Untitled - Tarom

Untitled - Tarom Untitled - Tarom


COVER STORY 44 „Am vrut s\ `napoiez Rom‚niei ceea ce mi-a dat I Wanted to Return the Gift Romania Made Me“ Damian Dr\ghici Muzic\, tradi]ie [i realitate / Music, tradition and reality By Andreea Pocotila Photo: Constantin Ciocan, arhiva personal\ AI COPIL|RIT ~N BUCURE{TI, ~NTR-O FAMILIE ~NDR|GOSTIT| DE MUZICA L|UT|REASC|. CÂND TE-AI APROPIAT PRIMA OAR| DE UN INSTRUMENT La trei ani, de ]ambal. Dar m\ plictiseam foarte repede. Am schimbat [ase sau [apte instrumente: de la ]ambal la pian, de la pian la tobe, de la tobe la contrabas, apoi la acordeon. Pe la 10 ani, bunicul mi-a zis: „N-ar fi bine s\ c‚n]i la nai“ Pentru c\ `n familie, Damian Luca, unchiul meu, [i F\nic\ Luca, str\bunicul meu, au fost nai[ti. Pe la 12 ani, un mic hop: mergeam la un ansamblu folcloric, dar la un moment dat ceilal]i au abandonat [i am r\mas singur. Nu c‚ntam prea bine, drept care am studiat `n urm\torii doi ani c‚te 12 ore pe zi. Am `nceput s\ c‚[tig „C‚ntarea Rom‚niei“, s\ colaborez cu Orchestra Radio, cu mari arti[ti de muzic\ popular\ precum Ionel Budi[teanu. P‚n\ la 18 ani, sus]ineam concerte, imprimam, ap\ream la televiziune. {I LA 18 ANI AI DECIS S| PLECI DIN }AR|. N-am mai avut r\bdare s\ a[tept `n Rom‚nia, aveam impresia c\ stau YOU SPENT YOUR CHILD- HOOD IN BUCHAREST, IN A FAMILY THAT HAD A LOVE OF MUSIC. WHEN DID YOU FIRST MEET AN INSTRUMENT When I was three; it was a dulcimer. But I used to get bored very quickly. I changed six or seven instruments: from dulcimer to piano, from piano to drums, from drums to contrabass, then to the accordion. When I was three, my grandfather told me: „Wouldn’t it be a good idea for you to play the pan flute“ Because, in our family, Damian Luca, my uncle, and Fanica Luca, my great-grandfather, were pan flute players. When I was 12, there was a minor incident: I used to play in a folk ensemble and at a certain point the other guys all stopped playing and I was on my own. I did not play very well, which is why for the next two years I studied for 12 hours a day. I started winning the prominent contest “Cantarea Romaniei“, I collaborated with the Radio Orchestra, with great Romanian folk musicians, such as Ionel Budisteanu. By the age of 18 I had held concerts, performed on television and released tapes.

INSIGHT TAROM Prim\var\/Spring 2007 45 Damian Dr\ghici. Ipostaze / Situations CÂNT| LA NAI DE CÂND AVEA 10 ANI. TALENTUL S|U A VR|JIT CAPITALELE LUMII. A EVOLUAT AL|TURI DE JOE COCKER, JAMES BROWN, GYPSY KINGS. CELEBRUL NAIST DAMIAN DR|GHICI UIME{TE {I ROMÂNIA, CU UN NOU PROIECT MUZI- CAL - O TRUP| DE L|UTARI AL|TURI DE CARE SIMTE C| SE ~NTOARCE ACOLO DE UNDE A PORNIT. HE HAS BEEN PLAYING PAN’S FLUTE SINCE HE WAS 10. HIS TALENT HAS CHARMED THE WORLD’S CAPITALS. HE HAS PER- FORMED ON THE SAME STAGES WITH JOE COCKER, JAMES BROWN AND THE GYPSY KINGS. CELEBRATED PAN FLUTIST DAMIAN DRAGHICI NOW AMAZES ROMANIA WITH A NEW MUSICAL PROJECT - A BAND OF “LAUTARI“, ALONGSIDE WHOM HE FEELS HE HAS RETURN TO HIS ORIGINS. pe loc [i mor `ncet, `ncet. Mai bine `mi iau via]a `n m‚ini. Am fugit doar eu singur, cu naiul. Am trecut grani]a `n Iugoslavia, apoi am ajuns `n Grecia... ~n primul an nu mi-am g\sit de munc\, c‚ntam pe la mese. Vremurile acelea m-au marcat, nu-mi pl\cea ce f\ceam, dar trebuia s\ supravie]uiesc. Apoi cineva m-a `ntrebat dac\ [tiu s\ c‚nt [i la pian [i am fost angajat la un club. Dup\ vreo doi ani eram unul dintre cei mai buni piani[ti din Grecia, studiam ne`ncetat. C‚[tigam 400-500 de dolari pe noapte, bani foarte mul]i, [i eu aveam 21-22 de ani. Dar nu era expresia, vocea mea artistic\, aveam nevoie de ceva mai mult. Am trimis un demo `n Olanda, la un prieten, [i dup\ dou\ s\pt\m‚ni f\ceam acolo primul meu CD, `ntr-un studio mare. Apoi m-am `ntors `n Grecia [i am studiat jazz nonstop. A venit un tip [i mi-a spus c\ cei de la Berklee College of Music din Boston au un fel de vizionare, vin `n Europa [i dau burse tinerilor talenta]i. Le-am c‚ntat la nai John Coltrane, Charlie Parker, Miles Davis. Mi-au zis „ne vedem `n septembrie“. Nu i-am crezut. Dar dup\ dou\ s\pt\m‚ni, o scrisoare: „Felicit\ri, domnule Dr\ghici, a]i c‚[tigat o burs\ integral\“. Mi-am zis c\ prietenii mi-au f\cut o fars\ [i-am aruncat-o la gunoi. Peste c‚teva zile, `mi dau telefon de la Conservator: „Damian, ai c‚[tigat bursa, nu te ® AND AT 18 YOU DECIDED TO FLEE THE COUNTRY. I did not have the patience to wait in Romania; I felt I was not progressing and that I was slowly dying. I thought I had to take my life in my own hands. I ran by myself, with the pan flute. I passed the border into Yugoslavia, then I arrived in Greece ... I could not find work in the first year, I was playing at tables. Those times visibly marked me, I didn’t enjoy what I was doing, but I had to survive. Then someone asked me if I knew how to play the piano and I was hired at a club. After about two years I was one of the best pianists in Greece, I was studying without rest. I was earning 400-500 dollars a night, a lot of money, and I was only 21 or 22. But I felt that was not my artistic voice, I needed something more. I sent a demo to a friend in the Netherlands and in two weeks I was making my first CD at a known studio. Then I returned to Greece and I studied jazz nonstop. A guy came to me and told me the Berklee College of Music in Boston had some sort of recruitment in Europe and was offering scholarships to talented young musicians. I played John Coltrane, Charlie Parker, Miles Davis for them. They told me “see you in September.“ I did not believe them. But after two weeks, a letter: “Congratulations, Mr. Draghici, you have won a full scholarship.“ I thought my friends were playing a trick on me and intereseaz\“ ®

COVER STORY 44<br />

„Am vrut s\ `napoiez Rom‚niei<br />

ceea ce mi-a dat I Wanted to<br />

Return the Gift Romania Made Me“<br />

Damian Dr\ghici<br />

Muzic\, tradi]ie [i realitate / Music, tradition and reality<br />

By Andreea Pocotila<br />

Photo: Constantin Ciocan, arhiva personal\<br />




La trei ani, de ]ambal. Dar m\ plictiseam foarte repede. Am schimbat<br />

[ase sau [apte instrumente: de la ]ambal la pian, de la pian la tobe, de la<br />

tobe la contrabas, apoi la acordeon. Pe la 10 ani, bunicul mi-a zis: „N-ar<br />

fi bine s\ c‚n]i la nai“ Pentru c\ `n familie, Damian Luca, unchiul meu,<br />

[i F\nic\ Luca, str\bunicul meu, au fost nai[ti.<br />

Pe la 12 ani, un mic hop: mergeam la un ansamblu folcloric, dar la un<br />

moment dat ceilal]i au abandonat [i am r\mas singur. Nu c‚ntam prea<br />

bine, drept care am studiat `n urm\torii doi ani c‚te 12 ore pe zi. Am<br />

`nceput s\ c‚[tig „C‚ntarea Rom‚niei“, s\ colaborez cu Orchestra Radio,<br />

cu mari arti[ti de muzic\ popular\ precum Ionel Budi[teanu. P‚n\ la 18<br />

ani, sus]ineam concerte, imprimam, ap\ream la televiziune.<br />


N-am mai avut r\bdare s\ a[tept `n Rom‚nia, aveam impresia c\ stau<br />






When I was three; it was a<br />

dulcimer. But I used to get bored<br />

very quickly. I changed six or<br />

seven instruments: from dulcimer<br />

to piano, from piano to<br />

drums, from drums to contrabass,<br />

then to the accordion. When<br />

I was three, my grandfather told<br />

me: „Wouldn’t it be a good idea<br />

for you to play the pan flute“<br />

Because, in our family, Damian<br />

Luca, my uncle, and Fanica Luca,<br />

my great-grandfather, were pan<br />

flute players.<br />

When I was 12, there was a<br />

minor incident: I used to play in a<br />

folk ensemble and at a certain point<br />

the other guys all stopped playing<br />

and I was on my own. I did not<br />

play very well, which is why for<br />

the next two years I studied for 12<br />

hours a day. I started winning the<br />

prominent contest “Cantarea Romaniei“,<br />

I collaborated with the Radio<br />

Orchestra, with great Romanian<br />

folk musicians, such as Ionel Budisteanu.<br />

By the age of 18 I had<br />

held concerts, performed on television<br />

and released tapes.

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