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36<br />

® Subteranului, despre care se credea c\ are nou\<br />

®<br />

niveluri. Dup\ asfin]it, zeul Soarelui se transforma `n<br />

jaguar. Trupul ne`nsufle]it era `nf\[urat `n p‚nz\ de<br />

bumbac [i acoperit cu vopsea ro[ie - suger‚nd s‚ngele,<br />

esen]a vie]ii. Masca de jad reprezenta „fa]a pentru<br />

restul eternit\]ii“.<br />


Sistemul calendarului maya este extrem de complex<br />

[i chiar mai exact dec‚t cel pe care `l folosim<br />

ast\zi. Observa]iile preo]ilor-astronomi erau notate `n<br />

codexuri ce cuprindeau calcule exacte ale mi[c\rii<br />

Soarelui, Lunii [i altor planete.<br />

Templele, ridicate dup\ cercet\ri minu]ioase,<br />

marcau solsti]iul sau echinoc]iul. La Chichen Itza, cel<br />

mai important ora[ maya[ din peninsula Yucatan, sute<br />

de oameni se str‚ng anual, `n timpul echinoc]iului<br />

de toamn\, pentru a observa cum razele soarelui iau<br />

forma unui [arpe pe treptele piramidei dedicate zeului<br />

Quetzacoatl.<br />

Calendarul `ncepe cu 11 august 3114 `.Hr. [i ]ine<br />

p‚n\ la 20 decembrie 2012 d.Hr., c‚nd un eveniment<br />

major va pune cap\t celei de-a 13-a perioade de 400<br />

de ani, dar nu va aduce sf‚r[itul lumii. „Pentru ei era<br />

foarte limpede c\ societatea urma s\ se ridice [i s\<br />

decad\.<br />

Profe]ie sau nu, le era clar c\ exista o perioad\ de<br />

400-500 de ani `n care o societate putea prospera<br />

`nainte ca totul s\ se pr\bu[easc\“, spune exploratorul<br />

Richard D. Hansen, cel care l-a ajutat pe Mel Gibson<br />

la realizarea filmului „Apocalypto“.<br />

Imagine din filmul „Apocalypto“<br />

Image from “Apocalypto“ movie<br />

home to the remains of King Pacal, was discovered<br />

in 1952. The lid of his coffin told the story of his journey<br />

towards the gods of the Underworld, which was<br />

thought to have two levels. After sunset, the Sun God<br />

would turn into a Jaguar. The lifeless body was<br />

wrapped in a cotton cloth and covered in red paint -<br />

suggesting blood, the essence of life. A jade mask represented<br />

“the face for the rest of eternity“.<br />


The system of the Maya calendar is extremely complex<br />

and even more exact than the one in use today.<br />

The observations of the priests-astronomers were<br />

noted in codices which included exact calculations of<br />

the movement of the Sun, the Moon and other planets.<br />

The temples, erected following detailed research, marked<br />

the solstice or the equinox. Hundreds of people<br />

gather annually in Chichen Itza, the most important<br />

Maya town on the Yucatan peninsula, to see how the<br />

rays of the sun take the form of a snake on the steps of<br />

the pyramid dedicated to the god Quetzacoatl.<br />

The Maya calendar began on August 11, 3114 BC<br />

and ends December 20, 2012 AD, when a major event<br />

is to end the 13 th 400-year period, not necessarily bringing<br />

about the end of the world, but rather a new beginning.<br />

“For them it was very clear that society was to<br />

rise and fall. Whether it was a prophecy or not, it was<br />

clear for them that there was a period of 400-500 years<br />

in which a society could prosper before everything<br />

would crumble,“ says explorer Richard D. Hansen,<br />

who helped Mel Gibson for the film “Apocalypto.“<br />


„Cercet\torii cred c\ problemele grave cu care s-a confruntat civiliza]ia<br />

maya sunt similare cu cele ale societ\]ii din zilele noastre: degradarea<br />

mediului, consumul excesiv, corup]ia politic\“, spune scriitorul<br />

Rahad Safinia, care i-a fost al\turi regizorului Mel Gibson la documentarea<br />

pentru filmul „Apocalypto“. Pentru ca spectatorul s\ p\trund\ `n lumea<br />

misterioas\ a str\vechii civiliza]ii, Gibson a folosit actori amatori,<br />

unii chiar cu r\d\cini maya[e.<br />

Completate de folosirea limbii maya din Yucatan [i de machiaj, personajele<br />

exceleaz\ prin expresivitate [i realism. Interpre]ii au fost ajuta]i<br />

de nativii din Yucatan s\ deprind\ pronun]ia corect\, iar debutantul<br />

Rudy Youngblood (Jaguar Paw) [i-a f\cut singur cascadoriile.<br />

Probabil c\ nu a existat o singur\ cauz\ a pr\bu[irii civiliza]iei maya,<br />

ci o serie nefast\: defri[area, problemele climaterice, r\zboaiele, bolile,<br />

pierderea c\ilor comerciale. Pe m\sur\ ce ora[ele se dezvoltau, puterea<br />

politic\ a regalit\]ii [i a preo]ilor sporea.<br />

Conduc\torii controlau resursele [i manipulau popula]ia prin fric\,<br />

umilire [i venerare. Cei puternici cereau f\r\ `ncetare mai mult [i mai<br />

bine. Aceast\ cre[tere de dragul cre[terii trebuia s\ aib\ un pre] - c\derea<br />

uneia dintre cele mai mari civiliza]ii pe care le-a cunoscut omenirea.<br />

La `nceputul secolului XXI existau [ase milioane de maya[i, `n c‚teva<br />

state din America Central\.<br />

O parte s-au integrat `n lumea modern\. Al]ii continu\ s\ tr\iasc\<br />

conform tradi]iilor de secole, maya fiind limba lor matern\. Ast\zi, chiar<br />

[i jaguarul, alt\dat\ venerat ca o mare putere `n cultura maya, este `n<br />

primejdie... ∫<br />


“Researchers believe that the serious problems faced by the Maya<br />

civilization are similar to those in present society: the degradation of the<br />

environment, excessive consumption and political corruption“, says<br />

writer Rahad Safinia, who helped Mel Gibson with the documentation<br />

for the film “Apocalypto.“ For the spectator to be able to enter the mysterious<br />

world of the ancient civilization, Gibson used amateur actors,<br />

some even with Maya roots. Their use of the Mayan dialect spoken in<br />

Yukatan, as well as makeup, added to the expressiveness and realism of<br />

the characters. The performers were helped to learn the correct pronunciation<br />

and newcomer Rudy Youngblood (Jaguar Paw) performed his<br />

own stunts.<br />

There probably was not one cause for the fall of the Maya civilization,<br />

but an ill-fated series of occurrences: deforestation, climate change,<br />

wars, disease, the loss of commercial practices. As the towns became<br />

increasingly developed, the political power of the ruling family and the<br />

priests enlarged. The rulers controlled the resources and manipulated<br />

the population through fear, humiliation and worship. The strong and<br />

powerful would continually ask for more and better things. This development<br />

simply for the sake of developing came with a price - the fall of<br />

one of the greatest civilizations the world has known.<br />

At the beginning of the 21 th century there were 6 million Maya in<br />

Mexico and several countries in Central America. Some of them adapted<br />

to the modern world. Others continue to live according to century-old<br />

traditions, Maya being their mother tongue. Today, even the jaguar, once<br />

worshiped as a great power in the Maya culture, is in danger... ∫

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