Untitled - Tarom

Untitled - Tarom Untitled - Tarom


ITINERARII COLABORATORI Air Treks Contributors INSIGHT EXEMPLARUL DUMNEAVOASTR| / YOUR COMPLIMENTARY COPY 2 DAMIAN DR|GHICI ALINA COJOCARU_Lec]ia / The Lesson CLUJ: Comori sub Dealul Cet\]uii / Treasures beneath Cetatuii Hill_MUNCHEN / MUNICH: Culoarea Sudului, `n stil nem]esc / The Color of the South, in German Fashion_MONACO: Nestemata Coroanei / A Crown Jewel_MAYA: M\re]ie [i pr\bu[ire / Greatness and Demise_PARFUM DE VREMURI / FLAVOR OF TIMES: Frumoasele case ale Bucure[tilor / The Beautiful Houses of Bucharest Insight TAROM Prim\var\/Spring 2007 Foto: arhiva personal\ Damian Dr\ghici Publisher Isabella Hurezan Editor-in-chief Diana Boicescu Senior Art Director Marcel {tef DTP Doru Iordache, Anca Firescu Photo Paul Antoniu, Constantin Ciocan, Mediapro, Alex B\rbulescu, Lucian N\stase Traffic Manager Ema Dr\gan Assistent Editor Elena Leonte Contributing Editors Gabriela Ceciul, Csire Gábor, Della L. Marcus, Lelia Zamani Proofreading Rodica Petcu Translator Andreea Pocotil\, Monica Bonea, Otilia Haraga, Della L. Marcus Craig Lasner, Dana Milea, Ciprian Siulea Production Coordination Alexandru Florescu Romania, Bucharest Bdul Mircea Eliade nr. 18, sector 1 Tel./Fax: (4021) 311.47.00/01 www.baniinostri.ro www.investromania.ro Advertising Director executiv: Beatrice B\lan beatrice.balan@arond.ro Romania, Bucharest Bdul Mircea Eliade nr. 18, sector 1 Tel./Fax: (4021) 311.47.01 www.arond.ro Andreea POCOTIL| D\nu] UNGUREANU Corina GONTEANU Otilia HARAGA Colaboratori CONTRIBUTORS Absolvent\ a Facult\]ii de Jurnalism [i {tiin]ele Comunic\rii. ~n 2004 a terminat un curs de specializare organizat de Centrul de Jurnalism Independent. Dup\ o experien]\ de doi ani [i jum\tate ca reporter la un cotidian `n limba englez\, a realizat c\ acest ritm i se potrive[te cel mai bine. She graduated the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences. In 2003 she attended a journalism trening program organized by the Center for Independent Journalism. After a two and a half year-experience as a reporter for an English newspaper she realized a daily is the working environment that suits her best. Are la activ o îndelungat\ carier\ jurnalistic\, dar prima [i ultima lui dragoste r\mâne literatura science-fiction. A publicat dou\ volume SF [i a fost premiat în 1992 de Societatea European\ de SF. He is a journalist, but Science Fiction is the first love. He published two SF books and in 1992, was awarded by the European Science Fiction Society in United Kingdom. {apte ani `n domeniul comunic\rii corporative [i nonprofit i-au accentuat dorin]a de a-[i `mp\rt\[i g‚ndurile [i experien]ele. O autoare de bloguri, ea scrie despre PR pentru un site specializat [i, `n timpul liber, despre tango. Seven years in non-profit and corporate communications have left her with a passion for sharing her thoughts and experiences. An avid blogger, she writes about PR for a specialist portal and about tango in her spare time. Lucreaz\ de trei ani ca reporter. A urmat Facultatea de Limbi Str\ine, unde a studiat engleza [i franceza. Cu toate c\ jurnalismul nu a fost prima alegere, a r\mas `n acest domeniu pentru c\ a descoperit c\ `i place s\ afle pove[tile oamenilor [i ale locurilor. She has been working as a reporter for three years. She attended the Faculty of Foreign Languages where she studied English and French. Although journalism was not her first choice, she continued working in this field because she discovered she likes to find out stories about places and people. Muzeul Na]ional George Enescu / The George Enescu National Museum Romania, Otopeni, Calea Bucure[tilor nr. 224 F, etaj 2 Tel.: (4021) 201.47.33 Fax: (4021) 351.53.68 http://www.tarom.ro PR & Advertising Manager Sonia Rusu e-mail: prsonia@tarom.ro ISSN 1583-4964 CORRESPONDENCE Your opinion, offers of collaboration and any further requests for information are greatly appreciated. isabella.hurezan@mediaon.ro diana.marcu@mediaon.ro

CUPRINS Contents 4 34 08 14 20 24 CUPRINS CONTENTS 8 44 ITINERARII / Air Treks CLUJ CLUJ: Comori sub Dealul Cet\]uii Treasures beneath Cetatuii Hill ITINERARII / Air Treks MUNCHEN MUNICH: Culoarea Sudului, `n stil nem]esc The Color of the South, in German Fashion JURNAL DE VACAN}| Holiday Diary MONACO MONACO Nestemata Coroanei A Crown Jewel INTERVIU / Interview ALINA COJOCARU Lec]ia / The Lesson 8 30 EXPLORATOR / Explorer Europa [i Taurul ceresc Europe and the Bull from the Sky 34 DISCOVERY MAYA MAYA: M\re]ia [i pr\bu[irea Greatness and Demise 38 44 CAMPIONII / The Champions Via]a ca o aren\. Omul care adoarme crocodili Life as an Arena. The Man who makes Crocodiles sleep COVER STORY DAMIAN DR|GHICI DAMIAN DRAGHICI: „Am vrut s\ `napoiez Rom‚niei ceea ce mi-a dat“ “I wanted to return the gift Romania made me“ 50 BUCURE{TIUL REDESCOPERIT / Bucharest rediscovered Parfum de vremuri. Frumoasele case ale Capitalei Flavor of Times. The Beautiful Houses of Bucharest 56 62 OBICEIURI / Customs Ia-]i mireas\ ziua bun\... Dear Bride, say “farewell“... LOCURI DE POPAS / Paceful Retreats BUCOVINA BUCOVINA Peisaj de sub fruntea ]\rii Bucovina. Landscape beneath the country’s brow 24 14


Contents<br />

4<br />

34<br />

08<br />

14<br />

20<br />

24<br />


8 44<br />

ITINERARII / Air Treks<br />

CLUJ CLUJ:<br />

Comori sub Dealul Cet\]uii<br />

Treasures<br />

beneath Cetatuii Hill<br />

ITINERARII / Air Treks<br />


Culoarea Sudului,<br />

`n stil nem]esc<br />

The Color of the South,<br />

in German Fashion<br />


Holiday Diary<br />


Nestemata Coroanei<br />

A Crown Jewel<br />

INTERVIU / Interview<br />


Lec]ia / The Lesson<br />

8<br />

30<br />

EXPLORATOR / Explorer<br />

Europa [i Taurul ceresc<br />

Europe and the<br />

Bull from the Sky<br />

34 DISCOVERY<br />

MAYA MAYA:<br />

M\re]ia [i pr\bu[irea<br />

Greatness and Demise<br />

38<br />

44<br />

CAMPIONII / The<br />

Champions<br />

Via]a ca o aren\.<br />

Omul care<br />

adoarme crocodili<br />

Life as an Arena.<br />

The Man who makes<br />

Crocodiles sleep<br />




„Am vrut s\ `napoiez<br />

Rom‚niei ceea ce mi-a dat“<br />

“I wanted to return the gift<br />

Romania made me“<br />

50 BUCURE{TIUL<br />


Bucharest rediscovered<br />

Parfum de vremuri.<br />

Frumoasele<br />

case ale Capitalei<br />

Flavor of Times.<br />

The Beautiful<br />

Houses of Bucharest<br />

56<br />

62<br />

OBICEIURI / Customs<br />

Ia-]i mireas\ ziua bun\...<br />

Dear Bride, say “farewell“...<br />


Paceful Retreats<br />


Peisaj de sub<br />

fruntea ]\rii<br />

Bucovina.<br />

Landscape beneath<br />

the country’s brow<br />

24<br />


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