RAZZA PIEMONTESE - Associazione Nazionale Allevatori Bovini di ...

RAZZA PIEMONTESE - Associazione Nazionale Allevatori Bovini di ...

RAZZA PIEMONTESE - Associazione Nazionale Allevatori Bovini di ...


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<strong>RAZZA</strong><br />

<strong>PIEMONTESE</strong><br />

national show<br />

- Cuneo -<br />

november 10 th - 11 th<br />

MAGAZINE N. 1-2012<br />


Strada Provinciale per Trinità 32/A<br />

12061 Carrù (Cn) - Italy

YEAR 2012<br />

2 0 1 2<br />

<strong>RAZZA</strong><br />

<strong>PIEMONTESE</strong><br />

Razza Piemontese<br />

Perio<strong>di</strong>co <strong>di</strong> informazioni tecniche<br />

economiche e d’attualità a cura dell’<strong>Associazione</strong><br />

<strong>Nazionale</strong> <strong>Allevatori</strong><br />

<strong>Bovini</strong> <strong>di</strong> Razza Piemontese.<br />

Direttore Responsabile:<br />

Andrea Quaglino<br />

Redazione:<br />

Fabia Pacher<br />

Realizzazione grafica e stampa:<br />

E<strong>di</strong>zioni Tecniche<br />

Graphe<strong>di</strong>t<br />

Ente Morale giuri<strong>di</strong>camente<br />

riconosciuto<br />

D.P.R. n. 1877/13-11-63<br />

Sede operativa e legale:<br />

Strada Trinità. 32/A<br />

12061 CARRÙ (CN)<br />

Telefono 0173 750.791<br />

Telefax 0173 750.915<br />

e-mail: info@anaborapi.it<br />

web: www.anaborapi.it<br />

Autorizzazione del Tribunale<br />

<strong>di</strong> Mondovì numero 1/04<br />

Magazine n. 1-2012<br />

3<br />

Annual report<br />

10<br />

Photo contest<br />

11<br />

Does the selection work<br />

12<br />

Box show<br />

13<br />

New proven sires<br />

2<br />

è consentita la riproduzione<br />

<strong>di</strong> testi o fotografie citando la fonte.

YEAR 2012<br />



4<br />

YEAR 2012

YEAR 2012<br />


YEAR 2012<br />

Meat<br />

Bree<strong>di</strong>ng<br />

Growing<br />

Muscularity<br />


YEAR 2012<br />

destination<br />

n° straws<br />

Australia 285<br />

Canada 275<br />

Colombia 100<br />

Costa rica 2.500<br />

Czech Republic 400<br />

Ecuador 2.030<br />

France 70<br />

Germany 514<br />

Greece 200<br />

Holland 760<br />

Ireland 320<br />

Israel 1.100<br />

Mexico 200<br />

Morocco 40.000<br />

New Zealand 155<br />

Portugal 500<br />

South Africa 30<br />

Switzerland 1.095<br />

U.S.A. 363<br />

United Kingdom 60<br />

TOTAL 50.957<br />

Source: Semenzoo, Anaborapi<br />


YEAR 2012<br />

A.I.<br />

OTHER<br />


YEAR 2012<br />


12<br />


“My Piemontese”<br />

The Piemontese breed is<br />

again spotlighted! We invite<br />

the readers to take pictures<br />

featuring our<br />

favourite cattle and to join<br />

the contest “My Piemontese”.<br />

The pictures should have<br />

the longer side up to 35 cm<br />

and should get to Anaborapi<br />

(str. Trinità 32/A 12061<br />

Carrù (CN) Italy) within Friday<br />

19th of October 2012.<br />

All the pictures will be <strong>di</strong>splayed<br />

at the National<br />

Show in Cuneo on 10th –<br />

11th November 2012.<br />

Photo ALLIONE<br />

Photo BLOCK<br />

Please enclose this form to your pictures.<br />

Participation card<br />

NAME ....................................................<br />

STREET....................................................<br />

FAMILY NAME........................................<br />

TOWN....................................................<br />

POST CODE............................................. STATE....................................................<br />

PHONE/FAX ............................................ E-MAIL .................................................<br />


1) .................................................................................................................................<br />

2) .................................................................................................................................<br />

3) .................................................................................................................................<br />


I declare to accept the rules of the contest and to be the owner of all the author rights of the<br />

pictures accor<strong>di</strong>ng to the national rules. Nobody else has any right on these pictures<br />


YEAR 2012<br />

Does the selection work<br />


Results in the abattoirs and in the farms of the Anaborapi Herd Book<br />

The positive Results outputs in of the selection abattoirs<br />

The genetic and in results the farms in bree<strong>di</strong>ng breeders) are influenced we also collected by other infactors AI as: sires quality reach of the the forage, final<br />

sometime mercial are not cooperative so evident mixed of in say the that everyday the offsprings agricultural of the<br />

activities.<br />

weather con<strong>di</strong>tions, of the sanitary Anaborapi situation, markets, three years etc… at the abattoirs weight 1 month and half before<br />

years the or how others. many<br />

How many<br />

Herd<br />

breeders<br />

Book<br />

have time to calculate 18.000 how grew weights their of bulls bulls in registered<br />

in the Herd Book. The AI sires are the <strong>di</strong>rect<br />

the last<br />

easy/<strong>di</strong>fficult calvings they had in the farm<br />

It’s then necessary a total glance to estimate We the simply results <strong>di</strong>vided produced the by bulls the genetic output improvement. of the genetic We’ll selection,<br />

registered obtained the by abattoirs selection and<br />

now<br />

The positive outputs of the<br />

examine the slaughtering data and the percentage that had of an easy/<strong>di</strong>fficult AI (Artificial calvings Insemination)<br />

father from scheme, the genetic in<strong>di</strong>ces<br />

in the farms<br />

selection<br />

of the<br />

sometime<br />

Herd Book.<br />

are not<br />

Thanks so to the evident, cooperation mixed of Compral in the (a those Cuneo that commercial had a cooperative natural of and breeders) the we Test collected Station in in<br />

three years everyday at the agricultural abattoirs 18.000 activities.<br />

less The on the genetic living Piemontese results in females age weights population of the two 15 million € of gross do-<br />

weights service of bulls (stock registered bull) in father Herd Book. Carrù. We In simply the contrary, <strong>di</strong>vided the the<br />

bulls that had an AI (Artificial Insemination) father from those that had a natural stock service bulls can’t (stock have bull) many<br />

father and we calculated the average weights of the two groups. information and their<br />

As clearly shown in the graph, the offsprings of the AI sires weight 50 kg more choice than is the mostly offspring based of the on<br />

stock bulls: 671 kg vs. 621 kg at the same age. We can say that the offsprings morphological of the AI sires data reach (visual the<br />

final weight 1 month and half before the others.<br />

appraise) and only partly on<br />

The AI sires are the <strong>di</strong>rect output of the genetic selection, obtained by selection scheme, the genetic<br />

genetics.<br />

in<strong>di</strong>ces and the Test Station in Carrù. In the contrary, the stock bulls can’t have many information and<br />

The <strong>di</strong>fference is evident not<br />

their choice is mostly based on morphological data (visual appraise) and only partly on genetics.<br />

The <strong>di</strong>fference is evident not only on the weight of slaughtering but also on<br />

only<br />

the beginning<br />

on the<br />

of<br />

weight<br />

the heifers<br />

of<br />

bree<strong>di</strong>ng activity: the daughters of the AI sires are able to anticipate 2-3 months slaughtering their calving. but also The on impact the<br />

on the Piemontese breed is considerable, about 15 million € of gross domestic beginning product added. of the heifers<br />

The Piemontese breed is evaluated not only on the productive results but also bree<strong>di</strong>ng on the reproductive activity: results. the<br />

What can we say about the calvings The data suggested arises from the records daughters of the of regular the AI monthly sires are<br />

inspections in the farms.<br />

able to anticipate 2-3<br />

Photo Mc Grath<br />

In 7 years, from 2004 till 2011 the <strong>di</strong>fficult calvings decreased about 30%, months 1000 <strong>di</strong>fficult their calvings calving. less The for<br />

10000 heifers! On cows the data is similar with, of course, a lower percentage impact but with on the a global Piemontese effect<br />

even more impressive: 6000 <strong>di</strong>fficult calvings and we less calculated per 100000 the cows! aver-<br />

In total breed about is 10000 considerable, <strong>di</strong>fficult about<br />

calvings<br />

We started bree<strong>di</strong>ng our analysis are influenced right from also 2004 because groups. it’s the year in which the effects mestic of product the new added. selection<br />

scheme, by started other in factors 1998, show as: quality clearly their As benefits. clearly We shown remind in that the this new The scheme Piemontese is a scientific breed model is<br />

that, keeping of the in forage, count weather genetic con<strong>di</strong>tions,<br />

the genetic sanitary in<strong>di</strong>ces situation, in the calvings AI sires and weight gave them 50 the kg right moreweight productive in the selection results in<strong>di</strong>ces. but also<br />

correlations graph, between the offsprings the traits of and the the economic evaluated breeders not only requirements, on the<br />

introduced<br />

The selection markets, doesn’t etc… come from improvisation, than the it requires offspring scientific of the knowledge on the and reproductive constant controls, results. so<br />

that the How breeders many can face breeders the economic have crisis<br />

stock<br />

with<br />

bulls:<br />

a supplementary<br />

671 kg vs. 621<br />

added value.<br />

What can we say about the<br />

Just 20 time years to ago calculate our breed how was grew not so popular in the world, most of the times connected with scarce<br />

kg at the same age. We can calvings The data suggested<br />

growing their rates bulls and calving the last <strong>di</strong>fficulties. years or Nowadays the situation is totally upside down, Piemontese is well<br />

known how and considered many easy/<strong>di</strong>fficult<br />

an “elite” breed<br />

among calvings the other international they had in beef the<br />

breeds farm and just its name recalls the<br />

Parti Difficult <strong>di</strong>fficili calvings Caesarians Tagli cesarei<br />

image of It’s high then quality necessary and great a total<br />

genetic glance improvement.<br />

20<br />

to estimate the results<br />

produced by the genetic improvement.<br />

We’ll now ex-<br />

18<br />

16<br />

amine the slaughtering data<br />

%<br />

and the percentage of<br />

14<br />

Marco Bona<br />

(Technical easy/<strong>di</strong>fficult Office) calvings registered<br />

in the abattoirs and in<br />

12<br />

10<br />

the farms of the Herd Book.<br />

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011<br />

Thanks to the cooperation<br />

primpare heifers<br />

of Compral (a Cuneo com-<br />


YEAR 2012<br />

arise from the records of the<br />

regular monthly inspections<br />

in the farms.<br />

In 7 years, from 2004 till<br />

2011 the <strong>di</strong>fficult calvings<br />

decreased about 30%, 1000<br />

<strong>di</strong>fficult calvings less for<br />

10000 heifers! On cows the<br />

data is similar with, of<br />

course, a lower percentage<br />

but with a global effect even<br />

more impressive: 6000 <strong>di</strong>fficult<br />

calvings less per 100000<br />

cows! In total about 10000<br />

<strong>di</strong>fficult calvings less on the<br />

living Piemontese females<br />

population.<br />

We started our analysis right<br />

from 2004 because it’s the<br />

year in which the effects of<br />

the new selection scheme,<br />

started in 1998, show clearly<br />

their benefits. We remind<br />

that this new scheme is a scientific<br />

model that, keeping<br />

in count the genetic correlations<br />

between the traits and<br />

the economic breeders requirements,<br />

introduced the<br />

genetic in<strong>di</strong>ces in the calvings<br />

and gave them the right<br />

weight in the selection in<strong>di</strong>ces.<br />

The selection doesn’t come<br />

from improvisation, it requires<br />

scientific knowledge<br />

and constant controls, so<br />

that the breeders can face<br />

the economic crisis with a<br />

supplementary added value.<br />

Just 20 years ago our breed<br />

was not so popular in the<br />

world, most of the times<br />

connected with scarce growing<br />

rates and calving <strong>di</strong>fficulties.<br />

Nowadays the<br />

situation is totally upside<br />

down, Piemontese is well<br />

known and considered an<br />

“elite” breed among the<br />

other international beef<br />

breeds and just its name recalls<br />

the image of high quality<br />

and great genetic<br />

improvement.<br />

Marco Bona<br />

(Technical Office)<br />

N AT I O N A L S H O W O F T H E<br />

<strong>PIEMONTESE</strong> CATTLE BREED<br />

12<br />

10th - 11th November 2012<br />

MIAC, CUNEO Ronchi, Italy<br />

info@anaborapi.it - ph +39 0173750791 (Fabia)

YEAR 2012<br />


Quantum is the second son of Magnum to be proven. His father was definitely one of the best sires<br />

of the last years. Quantum is an extremely productive sire with top growing rates and muscularity also<br />

due to the influence of his grandfather Genepi.<br />

Of course Quantum has to be used on adult cows, better from the third pregnancy. On this kind of<br />

cows his offspring will born with no problem and his daughters can be reared for the replacement because<br />

they’ll have good calving ease, conformation and growing rates. Quantum, due to his parentage<br />

shouldn’t be used on the daughters and descendants of Delano, Primo, Brasil, Monaco and Nord.<br />

Quesito is a son of Lincoln, who had performed good results both on calvings and growing; his maternal<br />

grand father is In<strong>di</strong>ce, a little size sire with good conformation and fine bones. Quesito mixes<br />

well the traits of his ancestors and shows a higher muscularity than Lincoln and keeping the top<br />

growing rates. He’s more a sire for meat than bree<strong>di</strong>ng. His offspring born easily and he can be used<br />

for the second pregnancy; his daughters are expected to be good cows. Avoid matings with the line<br />

of Delano e with the daughters of Me<strong>di</strong>ano, Oxford, Max, Obice, Olivo e Obelix.<br />

Quova<strong>di</strong>s is son of Mondo, a double-line sire, with good set and me<strong>di</strong>um conformation.<br />

Quova<strong>di</strong>s has a size slightly higher than Mondo although he keeps his conformation and<br />

fineness. Quova<strong>di</strong>s remains anyway a me<strong>di</strong>um-small sire with an excellent birth ease right to<br />

be used on heifers but still a good calving ease expected from his daughters even if they will<br />

have a reduced size. Limits in the use concern the daughters of Luki, Zaino and Ribò.<br />


YEAR 2012<br />

Quarto is a sire with very high bree<strong>di</strong>ng traits. He’s son of Mario well known for his productivity and<br />

for the good calving abilities of the daughters. The mother of Quarto is Grecia, a cow of huge development<br />

mother of Pinin, another AI sire. Quarto has exactly the traits expected from his pe<strong>di</strong>gree<br />

with high growing rates and sizes and acceptable meat conformation. Quarto requires care in his use:<br />

better to mate him only with adult cows that can calve easily; in return he will give to his daughters<br />

excellent calving traits. Do not mate with the daughters of Opel, Ombre, Poker, Delano and Zaino.<br />

Quibis is a very productive sire. He’s the third son of Natale to end the progeny test. Quibis is at the<br />

top of the ranks and (for the moment) is the first for Bree<strong>di</strong>ng. Muscularity and growing are excellent<br />

and assure impressive fattening performances of his offsprings. Birth ease in Quibis is in the average<br />

and he can be used without problems on cows from the third calving. From his daughters we<br />

expect a good calving trait and a considerable somatic development: he is the most interesting son<br />

of Natale to produce bree<strong>di</strong>ng cows.<br />

For parentage reasons Quibis shouldn’t be used on the daughters of Pupillo, Quasimodo, Delano,<br />

Delta and Bingo.<br />

14<br />

Quo is a sire mainly with Meat Line traits, although his size, he generated light calves with<br />

excellent birth ease so that he can be used on heifers. Son of Milord, sire with top growing<br />

rates, Quo improves the meat conformation of his father, keeping a good structure. Quo is<br />

in<strong>di</strong>cated to get well developed factory bulls with good growing rates and good muscularity.<br />

His daughters probably won’t perform very well in calving so it’s better to breed them with<br />

care. Avoid matings with daughters and descendants of Delano e with the daughters of Minosse,<br />

Merlino, Magico and Narciso.

YEAR 2012<br />

Quoti<strong>di</strong>ano is a double line sire mixing good performances both in production and bree<strong>di</strong>ng. About<br />

calving ease Quoti<strong>di</strong>ano is the second son of Migliore, after Ottobre, to end positively the progeny<br />

test. The birth ease of Quoti<strong>di</strong>ano (107) suggests to use him on cows from the third calving to be sure<br />

to obtain bulls with a good level of growing and muscularity and heifers with top calving attitude.<br />

Quoti<strong>di</strong>ano shouldn't be mated with the daughters of Fred, Ivan, Nelson, Norton, Ottobre and<br />

Maicol.<br />

Quale, among the offspring of Migliore has the most developed meat conformation, thanks to his<br />

maternal grandfather Genepi. Quale gives to his offsprins excellent growing rates and muscularity so<br />

he's in<strong>di</strong>cated to produce factory bulls. Although his birth ease is not negative it's better to use him<br />

on adult cows. His daughters, even if well conformated will be able to calve well. Quale shouldn't be<br />

mated with the daughters of Ottobre, Fred, Monaco, Nord, Delta and Turbo.<br />

Quadrato is a very powerful sire with very high structure and somatic development, same as<br />

his pe<strong>di</strong>gree shows with Mario and Vasco. Quadrato gives top growing rates and good muscularity<br />

even if due to his development he's not an early maturing sire. Despite size and pe<strong>di</strong>gree,<br />

the birth ease is quite acceptable, but still we advice to use him only on cows from the<br />

third calving. His daughters will surely be excellent heifers with structure and high calving<br />

ease. Avoid matings with the females from Delano's line and with the daughters of Sorriso,<br />

Zaino, Ombre, Opel and Poker.<br />


YEAR 2012<br />

Even Quintetto is a very productive sire with an important structure. Growing and conformation are<br />

very good for this sire, the first son of Nodo to end the progeny test. Quintetto requires much care<br />

in his use: better on adult cows and with proven calving attitude. From his daughters we expect an<br />

excellent calving ease, guarantee from father Nodo and grandfather Icaro. Not advisable to be used<br />

on the daughters of Delano, Ibrido, Zaino and Marte.<br />

Quoziente is an “easy” sire. He’s son of Migliore and descendent of Elisir, Quoziente gives to his offsprings<br />

excellent growing speed and interesting muscularity. He can be used on cows at the second<br />

calving without problems as he shows a good balance between production and bree<strong>di</strong>ng making him<br />

a double line sire. Quoziente will give heifers with good calving ease so they can be bred for the replacement.<br />

Due to the parentage Quoziente shouldn’t be mated with the daughters of Ottobre, Fred,<br />

Minosse, Merlino, Magico and Narciso.<br />

16<br />

Quadrello is a productive sire with very good conformation, finesse and good growing rates.<br />

Son of Naso, excellent double line sire and descendent of Indovino, sire for heifers with good<br />

muscularity, Quadrello gives quite small calves and can be used on cows at the second calving<br />

or heifers with good genealogy and development. Quadrello is mainly a sire to produce<br />

factory bulls/heifers: it’s not excluded the possibility to breed his daughters even if we don’t<br />

expect a great calving ease. Very few the limits in matings: the daughters of Internet, Cedro<br />

and Tyson.

YEAR 2012<br />

Quadruplo is the first son of Otello to end the progeny test. Descendent of Vasco, Quadruplo is a<br />

powerful sire with impressive traits for bree<strong>di</strong>ng and also for the production of heavy and conformated<br />

bulls. Quadruplo gives excellent growing and muscularity, but as expected from his pe<strong>di</strong>gree and size<br />

his offspring are definetely heavy at birth. Therefore is a sire to be use only on adult cows and with<br />

sure calving ease. His daughters will surely be excellent cows with big size and will calve easily.<br />

Quadruplo shouldn’t be mated with the daughters of Orlando, Brasil, Luki and Ribò.<br />

Quando, same as Quadruplo, comes from the Luki line, but he is quite <strong>di</strong>fferent. Son of Orlando,<br />

Quando is a double line sire and received well balanced traits above all on calving. Quando generates<br />

calves that born easily so he is in<strong>di</strong>cated for heifers. Growing and conformation are good even<br />

not at the top, but anyway the growing speed is considerable to be a sire or heifers. The daughters of<br />

Quando can be reared as cows because from them we expect a good calving ability and me<strong>di</strong>um size.<br />

Just avoid matings with the daughters of Otello, Luki, Delano and Umayor.<br />

Andrea Albera (Technical Office)<br />


Every month at Anaborapi about 10 young bulls aged 12 months (weight over 500 kg) are available<br />

for natural service. ese bulls are offspring of the best sires and Mother of Sires the Herd Book and<br />

had passed all the tests of the Test Station<br />

(sanitary tests, no morphological and genetic<br />

defects, check of the pe<strong>di</strong>gree with DNA,<br />

control of the monthly weight gain, visual<br />

appraise). e bulls have all the sanitary documents<br />

released by the Official Veterinary<br />

Service and the Official Genealogical Certificate.<br />

We remind that Anaborapi Test Station<br />

is IBR free.<br />

For further information (genealogy, measures,<br />

genetic in<strong>di</strong>ces) and for appointments,<br />

please, contact us: info@anaborapi.it.<br />


YEAR 2012<br />



It’s with great joy that we announce<br />

the birth of the first<br />

Piemontese calves in the<br />

peaks of Ecuador!<br />

From Father Giovanni Onore<br />


Thanks to our friends in Colombia for sharing with us their impressive results with the<br />

Piemontese!<br />

From dr. Maldonado<br />

From dr. Ramirez<br />


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