Untitled - Tarom

Untitled - Tarom Untitled - Tarom


ITINERARII Air Treks 16 Vedere panoramic\ asupra Munchenului / Panoramic view of Munich VITRINA, PEISAJ CU OBIECTE FRUMOASE ® Antichit\]ile bavareze, de la cea mai ieftin\ halb\ din lut p‚n\ la mobilierul masiv care st\p‚ne[te casele fermierilor, sunt nelipsite `n puzderia micilor pr\v\lii din Westenriederstrasse [i Viktualienmarkt. Rafturile se `ndoaie sub mul]imea curiozit\]ilor, superbe colec]ii de p\pu[i vechi [i juc\rii. Totodat\, piese interesante [i necostisitoare ori fleacuri asortate, de pe tot cuprinsul Europei de Est, zac `n week-end prin iarmaroace, aproape de Arnulfstrasse podul [i Donnersberger. Constela]ia magazinelor continu\ pe Barerstrasse, Turkenstrasse, Theresienstrasse. Centrul cuprinde o imens\ zon\ dedicat\ cump\r\- torilor, de la Marienplatz p‚n\ spre nord, la Odeonplatz. Munchenul este o metropol\ `nst\rit\ [i o arat\ cu prisosin]\. Pe kilometri `ntregi de ® ® bridge and Donnersberger. The network of shops continues on Barerstrasse, Turkenstrasse and Theresienstrasse. The center includes an immense area dedicated to shoppers, from Marienplatz to the north, at Odeonplatz. Munich is a wealthy metropolis and it shows. On kilometers of streets that are inaccessible to cars, the shop windows seem to line endlessly, one after the next, in a parade of colors. The shops have an unmistakable elegance and very few of the passers-by can resist their temptations. Even for those only interested in looking around - and you definitely have things to see - you really must make an effort to discover the row of boutiques on Prannerstrasse. And up north, a little ways from the University, one can find the maze of some of the most noncomformist and unique commercial streets that are absolutely impossible to ignore. BEER, BREWERIES AND BEER HOUSES Asked where they would like to live, Germans often place the Bavarian capital at the top of the list. The respectable Munich resident does not refuse a glass of wine, even finding some time to comment upon it. Then he indulges in a couple of culinary wonders. The Bavarian’s passion for the “Wurst“ (sausage) explains such sayings as “don’t let the midday sun shine over a Weisswurst,“ or the pledge not to eat “Rotwurst“ in the evening. Among the local favorites are Bratwurst - made of pork and spices, but the Munich traditional is Weisswurst: veal, beef brain and spleen, sprinkled with lemon juice. However, one can in no way ignore the other wonders of Bavarian cuisine: Zungerl - pork tongue, Klosse - potato balls, Wammers - pork stomack, the famous Schweinbraten, or carp - very esteemed among gastronomers. ®

ITINERARII Air Treks 18 Königsplatz Munich Photo: Frank Reissmann Marienplatz, simbol bavarez / Marienplatz, a Bavarian symbol ® str\zi interzise automobilului, vitrinele se succed f\r\ `ncetare, o ® defilare a culorilor. Magazinele au o clas\ inconfundabil\ [i foarte pu]ini dintre trec\tori se pot `mpotrivi tentanta]iilor pe care le eman\. Dac\ e vorba `ns\ doar de privit - [i ave]i ce privi -, trebuie neap\rat s\ descoperi]i [irul buticurilor de pe Prannerstrasse. Iar spre nord, ceva mai `ncolo, dup\ Universitate, se contorsioneaz\ unele dintre cele mai nonconformiste [i insolite str\du]e comerciale, cu neputin]\ de ignorat. BEREA, BERARII {I BER|RIILE LOR ~ntreba]i unde le-ar pl\cea s\ tr\iasc\, nem]ii `nregistreaz\ capitala bavarez\ pe locul `nt‚i `n lista op]iunilor. Munchenezul respectabil nu refuz\ un p\h\rel de vin, ba chiar g\se[te timp pentru a-l comenta. Apoi, `[i desfat\ sim]urile cu c‚teva minun\]ii gastronomice. Pasiunea bavarezului pentru „wurst“, c‚rnat, explic\ zicalele precum „nu l\sa soarele amiezei s\ str\luceasc\ peste un Weisswurst“ ori leg\m‚ntul de a nu m‚nca „rotwurst“ seara. Printre favori]i se num\r\ bratwurst - din carne de porc cu mirodenii, dar tradi]ionalul munchenez este weisswurst: vi]el, creier de vit\ [i splin\, stropite cu suc de l\m‚ie. Cu niciun chip nu pot fi `ns\ ignorate celelalte minuni ale buc\t\riei bavareze: zungerl - limb\ de porc, klosse - g\lu[ti de cartofi, wammerl - stomac de porc, celebrul schweinbraten ori crapul - la mare pre] printre gastronomi. Subiectul inepuizabil al dezbaterilor... practice r\m‚ne, f\r\ drept de apel, galeria de virtu]i ale berii. Zeci de ber\rii, Bierkellers sau Biergartens, `[i `mbie oaspe]ii cu gust\ri simple - c‚rna]i, ridichi, br‚nz\ [i delicio[i covrigi, s\ra]i parc\ anume pentru a spori setea. Berea bavarez\ „normal\“ nu este at‚t de tare ca aceea care se bea `n nordul Germaniei. Weizenbier se face cu o concentra]ie mare de gr‚u fermentat. Prim\vara, o dat\ cu fructele [i legumele proaspete, se servesc Bock [i Doppelbock, Marzenbier [i Pils ori Beck neagr\. Cine nu se simte `n stare s\ mai fac\ fa]\ la o „normal\“ cere politicos Radlermass (literar - „o halb\ pentru biciclet\“), jum\tate bere, jum\tate limonad\. De secole, obiceiul locului `i `ng\duie celui care trece pragul ber\riei, pentru a-[i ast‚mp\ra setea cu o halb\, s\-[i aduc\ m‚ncare de acas\. Potrivit legii [i mai ales... orgoliului, ber\riile `[i fabric\ propria bere din drojdie, orz, hamei [i ap\. Conservan]i nu se pun, c\ci cine mai are nevoie de ei c‚nd clien]ii `nseta]i golesc un butoi de 200 de litri `n c‚teva minute ∫ BUCURE{TI (HENRI COAND|) - MUNCHEN Zbor / Perioad\ / Zile de operare / Plecare / Sosire / Avion / Flight Effective Days of Service Departure Arrival Aircraft RO 311 25.03.07 - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 14.55 16.00 737 27.10.07 The inexhaustible subject of practical debate remains, nevertheless, the abundant virtues of beer. Dozens of beer houses, Bierkellers or Biergartens lure their guests with simple appetizers - sausages, radishes, cheese and delicious pretzels, salted seemingly with the very purpose of increasing thirst. The “normal“ Bavarian beer is not as strong as the popular tipple in northern Germany. Weizenbier is made with a larger concentration of fermented wheat. In spring, together with the fresh fruit and vegetables, locals enjoy a Bock and Dopplebock, Marzenbier and Pils or dark Beck. Those who do not think they can handle a “normal“ beer, can politely ask for Radlermass (literally, “a draught for the bicycle“), made of half beer - half lemonade. For centuries, the custom of the place allows those who go into a beer house to quench their thirst, and bring their own food from home. According to the law, and especially owing to pride, beer houses make their own beer, from yeast, barley, hops and water. There are no preservatives, because who needs them when the thirsty clients empty a 200 liter barrel in a matter of minutes ∫ MUNICH - BUCURE{TI (HENRI COAND|) Zbor / Perioad\ / Zile de operare / Plecare / Sosire / Avion / Flight Effective Days of Service Departure Arrival Aircraft RO 312 25.03.07 - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 16.45 19.45 737 27.10.07 SIBIU - MUNCHEN Zbor / Perioad\ / Zile de operare / Plecare / Sosire / Avion / Flight Effective Days of Service Departure Arrival Aircraft RO 309 25.03.07 - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 15.20 17.00 AT 5 27.10.07 RO 315 25.03.07 - 1 08.00 09.35 AT 5 27.10.07 RO 315 25.03.07 - 3 07.25 09.00 AT 5 27.10.07 RO 315 25.03.07 - 5, 7 07.25 09.00 AT 5 27.10.07 MUNICH - SIBIU Zbor / Perioad\ / Zile de operare / Plecare / Sosire / Avion / Flight Effective Days of Service Departure Arrival Aircraft RO 310 25.03.07 - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 17.45 21.00 AT 5 27.10.07 RO 316 25.03.07 - 1 10.15 13.30 AT 5 27.10.07 RO 316 25.03.07 - 3 09.55 13.10 AT 5 27.10.07 RO 316 25.03.07 - 5, 7 10.25 13.40 AT 5 27.10.07


Air Treks<br />

18<br />

Königsplatz Munich Photo: Frank Reissmann Marienplatz, simbol bavarez / Marienplatz, a Bavarian symbol<br />

® str\zi interzise automobilului, vitrinele se succed f\r\ `ncetare, o ®<br />

defilare a culorilor. Magazinele au o clas\ inconfundabil\ [i foarte pu]ini<br />

dintre trec\tori se pot `mpotrivi tentanta]iilor pe care le eman\. Dac\ e<br />

vorba `ns\ doar de privit - [i ave]i ce privi -, trebuie neap\rat s\<br />

descoperi]i [irul buticurilor de pe Prannerstrasse. Iar spre nord, ceva mai<br />

`ncolo, dup\ Universitate, se contorsioneaz\ unele dintre cele mai<br />

nonconformiste [i insolite str\du]e comerciale, cu neputin]\ de ignorat.<br />


~ntreba]i unde le-ar pl\cea s\ tr\iasc\, nem]ii `nregistreaz\ capitala<br />

bavarez\ pe locul `nt‚i `n lista op]iunilor. Munchenezul respectabil nu<br />

refuz\ un p\h\rel de vin, ba chiar g\se[te timp pentru a-l comenta. Apoi,<br />

`[i desfat\ sim]urile cu c‚teva minun\]ii gastronomice.<br />

Pasiunea bavarezului pentru „wurst“, c‚rnat, explic\ zicalele precum<br />

„nu l\sa soarele amiezei s\ str\luceasc\ peste un Weisswurst“ ori<br />

leg\m‚ntul de a nu m‚nca „rotwurst“ seara. Printre favori]i se num\r\<br />

bratwurst - din carne de porc cu mirodenii, dar tradi]ionalul munchenez<br />

este weisswurst: vi]el, creier de vit\ [i splin\, stropite cu suc de l\m‚ie. Cu<br />

niciun chip nu pot fi `ns\ ignorate celelalte minuni ale buc\t\riei<br />

bavareze: zungerl - limb\ de porc, klosse - g\lu[ti de cartofi, wammerl -<br />

stomac de porc, celebrul schweinbraten ori crapul - la mare pre] printre<br />

gastronomi.<br />

Subiectul inepuizabil al dezbaterilor... practice r\m‚ne, f\r\ drept de<br />

apel, galeria de virtu]i ale berii. Zeci de ber\rii, Bierkellers sau Biergartens,<br />

`[i `mbie oaspe]ii cu gust\ri simple - c‚rna]i, ridichi, br‚nz\ [i delicio[i covrigi,<br />

s\ra]i parc\ anume pentru a spori setea.<br />

Berea bavarez\ „normal\“ nu este at‚t de tare ca aceea care se bea `n<br />

nordul Germaniei. Weizenbier se face cu o concentra]ie mare de gr‚u fermentat.<br />

Prim\vara, o dat\ cu fructele [i legumele proaspete, se servesc<br />

Bock [i Doppelbock, Marzenbier [i Pils ori Beck neagr\. Cine nu se simte<br />

`n stare s\ mai fac\ fa]\ la o „normal\“ cere politicos Radlermass (literar -<br />

„o halb\ pentru biciclet\“), jum\tate bere, jum\tate limonad\.<br />

De secole, obiceiul locului `i `ng\duie celui care trece pragul ber\riei,<br />

pentru a-[i ast‚mp\ra setea cu o halb\, s\-[i aduc\ m‚ncare de acas\.<br />

Potrivit legii [i mai ales... orgoliului, ber\riile `[i fabric\ propria bere din<br />

drojdie, orz, hamei [i ap\. Conservan]i nu se pun, c\ci cine mai are<br />

nevoie de ei c‚nd clien]ii `nseta]i golesc un butoi de 200 de litri `n c‚teva<br />

minute ∫<br />


Zbor / Perioad\ / Zile de operare / Plecare / Sosire / Avion /<br />

Flight Effective Days of Service Departure Arrival Aircraft<br />

RO 311 25.03.07 - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 14.55 16.00 737<br />

27.10.07<br />

The inexhaustible subject of<br />

practical debate remains, nevertheless,<br />

the abundant virtues of beer.<br />

Dozens of beer houses, Bierkellers<br />

or Biergartens lure their guests with<br />

simple appetizers - sausages, radishes,<br />

cheese and delicious pretzels,<br />

salted seemingly with the very<br />

purpose of increasing thirst. The<br />

“normal“ Bavarian beer is not as<br />

strong as the popular tipple in northern<br />

Germany. Weizenbier is made<br />

with a larger concentration of<br />

fermented wheat. In spring, together<br />

with the fresh fruit and vegetables,<br />

locals enjoy a Bock and Dopplebock,<br />

Marzenbier and Pils or<br />

dark Beck. Those who do not think<br />

they can handle a “normal“ beer,<br />

can politely ask for Radlermass<br />

(literally, “a draught for the bicycle“),<br />

made of half beer - half lemonade.<br />

For centuries, the custom of the<br />

place allows those who go into a<br />

beer house to quench their thirst,<br />

and bring their own food from<br />

home. According to the law, and<br />

especially owing to pride, beer<br />

houses make their own beer, from<br />

yeast, barley, hops and water. There<br />

are no preservatives, because who<br />

needs them when the thirsty clients<br />

empty a 200 liter barrel in a matter<br />

of minutes ∫<br />


Zbor / Perioad\ / Zile de operare / Plecare / Sosire / Avion /<br />

Flight Effective Days of Service Departure Arrival Aircraft<br />

RO 312 25.03.07 - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 16.45 19.45 737<br />

27.10.07<br />


Zbor / Perioad\ / Zile de operare / Plecare / Sosire / Avion /<br />

Flight Effective Days of Service Departure Arrival Aircraft<br />

RO 309 25.03.07 - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 15.20 17.00 AT 5<br />

27.10.07<br />

RO 315 25.03.07 - 1 08.00 09.35 AT 5<br />

27.10.07<br />

RO 315 25.03.07 - 3 07.25 09.00 AT 5<br />

27.10.07<br />

RO 315 25.03.07 - 5, 7 07.25 09.00 AT 5<br />

27.10.07<br />


Zbor / Perioad\ / Zile de operare / Plecare / Sosire / Avion /<br />

Flight Effective Days of Service Departure Arrival Aircraft<br />

RO 310 25.03.07 - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 17.45 21.00 AT 5<br />

27.10.07<br />

RO 316 25.03.07 - 1 10.15 13.30 AT 5<br />

27.10.07<br />

RO 316 25.03.07 - 3 09.55 13.10 AT 5<br />

27.10.07<br />

RO 316 25.03.07 - 5, 7 10.25 13.40 AT 5<br />


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