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The Truth About Cancer The Quest for The Cures Page 90

Episode 4: Spoiled Rotten [Music] Ty: Welcome back! Thanks for tuning in tonight. In last night’s episode we learned about the environmental toxins that are compromising the immune system, overburdening our bodies— dental procedures, genetically modified organisms, environmental chemicals, and so forth. In tonight’s show we’re going to learn how to get rid of all of these environmental toxins, all of this toxicity to our system, to our immune system, that is compromising that immune system and making us more susceptible to cancer. You’ve been collecting toxins your whole life. Your body is full of toxicity. We’ve got to learn how to get it out and tonight’s episode is going to teach you exactly how to do that. This short clip from Dr. Charles Majors is profound. It summarizes the entire episode. Listen to it. Dr. Charles Majors: Changing your environment the possibility of getting cancer. Dr. Robert Scott Bell: And that’s why I always start my focal point of healing for anybody by working with the liver and the gut and then we are not even necessarily chasing a symptom, chasing a disease, but we’re correcting the terrain in you or the environment at it’s source. Ian Jacklin: And cleanse, cleanse, cleanse. Ty: So it’s important to detoxify to get rid of the toxicity in order to keep your body alkaline or to keep it clean in order to give the cancer an inhospitable breeding ground, I guess. Ian Jacklin: Yeah, yeah, you really got to get that terrain because it doesn’t matter if you cure yourself with chemo, with cannabis hemp oil, with alkaline diet. it’s going to come back if you didn’t change the train. Dr. Patrick Quillin: You find a body that’s not well, all kinds of symptoms. We mentioned some of the common killers in America. And from those symptoms the first thing we would do is say we’re going to take you just like that piece of land, let’s detoxify you first. Let’s take out the heavy metals, the volatile organic chemicals. Studies have been done looking at Americans where these are legitimate labs, FDA approved labs, that have looked at urinary output from volatile organic The Quest for The Cures Page 91

The Truth About Cancer<br />

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The Quest for The Cures Page 90

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