Untitled - Tarom

Untitled - Tarom Untitled - Tarom


EXPLORATOR Explorer 30 ZEUS ~{I ~NDREPT| PRIVIREA C|TRE PORTURILE DIN MAREA ASIEI. ~N GR|DINA UNUI SPLENDID PALAT AURIT, DIN CENTRUL UNUI ORA{ FENICIAN, Z|RI O FIIN}| GINGA{|, MAI FRUMOAS| CA O ZEI}|. SE ~NDR|GOSTI LA PRIMA VEDERE DE PRIN}ESA EUROPA. ZEUS TURNED HIS EYES TO THE ASIAN SEA PORTS. IN THE GARDEN OF A GORGEOUS GOLDEN PALACE, IN THE HEART OF A PHOENICIAN CITY, HE SAW A DELICATE CREATURE, MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN A GODDESS. HE FELT LOVE AT FIRST SITE FOR PRINCESS EUROPE. Europa [i Zeus, imagine de pe un vas / Picture on an ancient pottery bowl: Europe and Zeus By Csire Gabor EUROPAEUROPE [i Taurul ceresc and the Bull from the Sky P\rintele zeilor n\scoci iute un plan viclean, ca s\ se apropie de fata p\m‚ntean\. Chiar `n acea noapte, Europa avu un vis straniu: dou\ zei]e se b\teau pentru ea. ~[i luar\ armele [i se luptar\, p‚n\ c‚nd una dintre ele se pr\bu[i `nvins\. - Te-am supus, Asia! - `[i flutur\ sabia zei]a `nving\toare. - Eu am d\d\cit-o, fata `mi apar]ine! - se `mpotrivi cea `nfr‚nt\. Dar era prea t‚rziu ca lupta s\ continue. Cuceritoarea o ridic\ pe Europa [i zbur\ cu ea deasupra m\rii ca oglinda. The father of the gods quickly invented an astute plan to get close to the mortal girl. That very night, Europe had a strange dream: two goddesses were fighting for her. They took their weapons and they fought until one of them fell on the ground defeated. “I won, Asia!“ the winner goddess said, waving her sword. “I have nursed her, the girl belongs to me“ the defeated one argued. But it was too late for the fight to go on. The winner took Europe and

INSIGHT TAROM Prim\var\/Spring 2007 31 Prin]esa se trezi brusc. Inima `i b\tea, dar c‚nd ie[i afar\ cu prietenele sale, uit\ de vis [i se prinse `n hor\, c‚nt\, culese flori. - Uita]i-v\, ce animal miraculos! - strig\ bucuroas\ una dintre fete. Un taur alb ca spuma p\[ea prin poiana `nflorit\, str\lucitor. - Poart\ dou\ semiluni pe cap! Coarnele-i sunt argintii! - se mirar\ fetele. Europa porni voioas\ `n `nt‚mpinarea taurului. - Are ochii ro[ii ca rubinul! {i privirea-i bl‚nd\. Doar c\ nu vorbe[te... Animalul minunat, cu parfum de ambrozie, `ngenunche `n fa]a prin]esei. - Ai vrea s\ m\ iei pe spatele t\u - zise Europa [i Sculptur\ / Stonework `mbr\]i[\ g‚tul taurului alb. - De ce nu - `[i zise, apuc‚ndu-i coarnele sclipitoare. Dar `ndat\ ce o sim]i `n c‚rc\, taurul divin porni `n grab\ spre ]\rmul nisipos. Acolo se arunc\ `n mare se `ndep\rt\ de uscat, mai iute dec‚t o corabie. Nicio pic\- tur\ de ap\ nu atingea poalele prin]esei. - Vai, dragii mei p\rin]i! Tat\, m\icu]a mea! pl‚nse fata. Vai, dragii mei fra]i! Degeaba m\ ve]i c\uta, nu ve]i da niciodat\ de Pleiadele, eclipsate de Lun\ flew with her over the mirror-shinning sea. The princess suddenly woke up. Her heart was pounding, but when she went out to meet her friends, she had forgotten about the dream. She danced, sang and handpicked flowers. “Look at that miraculous animal!“ one of the girls said with joy. A bull, white as the sea foam and shining, was walking through the meadow. “He wears two half-moons on his head! His horns are shinning like silver!“ the girls said, surprised. Europe walked towards the bull. “His eyes are ruby red! And a kind look. The only thing is that he does not talk...“ The wonderful animal, smelling like ambrosia, kneeled in front of the princess. “Would you let me ride on your back“ Europe said and hugged the white bull’s neck. “Why not“ she wondered, hanging on to his glittering horns. As soon as he felt her on his back, the divine bull rapidly ran to the sandy seashore. Then he jumped into the sea and left the land behind, quicker than any ship. Not one drop of water was touching the princess’ clothes. “Oh, my dear parents! ® ® Pleiades ocultation by the Moon CONSTELA}IA TAURULUI CUPRINDE MAI MULTE CORPURI CERE{TI THE TAURUS CONSTELLATION INCLUDES SEVERAL STARS ∫ Aldebaran (Alfa Tauri), steaua principal\, este o gigant\ ro- [ie, aflat\ „aproape“ de noi, la 68 ani-lumin\, fiind de 125 mai str\lucitoare dec‚t Soarele. Denumirea ei provine din araba veche, `nsemn‚nd „cel care urmeaz\“, fiind steaua ce urmeaz\ Clo[ca cu pui. ~nc\ din vremea per[ilor antici, steaua era considerat\ mesagerul solsti]iului de prim\var\ (21 martie), iar astrologii o considerau steaua purt\toare de noroc, ocrotitoarea bog\]iei [i a cinstei. ∫ Clo[ca cu pui sau Pleiadele - un roi stelar deschis format din circa 200 de stele. Numai nou\ sunt vizibile cu ochiul liber, `n mitologia greac\ fiicele lui Atlas [i Pleione: Electra, Maia, Taygeta, Alkyone, Celaena, Sterope [i Merope. Clo[ca cu pui, aflat\ la 400 ani-lumin\ de noi, are un diametru de numai de 20 de ani-lumin\. ∫ Hyadele formeaz\ un roi stelar mobil de foma unui „V“, la vest de Aldebaran, av‚nd un nucleu de opt ani-lumin\, care reprezint\ „capul taurului“. Denumirea `nsemna `n greaca veche „ploaie“, fapt ce explic\ de ce la multe popoare se p\streaz\ p‚n\ azi denumirea de Constela]ia ploii. ∫ Nebuloasa Crabului, acest spectacol al cerului, se afl\ `n partea estic\ a constela]iei Taurus, la o distan]\ de 6.300 de ani-lumin\. Este o nebuloas\ difuz\, luminoas\, o r\m\[i]\ din explozia supernov\ de pe 5 iulie 1054, care a str\lucit pe cer timp de trei s\pt\m‚ni - chiar [i `n timpul zilei. Un astronom chinez a numit-o atunci stea musafir [i `ntr-adev\r a fost doar un oaspete. Dup\ un timp, a p\lit, apoi a disp\rut de pe cerul vizibil cu ochiului liber. A l\sat `n urm\ o nebuloas\ - cu forma unui crab - care, datorit\ str\lucirii slabe, poate fi vizualizat\ numai prin telescop. ∫ Adelbaran (Alfa Tauri), the main star, is giant and red and is “close“ to the earth, at 68 light-years, and is 125 times more shining than the Sun. Its name comes from ancient Arabic and means “the one who follows“, because it comes after the group of stars named The Brood-hen with Chicken. Ever since the ancient Persians, the star was considerer the messenger of the spring equinox (March 21). Astrologers saw it at a lucky star, protector of wealth and honesty. ∫ The Brood-hen with Chicken or the Pleiades - an open group formed of about 200 stars. Only nine of them are visible to the naked eye. They were named after the daughters of Atlas and Pleione, from the Greek mythology: Electra, Maia, Taygeta, Alkyone, Celaena, Sterope and Merope. The Brood-hen with Chicken is situated at 400 light-years from the Earth and has a 20 light-years diameter. ∫ The Hyades are a V-shaped mobile star swarm, west of Adlebaran. Its nucleus has an eight light-years diameter and it represents the “bull’s head“. Its name means “rain“ in the ancient Greek, which explains why many people still name it the Rain Constellation. ∫The Crab Nebula, a real show of the sky, is on the eastern side of the Taurus Constellation, 6,300 light-years away. It’s a diffuse nebula, shiny, a remain of the July 5, 1054 supernova blast which glittered on the sky for three weeks, even during the day. A Chinese astronomer had then named it “guest star“, and so it was indeed, because after a while it became pale and disappeared from the sky visible with the naked eye. It left behind a crab shaped nebula which, because of the dim light, can only be seen with the telescope.

INSIGHT TAROM Prim\var\/Spring 2007 31<br />

Prin]esa se trezi brusc. Inima `i b\tea, dar c‚nd ie[i afar\ cu prietenele<br />

sale, uit\ de vis [i se prinse `n hor\, c‚nt\, culese flori.<br />

- Uita]i-v\, ce animal miraculos! - strig\ bucuroas\ una dintre fete.<br />

Un taur alb ca spuma p\[ea prin poiana `nflorit\, str\lucitor.<br />

- Poart\ dou\ semiluni pe cap! Coarnele-i sunt argintii! - se mirar\ fetele.<br />

Europa porni voioas\ `n `nt‚mpinarea taurului.<br />

- Are ochii ro[ii ca rubinul! {i privirea-i bl‚nd\. Doar c\ nu vorbe[te...<br />

Animalul minunat, cu parfum de ambrozie, `ngenunche `n fa]a<br />

prin]esei.<br />

- Ai vrea s\ m\ iei pe<br />

spatele t\u - zise Europa [i Sculptur\ / Stonework<br />

`mbr\]i[\ g‚tul taurului alb.<br />

- De ce nu - `[i zise, apuc‚ndu-i<br />

coarnele sclipitoare.<br />

Dar `ndat\ ce o sim]i `n<br />

c‚rc\, taurul divin porni `n<br />

grab\ spre ]\rmul nisipos.<br />

Acolo se arunc\ `n mare se<br />

`ndep\rt\ de uscat, mai iute<br />

dec‚t o corabie. Nicio pic\-<br />

tur\ de ap\ nu atingea poalele<br />

prin]esei.<br />

- Vai, dragii mei p\rin]i!<br />

Tat\, m\icu]a mea! pl‚nse<br />

fata. Vai, dragii mei fra]i!<br />

Degeaba m\ ve]i c\uta, nu<br />

ve]i da niciodat\ de<br />

Pleiadele, eclipsate de Lun\<br />

flew with her over the mirror-shinning<br />

sea.<br />

The princess suddenly woke<br />

up. Her heart was pounding, but<br />

when she went out to meet her<br />

friends, she had forgotten about the<br />

dream. She danced, sang and handpicked<br />

flowers.<br />

“Look at that miraculous animal!“<br />

one of the girls said with joy.<br />

A bull, white as the sea foam<br />

and shining, was walking through<br />

the meadow.<br />

“He wears two half-moons on<br />

his head! His horns are shinning like<br />

silver!“ the girls said, surprised.<br />

Europe walked towards the bull.<br />

“His eyes are ruby red! And a<br />

kind look. The only thing is that he<br />

does not talk...“<br />

The wonderful animal, smelling<br />

like ambrosia, kneeled in front<br />

of the princess.<br />

“Would you let me ride on your<br />

back“ Europe said and hugged the<br />

white bull’s neck.<br />

“Why not“ she wondered,<br />

hanging on to his glittering horns.<br />

As soon as he felt her on his back,<br />

the divine bull rapidly ran to the<br />

sandy seashore. Then he jumped<br />

into the sea and left the land<br />

behind, quicker than any ship. Not<br />

one drop of water was touching the<br />

princess’ clothes.<br />

“Oh, my dear parents!<br />

® ®<br />

Pleiades ocultation by the Moon<br />




∫ Aldebaran (Alfa Tauri), steaua principal\, este o gigant\ ro-<br />

[ie, aflat\ „aproape“ de noi, la 68 ani-lumin\, fiind de 125 mai<br />

str\lucitoare dec‚t Soarele. Denumirea ei provine din araba<br />

veche, `nsemn‚nd „cel care urmeaz\“, fiind steaua ce urmeaz\<br />

Clo[ca cu pui. ~nc\ din vremea per[ilor antici, steaua era<br />

considerat\ mesagerul solsti]iului de prim\var\ (21 martie), iar<br />

astrologii o considerau steaua purt\toare de noroc, ocrotitoarea<br />

bog\]iei [i a cinstei.<br />

∫ Clo[ca cu pui sau Pleiadele - un roi stelar deschis format din<br />

circa 200 de stele. Numai nou\ sunt vizibile cu ochiul liber, `n<br />

mitologia greac\ fiicele lui Atlas [i Pleione: Electra, Maia, Taygeta,<br />

Alkyone, Celaena, Sterope [i Merope. Clo[ca cu pui, aflat\ la 400<br />

ani-lumin\ de noi, are un diametru de numai de 20 de ani-lumin\.<br />

∫ Hyadele formeaz\ un roi stelar mobil de foma unui „V“, la<br />

vest de Aldebaran, av‚nd un nucleu de opt ani-lumin\, care reprezint\<br />

„capul taurului“. Denumirea `nsemna `n greaca veche „ploaie“,<br />

fapt ce explic\ de ce la multe popoare se p\streaz\ p‚n\ azi<br />

denumirea de Constela]ia ploii.<br />

∫ Nebuloasa Crabului, acest spectacol al cerului, se afl\ `n<br />

partea estic\ a constela]iei Taurus, la o distan]\ de 6.300 de<br />

ani-lumin\. Este o nebuloas\ difuz\, luminoas\, o r\m\[i]\ din<br />

explozia supernov\ de pe 5 iulie 1054, care a str\lucit pe cer<br />

timp de trei s\pt\m‚ni - chiar [i `n timpul zilei. Un astronom<br />

chinez a numit-o atunci stea musafir [i `ntr-adev\r a fost doar un<br />

oaspete. Dup\ un timp, a p\lit, apoi a disp\rut de pe cerul vizibil<br />

cu ochiului liber. A l\sat `n urm\ o nebuloas\ - cu forma unui<br />

crab - care, datorit\ str\lucirii slabe, poate fi vizualizat\ numai<br />

prin telescop.<br />

∫ Adelbaran (Alfa Tauri), the main star, is giant and red and is<br />

“close“ to the earth, at 68 light-years, and is 125 times more shining<br />

than the Sun. Its name comes from ancient Arabic and means<br />

“the one who follows“, because it comes after the group of stars<br />

named The Brood-hen with Chicken. Ever since the ancient Persians,<br />

the star was considerer the messenger of the spring equinox<br />

(March 21). Astrologers saw it at a lucky star, protector of wealth<br />

and honesty.<br />

∫ The Brood-hen with Chicken or the Pleiades - an open group<br />

formed of about 200 stars. Only nine of them are visible to the naked<br />

eye. They were named after the daughters of Atlas and Pleione, from<br />

the Greek mythology: Electra, Maia, Taygeta, Alkyone, Celaena,<br />

Sterope and Merope. The Brood-hen with Chicken is situated at 400<br />

light-years from the Earth and has a 20 light-years diameter.<br />

∫ The Hyades are a V-shaped mobile star swarm, west of<br />

Adlebaran. Its nucleus has an eight light-years diameter and it represents<br />

the “bull’s head“. Its name means “rain“ in the ancient<br />

Greek, which explains why many people still name it the Rain<br />

Constellation.<br />

∫The Crab Nebula, a real show of the sky, is on the eastern<br />

side of the Taurus Constellation, 6,300 light-years away. It’s a diffuse<br />

nebula, shiny, a remain of the July 5, 1054 supernova blast<br />

which glittered on the sky for three weeks, even during the day. A<br />

Chinese astronomer had then named it “guest star“, and so it was<br />

indeed, because after a while it became pale and disappeared from<br />

the sky visible with the naked eye. It left behind a crab shaped nebula<br />

which, because of the dim light, can only be seen with the telescope.

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