving quality of technical/operational works by using administrative reforms<br />

4. Integration of service Excellence into organizational planning<br />

5. Improving the reach of administrative rules and regulations time to time<br />

6. Improve relationship between officers and staffs<br />

7. To make transparency into administration<br />

8. Reorganization of employees who deliver excellent service<br />

9. Higher level of confidence among employees<br />

10. Services that are designed and delivered keeping the welfare of the employees in mind<br />

1<strong>1.</strong> Improve the delivery of services in the public service<br />

12. Developing service standards<br />

13. All correspondence/ dealing work to be done in Hindi.<br />


3. Duty Roster:<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

(iv)<br />

(v)<br />

Duty roster of all general and operational duty personnel may be maintained. Weekly off<br />

day of each official may be marked against his/her roster. Duty roster for succeeding<br />

month should be prepared for use on last working day of the month.<br />

Leave of any kind may be recorded against concerned official’s roster.<br />

All duty rosters will be under control of A.M.(Admin) and it should be initialed by<br />

A.M.(Admin) as well as Dir. I/C on last working day of the month.<br />

Officials dealing technical / administration on general duty should be drafted to<br />

operational units in case of shortage of staffs or at the time of adverse weather such as<br />

cyclone/active monsoon period on c-off basis in case the day been declared holiday.<br />

A.M.(Admin) will be responsible for duty allotment against officials on leave especially<br />

on operational unit and on his off days/holidays, duty officer will make necessary duty<br />

allotment in case required on emergency, he can consult with A.M.(Admin) over phone if<br />

he is available at the station otherwise with Dir. I/C.<br />

4. Attendance:-<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

(iv)<br />

(v)<br />

(vi)<br />

To make more punctual and sincere of the employees, two bio-metric machines should<br />

be installed in each M.C..<br />

Till installation of biometric machines, two attendance registers will be used in each<br />

M.C.. One register for general duty personnel i.e. fixed duty hours under the supervision<br />

of A.M.(Admin) /Admin officer, another for roster duty personnel under supervision of<br />

Duty officer.<br />

Dir.I/C will countersign Attendance register once in a week preferably first working day<br />

of the week for 1st and 2nd category<br />

Separate attendance register for Gaz. Officers (Roaster and General duty) under<br />

supervision of A.M.(Admin)/Admin officer but Dir. I/C will countersign everyday<br />

Attendance register should be one for an year and it should begin from 1 st January and<br />

end on 31 st December of the year<br />

Late arrival may be recorded and leave may be asked as per rules ( Appendix –I).<br />


5. Leave:<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

(iv)<br />

(v)<br />

(vi)<br />

(vii)<br />

(viii)<br />

(ix)<br />

(x)<br />

(xi)<br />

Earned Leave should be applied 15 days in advance to manage duty roster.<br />

Recommendation of leave should be forwarded to concerned R.M.C. well in advance<br />

Sanction of E.L. should be communicated by R.M.C. before the commencement of leave<br />

and regularization of leave should be within two months<br />

E.L. application should be recorded in a register for each individual and regularization of<br />

leave in the remarks column against the official may be entered as & when received from<br />

R.M.C.<br />

C.L. account may be maintained for each year against each official and more than 5 days<br />

C.L. should not be granted at a time. For more than 5 days C.L., approval of concerned<br />

D.D.G.M. of R.M.C. may be sought. Separate C.L. account register for Gaz. & non-Gaz.<br />

Employees. C.L. should be availed only after approval of the Dir. I/C as far as possible<br />

Comp.off can not be availed more than two days at a time with prior approval of Dir. I/C.<br />

C.off earned performing extra duties should be availed within a month from the date of<br />

earning at the place of posting station.<br />

C . off will have to be availed at the place of posting only otherwise these will be<br />

lapsed.<br />

Commuted leave may be recommended on request of employees but he/she has to submit<br />

fitness & medical certificates at the time of joining otherwise joining should not allowed.<br />

The officials should communicate his inability to the office while proceeding on medical<br />

leave.<br />

Extension of leave will be sought on written application/request but no telephonic<br />

information will be entertained for extension of leave.<br />

C.L. can not be combined with E.L. or commuted leave<br />

Special casual leave will be granted to employees in case of curfew/bandh irrespective of<br />

distance from residence to office.<br />

Rules regarding leave will be followed ( Appendix –II)<br />

6. Work Diary:<br />

All group C staff in general duty ( i.e. fixed duty hours in the week) should maintain<br />

diary for daily assigned work and it will be verified daily by section I/C . The diary will<br />

be brought to the notice of Dir. I/C once in a week for his/her signature.<br />


S.No.<br />

Particulars of dak<br />

received<br />

Number Date<br />

From whom<br />

received<br />

To whom<br />

Remarks<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

(v)<br />

(vi)<br />

All letters received will be entered in receipt register and issued to concerned Assistant of<br />

the section with signature and date.<br />

Each section / unit will maintain separate receipt/dak registers and status of action will be<br />

indicated in the remarks column. Format is given below:<br />

7. DAK register:<br />

(i) 'Dak' includes every type of written communication such as letter, telegram,<br />

interdepartmental note, file, fax, e-mail, wireless message which is received, whether by<br />

post or otherwise, in any department for its consideration.<br />

(ii) All daks will be received in General Section by Admin. Section staff ( either LDC or MA)<br />

and all daks( speed post / registered latter / latter marked to Director) should be opened<br />

in presence of Dir.I/C by the concerned staff.<br />

(iii) After initial of Dir. I/C, all daks will be shown to all Group ‘A’ officers and section I/C s<br />

posted at M.C.<br />

(iv) Dak/Receipt register may be prepared in the following format:<br />

Date:-<br />

Date:-<br />

Sr.No Diar<br />

y<br />

Number &<br />

date of receipt<br />

From<br />

whom<br />

Brief<br />

subject<br />

To<br />

whom<br />

File<br />

No.<br />

Replied to No reply<br />

was<br />

Remarks<br />

No. Numbe<br />

r<br />

Date<br />

marked In<br />

Hindi<br />

In<br />

English<br />

necessar<br />

y<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12<br />

8. Dispatch Register:<br />

Dispatch register will be maintained in the following format and stamp account may be<br />

indicated in the respective column. The centers where franking machine is used, frank<br />

the cover instead of affixing stamp and its value may be entered in the column<br />

accordingly.<br />

S.No.<br />

Number of<br />

communication<br />

Addressee<br />

Value of stamps<br />

affixed<br />


Non-postal communications will be sorted out according to the location of the<br />

addressees, entered in messenger books and handed over to messenger for delivery to<br />

the addressees. Messenger books will be numbered serially. Name of messenger may be<br />

indicated and also signature of recipient may be ensured.<br />

9. Service Postage stamp Register:<br />

The dispatcher will maintain an account of the postage stamps in the format given below.<br />

Signature of A.M. (Admin) may be made as & when stamps are received and entered in<br />

the stamp account register.<br />

Stamps Account Register<br />

Date<br />

In hand<br />

the<br />

the day<br />

Value of stamps<br />

Received<br />

during<br />

Used<br />

during<br />

the day<br />

Balance at the<br />

close of the day<br />

( cols. 2+3+4)<br />

Signature of<br />

Dispatcher A.M.(Admin)<br />

Franking machine account will be maintained in the similar procedure.<br />

10. File Register:<br />

A record of files opened during a calendar year will be kept in a file register to be<br />

maintained by the diarist. A list of approved standard heads along with the serial numbers<br />

identifying them should be pasted at the beginning of the register. The pages allotted to<br />

the standard heads in the registers should also be indicated against each. Electronic file<br />

register will also be maintained in a computer environment. The format of file register is<br />

given below:<br />

File Register<br />

Standard Head No:-<br />

Standard Heading :-<br />

File No.<br />

Subject<br />

Date of<br />

Opening<br />

Closing<br />

Classification<br />

(and year of<br />

review)<br />

Remarks<br />

A proper file numbering system is essential for convenient identification, sorting,<br />

storage and retrieval of papers. For opening files relating to establishment, finance,<br />

budget and accounts, office supplies and services, and other house-keeping jobs common<br />

to all departments, the standardised functional file index including its file-numbering<br />


system, issued by the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances will<br />

be followed. The file numbering should be in subject classification with standard heads,<br />

i.e. main subject headings concerning it; and (b) standard sub-heads, i.e. aspects of the<br />

main subject headings. The standard heads will bear consecutive serial numbers. No such<br />

numbers, however, will be allotted to standard sub-heads.<br />

File register will be maintained by General Admin section and the number will be<br />

allotted to each file of every unit depending on their subject of work of the unit but the<br />

procedure will be followed with head etc. as mentioned above. The file is numbered<br />

consecutively as 3/1/2000-SR,3/2/2000-SR and so on, where `SR' represents the section.<br />

Separate file register can be maintained in each unit whereas file numbers of all the units<br />

should have matched with the main file register being maintained in General Admin<br />

section.<br />

On top of the file, subject both in Hindi and English should be written along with<br />

opening date of file. Serial numbers in increasing order in roman for indicating part of file<br />

can be put if the file is bulky and heavy such as I, II, III,IV etc.<br />

1<strong>1.</strong> File movement Register:<br />

Movement of files will be entered in the file movement register as per format given<br />

below:<br />

File No:-<br />

Subject:-<br />

To<br />

whom<br />

Date<br />

To<br />

whom<br />

Date<br />

To<br />

whom<br />

Date<br />

To<br />

whom<br />

Date<br />

12. Movement Register:<br />

Movement register of officials for office works in the city or personal problem<br />

due to some reason or other may be maintained with proper timings of departure and<br />

arrival and it should be in the custody of Dir. I/C.<br />

13. Station leave Permission:<br />

Separate register for station leave permission may be maintained and details of<br />

employee with date of leaving, place of visit along with leave address may be recorded.<br />

The register will be in the custody of A.M.(Admin) but A.M.(admin) should inform time<br />

to time about the official to Dir. I/C. Station leave will be granted by the Director I/C<br />

only.<br />


14. Office vehicle:<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

(iv)<br />

(v)<br />

(vi)<br />

(vii)<br />

(viii)<br />

Vehicle requisition register will be maintained. Movement of vehicle should be<br />

prior approval/permission of Dir. I/C.<br />

Log book of vehicle should be maintained and signature of requisitioned official<br />

may be recorded with counter signature of Dir. I/C.<br />

Register for expenditure on maintenance of vehicle may be maintained with<br />

amount, approval number and date of repair/maintenance . Separate pages for<br />

each vehicle if more than one vehicle is at the centre.<br />

Insurance and road permit may be verified in every January month of the year and<br />

action may be initiated if any.<br />

Copy of driver’s licence may be kept in the office file.<br />

A.M.(Admin) is responsible for maintenance and security including key of the<br />

vehicle.<br />

Requisition of vehicle to Dir. I/C through A.M.(Admin) should be sent.<br />

Original documents and duplicate key of the vehicle should be kept in safe<br />

custody in knowledge of two officer.<br />

15.(a) Security of the campus;<br />

15.(b)<br />

(i) One senior officer may be designated as security officer of the centre.<br />

A.M.(Admin) can act as security officer.<br />

(ii) During off hours of security officer or holidays, duty officer will act as security<br />

officer<br />

(iii) Incoming and outgoing articles from the campus should be allowed with written<br />

permission order of security officer<br />

(iv) Chowkidar on duty at the entry/exit gate should collect the permission order and<br />

these should be brought to the notice of security officer on same day for his<br />

authentication.<br />

Guard File:<br />

(i) Copy of Letter/order meant for future reference nature may be preserved in guard<br />

file<br />

(ii) Separate guard file may be created for each of administration, finance, general<br />

office procedure and matters of scientific/technical nature.<br />

(iii) Subject and number of guard file may be written on the top. Number may be<br />

entered in file register.<br />

(iv) Guard files should be in the custody of A.M.(Admin)<br />

16. Charter of responsibility of unit:<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

(iv)<br />

(v)<br />

Item of works with timings of the unit may be displayed in each unit.<br />

Duty and responsibility list in each unit may be indicated in display system<br />

Officer/staff responsible for the item of work may be indicated in each unit.<br />

Modification of nature of work if any may be added or deleted.<br />

Name of the section I/C may be indicated on the work chart.<br />


17. Staff Statement Register:<br />

(i) Staff statement register indicating columns for name of the post, sanction No. with<br />

date, Group/Cadre, Number of posts, date of creation, plan/non-plan, remarks may<br />

be maintained at each M.C.. If post is transferred, same may be entered in remarks<br />

column.<br />

(ii) In separate pages of the register, columns for sanctioned post, actual posting,<br />

name of the incumbent, date of joining of incumbent may be prepared and if<br />

individual transferred/retired/promoted to higher post, same may be indicated in<br />

remarks column.<br />

(iii) In separate pages, details of the employee such as name with designation, date of<br />

joining in department with cadre post, date of birth, training particulars,<br />

knowledge of Hindi, working experience, transfer details, categorygeneral/SC/ST/OBC<br />

may be prepared.<br />

(iv) Staff statement register should be in the custody of Dir. I/C which may be<br />

accessible to A.M.(Admin).<br />

18. Employees whereabout register:<br />

(i)<br />

Present address, permanent address, residence telephone number, mobile number,<br />

joining date at the station and his previous posting station name of each employee<br />

may be maintained in separate pages for future reference in case of missing of<br />

employee or absconding, not returning duty after expiry of leave etc.<br />

19. Record Management<br />

(A)<br />

Records management is the practice of maintaining the records of an organization<br />

from the time they are created up to their eventual disposal. This may include<br />

classifying, storing, securing, and destruction (or in some cases, archival<br />

preservation) of records. A record can be either a tangible object or digital<br />

information: for example, birth certificates, medical x-rays, office documents,<br />

databases, application data, and e-mail. Records management is primarily<br />

concerned with the evidence of an organization's activities, and is usually applied<br />

according to the value of the records rather than their physical format. Activities<br />

of record management are given below:<br />

<strong>1.</strong> CONTROLLING CREATION<br />


3. TRANSFER<br />



6. RETRIEVAL<br />


8. REVIEW<br />

9. WEEDING<br />

(B)<br />

Records management principles and automated records management systems aid<br />

in the capture, classification, and ongoing management of records throughout their<br />


lifecycle. Such a system may be paper based (such as index cards as used in a<br />

library), or may be a computer system, such as an electronic records management<br />

application.<br />

ISO 15489:2001 states that records management includes:<br />

(i) setting policies and standards;<br />

(ii) assigning responsibilities and authorities;<br />

(iii) establishing and promulgating procedures and guidelines;<br />

(iv) providing a range of services relating to the management and use of<br />

records;<br />

(v) designing, implementing and administering specialized systems for<br />

managing records; and<br />

(vi) integrating records management into business systems and processes.<br />

(C)<br />

Procedure of recording when file is closed:<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

(iv)<br />

(v)<br />

(vi)<br />

Files should be recorded after action on the issues considered thereon has<br />

been completed. However, files of a purely ephemeral nature (such as<br />

casual leave records or circulars of temporary nature) containing papers of<br />

little reference or research value may be destroyed after one year without<br />

being formally recorded.<br />

Extract from the file, copies of important decisions, documents, etc. as are<br />

considered useful for future reference and add them to the standing guard<br />

file/precedent book<br />

Remove from the file all superfluous papers such as reminders,<br />

acknowledgements, routine slips, working-sheets, rough drafts, surplus<br />

copies, etc. and destroy them<br />

Complete all references and, in particular, mark previous and later<br />

references on the subject on the file cover<br />

Files or records meant for permanent preservation may be stored in<br />

National Archives of <strong>India</strong> office being located at different places in <strong>India</strong>.<br />

To ensure that files are neither prematurely destroyed, nor kept for periods<br />

longer than necessary, every department will:<br />

(a) In respect of records connected with accounts, observe the instructions given below:<br />

The destruction of records (including correspondence) connected with accounts shall be<br />

governed by the following Rules and such other subsidiary rules consistent therewith as<br />

may be prescribed by Government in this behalf with the concurrence of the Comptroller<br />

and Auditor-General. The following shall on no account be destroyed<br />

(iv)<br />

(v)<br />

(i) Records connected with expenditure, which is within the period of<br />

limitation fixed by law.<br />

(ii) Records connected with expenditure on projects, schemes or works not<br />

completed, although beyond the period of limitation.<br />

(iii)Records connected with claims to service and personal matters affecting<br />

persons in the service<br />

Orders and sanctions of a permanent character, until revised.<br />

Records in respect of which an audit objection is outstanding.<br />


Number<br />

of files<br />

recorded<br />

(b) In respect of records, relating to establishment, personnel and housekeeping matters<br />

common to all departments, follow the `schedule of periods of retention for records<br />

common to all departments' issued by the Department of Administrative Reforms and<br />

Public Grievances.<br />

(c) Considering the urgency to reduce the volume of records now being retained without any<br />

significant need for their retention, the measures may be taken such as a special drive may<br />

be launched every 6 months to record/review all old files and to weed out those no longer<br />

needed. The results of such special drives will be sent to DDGM of concerned RMC in<br />

the Performa given below:<br />

Period of special Drive<br />

From_________ TO________<br />

Met. Centre_________<br />

Numbe<br />

r of<br />

files<br />

indexed<br />

Number<br />

of files<br />

reviewed<br />

Numbe<br />

r of<br />

files<br />

weeded<br />

out<br />

Number of files yet to be<br />

Recorde<br />

d<br />

Reviewed<br />

Weeded<br />

out<br />

Number<br />

of<br />

files sent<br />

to<br />

Departm<br />

ental<br />

Record<br />

Room<br />

Number<br />

of files<br />

sent to<br />

Nationa<br />

l<br />

Archive<br />

s<br />

of <strong>India</strong><br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10<br />

Remarks<br />

20. Transfer of Charge:-<br />

In cases in which the transfer of charge involves assumption of responsibility for cash, stores,<br />

etc., the following instructions should be observed :-<br />

(i) The Cash Book or imprest account should be closed on the date of transfer and a note<br />

recorded in it over the signatures of both the relieved and the relieving Government<br />

servants, showing the cash and imprest balances and the number of unused cheques /<br />

receipt books, if any, made over and received by them respectively.<br />

(ii) The relieving Government servant should bring to notice anything irregular or<br />

objectionable in the conduct of business that may have come officially to his notice.<br />

examine the accounts, count, weight and measure certain selected articles, as applicable,<br />

in order to test the accuracy of the returns.<br />

(iii) In the case of any sudden casualty occurring or any emergent necessity arising for<br />

Government servant to relinquish his charge, the next senior officer of the department<br />

present shall take charge. When the person who takes charge is not a Gazetted<br />

Government servant, he must at once report the circumstances to his nearest departmental<br />

superior and obtain orders as to the cash in hand, if any.<br />

(iv)Perform for transfer of charge and joining report given below should be followed.<br />

(v)<br />

Retiring officials to handover office items – I-card, Locker key, Library books e.t.c. and<br />

if he was assigned with any important files the same to be handed over under proper<br />

receipt to the next officer.<br />


Certificate of transfer of charge<br />

Certified that I /we have in the forenoon / afternoon of this day respectively<br />

made over and received charge of the Office………………………… in pursuance<br />

or Order No……………………… dated ………………………………<br />

Received Officer ………………………… Relieving Officer …………………………<br />

Signature ………………………………… Signature …………………………………<br />

(Name in Block Letters) (Name in Block Letters)<br />

Designation………………………………<br />

Designation…………………………………<br />

Station …………………………………… Station<br />

………………………………………<br />

Date ……………………………………… Date<br />

…………………………………………<br />

(For use in Audit Office / PAO only)<br />

Noted in A/R at page …………………………<br />


Noted in A/R at page……………………………<br />


Forwarded<br />

…………………………………………………………………………………<br />

NOTE :- Separate certificate (as per Form appended) also to be used<br />

where transfer / assumption of charge involves responsibilities for Cash, Stores<br />

etc.<br />

Certificate of transfer of charge in respect of transfer / assumption of responsibilities for<br />

Cash, Stores, etc.<br />

Certified that I/we have in the forenoon / afternoon of this day ……………<br />

[date to be indicated] respectively made over and assumed charge and<br />

responsibility of the following :-<br />

Cash Rs…………………………………<br />

Permanent advance Rs…………………<br />

Others……………………………………<br />

Relieved Officer…………………………..<br />

Reliving Officer……………………………<br />

“Ministry / Department of ………………………….<br />

Joining Report<br />

I hereby report myself for duty this day…………………… forenoon /<br />

afternoon after availing of leave from ……………… to ……………………<br />

sanctioned vide Ministry / Department of ……………………… Order<br />

No……………, dated ………………………<br />

Signature ……………………………<br />

(Name in Block Letters)<br />

Designation………………………….”<br />


2<strong>1.</strong> Official language for purposes of Government work :-<br />

(a) In accordance with the provisions of Article 343 of the Constitution, Hindi became<br />

the official language of the Union with effect from the 26th January, 1965. However,<br />

the Official Languages Act, 1963 permits the continued use of English for specified<br />

purposes of Government work subject to certain conditions.<br />

(b) The Official Languages Rules, 1976 have been framed under the Official Languages<br />

Act, 1963. Instructions are issued from time to time by the Department of Official<br />

Languages to ensure compliance with them. Each year an annual programme of<br />

action is also issued.<br />

(c) In particular the following should be ensured:-<br />

(i) Communications to the offices of State Governments and the Administration of the<br />

Union Territories or persons residing in Region<br />

(A)<br />

i.e. Bihar, Chattisgarh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh,<br />

Rajasthan, Uttaranchal and Uttar Pradesh, as well as the Union Territories of Delhi<br />

and <strong>An</strong>daman & Nicobar Islands, and in Region<br />

(B) i.e. Gujarat, Maharashtra and Punjab as well as the Union Territory of Chandigarh<br />

as defined in sub-rules (2)(f) and (g) of the Official Languages Rules 1976, shall be<br />

made in Hindi. In case a person responsible for drafting a letter does not have<br />

sufficient knowledge of Hindi the draft prepared by him in English will be<br />

translated into Hindi and the letter will be issued in Hindi.<br />

(ii) Communications to the offices of the remaining States and Union Territories as well<br />

as persons residing therein may be made in English.<br />

(iii)Correspondence with Central Government offices located in all regions shall be made<br />

in Hindi in the proportions as fixed in the <strong>An</strong>nual Programme issued by the<br />

Department of Official Languages.<br />

(iv) All communications received in Hindi, irrespective of their source, shall be replied to<br />

in Hindi.<br />

(v) For noting as well as drafting purposes other than those specified herein before an<br />

official is permitted to use Hindi or English, according to his convenience.<br />

(vi) <strong>An</strong> official who does not possess working knowledge of the language used in a case,<br />

is provided with a translation or a precise thereof in the language he knows and<br />

employs for the purpose of Government work.<br />

(vii) Both Hindi and English are used for:-<br />

(i) Resolutions, general orders, rules, administrative and other<br />

representations, notifications and press communiqués;<br />

(ii) Administrative and other reports and officials papers laid before a<br />

House of Parliament; and<br />

(iii)Contracts and agreements executed as well as licences, permits,<br />

notices and form of tenders.<br />


22. Quarter Allotment Register:<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

(iv)<br />

(v)<br />

Total number of different type of quarters may be recorded in the register.<br />

Allotment of quarter to the official against each type in separate pages may be<br />

maintained with date of occupation and date of surrender<br />

Articles available including fan/electrical points/wash basin/furniture if any in<br />

each type of quarter may be recorded at the top to facilitate in verification at the<br />

time of surrender of quarter<br />

When quarter is vacated, CPWD may be informed to put lock & key or in case by<br />

department, then departmental lock & key may be put<br />

If the quarter is kept vacant for longer duration, CPWD may be asked to remove<br />

fan etc. to avoid stealing<br />

23. Store procurement and stock register:<br />

(i)<br />

Every officer incurring or authorizing expenditure from public money should be<br />

guided by high standards of financial propriety. Every officer should also enforce<br />

financial order and strict economy and see that all relevant financial rules and<br />

regulations are observed, by his own office and by subordinate disbursing officers.<br />

Among the principles on which emphasis is generally laid are the following :-<br />

(a) Every officer is expected to exercise the same vigilance in respect of<br />

expenditure incurred from public moneys as a person of ordinary prudence<br />

would exercise in respect of expenditure of his own money.<br />

(b) The expenditure should not be prima facie more than the occasion demands.<br />

(c) No authority should exercise its powers of sanctioning expenditure to pass an<br />

order which will be directly or indirectly to its own advantage.<br />

(d) Expenditure from public moneys should not be incurred for the benefit of a<br />

particular person or a section of the people, unless –<br />

(i) A claim for the amount could be enforced in a Court of Law, or<br />

(ii) The expenditure is in pursuance of a recognized policy or custom.<br />

(e) The amount of allowances granted to meet expenditure of a particular type<br />

should be so regulated that the allowances are not on the whole a source of<br />

profit to the recipients.<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

Expenditure from public funds : No authority may incur any expenditure or enter<br />

into any liability involving expenditure or transfer of moneys for investment or<br />

deposit from Government account unless he same has been sanctioned by a<br />

competent authority.<br />

Delegation of Financial Powers: The financial powers of the Government have<br />

been delegated to various subordinate authorities vide Delegation of Financial<br />

Powers Rules, 1978 as amended from time to time. The financial powers of the<br />

Government, which have not been delegated to a subordinate authority, shall vest<br />

in the Finance Ministry.<br />


(iv) Scheme/project/procurement approval:<br />

Administrative approval from competent authority (to whom the financial<br />

power delegated) for procurement<br />

(i)<br />

DDGM (A&S) - Scheme/project/store costing value up to Rs. 10 lakhs.<br />

(ii) DGM –<br />

(a) Scheme/project/store costing up to Rs. 5.0 crore with<br />

concurrence of FO/CA<br />

(b) PAC items /single resultant effective tender–Nil<br />

Earlier it was upto upto Rs. 50 lakhs<br />

Secretary<br />

– upto Rs. 25 crores<br />

PAC/single effective tender-Rs.5.0 crore<br />

(iii)<br />

SFC/EFC recommendation with the approval Minister- Above 25 crores<br />

(iv)<br />

Procurement under power delegated to DDGM(SI) and DDGM(UI)- not<br />

to be sent to CPU (At present Rs. 5.0 lakh)<br />

(v)<br />

MC In charges- upto Rs.<strong>1.</strong>0 lakh<br />

(v) Mode of procurement:<br />

<strong>1.</strong> Purchase without quotation<br />

2. Purchase through LPC<br />

3. Purchase under DGS&D R/C<br />

4. Purchase through advertisement enquiry<br />

5. Purchase through LTE<br />

6. Purchase through single tender (PAC)<br />


(vi) Rule 145. Purchase of goods without quotation : Purchase of goods upto the value of<br />

Rs. 15,000/- (Rupees Fifteen Thousand) only on each occasion may be made without<br />

inviting quotations or bids on the basis of a certificate to be recorded by the competent<br />

authority in the following format.<br />

"I, ___________________, am personally satisfied that these goods purchased are of the<br />

requisite quality and specification and have been purchased from a reliable supplier at a<br />

reasonable price."<br />

(vii) Rule 146. Purchase of goods by purchase committee :<br />

Purchase of goods costing above Rs. 15,000/- (Rupees Fifteen Thousand) only and upto Rs.<br />

1,00,000/- (Rupees One lakh) only on each occasion may be made on the recommendations<br />

of a duly constituted Local Purchase Committee consisting of three members of an<br />

appropriate level as decided by the Head of the Department. The committee will survey the<br />

market to ascertain the reasonableness of rate, quality and specifications and identify the<br />

appropriate supplier. Before recommending placement of the purchase order, the members<br />

of the committee will jointly record a certificate as under.<br />

"Certified that we _____________________, members of the purchase committee are<br />

jointly and individually satisfied that the goods recommended for purchase are of the<br />

requisite specification and quality, priced at the prevailing market rate and the supplier<br />

recommended is reliable and competent to supply the goods in question. "<br />

(viii) Though any item costing upto Rs.15,000/= can be purchased without quotation but no<br />

delegation of power to M.C. In-charges has been given by competent authority i.e.<br />

D.G.M..<br />


(ix) Supply order can be issued in the following format.<br />

No.D-15028/2010-11<br />

Government of <strong>India</strong><br />

<strong>India</strong> Meteorological Department<br />

Meteorological Centre, New Delhi-3 Dated: the Feb.,2011<br />

To,<br />

M/s ________________________<br />

________________________<br />

Dear Sir,<br />

________________________<br />

With reference to the rates quoted under letter No. ______________________<br />

dt.,____________ please supply the articles mentioned below at the rates given against<br />

them and send your pre-receipted bill in triplicate for payment in due course. This office<br />

reserves the right to cancel the order and to take suitable action against the supplier if the<br />

terms of the order (Enclosure-A) is not strictly adhered to.<br />

S.No. Name of the article Quantity Rate Vat<br />

Total amount<br />

Yours faithfully<br />

(Head M.C.)<br />


(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

Stores are procured by two ways- by local purchase or received from other offices.<br />

The articles are categorised as consumable, semi-consumable and nonconsumable<br />

depending nature of articles. Separate register may be maintained for<br />

separate nature of articles. The format for consumable items and nonconsumable/semi-consumable<br />

items are given below:<br />

Stock Register of Consumable such as stationery, chemicals, spare parts, etc.<br />

Name of the article_______________<br />

Date Particulars Suppliers<br />

Invoice<br />

No. and<br />

Date<br />

Receipt<br />

Issue<br />

Voucher<br />

No.<br />

Issue Balance Unit<br />

Price<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8<br />

Register for Fixed/Non-consumable/Semi-consumable Assets<br />

Name and description of the Asset:-<br />

Date<br />

Particulars Particulars of Supplier<br />

of Asset Name & Bill No. &<br />

Address Date<br />

Cost of the<br />

Asset<br />

Location<br />

the Asset<br />

of<br />

Remarks<br />

(iii)<br />

(iv)<br />

(v)<br />

(vi)<br />

(vii)<br />

(viii)<br />

(ix)<br />

Stock registers may be maintained by G.S. but each unit should maintain separate<br />

registers for respective units. Technical stores may also be maintained in each unit<br />

of M.C.<br />

Stock register should be verified in every calendar year and physical verification<br />

report may be prepared accordingly.<br />

All registers must have certificate with number of pages and purpose of register<br />

on the 1 st page and it should be certified/attested by senior most Gaz. Officer of<br />

the section.<br />

While transferring/issuing article, the record may be maintained in respective<br />

pages with signature of recipient or dispatcher but concerned officers’ signature<br />

for each entry should be there.<br />

In case of condemnation of article if found obsolete or unusable or damaged,<br />

approval may be sought from competent authority and these articles may be<br />

disposed off after obtaining approval from competent authority.<br />

Articles can be disposed off by two ways- obtaining bids through advertised<br />

tender and public auction.<br />

Report of obsolete/written off/condemned items may be prepared in a register.<br />

The format is given below:<br />

Report of Surplus, obsolete and unserviceable stores for disposal<br />


Item No. Particulars Quantity/ Book Condition Mode of Remarks<br />

of Stores Weight Value/<br />

Original<br />

purchase<br />

price<br />

and year of<br />

purchase<br />

disposal (<br />

sale, public<br />

auction or<br />

otherwise)<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

(x)<br />

Signature________<br />

Designation________<br />

Date:----<br />

Register for assets of historical /artistic value may be maintained in the following<br />

format. Here land details of office/quarter, office buildings/quarters etc. can be<br />

recorded<br />

Register of Assets of Historical /Artistic value<br />

Name of asset:---<br />

Date of<br />

acquisition<br />

Source of<br />

acquisition<br />

Cost<br />

price, if<br />

any<br />

Particulars<br />

which make it<br />

an asset of<br />

historic/artistic<br />

value<br />

Particulars<br />

of the<br />

custodian<br />

of the<br />

asset<br />

Location<br />

of the<br />

asset<br />

Remarks<br />

24. Delegation of financial power to M.C. In-Charges:<br />

(i) Permanent advance enhanced to `Rs.25,000/- to Heads of M.C.’s as per<br />

DGM.O.M. No.B-90 dated 14.6.2010.<br />

(ii) Exp. is debitable under Major Head “8672-permanent Cash Imprest,101-<br />

Civil” initially and recouped from the O.E within the allocated budget grant<br />

of resp. R.M.C’s.<br />

(iii) Heads of M.C.’s in <strong>IMD</strong> will exercise the enhanced delegated financial<br />

powers to the tune of Rs.<strong>1.</strong>00 lakh per month under Head “Office<br />

Expenses”. Priority must be given for payment of electricity, water and<br />

telephone charges before due date in all circumstances. All Head of MC to<br />

observe codal formalities as laid down in General and other financial<br />

guidelines issued by Govt. of <strong>India</strong> from time to time.<br />

(iv) RMC have been directed to allocate adequate funds to each M.C. Under MH<br />

3455 METEOROLOGY,00.102 OWS, 0<strong>1.</strong>0<strong>1.</strong>13 O.E or MH 3455<br />

METEOROLOGY,00.200 OMS, 0<strong>1.</strong>00.13 O.E as case may be. so that M.C.<br />

could exercise delegated power appropriately.<br />

(v) The daily expenses by MC in charge should be at least Rs.5000/-.<br />

(vi) The proposal of exp. Amounting to more than 1 lakh or which are not<br />

procured through local purchase committee should be sent to H.Q. for<br />

concurrence of F.O. through RMC.<br />


(vii) The details of expenditure incurred by each M.C. on monthly basis be<br />

communicated to concerned RC by 3 rd of following month positively.<br />



KOLKATA;<br />




<strong>1.</strong> Bicycle Full powers<br />

2. Fixture & Furniture, purchase<br />

and repairs<br />

3. Demurrage/Wharf age<br />

charges<br />

4. Hire of office furniture,<br />

electric fans, heaters, coolers,<br />

clocks and call bells<br />

5. Motor vehicles –<br />

maintenance, upkeep and<br />

repairs<br />

(i) 4 wheelers<br />

(ii) 3 or 2 wheelers<br />

6. Petty works and repairs<br />

i) Execution of petty works<br />

and special repairs to Govt.<br />

owned building, including<br />

sanitary fittings water supply<br />

and electric installations in<br />

such building and repairs to<br />

such installation.<br />

ii) Ordinary repairs to<br />

Government building<br />

Rs. 5000/- per annum<br />

Rs. 1000/- in each case subject of maximum of Rs. 10,000 p.a.<br />

Rs. 5000/- per annum<br />

(i) Rs. 15,000/- per vehicle per annum<br />

(ii) Rs. 1,000/- per vehicle per annum<br />

(i) Rs. each case<br />

(These powers shall not be exercised at places<br />

where CPWD is functioning.<br />

(ii) Rs. each case<br />

(These powers shall not be exercised at places<br />

where CPWD is functioning.<br />


7. Binding:<br />

(i) Office records<br />

Rs. 5000/- per annum<br />

8. Rent- ordinary office<br />

accommodation<br />

1) Where the accommodation<br />

is entirely utilized for the<br />

office<br />

Nil<br />

2) Where the accommodation<br />

is used partly as office and<br />

partly as residence<br />

Nil<br />

9. Repairs and removal of<br />

machinery (Where the<br />

expenditure is not of a capital<br />

nature)<br />

Rs. 10,000/- per annum<br />


10. i) Local purchase of rubber<br />

stamps and office seals<br />

Full powers<br />

1<strong>1.</strong> i). stores required for the<br />

working of an establishment,<br />

instruments, equipments and<br />

apparatus<br />

(i) Nil<br />

(ii) Rs. 2000/- to PAC Kolkata<br />

12. Shifting of residential<br />

telephones.<br />

Full powers<br />

13. Upkeep of and repairs to all<br />

office equi9pments including<br />

typewriters, intercom<br />

equipments, calculators,<br />

electronic stencil cutters,<br />

Dictaphones, tape recorders,<br />

photocopiers, copying<br />

machines, addressographs,<br />

filing and indexing systems,<br />

desert cooler, water cooler, air<br />

conditions fans etc. excluding<br />

computers of all kinds.<br />

Recurring : Rs. 50,000/- per annum<br />

Non-recurring : Rs. 15,000/- per annum<br />


14. Hire and maintenance of<br />

Computers of all kinds<br />

Rs. 5,000/- per annum<br />

15. Expenditure to wards<br />

Hospitality for conferences,<br />

seminar, meetings.<br />

A maximum of Rs. 500/- per month (rates per annum<br />

will be governed by the Govt of <strong>India</strong>,<br />

Deptt. Of Expenditure latter No.F.I(I)E.II(A)/92<br />

dated 19.12.93 and subsequent amendments, if any).<br />

(ix)<br />

Office expenses as per DFPR<br />

Office expenses – Will include all contingent expenses for running an office<br />

such as furniture, postage, purchase and maintenance of office machines and<br />

equipment, liveries, hot and cold weather charges (excluding wages of staff<br />

paid from (contingencies), telephones, electricity and water charges,<br />

stationery, printing of forms, purchase and maintenance of staff cars and<br />

other vehicles for office use as distinct from vehicles for functional purposes<br />

like ambulance, vans, etc. This will also include POL expenses on vehicles for<br />

office use.<br />

25. Cash regarding-<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

Dir. I/C is the financial authority at M.C. level.<br />

Every Government Officer who is authorised to (i) sign or countersign<br />

bills (ii) draw cheques shall send specimen of his signatures to his<br />

Accounts Officer/branch bank concerned duly attested by the relieving<br />

officer or through some superior officer whose specimen signature is<br />

already available with the Accounts Officer/ Bank concerned.<br />

The Drawing & Disbursing Officer shall ensure that, except where<br />

otherwise specifically authorised, Government money is kept in strong<br />

treasure chests secured by two locks of different patterns, and the keys of<br />


(iv)<br />

(v)<br />

(vi)<br />

(vii)<br />

(viii)<br />

(ix)<br />

(x)<br />

(xi)<br />

(xii)<br />

(xiii)<br />

(xiv)<br />

one lock shall be kept apart from the keys of the other and in the custody<br />

of a different person wherever practicable. The chest shall not be opened<br />

unless both the custodians of the keys of the two locks are present. (It<br />

would, however be proper that the cash chests are embedded in an inner<br />

wall of the room occupied by the DDO or by the Cashier).<br />

The DDO will ensure that all monetary transactions in his office are<br />

entered in a cash book in the prescribed form. The other important<br />

instructions mentioned in the ensuing paragraphs should be observed in<br />

this regard. The cash book should be maintained in form GAR 3/TR 4. It<br />

should be bound and its pages machine-numbered. Before bringing a cash<br />

book into use, the DDO should count the number of pages and record a<br />

certificate of count on the first page of the cash book. All monetary<br />

transactions should be entered in the cash book as soon as they occur and<br />

be attested by the DDO in token of such check. The cash book should be<br />

closed regularly and completely checked. The DDO should verify the<br />

totalling of the cash book or have this done by some responsible<br />

subordinate other than the writer of the cash book and initial it as correct.<br />

Current account of Dir. I/C is maintained at each M.C. . Payments are<br />

received from concerned RMC through current A/C. Dir.I/C should have<br />

online banking facility for current A/C so that he can verify credit or debit<br />

of amount against current A/C.<br />

Permanent advance register may be maintained.<br />

Cheque book register may be maintained. Cheque no. with date along with<br />

A/C payee may indicated on the cheque while signing the cheque.<br />

All the party payments may be made through cheques<br />

Contingent register may be maintained<br />

Cash book may be maintained with signature of cashier, A.M.(Admin) and<br />

then Dir. I/C.<br />

Receipt books may be kept stock at M.C. for issuing receipt against guest<br />

house tariff, return of any money by any of the officials and details of<br />

receipt books may be recorded in a register.<br />

Monthly contingent statement including consumption of diesel etc. may be<br />

sent to concerned RMC.<br />

Contingent requirement bill may be sent to concerned RMC once or twice<br />

in a month depending your expenditure in month.<br />

Dir. I/C should verify cash in 1 st week of every month and statement may<br />

be given on the body of cash book.<br />

26. Library:<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

Register for books on different subjects will be prepared separately.<br />

Issue/receipt register may be maintained.<br />

Physical verification of library may be made once in every year and<br />

discrepancies if any may be recorded. Loss of books if any may be<br />

investigated and action may be taken accordingly.<br />


27. Guest House:-<br />

(i) Guest house register may be maintained. Entry of occupants with address,<br />

designation, stray period, payment details may be recorded in the register.<br />

(ii) Occupants may be allowed with verification of Identity card and application/form<br />

may be obtained from him/her.<br />

(iii) All the items available in the guest house may be entered in the register. Physical<br />

verification of guest house stores may be made once in every year.<br />

28. Manpower management:<br />

(i) At present G.S. works are managed by technical officers and staffs as no sufficient<br />

administrative manpower are available at each M.C.. Technical officers/ staffs are<br />

dealing mainly technical nature of works and moreover, they are transferable.<br />

They do not have adequate knowledge of administration and it causes sometimes<br />

indiscipline at the centre. To avoid these problems, separate administrative<br />

officer/staffs should be sanctioned.<br />

(ii) One Admin. Officer, one store keeper, one Admin. Asst., one UDC, one LDC<br />

and one peon should be sanctioned at each M.C.<br />

(iii) Officials on local tour within the state may be done under the jurisdiction of<br />

director incharge.<br />

(iv) For smooth and efficient functioning of Met Centre, the staff transferred from<br />

M.C. by RMC suggestion of the incharge be taken while transferring an official.<br />

29. Suggestions:<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

(iv)<br />

(v)<br />

Outsourcing of security guards round the clock at M.C.s<br />

Outsourcing of two safaiwalas at each M.C.<br />

Engagement of retired experienced persons for inspectional works and<br />

surface/PBO observations.<br />

Delegation of financial power with allocation of fund for A.M.C. of EPBX, watercoolers/aqua<br />

guards<br />

Departmental posting of store keeper-cun-caretaker.<br />

30. Group “D” liveries:<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

Staff Car Drivers, Dispatch Riders, Senior Gestetner Operators in Group ‘C’<br />

and all Group ‘D’ employees of the categories of Jamadars, Daftaries, peons,<br />

Messengers, Record Sorters, Chowkidars, Farashes, Sweepers and Junior<br />

Gestetner Operators, borne on the regular establishment are eligible for issue<br />

of uniforms after completing 3 months’ service, provided they are whole-time<br />

employees.<br />

Climatic classification of places:<br />

The eligible categories of Groups ‘C’ and ‘D’ employees are supplied summer<br />

as well as winter uniforms as per laid down pattern and schedule based on<br />

classification of different places on climatic considerations as "all summer<br />

stations", "all winter stations" and "both summer and winter stations". <strong>An</strong>y<br />

new places will be notified by the Department of Personnel and Training in<br />


consultation with the <strong>India</strong> Meteorological Department on the following<br />

basis:-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

Places where the average daily minimum temperature in the<br />

coldest month of the year does not fall below 1<strong>1.</strong>7 C ( 53 F ) will<br />

be deemed to be "All Summer Stations".<br />

Places where the average daily minimum temperature prevailing<br />

during the whole year is 1<strong>1.</strong>7 C ( 53 F) or below will be deemed<br />

to be "All Winter Stations".<br />

(c ) Places where the average daily minimum temperature falls below<br />

1<strong>1.</strong>7 C ( 53 F ) in winter and rises above that in summer will be<br />

deemed to be " Both Summer and Winter Stations".<br />

(iii)<br />

(iv)<br />

(v)<br />

Ordinarily, summer and winter seasons are reckoned to commence on the 1 st<br />

April and 1 st October respectively. The Ministries, etc., can, however, use<br />

their discretion in deciding the dates from which the two seasons should be<br />

deemed to commence; but once the dates are fixed, they should not be altered<br />

from year to year. In no case should uniforms be supplied after the expiry of<br />

the season for which they are intended. The life of uniforms should be<br />

reckoned on a seasonal basis. [O.M.No.23/9/70-JCA, dated 4-12-197}. ( Also<br />

see Para 6 of O.M. dated 12-12-2000 ).<br />

Stitching of uniforms:<br />

(a) The common categories of Groups ‘C’ and ‘D’ Staff eligible for supply of<br />

uniforms may be given the required cloth (Summer and Winter ) to<br />

enable them to have the uniforms stitched as per the laid down pattern.<br />

[O.M.No.14/8/86-JCA, dated 9-3-1989 ].<br />

(b) It may please be noted that the reimbursement of stitching charges at the<br />

prescribed rates should be done only after the stitched uniforms are<br />

produced which are duly stamped with an indelible ink at an appropriate<br />

place on the wrong side of the stitched dress for identification. A proper<br />

record and procedure should be evolved to ensure that the employees<br />

produce the stitched uniforms within a reasonable period (say, one month<br />

) after the cloth was supplied to them [ O.M.No.14/2/90-JCA, dated 2-5-<br />

1990 and O.M.No.14/4/2000-JCA, dated 18-12-2000 ].<br />

Proper use, care and maintenance of uniforms:<br />

(a) The employees provided with uniforms are required to turn out in<br />

proper and clean uniforms. Non-wearing of proper uniforms not only<br />

attract disciplinary action but further supply of uniforms is to be<br />

discontinued if the employee is found to be attending to his duties<br />

without wearing uniforms regularly. [O.M.No.19/4/86-JCA, dated 13-9-<br />

1989 ].<br />

(b) In order to ensure compliance by individual employee, the desirability<br />

of introducing a system of surprise check for these employees may be<br />

considered and for this purpose an officer of an appropriate level<br />

preferable A.M. (Admin) may be designated as Inspecting Officer for<br />

surprise check and cases of delinquencies may be suitably dealt with by<br />


the Ministries / Departments / Offices. [O.M.No.14/26/76-JCA, dated 2-<br />

8-1976 ].<br />

(vi)<br />

(vii)<br />

Washing Allowance:<br />

The common categories of Groups ‘C’ and ‘D’ employees mentioned above<br />

(Para 2) are eligible for grant of Washing Allowance @ Rs.30/- per month<br />

(O.M.No.14/9/95-JCA, dated 12-12-2000 ). It is for the Ministries /<br />

Departments to satisfy themselves that the allowance is actually spent for the<br />

purpose for which it is granted. No deduction, whatsoever, of Washing<br />

Allowance, need be made for the period of any leave taken by the employee<br />

concerned. [O.M.No.14/14/80-JCA, dated 21-5-1981 ].<br />

Register may be maintained for supply of uniforms to the eligible employees<br />

and signature of individual may be taken in register.<br />

3<strong>1.</strong> Identity Card:-<br />

(i) Identity cards are to be issued to all cadre of employees<br />

(ii) Register for issue of I-card may be maintained at the centre<br />

(iii) In case of Loss or damage of I-card, appropriate fine with police FIR may be<br />

collected from the concerned official.<br />

32. Notice board<br />

Observational net work under the Meteorological centre and officers /staff<br />

strength should be displayed at the entrance of the main building.<br />

Climatology of the state and the state capital should be displayed on the notice<br />

board. Some important weather features of the state can also be displayed along<br />

with above material.<br />

Daily weather report and F/C pertaining to the state should be displayed<br />

electronically at the main gate of the office<br />

33. Maintenance and looking after the office building<br />

<br />

A caretaker from the cadre of LDC/UDC should be appointed to look after the<br />

cleanliness and other maintenance work of the office building and the guest house.<br />

A.M (admin) will supervise and inspect his work.<br />


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