Book 2 - Ebu

Book 2 - Ebu Book 2 - Ebu


Learning Resource Kit: Book 2 In describing the Casa Rosada, the photographer stresses that it struck his attention to see a woman giving orders, implying this was unimaginable and an action that could not be carried out by women. The journalist fails to delve further into the photographer’s comment that the President’s arrival in the presidential palace was a “challenge”; he loses an opportunity to discover what, in the interviewee’s opinion, makes President Fernandez different from other leaders. Further, the photograph chosen for the article does not reflect her political activity, rather it portrays a feminine grooming action. The journalist underscores her family role and the contrast in attitudes between her public and private personas, as if she were two completely different individuals. When mentioning the offices she has held, he says little of the years she served as a member of Congress and a Senator, although he mentions the former President’s full trajectory. Finally, the journalist refers to the President using her first name – a familiar, informal, form of address – and yet when he evokes husband, he unfalteringly uses the latter’s last name – a respectful and formal reference. There is an enormous missed opportunity to develop a gender-inclusive article. Why does the journalist not question the assumption of relegating women to the background in politics How have relations between women and men changed since a woman ascended to the highest public office in the country Gender bias continues in the creation of legislative commissions and in appointments at cabinet and other high levels of office. Rather than demonstrate the disparities, the journalist provides figures that hide them, losing an opportunity for critical reporting from a gender perspective. There are different ways to tell a female political leader’s life story or career trajectory and this example clearly demonstrates an absence of gender consciousness. Questions for analysis and debate • How does the journalist refer to women and their relation to power • Does the journalist make the same kinds of observations for all genders • Does the journalist use inclusive language • Which personality traits are highlighted for women Which personality traits for men • Is there an equal number of references to women and men • Does the article reproduce stereotypes or challenge them • What are the possible impacts on women and men, and on gender relations, of the journalist’s approach 52

Guidelines on gender-ethical reporting Special focus: Facts, trends and impacts of media coverage about women in government In order to improve the practice of journalism, to make it more inclusive and diverse, it is necessary to adopt critical forms of journalism and writing, beginning with the following insights: • Society took a long time to take the struggle for women’s rights seriously. The lack of consideration for history and the progress made hinders understanding and access of women to public office, particularly to the highest public office of the presidency or prime minister. • Women began to hold public office and political positions much later than their male counterparts. This is due to the delay in defining women as subjects with rights and recognizing their capability for decision-making, holding professional and leadership positions. • One of the most common recurrences in interviews or articles about women is how they balance their domestic tasks while holding public office. This is one of the ways in which journalists remind women that they have to fulfil society’s expectation of them as mothers, wives and caregivers of the family. The standards for men are markedly different: they are not asked about fatherhood or what they do to fulfil their family responsibilities. • Journalists should be mindful of the ways in which they describe women and men so as not to make the mistake of using stereotypes that reinforce cultural inequalities between women and men. The paths to political posts or public office are diverse and the use of stereotypes can blur the real journeys individuals have made to power positions. • To contend that only men should address “hard” issues such as politics and government contributes to an absence of female voices on these topics, leading to a lack of diversity in positions and proposals. Many women are active participants in academic research and in different “hard” issue areas. They are part of the pool of experts who could be interviewed or quoted. • The masculinisation of certain character traits and continual references to masculinity in power narrows the possibilities for women’s action. This tends to imply that women have of necessity to exude behaviour associated with masculinity in order to become decision-makers, as if this were the only way to participate in or to exercise power. • When a female leader’s role in the family or private life is mentioned, she is not only reminded of her absences or errors that are affecting “normal” family development and what is expected of her, she is also concomitantly being warned of the limits to progress that exist for her. • Media reports on women in politics tend to focus on details such as their dress style, wardrobe, diet and physical appearance, an approach that trivializes them, devalues their work in public office and damages their credibility. 53

Learning Resource Kit: <strong>Book</strong> 2<br />

In describing the Casa Rosada, the photographer stresses that it struck his attention<br />

to see a woman giving orders, implying this was unimaginable and an action that<br />

could not be carried out by women. The journalist fails to delve further into the<br />

photographer’s comment that the President’s arrival in the presidential palace was<br />

a “challenge”; he loses an opportunity to discover what, in the interviewee’s opinion,<br />

makes President Fernandez different from other leaders. Further, the photograph<br />

chosen for the article does not reflect her political activity, rather it portrays a<br />

feminine grooming action.<br />

The journalist underscores her family role and the contrast in attitudes between<br />

her public and private personas, as if she were two completely different individuals.<br />

When mentioning the offices she has held, he says little of the years she served as a<br />

member of Congress and a Senator, although he mentions the former President’s full<br />

trajectory.<br />

Finally, the journalist refers to the President using her first name – a familiar,<br />

informal, form of address – and yet when he evokes husband, he unfalteringly uses<br />

the latter’s last name – a respectful and formal reference.<br />

There is an enormous missed opportunity to develop a gender-inclusive article.<br />

Why does the journalist not question the assumption of relegating women to the<br />

background in politics How have relations between women and men changed since<br />

a woman ascended to the highest public office in the country<br />

Gender bias continues in the creation of legislative commissions and in appointments<br />

at cabinet and other high levels of office. Rather than demonstrate the disparities, the<br />

journalist provides figures that hide them, losing an opportunity for critical reporting<br />

from a gender perspective.<br />

There are different ways to tell a female political leader’s life story or career trajectory<br />

and this example clearly demonstrates an absence of gender consciousness.<br />

Questions for analysis and debate<br />

• How does the journalist refer to women and their relation to power<br />

• Does the journalist make the same kinds of observations for all genders<br />

• Does the journalist use inclusive language<br />

• Which personality traits are highlighted for women Which personality traits for<br />

men<br />

• Is there an equal number of references to women and men<br />

• Does the article reproduce stereotypes or challenge them<br />

• What are the possible impacts on women and men, and on gender relations, of<br />

the journalist’s approach<br />


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