Untitled - Tarom

Untitled - Tarom

Untitled - Tarom


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INSIGHT TAROM Prim\var\/Spring 2007 35<br />

„Apocalypto“, regizat de Mel Gibson, este un film despre o realitate uitat\ /“Apocalypto“, directed by Mel Gibson, is a movie about a forgotten reality<br />

Ora[ele maya[e se `ntindeau pe teritoriile a cinci state din zilele<br />

noastre: Mexic, Guatemala, Honduras, Belize [i El Salvador.<br />

Ruinele din jungla tropical\ au fost cunoscute doar de b\[tina[i<br />

p‚n\ `n 1839, c‚nd scriitorul John Lloyd Stephens [i arhitectul Frederick<br />

Catherwood au vizitat Copan, Palenque [i alte situri. C‚]iva ani mai<br />

t‚rziu, Alfred Maudslay a realizat primele fotografii ce dezv\luiau sofisticata<br />

arhitectur\ [i sistemul de scriere ale culturii maya. Dup\ colonizarea<br />

spaniol\, `n 1562, franciscanul Diego<br />

de Landa a ars toate c\r]ile maya, consider‚ndu-le<br />

„supersti]ii [i cuvinte ale<br />

diavolului“. S-au p\strat fragmente, la<br />

Dresda, Paris, Madrid, Mexico City. Au<br />

supravie]uit c‚teva scrieri importante<br />

despre obiceiurile, `mbr\c\mintea [i stilul<br />

de via]\ ale maya[ilor.<br />


~ntre 250 [i 900 d.Hr., cultura maya<br />

a cunoscut o puternic\ dezvoltare a arhitecturii<br />

monumentale, a creat o art\<br />

rafinat\, matematica, propriul sistem de<br />

scriere, cuno[tin]e avansate de astronomie.<br />

Ora[ele au `nflorit `n p\durea tropical\.<br />

Maya[ii erau agricultori pricepu]i<br />

[i artizani, dar [i adep]i ai practicilor<br />

brutale. ~ntre sacrificiile `nchinate<br />

zeilor, fiin]ele umane erau ofrande supreme<br />

[i reveneau frecvent, cu speran]a<br />

c\ zeii pot fi domoli]i `n vremurile tumultuoase.<br />

Templele piramidale `n trepte sunt<br />

decorate cu sculpturi, basoreliefuri [i<br />

picturi sofisticate, cu o extraordinar\<br />

fine]e [i precizie a detaliilor. Una dintre<br />

cele dou\ picturi murale ce au rezistat<br />

timpului - o scen\ din mitul crea]iei, cu<br />

un zeu central, a fost numit\ „Capela<br />

Sixtin\ a culturii maya[e“.<br />

Pentru monumentalele cl\diri, colorate<br />

`n ro[u [i alb, erau adu[i mii de<br />

sclavi. Ei defri[au sute de hectare de<br />

p\dure, aprinz‚nd focuri imense, necesare<br />

ob]inerii cimentului din argil\. ~n<br />

1952 a fost descoperit primul morm‚nt<br />

`ntr-o piramid\, morm‚ntul regelui<br />

Pacal. Pe capacul sarcofagului era<br />

povestit\ c\l\toria sa c\tre zeii<br />

Maya cities spread over what nowadays is the territory of five<br />

countries: Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Belize and El Salvador.<br />

The ruins in the rainforests were known only by the<br />

locals until 1839, when writer John Lloyd Stephens and architect Frederick<br />

Catherwood visited Copan, Palenque and other sites. A couple of<br />

years later, Alfred Maydslay took the first photos that revealed the sophisticated<br />

architecture and the writing system of the Maya culture.<br />

After the Spanish colonization in<br />

1562, a Franciscan monk, Diedo de Landa,<br />

burned all Maya books, considering<br />

them full of “superstitions and words of<br />

the devil“. Fragments were preserved in<br />

Dresden, Paris, Madrid and Mexico City.<br />

Several important writings about the<br />

Maya customs, clothes and lifestyle also<br />

survived.<br />

Sacrificiul. Reprezentare / The sacrifice. Representation<br />


Between 250 and 900 BC, Maya culture<br />

spawned a great deal of monumental<br />

architecture, it created a sophisticated<br />

form of art, mathematics, its own system<br />

of written communication, and developed<br />

an advanced knowledge of astronomy.<br />

Cities flourished in the tropical forest. The<br />

Maya were skilled farmers and craftsmen,<br />

but also followers of brutal practices.<br />

Among the sacrifices made for their gods,<br />

human beings were supreme and frequently<br />

offered in hopes the gods would<br />

be appeased during troubled times.<br />

The stepped pyramid temples are decorated<br />

with sculptures, bas-relief<br />

carvings and sophisticated paintings that<br />

exhibit an extraordinary fineness and<br />

precision of details. One of the two mural<br />

paintings that stood the test of time - a<br />

scene depicting the creation, having a<br />

god at the center, has been called “the<br />

Sistine Chapel of Maya culture“. Thousands<br />

of slaves were brought for the<br />

construction of the monumental buildings,<br />

painted in red and white. These<br />

slaves would clear hundreds of hectares<br />

of forest and light huge fires that were<br />

necessary for obtaining the hardened<br />

clay. The first tomb in a pyramid,<br />

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