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Untitled - Tarom


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CAMPIONII The Champions 40<br />

Bunicii lui Khavak / Khavak’s grandparents<br />

O întâlnire istoric\ / A historical meeting<br />

® [erpii. La doar un an, p\rin]ii l-au a[ezat pentru prima oar\ pe un crocodil.<br />

Khavak-tat\l a `nceput s\-l `nve]e pe junior `nc\ de la doi ani s\ hipnotizeze<br />

un pui.<br />

Via]a de circ a purtat familia prin Germania - chiar `n timpul celui deal<br />

doilea r\zboi mondial, apoi prin Cehoslovacia, Fran]a, Olanda... Timp<br />

de patru ani au locuit `n cinci ]\ri diferite. Trenul ducea vagoanele de ®<br />

® several tense moments, he stands<br />

up, safe and sound, and makes for<br />

the other reptiles aligned on the<br />

edges of the arena, while Headtrick<br />

is led off the stage. With several simple<br />

gestures, he wakes them all up<br />

and the audience rips into applause.<br />

“Oh! Master, didn’t you forget<br />

something“ asks the presenter.<br />

Acting surprised, Khavak returns to<br />

recover the last crocodile left on the<br />

stage.<br />



Now, after an extended series of<br />

shows attended by crowned heads<br />

of state and international stars, reptile<br />

hypnotist Karah Khavak, 68, is<br />

still presenting his act, this time at<br />

the Globus Circus in Bucharest,<br />

where he will remain until March.<br />

He was born in Hungary, into a<br />

family with a long tradition in the<br />

circus. His grandmother comes<br />

from Arad, in the west of Romania.<br />

Since his earliest days he has spent a<br />

great deal of time traveling the<br />

world. Now he lives in Germany<br />

but spends most of his time in other<br />

countries where he has circus contracts.<br />

Khavak ends his work day at<br />

the same time as his animals, at the<br />

end of each show. He maintains a<br />

day when they again commence<br />

their shows.<br />

After ensuring that his partners<br />

are accommodated comfortably,<br />

Khavak sits down and begins his<br />

story. “There is no secret. You learn<br />

everything just like in school. I hypnotize<br />

them with my hands. I use<br />

my energy and think: “Sleep!<br />

Sleep!“ he says in English infused<br />

with German and Italian words.<br />

“But you can’t learn this from one<br />

day to the next.“<br />

He slips out of his stage costume<br />

for a simple gown, but continues to<br />

wear the make-up. His eyes, contoured<br />

with black, are fascinating.<br />

Quickly passing from one idea<br />

to the next, Khavak tries to squeeze<br />

sixty-eight years of life experiences<br />

into less than an hour.<br />

His mysterious talents were passed<br />

on to him by his father, who in<br />

turn learned them from his father, a<br />

famous lion tamer. Some members<br />

of Khavak’s family chose to work<br />

with elephants, others with horses,<br />

while Khavak’s father chose to continue<br />

the work with lions. But after<br />

an unfortunate incident in the arena,<br />

in which a lion bit his face, a wealthy<br />

Indian spectator would change the<br />

vocation of the family. Impressed by<br />

his father’s struggle with the lion, he<br />

{edin]\ de hipnoz\ / Hypnose session<br />

close watch on the assistants who<br />

take the reptiles in their arms and<br />

carry them out of the arena. Two<br />

burly men struggle to carry each<br />

crocodile a distance of only several<br />

meters and when its fierce tail moves<br />

from one side to the other they<br />

struggle to hold on. The animals are<br />

enclosed in enormous barred cages.<br />

Once the doors are locked, the<br />

assistants push the wheeled cages to<br />

the trailer in the circus’ inner yard,<br />

the real home of the performing<br />

crocs. Two small tanks are placed<br />

here in which they idle until the next<br />

told him he should learn to hypnotize<br />

crocodiles. So, when Khavak<br />

was born in 1939, his father had already<br />

spent several years working<br />

with the reptiles. And his mother,<br />

also a circus artist, danced with snakes.<br />

When he was barely a year old,<br />

his parents sat him down for the<br />

first time on a crocodile. Khavak -<br />

the father - began to teach his son to<br />

hypnotize young crocodiles when<br />

Khavak was only two.<br />

Circus life led the family to<br />

Germany during the Second<br />

World War, then to Cze- ®

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