Untitled - Tarom

Untitled - Tarom Untitled - Tarom


INTERVIU Interview 28 Trei stele ale baletului: Deirdre Chapman, Alina Cojocaru [i Johan Kobborg / Three stars of ballet: Deirdre Chapman, Alina Cojocaru and Johan Kobborg ® Japonezii sunt foarte sinceri. Dac\ ceva nu le place, fluier\. Pare greu de crezut. {i-n Rom‚nia publicul e sincer. Sim]i c‚nd `i place ceva deoarece aplaud\ din tot sufletul. CUM E LA LONDRA AM AUZIT CA E{TI BALERINA FAVORIT| A REGINEI... (r‚de) Nu [tiu dac\ sunt balerina ei favorit\, dar am avut marea onoare, c‚nd a venit dl Iliescu `n vizit\ `n Marea Britanie, s\ fiu [i eu invitat\ la dineu. Am stat la mas\ l‚ng\ so]ul reginei, ducele de Edinburgh. Ulterior au mai fost scurte `nt‚lniri cu regina. CE E MAI BINE PENTRU UN ARTIST: S| AIB| UN MODEL SAU S| {I DEVIN| PROPRIUL MODEL S\-[i devin\ propriul model. S\ aib\ propriile idei bazate pe ceea ce ar vrea s\ fac\. Dac\ ceva nu-]i porne[te din suflet nu e al t\u. Devenim altcineva. Asta nu `nseamn\ c\ nu trebuie s\ respect\m [i s\ `nv\]\m de la al]ii, dar ulterior, `n dezvoltarea individual\, totul trebuie s\ porneasc\ din propria inim\. CUM E ALINA COJOCARU DINCOLO DE SCEN| Sunt la o v‚rst\ la care continuu s\ `nv\] [i `n profesie, [i `n via]a personal\. {i, din toat\ aceast\ experien]\ (n.r. - cele dou\ seri de balet Gala, pe ® soul, as spirit No one knows how a soul express himself... Here comes the freedm of the interpretation, the freedom to express yourself as you feel... Maybe that’s why, every time I dance it, I don’t get bored and I find new nuances in this part. DO PEOPLE COME TO BALLET YOU TRAVEL IN ALL THE WORLD... Yes, they do. But in each country this profession is seen differently. In Russia you walk on the street and if people recognise you as a ballerina you are regarded with sympathy, people smile at you... In other countries if you say you are a ballerina you get strange looks. WHAT ABOUT THE PUBLIC IS IT DIFFERENT FROM THE ROMANIAN ONE The Japanese are very sincere. If they don’t like something, they whistle. Seems hard to believe... In Romania the audience is sincere too... You feel when they like something because they applause from all their soul. HOW IS LONDON I HEARD THAT YOU ARE THE QUEEN’S FAVOURITE BALLERINA... (she laughs) I don’t know if I am her favourite but I had the honour, when Mr Iliescu came to Britain, to be invited at a dinner party. I sat near the Queen’s husband, the Duke of Edinburg. Other short meetings with the Queen followed afterwards. WHAT’S BEST FOR AN ARTIST: TO HAVE A MODEL OR TO

INSIGHT TAROM Prim\var\/Spring 2007 29 BECOME HIS/HER OWN MODEL To become his/her own model. To have his/her own ideas based on what he or she wants to do. If something doesn’t come out of your soul it doesn’t belong to you. We become someone else... That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t respect and learn from other people but after that, in each one’s individual development, everything has to come out of each one’s heart. HOW IS ALINA COJOCARU BESIDES THE STAGE I am at an age when I still learn in my profession and in my life. And from all this experience (the two ballet evenings on the National stage, the bringing of the original stage set from London for „The Lesson“, inviting the ballet dancers from Covent Garden and the Royal Danish Opera, n.red.), I learned that I have more pacience than I thought. I travel a lot, I meet people that speak different languages, represent different cultures and that makes me not to tell right ahead what I think. I want to understand and be understood. Being a perfectionist with myself I expected from the people I worked with to be the same. It was a big mistake and I was wondering all the time: “Why don’t they try, why don’t they succeed, it’s so simple...“ I understood later that many arrive at their accomplisment in their own way. With more patience, I tried to be more opened, to see how other people work, to learn from them. It was a big lesson because it changed me as a person. I began to enjoy more my collegues, to be more happy for my efforts. In London is a very difficult atmosphere because there is less exercise. If at 18:30 the study is over, the class rooms become empty. At the beginning of my carrer I felt weird... I went home to practice. I didn’t dared to be in theatre, lest someone say “look, she’s mad...“. But in Russia we worked until they kicked us out. That was my habit. But now I learned that if I need this, then tha’ts what I do, without pretending from the others to do the same. The results are much better, I am more relaxed... Well, the nerves before the show are the same! ∫ scena Na]ionalului, aducerea decorurilor originale de la Londra pentru „Lec]ia“, invitarea balerinilor de la Covent Garden [i de la Opera Regal\ Danez\), am `nv\]at c\ am mai mult\ r\bdare dec‚t am crezut. ~nv\] s\ g‚ndesc `nainte s\ vorbesc. C\l\toresc mult, `nt‚lnesc oameni care vorbesc limbi diferite, reprezint\ culturi diferite, [i asta m\ face s\ nu pot spune ce g‚ndesc imediat. Vreau s\ `n]eleg [i s\ fiu `n]eleas\. Fiind o perfec]ionist\ cu mine `ns\mi, m\ a[teptam c\ [i cei cu care lucram s\ fie la fel. A fost o mare gre[eal\ [i permanent m\ `ntrebam: „De ce nu `ncearc\, de ce nu reu[esc, e a[a de simplu“. Am `n]eles mai t‚rziu c\ mul]i ajung la reu[it\ `n felul lor. Cu mai mult\ r\bdare, am `ncercat s\ fiu mai deschis\, s\ v\d cum lucreaz\ ceilal]i, s\ `nv\] de la ei. Asta a fost o mare lec]ie pentru c\ m-a schimbat ca persoan\. Am `nceput s\ m\ bucur mai mult de colegii mei, s\ m\ bucur de eforturile mele. La Londra este o atmosfer\ foarte grea pentru c\ se lucreaz\ foarte pu]in. Dac\ la 6.30 s-au terminat studiile, s\lile sunt libere. La `nceputul carierei m\ sim]eam ciudat. M\ duceam acas\ s\ lucrez. Nu `ndr\zneam s\ fiu `n teatru ca s\ nu zic\ cineva „uite-o, e nebun\“, dar la ru[i... noi lucram p‚n\ ce ne d\deau afar\ din sal\. Veneau s\ sting\ lumina [i se trimiteau acas\. Pentru mine \sta era obiceiul. Pe c‚nd acum am `nv\]at c\ dac\ eu am nevoie de asta, atunci asta fac f\r\ a avea preten]ia ca ceilal]i s\ m\ urmeze. Iar rezultatele sunt mult mai bune, eu mai relaxat\... Bine, nervii `nainte de spectacol nu se schimb\! ∫ Alina Cojocaru, balet la superlativ / Alina Cojocaru, ballet at the highest level

INSIGHT TAROM Prim\var\/Spring 2007 29<br />


MODEL<br />

To become his/her own model.<br />

To have his/her own ideas based<br />

on what he or she wants to do. If<br />

something doesn’t come out of your<br />

soul it doesn’t belong to you. We<br />

become someone else... That doesn’t<br />

mean that we shouldn’t respect<br />

and learn from other people but<br />

after that, in each one’s individual<br />

development, everything has to<br />

come out of each one’s heart.<br />



I am at an age when I still learn<br />

in my profession and in my life. And<br />

from all this experience (the two ballet<br />

evenings on the National stage,<br />

the bringing of the original stage set<br />

from London for „The Lesson“,<br />

inviting the ballet dancers from<br />

Covent Garden and the Royal<br />

Danish Opera, n.red.), I learned that<br />

I have more pacience than I thought.<br />

I travel a lot, I meet people that speak<br />

different languages, represent different<br />

cultures and that makes me not<br />

to tell right ahead what I think. I<br />

want to understand and be understood.<br />

Being a perfectionist with<br />

myself I expected from the people I<br />

worked with to be the same. It was a<br />

big mistake and I was wondering all<br />

the time: “Why don’t they try, why<br />

don’t they succeed, it’s so simple...“ I<br />

understood later that many arrive at<br />

their accomplisment in their own<br />

way. With more patience, I tried to<br />

be more opened, to see how other<br />

people work, to learn from them. It<br />

was a big lesson because it changed<br />

me as a person. I began to enjoy<br />

more my collegues, to be more<br />

happy for my efforts.<br />

In London is a very difficult<br />

atmosphere because there is less<br />

exercise. If at 18:30 the study is over,<br />

the class rooms become empty. At<br />

the beginning of my carrer I felt<br />

weird... I went home to practice. I<br />

didn’t dared to be in theatre, lest<br />

someone say “look, she’s mad...“.<br />

But in Russia we worked until they<br />

kicked us out. That was my habit.<br />

But now I learned that if I need this,<br />

then tha’ts what I do, without pretending<br />

from the others to do the<br />

same. The results are much better, I<br />

am more relaxed... Well, the nerves<br />

before the show are the same! ∫<br />

scena Na]ionalului, aducerea decorurilor originale de la Londra pentru<br />

„Lec]ia“, invitarea balerinilor de la Covent Garden [i de la Opera Regal\<br />

Danez\), am `nv\]at c\ am mai mult\ r\bdare dec‚t am crezut. ~nv\] s\<br />

g‚ndesc `nainte s\ vorbesc. C\l\toresc mult, `nt‚lnesc oameni care vorbesc<br />

limbi diferite, reprezint\ culturi diferite, [i asta m\ face s\ nu pot spune ce<br />

g‚ndesc imediat. Vreau s\ `n]eleg [i s\ fiu `n]eleas\.<br />

Fiind o perfec]ionist\ cu mine `ns\mi, m\ a[teptam c\ [i cei cu care<br />

lucram s\ fie la fel. A fost o mare gre[eal\ [i permanent m\ `ntrebam: „De<br />

ce nu `ncearc\, de ce nu reu[esc, e a[a de simplu“. Am `n]eles mai t‚rziu c\<br />

mul]i ajung la reu[it\ `n felul lor. Cu mai mult\ r\bdare, am `ncercat s\ fiu<br />

mai deschis\, s\ v\d cum lucreaz\ ceilal]i, s\ `nv\] de la ei. Asta a fost o<br />

mare lec]ie pentru c\ m-a schimbat ca persoan\. Am `nceput s\ m\ bucur<br />

mai mult de colegii mei, s\ m\ bucur de eforturile mele.<br />

La Londra este o atmosfer\ foarte grea pentru c\ se lucreaz\ foarte<br />

pu]in. Dac\ la 6.30 s-au terminat studiile, s\lile sunt libere. La `nceputul<br />

carierei m\ sim]eam ciudat. M\ duceam acas\ s\ lucrez. Nu `ndr\zneam s\<br />

fiu `n teatru ca s\ nu zic\ cineva „uite-o, e nebun\“, dar la ru[i... noi lucram<br />

p‚n\ ce ne d\deau afar\ din sal\. Veneau s\ sting\ lumina [i se trimiteau<br />

acas\. Pentru mine \sta era obiceiul. Pe c‚nd acum am `nv\]at c\ dac\ eu<br />

am nevoie de asta, atunci asta fac f\r\ a avea preten]ia ca ceilal]i s\ m\<br />

urmeze. Iar rezultatele sunt mult mai bune, eu mai relaxat\... Bine, nervii<br />

`nainte de spectacol nu se schimb\! ∫<br />

Alina Cojocaru, balet la superlativ / Alina Cojocaru, ballet at the highest level

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