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Editor<br />

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. {f Published Prlbliqhed<br />

by \<br />

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I P0. P O. Box 1871 1,871<br />

Salisbury s"lis[ury-<strong>Rhodesia</strong> ,<br />

..<br />

BFoomfield stoomfie[d Books, Books.<br />

" ' I r The Old Oid Priory, F*i,-r",rl'-'<br />

;<br />

Priory priory Walk,<br />

Sudbury, Si[foIk Suffolk.<br />

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'(roq+nv -<br />

Author). Government +uauuren ol <strong>Rhodesia</strong>. Prsspotlu Southern<br />

ureq+nos<br />

in was the eq+ Jo of debt +qeP a e not +ou and puP <strong>Rhodesia</strong><br />

ersapoLlu fJorthern uraq+roN of JO respect +sadsar<br />

ur seM remainder repuTeua,r the aq+ 'e'T<br />

(i.e. ) million uorTTTtx £t.75 9/' {3 to o+ <strong>Rhodesia</strong>s<br />

sPTsapoqu<br />

two omf aq1 the acquiring 6ut:rtnbre of JO cost +so3 Imperial lEtJedrul total Te+o+ the arl+<br />

reducing 6utcnpa,r<br />

£2 pay thereby Aqa,:aq1 Government, '1ueuru,lano5 British LlsT+Trg the eq+ to o+ million uorTTTlx<br />

7g Aed to o+ had peq +ueuureno5 Government <strong>Rhodesia</strong> ETsepoqg Southern uJaq+nos new Meu The eLlI<br />

.<br />

assets. s+esse Aerurlre:r railway s+T its q+TM with tampering 6ur,raduel any Aue lsuteEe against tection uor+34+<br />

-oed pro- cast-iron uo;tT-+seJ panraoer received puE and Zambesi TsequreZ the er.{+ of }o south q+nos and puP<br />

north q+rou both q+oS_:+qbTr rights Ieraurur mineral its s+T kept +de >l Aueduro3 Company the eLl+ whilst +sTTqM<br />

r<br />

<strong>Rhodesia</strong>s, sErsapoLlH Effi two the aq1 ur in buildings s0utpTTnq and puE works s>lroM public 3TTqnd 'spuel<br />

lands,<br />

uñalienated pa+EueTTEun all TTe r€n over o took >loo+ Crown uMoJl "The eQIir '0c0'0El-<br />

750,000. £3 EE for roJ<br />

surrpTr claims s Co's r ol 'V'S'g<br />

B.S.A. the eLl+ out +no bought lqDnoq Crown umo,r3 British qsT+Trg The eql<br />

'+ueuu,rano6-31es<br />

self-government. esoLls chose plebiscite, r s+TOSTqaTd a E of Jo result +Tnser the aq+<br />

sE as 'pue<br />

and, Africa; lecr.r3.y South r.l+nos of Jo Union uQrun (then) (ueq+ ) the eq+ inclusion<br />

or self-government of choice the given was<br />

in ur uorsnTsut<br />

Jo +usulurano6-31as Jo a3Toq3 aq+ uenrE serq <strong>Rhodesia</strong><br />

ersspoqH<br />

u.req+nos Southern 1923 tZ6l uI In -3t*nd purchase. of Jo right +qBTr by fq <strong>Rhodesia</strong><br />

ErsepoqH<br />

Southern<br />

ureq+noS Jo of aldoad people the by owned was it onwards 1923 from<br />

",-{+ f q paumo seM +T sprEMU o EZ6l tllor}<br />

'Aueduo3<br />

+ng But Company. e3rrJV Africa q+nCIS South British qsT+Trg aLl+ the by Aq pere+srurtrpe<br />

administered<br />

spM was pup and ,,4+Trnuuof, community" "settler<br />

reT++as. calleda<br />

p- pafTe3 aq be Al,rado,rd properly could pTnD3<br />

<strong>Rhodesia</strong>) ( ersapoLlu (now Mou ) <strong>Rhodesia</strong> ersepoLlu ur€q+nos Southern 1923 tz5 | to o+ 05 1590 B L From rxo,rJ<br />

own. 'uMo<br />

his sTLl on uo up ci n set +es and pue partnership<br />

dTr'.{s,rau1,red<br />

dissolve<br />

anTossTp o+ to wishes saqsTM uJTJ firm sssursnq business a E of Jo partner .rau1:red junior .rorunI<br />

the aLl + when uaL{M than ueq+ more eJour no ou 'uorlce<br />

action, q3ns such in ur illegal 1e6a11r nothing 6utqlou<br />

ias seM there aJeq+ +Eq+ that peuTE+ureu maintained always sAervrlE have an BLI eA We Britain.<br />

'urE+rrg<br />

to o+<br />

req her punoq bound +Eq+ that seT+ ties tenuous snonue+ when 1965,<br />

11th, November on the aq+ pa.ren severed es she eqs ueqm '9961<br />

'q+ 1. L raquanoN uo e3uepuadapuT independence her req declared peJeT3ep <strong>Rhodesia</strong><br />

aTsapoLlU<br />

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor<br />

propaganda. wing<br />

left- -+Jar JO of <strong>org</strong>an ueBro an uE into o+ul turned peurn+ and pup Left ;:::=filTl the by over ::l:<br />

taken ua>1e+ been ueeq largely fta6:e1 has seq +l'+3eJ it infact, ur nuaqm<br />

when, truth Ll+nr+ PesErqun unbiased<br />

aq+ the presents s+uasa,rd ssard Press s world's r pTroM the €q+ that<br />

those by held currently are<br />

+pq+ en believe erTaq still TTT+s oqM who<br />

asor.-l + Aq pTeq r{T+uerJn3 e.re qrTL{M which ideas sEapT erroneous snoau3rJa eq+ the<br />

Jo of eulos some correct +JeJ:ro3 to o+ Ar+ try CI+ to today zdepo+ purpose ssod;nd my Au is sr it +T pue and<br />

!,,p1rom world"; aq+ the of Jo rest +ser eq+ the o+,rou..:ppe to "nor add: would pTnoivl I this sTr..l+ clT<br />

,r'pTsapoqU <strong>Rhodesia</strong>." in uT- uor+en+TS situation eq+ the Durpce6a.r regarding Britain uTp+Trg Jo of people eldoad<br />

aq+ the o+ to pTo+ told been ueaq rane ever sEq has Ll+nr+ truth the eq+ resembling Burlquasa.r remotely<br />

A1e1cua,r<br />

6urq1o5il "Nothing :sproM words: aseq+ these Ll+TM with pa+re+s started (9L5L',EZ 1976) 23, (March q3rEN)<br />

ffi Telegraph Daily London uopuo-l the ell+ ur in re++eT letter recent +ue3er A V<br />

+,I0deu Report World pTJol4 & ersapoqu <strong>Rhodesia</strong><br />

'<br />

Editor, ro+- pf<br />

ersapoqy <strong>Rhodesia</strong> J-o of anEeal League rnopueJ Candour r Chairman,<br />

ueu,rreq3<br />

uosrepuv Anderson<br />

'3 G. Ian ueI by fq<br />



:::r\a*;rE-._<br />

2-<br />

"Southern r'Southern <strong>Rhodesia</strong> for her part obtained her public<br />

works and un-alienated land, 1and, the Southern <strong>Rhodesia</strong>n<br />

settlers becoming b"ro*ing the th= only ohry community in Imperial<br />

history which has ever had to "oryqnm pa for the privila e of<br />

self-government.rr* (My italics - Author).<br />

"ou<br />

self_government.t* (My itafl,cs - Author).<br />

-2<br />

The <strong>Rhodesia</strong>n Courts are noted for their austere<br />

impartiality and, some <strong>Rhodesia</strong>ns would say, salr disregard<br />

of the dictates of government administrative<br />

expediency. After much careful consideration consi_deration of all_<br />

the arguments and much detailed research, the<br />

<strong>Rhodesia</strong>n Court court of Appeal Appea-l- came to the conclusion concr-usion that<br />

the so-called so-ca-l-1ed "Smith regime" regr-mertwas both the de facto factc and<br />

de jure government of <strong>Rhodesia</strong>.<br />

fhe main argument that swayed the <strong>Rhodesia</strong>n Court ccurt of<br />

Appeal- was that in fact the British Government long J-ong previously had<br />

given <strong>Rhodesia</strong> her independence;<br />

independencel that could no and<br />

she cou-l-d nc more take it back from <strong>Rhodesia</strong> she than<br />

could from f Canada, Australia<br />

Austral_i_a or New (or,<br />

Zealand ( for that matter, the United States).<br />

In dj-sregard disregard of the same arguments the British<br />

House of Lords Judicial Committee committee (composed mainly mainlv of<br />

political poritical appointees) i-ntees ) hastily decided that Mr Smith's sm,-ih government had become illegal illegaI although it<br />

previously elected overnight, had been prev-'-cusiy al_though i_t<br />

ei-ecied under a Constitution<br />

constitution<br />

approved by the British Crown and Parliament.<br />

parliament.<br />

Further, the Southern souihern <strong>Rhodesia</strong> Rhrdesia Government bought the<br />

mineral rights from<br />

T1"u:11<br />

the British Bri.tish South south Africa Company comfany for<br />

£2 3"2 million in rn 1933; and subsequently the railways also .1"o<br />

were wete acquired<br />

by purchase.<br />

Although Althcugh Southern <strong>Rhodesia</strong> continued called Colony to in be call_ed<br />

legal lega1 documents, a<br />

in 1923 fact British from 1gZ3 Government the<br />

never once intervened affairs in nor her<br />

ever contributed towards 5outhern<br />

any finance tor.tl" development;<br />

and the status of southern <strong>Rhodesia</strong> was<br />

recognised as that of a self-governing such colony. she continued to As<br />

develop deverop and prosper p"o"pu" was ill-advisably until persuaded in she<br />

to join i"n the formation<br />

of the Central Centra.l- African Federation in 1953.<br />

*History<br />

of Southern <strong>Rhodesia</strong>: Early Days to 1934, 1g34, by y<br />

L.H.<br />

Gann, 1965, 1955 r page 248 Z4B<br />

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E€=#r**'<br />

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor<br />

age. 'eEB of years seventeen under are Jo sreeA uaa+uanas Jepun aJe half JTELI about +noqE<br />

millions,<br />

of manpower six only is population total<br />

strain severe<br />

whose<br />

which Ll3T!.lM<br />

'=uo.t11u<br />

of Jo<br />

xTs Aluo sT uot+ETndod Te+o+ asoqM<br />

A.rlunoe country a e Jo :amodueu limited pa+TurT the aq+ on uo urE'r+s e,ran as<br />

a e imposes sasodut also osTe which q3TqM<br />

'luaudolen<br />

but +nq development, ep peaceful TnJaread' on uo<br />

spent been have profitably more could which material<br />

luads ueeq en Br.{ A1qe4r3-o'rd a'rolll pTno3 tlJTLlM Terrs+EtLL<br />

draining only not are which territory<br />

and puE money Aauout 3.o of us sn 6u1r-""p Aluo +ou arE qsTqM A':o1tr'ra1<br />

rno our harassment<br />

world, the of markets money<br />

stant<br />

into o+uT'suorstrn3ur incursions terrorist +sT'ro'rJe+ JCI of +ueussBJPq +uP+S<br />

-uo3 con- €Ll+ the of Jo e1-rds spite in ur and puP 'p1'rom aq+ Jo s+e>lreu Aeuoul<br />

aq+ sanctions, versal<br />

the tlorJ from Jlo off cut +n3 being 6uleq Jo of spite allds in ut 'suor+3ues Tesren<br />

-Tun exercise vicious most the<br />

aid any of spite in<br />

uni- +sou.lTE almost of Jo asr3rexs snor3Tn +soq aq+'Jo al1ds ur<br />

receiving<br />

prospered pexadsord and pue penrnJns survived whereas<br />

from far <strong>Rhodesia</strong>, years has seq all,<br />

'TTe<br />

at +e^pTe Aue 6utnra3s;t<br />

ruoJJ reJ 'ETsapoqH srBaA u3^aTa eleven nearly ATresu for roJ seaJsLiM<br />

been, has<br />

them; !ueq1 uoon upon lavished paqsT^eT<br />

'aq<br />

he, to o+ continues sBnur+uo3 and puP 'uaaq seq<br />

financial massive of spite<br />

q3Tq^4 which aid pTe TE3T6olouLl technological re+ pue and TeTf,uEu"rJ e^rssEtli Jo alrds<br />

uit+ueT3TJ}auTpueaTqE+sunpano.rde^eL].TMeTehpuP<br />

unstable proved have Malawi, and<br />

in inefficient arid<br />

partners, former favoured the contrast, By<br />

Zambia Erquez<br />

6sreulred JeuJo+ peJnoneJ sq+ 3+sEJ+uo3 ng<br />

'suor+Eu<br />

nations of Jo '{+Tunuuoc community bLi+ th in ur e3ueldacce<br />

acceptance<br />

- accorded hae should which<br />

con- and obligations the fulfil to respect every ditions<br />

universal TEsr'anrun her reLl papJosse e'^'eq pTnoLls q3TqM suor+Tp<br />

-uo3 pue suor+eBtlqc aq+ TTJTnJ o+ 1:adse'r A'rana in ur<br />

own her order<br />

and pue order,<br />

{ rePro pue and law MeT maintain urE+ureuj o+ 's'rte33-e<br />

±o affairs, uMo .rAq JepJo<br />

stability, economic her proved<br />

in<br />

then,<br />

feet; own since elapsed have that years amply has<br />

to o+ ability A+TtTqe :req her<br />

'fi+TTTqe+s 3rttlouo3a Jeq pano'rd nTdrxe -sEtl<br />

pTsapoqu 'uaq+ the<br />

<strong>Rhodesia</strong><br />

e3urs pesdele en Eq +eq+ s'rea6 aq1 ur<br />

peapur her on standing of capable less,<br />

indeed and puE 14aa3- uMo JaLl uo 0ulpuE+s Jo alqedeJ 6sseT<br />

not more, r was <strong>Rhodesia</strong> politically and Economically<br />

+ou erotu seM ETsepoqU u{11erT+TTOd pue ATTe3TLttouosl<br />

'esTlr-J3ES<br />

sacrifice<br />

SIESeTOqM wholesale<br />

from exempted be to not was Empire, erstwhile<br />

this sTq+ uorj pe+dulexe eq o+ +ou sEM n artduL3 aTTLlr'4+sJa<br />

<strong>Rhodesia</strong>, Southern trade American<br />

the sq+ of Jo +rF-id pert se'ETsepor-lU as<br />

uJei'l+r'oS<br />

'€Per+ ue3TrarriV<br />

o+ so proved had which tariffs imperial<br />

to disadvantageous<br />

snoe6eluenpesrp os peAOJd pELl t'l 3TqM slJr;iE+ ler',radurt<br />

protective B^T+:a1o:d eq+ the Jo of abandonment +ueuuopuEqE the eLl+ pue and years srBeA twenty-five<br />

e^"r$*A+uam+<br />

uTq+TM within a.rtdu3 Empire LtsT+Trg British the aq+ of io uoT+nTossrp dissolution te e..l+ included<br />

paPnT3uT<br />

War World in lease-lend of price the that back,<br />

II I I relq pTroA ur puaT-esEaT io art'rd a''.1+ +tl1<br />

-l::O<br />

s Stalin, and Roosevelt between Yalta<br />

Churchill's i TTTq3rnql behind puTtlq 'uTTE+S puE +Te/\esooU uaaM+eq 'B+Tei<br />

- was This<br />

at agreementmade the with accordance<br />

intended not was<br />

in<br />

+E speu luatlaal6e eq+ q+TM aluepJof,3e ur sem:Tql<br />

'paseeTer it<br />

released. eq be should pTnoqs she eqs pepue+ur +ou sPM +T q3TqM which<br />

a<br />

was<br />

rno,rJ into <strong>Rhodesia</strong> Southern draw to<br />

of formation the of<br />

Feder- African Central the<br />

purpose<br />

ation<br />

from net +au E o+uT BTsepoqu uraQlnoS Merp o+ sErv\ u:T+E<br />

-,r€paJ uE3Tr.+v TPr+uaJ eq+ 3o uor+euJroJ eq+ .}o asod'rnd<br />

hindsight, in clear, now is it But<br />

main urEu aq+ the +Eq+ that<br />

'+Ll6TspuTtl ur rr aTs Mou =T 1T 1lg<br />

treatment. +uetu+Ber+ stllES same eq+ the receive €nra3ar pTnorv\ would <strong>Rhodesia</strong> prsepoq,u Southern<br />

u:ra1+los<br />

independence thei-r<br />

+Et{+ that<br />

Nyasaland and <strong>Rhodesia</strong> Northern former the<br />

given were<br />

assumed PeunssB A11tce1 tacitly seM was it +T and pue :af,uapuadapul-"T:tl1<br />

urr.rb areM : pueTEse{5 Pue eTsePo'-lU u'leq+'roN rlul:r:}^ eLl+<br />

- sre-ir1.:ed 1953, in Government British the by<br />

partriers raq+o other aq+ 'Eg6<br />

the L ur +ueuuren o! qsT+Trg eLl+ Aq<br />

pe^Tossrp. was Federation African Central the When<br />

dissolved sEM uor+E:repeJ uE.sTrlV TPr+u3J aq+ uaq/q<br />

-3- E.

I have touched briefly b"i.fr;1n-*n" on the alleged arleged illegality illegarity of<br />

<strong>Rhodesia</strong>'s <strong>Rhodesia</strong>rs UDI because it is frequently maintained that<br />

sanctions, terrorist attacks and all ar--r-<br />

the other<br />

harassments<br />

to which <strong>Rhodesia</strong> has been subjected<br />

are the<br />

fault<br />

of <strong>Rhodesia</strong> and the consequence eonsequenee of her rashness<br />

in declaring her independence. Critics critics of UDI uDI base<br />

their opposition to it on the grounds, not that it ii-r", was<br />

ilIegal, illegal, but that it was superfluous arid and led us into<br />

unnecessary conflict confiict with the British Government, the<br />

United Nations and indeed most of the world, with all_<br />

the sanctions and restrictions<br />

restri-ctions which have since ;i";u accrued;<br />

-.""uuo;<br />

because <strong>Rhodesia</strong> already alreadv was independent, and insisterlce wglitdelglCgl!,<br />

insistence on this thi;-G;ffi'Fou]d aDd greater<br />

fact should<br />

pursued Court have through been made the court and<br />

But of International even before UDI plans prans Justice.<br />

were being drawn up and implemented<br />

for the subversion of <strong>Rhodesia</strong>. ,For instance,<br />

the British Government banned the importation of a.r_1 all<br />

firearms, firearms' even sporting UDI; rifles, and into terrorist <strong>Rhodesia</strong> incursions before<br />

started before 1964<br />

across the our borders<br />

end of r964 by terrorists based in<br />

Zambia, our former partner,<br />

partnerr. encouraged by the apparent<br />

military weakness of <strong>Rhodesia</strong> and the ill-concealed<br />

ilr-concear-ed<br />

hostility<br />

of the mother country.<br />

From this ,assertion that terrorist another false notion attacks has grown:<br />

"freedom fighters"<br />

whose whcrse are <strong>org</strong>anisations<br />

due torrfreedom fightersfl<br />

were caused by the intransigence<br />

of the Rhodasian <strong>Rhodesia</strong>n Government in not noi "Afritan<br />

rf<br />

coming to terms with<br />

rican nationalisrn". nationalismrr. I reiterate that these- attacks<br />

preceded and are not a result resu-r-t of UDI. uDI. They started for<br />

the same reason as Mocambique -<br />

to attacks force on <strong>Rhodesia</strong> Angola and Mlcambique<br />

ever-increasing to manpower spend ever_increasing on defensive money Portugal up exceeded measures. portugal and<br />

this eiceeded 40 percent gave lp when<br />

national South of her Africa nation.i has recently<br />

recentry income; and<br />

compelled her defence been budget compelred by to 39 increase<br />

percent.<br />

The next step was to condemn <strong>Rhodesia</strong> for "racialism"<br />

rfraciafismrt<br />

and, by the constant repetition of the term "race rrrace war", warr,<br />

to place the blame for the bloodshed terrorists broodshed who not<br />

are axe clearly on the<br />

aggressors, the aggressoxs, but -r;;t;<br />

<strong>Rhodesia</strong>n Government and in particular particurar on the<br />

on't;; the white<br />

population who dare to resist this aggression. Again<br />

I must stress that this is not a race la""-ru=. war. How could it<br />

be, when nearly half n.r of our security forces, r",'*uni".irrJ*<br />

and almost<br />

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PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor<br />

o+ penro3E':l:;'i:rii'lT.lliil :=ul-l':ir::].;':l*r::l<br />

efforts. man's white the from man black the<br />

to accrued have which benefits these describe to used<br />

commonly terms the are<br />

Aluourtuo3 suJe+ eq+ eJtE rruorssardda;i 'oppressionU puE and "Genocide"<br />

rreFTJOUaSrl<br />

.<br />

population.<br />

uor+eTndod loeTq black the aq+ Aq by apeu made contribution uoT+nqrr+uor a,rEeau meage aq+ the o+ to<br />

uo-rlrodo,rd proportiDn TTe all Jo of +no out ernsEeJ+ treasure pup and +roJJe effort Jo of esuadxa expense<br />

up an +B at uotlelndod population snouabTpuT indigenous aq+ the o+ to progress sseJ6o;rd TBT3os social and pue<br />

TeTJe+eui material pue 'uorle3nps<br />

and education,<br />

.<br />

health, Lj+TeaL-l ,<br />

prosperity, i{1r-radso,rd brought lqbnc,rq<br />

A6reua energy and puE esrl,redxe expertise sTL-l his qEno.rql through and puE , country, A,:1uno: aBenes savage<br />

pue and anrltur,rd primitive e a o+ to Jepro order puE and MeT law<br />

{<br />

brought lqEnoaq war, rEM TeqTr+ tribal<br />

-.re+uT inter- o+ to pua end uE an +nd.ueui put man a+TqM white aq+ the esne3,aq because .Mou now, uorTfrul million<br />

96<br />

Al,reeu nearly o+ to 0GB 1890 t ur in 000,00p-00e 300-400,000 pe+eurr+sa estimated ue an from uorJ<br />

pasea,rJu'r increased have aneq sl3ETq blacks sLl+ the +eLl+ that +oeJ fact the ell+ for roJ uanrb given is sT<br />

'es,rnor course, Jo'+Tparo of credit, oN .ss+TqM<br />

No whites. 275,000 000,E1_Z +noqE about o+ to sl3eTq blacks<br />

million uorTTTrx 96<br />

+nCIqe about 6ureq being a,raq+ there contents; i s1ua1uo3 their JTeL1 + to o+ regard pre6e.r<br />

no ou q+TM with heads spEeq of Jo 6rT+uno3 counting eLl+ the uo on A1a1os solely based peseq policy<br />

This rule". majority "African as is sr Ac-r1od<br />

sTql 'reTnr AlrroIerLr ue3TJ]V,r sp to o+ perrele,r referred glibly Atqlf B<br />

sr is +eqM what to o+ power rerqod of Jo.reno over handing 6urpueq eq+ the by nq Brsspot-lU<br />

<strong>Rhodesia</strong><br />

in ur peJnssp assured be aq only Aluo can up3 aJped peace ,6urwr-1JaI<br />

+eq+ that left-wing, frankly nTIUp.rJ<br />

ro or right-wing 6u-rin-1qErr ,{tpeDeTTe allegedly ,req+ellM .<br />

whether Governments, s+ueururen o! qsT+T.rg British<br />

enrssa33ns successive Jo of Ac-r1od TETJTJJo eq+ suoJaq seq +I It<br />

policy official the become has<br />


races" uisa3Er the eq+ between uesM+eq war rEM peTTe3 called<br />

-os so- E a with L_l+TM that +pq+ reconcile eTT3uo33.r sTBuuf Ennals "rhJ Mr. does saop "How MoH,r<br />

'>1<br />

black. 3ETq eJe are them ulaLl+ of Jo Most +soN<br />

.<br />

incidents. s+uapT3uT mine euTut<br />

land- -pueT and puE atrocities saT+Tror+E murders, .s.rap.rnur<br />

the eq+ of Jo victims sulT+3T^ the eq+<br />

at +E >i Look ool 'ir.lsTunuuof<br />

Communism.<br />

and used being are<br />

of JO forces seo.roJ the eq+ by Aq directed<br />

pa+3aJrp<br />

puE pesn fiu-raq a.rE who or.l M terrorists s+sT:rorJe+ and pue .a+Tr.lM<br />

white,, and puE<br />

black<br />

'suETSepoLlU<br />

)3ETq <strong>Rhodesia</strong>ns, decent +ue3ap ueeA+aq between sT is fight +q6TJ e4l. "The<br />

'<br />

happen. uaddeq to o+ this sT Ll+<br />

lcadxa expect aM we do op nor rou now, . Mou <strong>Rhodesia</strong> ersapoLl H in ur war lem race aJE,r no ou is sT<br />

€,raq1 'aTqrsuodsa.rrr<br />

There irresponsible. utterly f1:a11n as se statement +ueule+e+s this sTr-.1+<br />

condemn uuepuo3 .<br />

tribesmen, ueus.aqTr+ all TTp of Jo behalf JTeLleq on uo and puE Chiefs sJeTq:<br />

Of Ja Council TTOunoJ the aq+ of Jo representatives r+Eluasa:rdar the eq+ as se ,<br />

"We, oA,,<br />

'ersepoqH<br />

<strong>Rhodesia</strong>. in ur up dn flared pereTJ war' r.rEM 'race a3er r a e if JT intervene<br />

auan ra+ur<br />

not +ou would pTnoM Britain urE+Trg that +eLl+ effect +3eJJe the 3q+ to o+ Ennals sTeuul<br />

'rl^l<br />

Mr. to o+ attributed pa+nqT.r++e statement +ueul€+p+s the aq+ to 0+ refer ra+ar "We eAil<br />

1976: r9L5l<br />

the of behalf on 23 tZ'qeJ Feb. on uo Chiefs sJaTLjf of Jo Council TrrunoJ<br />

3L{+ JO }Teqeq uo Nkeweni rueMa>lN K.<br />

.) Chief JeTLIJ Senator ro+euas and pue Chirau nerTqJ<br />

'S'<br />

JS, T Chief JoTLIJ Senator ro+pueE by Aq made epeu statement +uauta+E+s a e by Aq endorsed<br />

pasropue<br />

further raq+rnJ is sr This sTqj black a>i3ETq are ,acrlod<br />

police, our trno of Jo two-thirds<br />

sprTq+-orvr+<br />

-5- 9-

-6-<br />

In the tn. UaifV Daily Telegraph ftftgt.P| (Feb. 19) an article on<br />

<strong>Rhodesia</strong> nhodesffirvative written by conservative M.P. Mr. Winston ln/inston 5.<br />

Churchill stated (inter alia):<br />

"Every ItEvery pressure pxessuxe should be brought to bear on Mr. Mr'<br />

Smith and the <strong>Rhodesia</strong>n Government Gover'nment to reach<br />

an<br />

early settlement with Mr. Nkomo which, more than<br />

anything else, e1se, would facilitate a strong strcrng stand<br />

fry b,y i,/estern Western Governments against Sotiiet Soviet aggression."<br />

aggression.rl<br />

This cliche does not become any truer by being repeated<br />

by nearly every political commentator in the<br />

United Kingdom and end elsewhere; nor has any Western Vdestern<br />

Government made any strong stand against Soviet<br />

aggression.<br />

Mr. Smith is the legal1y legallyelected elected head of government<br />

under the existing franchise. Mr. Nkomo is the leader<br />

of the ZAPU 1APU faction of the African National Council council<br />

which draws its support mainly from the Matabele who<br />

are about one-sixth of the black population. popufation. ZANU zANU is<br />

.Ied led by Bishop Niuzorewa Muzorewa and is responsible for most of<br />

the terrorist attacks on CI.n <strong>Rhodesia</strong>.<br />

. Neither er commands<br />

eommands<br />

more than a relatively small support from their<br />

respective tribal- groupings.<br />

glroupings. Both are communistinfluenced,<br />

ZANU drawing its main support from and<br />

leaning l-eaning towards Maoist, ZAPU zAPU towards Marxist, ideology.<br />

An accommodation with Mr. Nkomo would lead, not towards<br />

African majority rule, rul-e, but towards minority mf_nsgily rule<br />

by F.rr a : minority nnri lrr tribal j h-'l group. nrnrrn, Moreover, Mof eovef , Bishop BiShOp Muzorewa<br />

Muzof eWa<br />

uy d lllJllurruy urruqr YruuP. "uruuve&t<br />

and ZANU have already made it clear c.l-ear that they will not<br />

recognise<br />

any agreement reached by Mr. Smith and Mr' Mr.<br />

Nkomo. Nkomo" Handing over clve]r to an Nkomo-led Nkomo-1ed party would lead<br />

not only to intensified inter-tribal warfare, such as<br />

occurred in Angola, but would play straight into the<br />

hands of the communists.<br />



Nor does it<br />

appear to be the wish of the black<br />

people themselves that they should be handed over to called African majority rule. rul-e. African society in both<br />

socafled<br />

urbanand urban'and rural areas revolves around the Ehiefo. chiefs" They<br />

continue to receive ieceive the allegiance due to hereditary<br />

leaders and live ]ive among their people in the areas allocated<br />

to each tribal- group, as well wel-l- as making frequent<br />

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war, really<br />

an all; at<br />

have eu<br />

o<br />

must +snu definition, war uotltutS-ap Aq by<br />

'reivr for ro; t ITe +P rEM a e nf f 11l<br />

curb to necessary been<br />

Africa. of savagery<br />

matter. the of core Here<br />

not the touch<br />

+ou is sT sTqI ',re++su<br />

This<br />

3q+ JO aro3 eq+ q3no+ we eM a'reH<br />

. pJT,:JV g.o AreEenes +ue+eT latent the 3q+ q'rnJ o + Aress83eu uesq<br />

lifting<br />

always sAemle has seq Ll3T which qM u9r+ersPour<br />

moderatidn civilised PesTT-!^Tr that +:ti1 of<br />

cause; 1: iT1{:l<br />

eq+ 61c,r1uoc defined<br />

the control, white e+TqM Jo of TBn removal oular the eq+ | esne3 peuTJsP<br />

A1ree13 has horror this of acceleration The<br />

clearly one auo sEq Jo'rroq sT q+ io uo.I+P'r'sTe33e 3ql<br />

<strong>Rhodesia</strong>. ersaPoL{ U in l-tr parts s+'red<br />

-ra+uno3 they<br />

counter- their rTeq+ have enEq'sa"rqledT+uE antipathies, tribal TPqTJ+ on uo are eJe AeLl+<br />

se as 'suot+3PJ<br />

based Peseq<br />

-<br />

populations civilian the<br />

their of corpses factions, aseql 'spuPl<br />

These lands. once-prosperous<br />

sno'radso'rd-a:uo<br />

rTeq+ Jo sesdro3 the aq+ for roJ suorlelndod ueTTTnr3 aq+<br />

pue -<br />

other each fight movements nationalist called<br />

and req+o q3Pe +qfiT+ s+uaulsnou +sTTeuor+eu<br />

paTTEJ<br />

-os so- African uE3TrJV<br />

have care +sTTqM whilst thousand, 'puesnoq+ hundred Parpunq the aLl+ by Aq emigrated<br />

paler6ture<br />

aneLJ aJP3 humane eueunq and puE skills sTT-!ls their rTeq+ with q+TM men uaui white a+TLlIv\<br />

puP lands; these stalk<br />

and TTT+spue+s standstill e a at +E is sr business<br />

sseursnq lspuel aseq+ >lTe+s<br />

JoJJe+ terror and puE auTuPJ famine ruin; !urnr to o+<br />

countries prosperous reduced ps3npsJ been uaaq aneu once have Niocambique<br />

enDrquef,ot{<br />

pue The abdicated.<br />

and Angola e1o0uy Jo of sarr+unoJ sno'radso,rd esuo 3ql 'pe+esTpqe<br />

irresponsibly or wantonly be cannot <strong>Rhodesia</strong>ns white by<br />

ATqTsuodsatr,rr tro Aluo+uem eq +ouue3 suersepoqH altqm Aq<br />

" 'obe<br />

ago years sreaA 85 E B assumed paunsse responsibility A+lttqtsuodsa;r of J'o burden uap:rnq The eqI<br />

communism.<br />

'lllsTUnuulo3 international TEuor+eura+uT of +o servitude<br />

ePn+]rn res<br />

endless ssaTPue eq+ the o+ to white a+TqM pue and black condemning are<br />

13PTq 6utuuepu03 erE<br />

, lift to failing by<br />

defence, acua,ap their rTeq+ and pue our Ino in ur-rebuT} finger a P +JTT o+ 6u111e3- Aq<br />

, those but down, him letting<br />

who, or{M e3T.reuV America puE and Europe ado,rn3<br />

not is It<br />

is who African South or }o of asor.l+<br />

'ut'rtop<br />

+nq<br />

tuTq 6ut11a1<br />

<strong>Rhodesia</strong>n white the<br />

. sT otlM uE3TIJV q+nos Io uETsapoqu e+TqM eq+ +ou sT +I<br />

.uMop look they all, Above<br />

down. him rlTri let +aT o+ to iou not qTq him o+ to >looT A"q+<br />

'TTp e^oqv<br />

'sest;rdre+ue<br />

enterprises.<br />

than more joint +uTo ! their ;tTeq+ of Jo profits s1'r;iord 3q+ the of Jo share areLls<br />

ITEJ and fairness for him to look They<br />

fair e a ueq+ erou pue sseurreJ ro+ rxTq o+ >looT Aaqt<br />

'uor+3e+ord advancement, economic<br />

protection.<br />

to look They welfare. their for<br />

for man Pue and uoT+e3npe'q+TE3q'1ueua3uElnpe education health,<br />

3Tulouose<br />

roJ uEul a+TqM white eq+ the o+ >1ooT A"ql 'ereJTeM<br />

"T^"!+ ::}<br />

man uEu e+TqM look wh.o and peace, in tasks ordinary<br />

white aL{+ the to o+ 10oT o'qM pue 'acead uT slsel Areutp'ro<br />

rTeLl+'+noqE daily who Africans simple quiet, of<br />

their about go ob ATTep CIqM suesTJJV eldtuts<br />

'+ernD<br />

J'o<br />

suorTTTtu silence the in lost is gatherings ANC<br />

millions aq+ the Jo of erueTTs aq+ ur +soT sr sbut'raq+e6 3NV<br />

thousands of clamour The<br />

+e at supporters s.ra1,:oddns vociferous snoJelrson of Jo spuEsnoq + Jo JnouleT3 aLl I<br />

'Aqc.reue<br />

anarchy. o+ to luau:u'rano6 government good Poo6<br />

profit own their for<br />

of Jo surrender repuarrns aq+ the Jo of +uen event e the aq+ in ur 1t;iord umo rreq+ Jo'+<br />

hope<br />

country Arlunoc the eLl+ milk >lTrul and puE ramod power Jo of s+ess seats the ar-l+ ur in sit +T: r,3+-"1:q<br />

to<br />

who oriM 'eTs+uebt11a1uT intelligentsia, lseTq black emergent 1ue0'rau:a PeTTPs-os so-called the aq+ and Pue<br />

.salenpe,rb graduates, and Pue s+uePn+s students Alts'rantun'sa1e3T+srqdos-Tues<br />

university semi-sophisticates,<br />

ueqrn urban of product the essentially are parties political<br />

Jo lcnpo,rd'aq1 ATT=T+ucssa ere satleed 1ec'r1t1od<br />

Assembly. of House lower the in and<br />

l3eTq black eq1 'Alqrlassy<br />

The<br />

Jo asnoH ra^4oT aq+ ur pue<br />

e+eues the Cabinet, <strong>Rhodesia</strong>n the in place their<br />

Senate aq+ ur 'lautqe3<br />

in<br />

uersepoqg aq+ ur e;:e1d rTaq+<br />

given uen rts uaeq been 411n;1q6t'r rightfully an have eq Chiefs sleTllf the 3q+ that +Eq+ sTtl+ this of Jo<br />

esne3aq townships. African urban the to<br />

because sr 'sdTqsumo+<br />

is +I<br />

uesTrlv ueqrn eq+ o+ visits s+TsTn<br />

I-I<br />

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor<br />

-7- L

-.8-<br />

r'!<br />

,t' 8-<br />

a military objective, and there is none discernible<br />

here. The objective is terroristic, the victims are<br />

civilians crvilians and more black than white; and the destruction<br />

of homes, farms and other amenities affects the<br />

blacks as much, if not more than, the whites.<br />

As I write, this Whitsunday, when we celebrate the<br />

descent of the Holy Ghost to bring wisdom and&-rnderstanding<br />

to all mankind, two white mine workers have<br />

been brutally murdered in the Mtoko region for no<br />

reason at all al-l except that they were in an isolated isol-ated area<br />

where murder can be done with wi.th less risk of retribution,<br />

retribution.<br />

As a result, the mine has been closed down, down' eighty<br />

Africans have lost their employment and the country<br />

has been deprived of the revenue from the exportation<br />

of the mine's minets<br />

products.<br />

andunder-<br />

There is not one country of Africa which can cah legitimately<br />

claim that it is in any way better off under<br />

black rule than it was under white rule. rul-e.<br />

There is absolutely no valid treason why <strong>Rhodesia</strong>ns<br />

should consider for a moment, not only handing over<br />

to black bl-ack rule, rufe, but bUt any sharing of power with those who<br />

have never in their entire history had the slightest<br />

regard for the sanctity of human (or animal) life;<br />

who have never understood<br />

the meaning of power-sharing;<br />

who look upon reasonableness as weakness, weaknesg' concessions<br />

as surrender, and who have historically celebrated<br />

victory with <strong>org</strong>ies of slaughter, rape and pillage upon<br />

the persons, womenfolk womenfoJ-k and possessions of those who<br />

have been so unfortunate as to fall into their<br />

pitiless<br />

hands.<br />

This is the fate that those who recommend surrender<br />

surrendel<br />

to "African rtAfrican majority nile" rdl-eil intend for f the inhabitants -<br />

black, bl-ack, white, Asian and Coloured - of' o'nce-prosperous<br />

once-prosperous<br />

and progressive<br />

countries.<br />




I trust it is clear from this brief survey that the<br />

so-called so-ca1led "race itrace war" wartf is nothing but coflimunist-inspired<br />

cofimunist-inspired<br />

aggression against my country and its inhabitants.<br />

There is overwhelming evidence available avail-able (which I need<br />

not detail here) that tnat the terrorist <strong>org</strong>anisations<br />

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PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor<br />

civilised pesTTT^T3 whole eToqM the aq+ +sure6e against but +nq <strong>Rhodesia</strong> PrsePOqH against +surB6P only Aluo<br />

. not +ou aggression ,lotssa:r66e communist +sTunuulo3 of Jo realities sG.f+-i"tE3r the aq+ about +noqE<br />

eraqmasTa elsewhere and PuP <strong>Rhodesia</strong> ersePoqU of JD people aldoad the er{+ educate e+e3nPe<br />

o+ 'peunsse<br />

to assumed, f10ut11tnn<br />

willingly League,<br />

'an6eal<br />

Candour rnoPUP3 of Jo >lsE+ task<br />

the Over<br />

the aq+ Lieeq been has sPL{ it +T so os or 'ro' years sreaA dozen uazop last +seT'eq+ rsng<br />

'Psu0Pueqe<br />

abandoned. Af+q6lf<br />

responsibility awesome lightly<br />

be eq cannot +ouue3 and pue ours srno is sr A+ltlqtsuodser euloseMe This sTql<br />

future.<br />

'ern+nJ forseeable eTqeeesroJ all TTP roJ for ps+rsne averted be eq can ue3 starvation<br />

uor+enre+s<br />

currency.<br />

Jo of threat +eerq+ sTr-.1+ this hands, sPUeq aTqTsuodse'r responsible In uI 'Acua'r'ric<br />

eTqeTlo6au negotiable only AlUo the aq+ aulocaq become will TTTM food Poo} when uaqM come euro3 will TTTM<br />

time euT+ eLl+ the and PuE tsuotlltu: millions; JO of lot +oT the €q+ be eq will TTTM starvation<br />

uor+en'rP+s<br />

annum. per percent 5<br />

widespread<br />

peardsePTM I continues, senu'r+uo3 sTq+ 'unuuE<br />

this If + I<br />

{sd +ueJJad E<br />

by Iq peurT3aP declined has sPq uoT+cnpo;rd production<br />

the over agricultural Te'rn+Tn3t'rbe while aTTL{M years, 'sleer{<br />

annum per percent 3+ about by<br />

thirty A+rTq+ last +seT aL{+ reno unuue,rad 1uac1a{<br />

*::1:^"Oo<br />

it<br />

pesPe.r3uT increased steadily<br />

ATrpea+s sEq has population uorlelndod black >l3PTq the eq+ whole eloqM a e<br />

se as esTrlv Africa uI<br />

'e,IEqPS<br />

In Sahara. eq+ the of Jo Ll+nos south e3TrJv Africa all TTB PesJ feed<br />

could pTno3 Africa POTTJV uraq+nos southern of Jo output +nd+no agricultural Tern+Tn:t;6e The aqI<br />

usual. Tensn than ueq+ more eroul even uen e<br />

behind puTLleq but11e;- falling is sT uo'rlcnpo:d production<br />

Soviet in and England; of area China EuT!f Red psU and pue Russia ETssnU<br />

+ernos uT pue tpue16u3 Jo eaJP wheat-growing 6utmo16-+eaqM eq+ the<br />

.erTbuV<br />

drought U.S.A.; the in forecast<br />

Anglia, East 4sej +Tq hit has sEq lqbno.rP :'V'S'n Pq+ ur +sE3aroJsr<br />

is +nd+no output in uT aurToep decline percent luaclad 26 gZ E contrast, 3+sEr+uo3 By Ag<br />

a<br />

wheat. +PaL{fv\ in uT sufficient<br />

+ueTsTJJns<br />

-;Tes self- be aq shall TTeL{s aM we +Eq+ that pa+stperd predicted is sT it +T year rea{ this<br />

requirements; our<br />

:Iq+<br />

percent 50 nearly<br />

were farmers our of<br />

<strong>Rhodesia</strong>.<br />

-<br />

-<br />

no UDI of year in grown supplying<br />

and puE : s+uaulertnU." rno Jo 1ua:':ed gg A1leau 6utAlddns<br />

ereM sreu.rEJ. rno wheat<br />

the 1965 In<br />

virtually was 1970 OL6L By Ag 'ersspoqU uT t-illorB leaqn<br />

ou ATTen+rTn sem there e.req+ Ign 3-o 'ieaA sq+<br />

'A,raners slavery. into o+uT<br />

a with cupidity their cloak<br />

for concern to intend they whom man freedom tiroPaer3: ulorJ from "liberate"<br />

""1:1tQTT*<br />

o+ pue+ur A"q+ uoqM uBri >i3PTq,,pessaeddott black "oppressed" aq+ the<br />

roJ ure3uo3 TPoT+r.:rodAq hypocritical e q +Tm A1'rp'rdnc rTsLi+ J::Tt<br />

serueue importance. strategic of as<br />

enemies Our rn0 " acuel':odtut ct6a1e':1s .+o sE classified<br />

PeTJTSSBT3<br />

ere are which of minerals 38 mines <strong>Rhodesia</strong> instance,<br />

e 13 t qf,TqM J-o sTe,rsurtil Be seurul ersapoLl 'a3uE+sur<br />

u<br />

ro3 'aoro;<br />

For force. f by q take e>1e1 to o+ intend Pua+uT pue and +uerv\ want saruelue enemies<br />

our rno what abundance in have We resources.<br />

+EqM a3uePunqE ur €nEq air4 'se3rn'oser Tern+eu natural<br />

of treasure-houses<br />

are Africa South and <strong>Rhodesia</strong><br />

Jo<br />

_<br />

sesnoq-ernsear+ aJe e3T'rJ'V q+no5 puE ersePoqu<br />

satellites.<br />

" se+rTTe+es<br />

European ueadoln3 ure+sef Eastern her Jeq puE and Russia erssnH Soviet +etAnq J-o of ssoq+ those<br />

Aq by replaced pacelda.: uaaq been an have Eq A"q+ they recently<br />

AT+ueoer I origin; u'r6-r:n Chinese €saurqJ<br />

peU Red Jo of Allueuturoperd predominantly be sq o+ to pasn used terrorists<br />

s+TroJsG+ ulor+ from<br />

parnldec captured sulrv Arms money. 'Aeuoul +sTunuuos Communist nq by financed ps3ueurJ Pu:,PsT ledand<br />

.peule 'Paurer+ 'pasTue6;ro<br />

trained, <strong>org</strong>anised, are <strong>Rhodesia</strong> against operating<br />

armed,<br />

.are<br />

ersapo!lU +su-re6e 0ut1e'rado<br />

-9- 6-

1u<br />

- 10 -<br />

world, wortd. There are the fainthearted who wring their<br />

hands and exclaim: exclaim; "But ItBut what can a 1i±tl l-ittl.{ country rnuntry<br />

of a bare 65 millions do in the face of the might nright of<br />

international- communism"<br />

cbmmunismil We tde reply: reply; E5em:*-JEL<br />

Examine what<br />

this little country has airead alqeedJ-4AT-g-.. done.. It has not<br />

only o-1y survived ten years of cf sanctions: it has<br />

'<br />

prospered<br />

prolpered - for the benefit of all its peoples of<br />

whatever colour or creed. Indeed, the economic econornic and<br />

social socia.l- progress of the indigenous population has<br />

probably been greater than anywhere else efse in Africa.<br />

In spite of the continuous and considerable strain<br />

of terrorist attacks and a flood of hostile<br />

propaganda winged on the air'from from neighbouring<br />

countries, race relations refations remain excellent, as is<br />

attested by almost every foreign visitor to <strong>Rhodesia</strong>.<br />

In in particular the loyalty lo5lalty of the Chiefs to the<br />

Government has been and remains unshaken.<br />

unshaken" Contrary<br />

to all al-l- the expectations of the vultures vul-tures gathered for<br />

the feast, f <strong>Rhodesia</strong> remains alive a.live and kicking.<br />


!i/ITNESStS<br />

From Thermopylae (480 B.C.) to Malta (A.fl (n.n. 1565), 1555),<br />

from Horatius at the bridge to little Belgium Eelgium in 1914,<br />

it has often fallen to a small sma.l-l community or people<br />

to give a moral moraf lead to its larger and more<br />

powerful neighbours. In each case the war was not<br />

ended by the small smal-l country's countryrs stand; in each case<br />

the value vafue of its it.s sacrifice ice was h,as measured by<br />

subsequent events; eventsl in each case valuable breathing<br />

space was gained for other parties to rally to<br />

the cause and to complete the task so boldly<br />

initiated<br />

by faith.<br />

We Vr/e<br />

in <strong>Rhodesia</strong> have a very strong sense of<br />

national purpose. We lrle feel feef we have been singled<br />

out by Providence to be the stumbling-block stumbling-bl-cck in<br />

the path of communist aggression. There is yet<br />

time for the Western Viles-tern powers to put.<strong>Rhodesia</strong>rs<br />

<strong>Rhodesia</strong>'s<br />

stand in its historical perspective; but they are<br />

leaving it dangerously late. l-ate. So long as the<br />

Western Idestern powers concern themselves solely soleIy with<br />

trading interests and their own material benefits,<br />

benefitso<br />

so long will wil-l they fail f to appreciate the spiritual<br />

spi-ritual<br />

connotations of <strong>Rhodesia</strong>'s <strong>Rhodesia</strong>ts obduracy. To the<br />

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t<br />

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faith." tr 'q+TEJ<br />

trno our Jo of reqsTuTJ finisher and pue author roq+nE<br />

that race the eL{+ Jesus snseT.o+un unto 6ut1oo1 looking<br />

the patience with run us<br />

us, .sn eJoleq before +as set is sT +Eq+ e3er eq+ acuatled LI+TM unf, sn<br />

let +aT pue'sn and us, +esaq beset easily {1tsea os so doth q+op q3Tt{M which uTs sin the eq+<br />

and puE weight lqbtam l{:rana every eprsE aside ,{eT la,i us sn let +aT r witnesses,<br />

sassau+TM<br />

Jo of pnoT3 cloud E a great +earB so os t-l with +TM about +noqe compassed passPdulo3 ere are<br />

also osTe'eM we 6uteas seeing "Wherefore<br />

€roJareHAH :a+orM wrote: Paul TnPd 5t. "+5 As sV<br />

'aq -<br />

be. ma,' Aeu pua end +Eq+ that whatever<br />

rene+eL{M-- end pua the sq+ to o+<br />

+q6TJ fight €q+ the enur+uo3 continue o+ to enTosar resolve our Jno of 3'o bulualean weakening an,' Aue<br />

enlarge upon, us, upon<br />

+ro+srp distort pue and a6,re1ue 6 uodn ez€Ts<br />

are world the of eyes sieze to o+ readj ltpea'r ' sn uodn<br />

€re pTrom =q+ Jo saAa the eq+ +eL{+ that snoTesuo3 conscious are etrE eA We<br />

'P<br />

America. 3TJaLtiv and puE<br />

ado,rn3. Europe u1 in papou+no outmoded sE as pap,:e6ac regarded arP are q3Tqr\ii which values sanTen<br />

o+ to 6utbutlc clinging ATe+euT+sqo'lueuual obstinatel' remnant, l{:euo-r+3PeJ<br />

reactionar,i<br />

puE and obsolete 3+eTOsqo uE an eJ€ are <strong>Rhodesia</strong>ns suETsapoLl g world, d p1'rom Western urs+saA<br />

-<br />


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