Rhodesia - Infotextmanuscripts.org

Rhodesia - Infotextmanuscripts.org

Rhodesia - Infotextmanuscripts.org


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age. 'eEB of years seventeen under are Jo sreeA uaa+uanas Jepun aJe half JTELI about +noqE<br />

millions,<br />

of manpower six only is population total<br />

strain severe<br />

whose<br />

which Ll3T!.lM<br />

'=uo.t11u<br />

of Jo<br />

xTs Aluo sT uot+ETndod Te+o+ asoqM<br />

A.rlunoe country a e Jo :amodueu limited pa+TurT the aq+ on uo urE'r+s e,ran as<br />

a e imposes sasodut also osTe which q3TqM<br />

'luaudolen<br />

but +nq development, ep peaceful TnJaread' on uo<br />

spent been have profitably more could which material<br />

luads ueeq en Br.{ A1qe4r3-o'rd a'rolll pTno3 tlJTLlM Terrs+EtLL<br />

draining only not are which territory<br />

and puE money Aauout 3.o of us sn 6u1r-""p Aluo +ou arE qsTqM A':o1tr'ra1<br />

rno our harassment<br />

world, the of markets money<br />

stant<br />

into o+uT'suorstrn3ur incursions terrorist +sT'ro'rJe+ JCI of +ueussBJPq +uP+S<br />

-uo3 con- €Ll+ the of Jo e1-rds spite in ur and puP 'p1'rom aq+ Jo s+e>lreu Aeuoul<br />

aq+ sanctions, versal<br />

the tlorJ from Jlo off cut +n3 being 6uleq Jo of spite allds in ut 'suor+3ues Tesren<br />

-Tun exercise vicious most the<br />

aid any of spite in<br />

uni- +sou.lTE almost of Jo asr3rexs snor3Tn +soq aq+'Jo al1ds ur<br />

receiving<br />

prospered pexadsord and pue penrnJns survived whereas<br />

from far <strong>Rhodesia</strong>, years has seq all,<br />

'TTe<br />

at +e^pTe Aue 6utnra3s;t<br />

ruoJJ reJ 'ETsapoqH srBaA u3^aTa eleven nearly ATresu for roJ seaJsLiM<br />

been, has<br />

them; !ueq1 uoon upon lavished paqsT^eT<br />

'aq<br />

he, to o+ continues sBnur+uo3 and puP 'uaaq seq<br />

financial massive of spite<br />

q3Tq^4 which aid pTe TE3T6olouLl technological re+ pue and TeTf,uEu"rJ e^rssEtli Jo alrds<br />

uit+ueT3TJ}auTpueaTqE+sunpano.rde^eL].TMeTehpuP<br />

unstable proved have Malawi, and<br />

in inefficient arid<br />

partners, former favoured the contrast, By<br />

Zambia Erquez<br />

6sreulred JeuJo+ peJnoneJ sq+ 3+sEJ+uo3 ng<br />

'suor+Eu<br />

nations of Jo '{+Tunuuoc community bLi+ th in ur e3ueldacce<br />

acceptance<br />

- accorded hae should which<br />

con- and obligations the fulfil to respect every ditions<br />

universal TEsr'anrun her reLl papJosse e'^'eq pTnoLls q3TqM suor+Tp<br />

-uo3 pue suor+eBtlqc aq+ TTJTnJ o+ 1:adse'r A'rana in ur<br />

own her order<br />

and pue order,<br />

{ rePro pue and law MeT maintain urE+ureuj o+ 's'rte33-e<br />

±o affairs, uMo .rAq JepJo<br />

stability, economic her proved<br />

in<br />

then,<br />

feet; own since elapsed have that years amply has<br />

to o+ ability A+TtTqe :req her<br />

'fi+TTTqe+s 3rttlouo3a Jeq pano'rd nTdrxe -sEtl<br />

pTsapoqu 'uaq+ the<br />

<strong>Rhodesia</strong><br />

e3urs pesdele en Eq +eq+ s'rea6 aq1 ur<br />

peapur her on standing of capable less,<br />

indeed and puE 14aa3- uMo JaLl uo 0ulpuE+s Jo alqedeJ 6sseT<br />

not more, r was <strong>Rhodesia</strong> politically and Economically<br />

+ou erotu seM ETsepoqU u{11erT+TTOd pue ATTe3TLttouosl<br />

'esTlr-J3ES<br />

sacrifice<br />

SIESeTOqM wholesale<br />

from exempted be to not was Empire, erstwhile<br />

this sTq+ uorj pe+dulexe eq o+ +ou sEM n artduL3 aTTLlr'4+sJa<br />

<strong>Rhodesia</strong>, Southern trade American<br />

the sq+ of Jo +rF-id pert se'ETsepor-lU as<br />

uJei'l+r'oS<br />

'€Per+ ue3TrarriV<br />

o+ so proved had which tariffs imperial<br />

to disadvantageous<br />

snoe6eluenpesrp os peAOJd pELl t'l 3TqM slJr;iE+ ler',radurt<br />

protective B^T+:a1o:d eq+ the Jo of abandonment +ueuuopuEqE the eLl+ pue and years srBeA twenty-five<br />

e^"r$*A+uam+<br />

uTq+TM within a.rtdu3 Empire LtsT+Trg British the aq+ of io uoT+nTossrp dissolution te e..l+ included<br />

paPnT3uT<br />

War World in lease-lend of price the that back,<br />

II I I relq pTroA ur puaT-esEaT io art'rd a''.1+ +tl1<br />

-l::O<br />

s Stalin, and Roosevelt between Yalta<br />

Churchill's i TTTq3rnql behind puTtlq 'uTTE+S puE +Te/\esooU uaaM+eq 'B+Tei<br />

- was This<br />

at agreementmade the with accordance<br />

intended not was<br />

in<br />

+E speu luatlaal6e eq+ q+TM aluepJof,3e ur sem:Tql<br />

'paseeTer it<br />

released. eq be should pTnoqs she eqs pepue+ur +ou sPM +T q3TqM which<br />

a<br />

was<br />

rno,rJ into <strong>Rhodesia</strong> Southern draw to<br />

of formation the of<br />

Feder- African Central the<br />

purpose<br />

ation<br />

from net +au E o+uT BTsepoqu uraQlnoS Merp o+ sErv\ u:T+E<br />

-,r€paJ uE3Tr.+v TPr+uaJ eq+ 3o uor+euJroJ eq+ .}o asod'rnd<br />

hindsight, in clear, now is it But<br />

main urEu aq+ the +Eq+ that<br />

'+Ll6TspuTtl ur rr aTs Mou =T 1T 1lg<br />

treatment. +uetu+Ber+ stllES same eq+ the receive €nra3ar pTnorv\ would <strong>Rhodesia</strong> prsepoq,u Southern<br />

u:ra1+los<br />

independence thei-r<br />

+Et{+ that<br />

Nyasaland and <strong>Rhodesia</strong> Northern former the<br />

given were<br />

assumed PeunssB A11tce1 tacitly seM was it +T and pue :af,uapuadapul-"T:tl1<br />

urr.rb areM : pueTEse{5 Pue eTsePo'-lU u'leq+'roN rlul:r:}^ eLl+<br />

- sre-ir1.:ed 1953, in Government British the by<br />

partriers raq+o other aq+ 'Eg6<br />

the L ur +ueuuren o! qsT+Trg eLl+ Aq<br />

pe^Tossrp. was Federation African Central the When<br />

dissolved sEM uor+E:repeJ uE.sTrlV TPr+u3J aq+ uaq/q<br />

-3- E.

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