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ITINERARII Air Treks 10<br />

® nic\ - strada `n oglind\. Fiecare cas\ este identic\ celei de peste drum,<br />

de la structur\ [i form\ p‚n\ la detaliile arhitectonice, sculpturi ornamentale,<br />

por]i, grilajele ferestrelor [i balcoane.<br />


~n centrul Pie]ei {tefan cel Mare se `nal]\ catedrala mitropolitan\,<br />

l\ca[ de cult ortodox zidit `n primii ani ai secolului XX, `n stil bizantin.<br />

Cupola bisericii a fost modelat\ dup\ cea a Hagiei Sofia.<br />

Pia]a marcheaz\ limita vechii cet\]i clujene. La c‚teva sute de metri se<br />

reg\se[te singurul fragment din zidul fortifica]iei, care a supravie]uit anilor,<br />

[i Bastionul Croitorilor, construit ca turn de observa]ie. ~n 5 februarie<br />

1601, edilii au expus aici trupul ne`nsufle]it al lui Baba Novac, c\pitanul<br />

lui Mihai Viteazul, ars de viu dup\ `nfr‚ngerea de la Mir\sl\u. Ast\zi, o<br />

statuie [i numele str\zii din apropiere amintesc de soarta nefericitului<br />

c\pitan. Un alt turn, cel al Pompierilor, se ridic\ solitar la c‚]iva kilometri<br />

distan]\, pe malul Some[ului. Fortifica]ia a ap\rut `n secolul al XV-lea [i<br />

proteja vechile ziduri ale cet\]ii, ridicate `n secolul al XIII-lea.<br />

Str\zile Baba Novac [i Mihail Kog\lniceanu ne readuc `ncet spre Pia]a<br />

Unirii, cu un popas la biserica reformat\, construit\ `n stil gotic t‚rziu `ntre<br />

1486 [i 1510, cu ajutorul b\nesc al lui Matei Corvin. Pe latura nordic\ pot fi<br />

v\zute `nc\ ghiulelele ce au p\truns `n zid `n timpul asediilor din secolele<br />

XVI [i XVII.<br />

Drumul trece pe l‚ng\ cl\direa Filarmonicii clujene, pe l‚ng\ impozanta<br />

cl\dire a Universit\]ii Babe[-Bolyai, [i duce pe Strada Universit\-<br />

]ii, la Biserica Piari[tilor, construit\ `ntre anii 1718 [i 1724, `ntr-un baroc<br />

fermec\tor.<br />

®<br />

Vitraliu / Stained glass window<br />

® citadel’s walls and the Tailors’<br />

Bastion, built by the tailors’ guild<br />

as an observation tower.<br />

On February 5, 1601, the city<br />

leaders displayed there the body<br />

of Baba Novac, a captain in the<br />

army of ruler Mihai the Brave,<br />

burned alive after the defeat at<br />

Miraslau.<br />

Today, a statue and the name<br />

of a nearby street are remembrances<br />

of the captain’s sad fate.<br />

Another tower, of the firefighters,<br />

stands solitary a few kilometers<br />

away, on the bank of the Somes<br />

River.<br />

It was built in the 15 th century<br />

to protect the old city walls, dating<br />

from the 13 th century.<br />

Baba Novac and Mihail Kogalniceanu<br />

streets bring the visitor<br />

back to Unirii Square, with a stop<br />

at the Protestant church built in a<br />

late Gothic style between 1486 and<br />

1510, with financial support from<br />

Matei Corvin. The unrest of the<br />

Reformation prevented people<br />

from entering there for ceremonies<br />

until 1579, when Prince Bathory<br />

gave it to the Jesuits. In 1662, the<br />

leaders’ council decided the<br />

church would be used by Protestants,<br />

who remain in charge of it,<br />

even today. The holes made by<br />

projectiles during sieges in the 16 th<br />

and 17 th<br />

centuries are still visible<br />

on the northern side.<br />



The road goes further along<br />

the building of the Cluj Philharmonic<br />

Orchestra, the imposing<br />

Babes-Bolyai University building<br />

and leads to University Street and<br />

the Piarist Church, built between<br />

1718 and 1724, in charming<br />

baroque.<br />

Crossing Unirii Square, the visitor<br />

can walk down Corvin Street<br />

to see Cluj’s oldest laic building:<br />

the Matei Corvin Memorial House,<br />

a gothic building dating back to<br />

the 14 th<br />

century. In spite of its<br />

name, the building did not belong<br />

to Corvin’s family. It was an inn<br />

where the king’s mother, Erzsebet<br />

Szilagyi, lived and where Matei<br />

Corvin was born and lived his first<br />

months.<br />

Museum Square got its name<br />

from the nearby Transylvanian<br />

History Museum. Set up in 1859<br />

by the Transylvanian Museum<br />

Society and functioning in the current<br />

headquarters since 1932, the<br />

institution presents a broad history<br />

of Transylvania.<br />

The collections include a lapidary<br />

with Roman and medieval<br />

engraved stones and a treasure of<br />

about 4,000 pieces of gold and silver<br />

jewelry, harnesses, clothing accessories,<br />

coins and medals.<br />

The Franciscan Church, ®

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