Untitled - Tarom

Untitled - Tarom Untitled - Tarom


ITINERARII Air Treks 14 MUNCHENMUNICH Culoarea Sudului, `n stil nem]esc The Color of the South, in German Fashion Timp [i art\ / Time and art PÂN| TOAMNA TÂRZIU, ÎNCEPÂND DIN PRIM|VAR|, {I CHIAR ~N INIMA IERNII, MUNCHENEZUL PURSÂNGE, DAR {I CEL „ADOPTAT“, C|CI METROPOLA BAVAREZ| ~{I FARMEC| OASPE}II, SIMTE O TIHN| AUTENTIC|, O POFT| DE VIA}| BINE TEMPERAT|, ~NS| PREGNANT|. STARTING IN SPRING AND LASTING UNTIL LATE FALL, EVEN IN THE DEPTHS OF WINTER, THE REAL MUNICH RESIDENT, AS WELL AS THE “ADOPTED“ ONE - AS THE BAVARIAN METROPOLIS OFTEN CHARMS ITS GUESTS INTO STAYING - FEELS AN INNER PEACE, A WELL-TEMPERED BUT OBVIOUS JOY OF LIFE. By Danut Ungureanu Frauenkirche, catedrala simbol al ora[ului / The Frauenkirche - the cathedral as a symbol of the city Chiar dac\ plou\, `n taverne halbele continu\ s\ defileze [i s\ se goleasc\, sub amenin]area miezului de noapte, c‚nd cele mai multe dintre localuri trag obloanele. Nicio dezam\gire `ns\ pentru acela obi[nuit s\ savureze via]a de noapte, c\ci barurile [i cluburile `[i primesc clien]ii p‚n\ la [ase diminea]a. O constela]ie de puburi [i discoteci str\luce[te, puls‚nd frenetic, pe Occamstrasse [i Feilitzstrasse. Iar `ntre Leopoldstrasse - bulevardul central - [i Munchner-Freiheit sunt locurile de dans cele mai c\utate. Aici, p‚n\ [i amatorii devin iute profesioni[ti ai pasului ritmat. Boema se reune[te, `nc\ din primele decenii ale secolului trecut, `n Even when it rains, the mugs of draught beer continue to pour and are emptied inside the taverns, under the threat of midnight, when most restaurants close. Do not be disappointmented, however, for those who enjoy the taste of night life, pubs and clubs remain open until six o’clock in the morning. There is an entire network of pubs and discos that shines, pulsating frantically, on Occamstrasse and Feilitzstrasse. The most popular places to go dancing are between Leopoldstrasee - the main boulevard - and Munchner-Freiheit, where even amateurs can get caught up in the scene. Bohemians have been gather-

INSIGHT TAROM Prim\var\/Spring 2007 15 Schwabing, locul scriitorilor, al poe]ilor, actorilor [i muzicienilor, dar [i preferatul studen]ilor, pentru escapade nocturne mai pu]in previzibile din perspectiva... spiritului nem]esc. Via]a de noapte a ora[ului are acela[i chip cu anotimpurile. La `nceputul anului s-a `ncheiat Fasching, carnavalul bavarez, pornit prin noiembrie, cu `ncoronarea Regelui [i a Reginei Nebunilor, prilej cu care s-au etalat admira]iei publice unele dintre cele mai insolite [i fascinante rochii de bal. O mare parad\ pune punct, `n plin\ strad\, fermec\torului exces de fantezie. COCHET|RIILE B|TRÂNEI URBE Palatul Residenz e mereu ]inta unei promenade tradi]ionale, printre copacii care traseaz\ Maximilianstrasse. ~n apropiere a[teapt\ marile colec]ii - Galeria de Art\ Modern\, Vechea [i Noua Galerie de Pictur\. Pe insula Isarului a fost amenajat Deutsches Museum, unul dintre cele mai faimoase locuri dedicate [tiin]ei. Ora[ul nou s-a impus irezistibil celui vechi. Dar str\zile lungi, Odeonsplatz Photo: Frank Riessmann ing, since the first decades of the last century, in Schwabing, a hangout for writers, poets, actors and musicians, but also a favorite spot among students for spending the evening out, which is not so expected, from the perspective of ... the German spirit. The city’s nightlife has the same face as the seasons. The Bavarian carnival Fasching, which draws to a close at the beginning of the year, begins in November with the coronation of the King and Queen of Fools, an opportunity for the public to see a parade of some of the most unique and fas- apar]in‚nd exclusiv pietonilor, Kaufingerstrasse ori Neuhauserstrasse, p\r\sesc gara principal\ [i Karlstor - una dintre por]ile urbei, spre Marienplatz, inima Ora[ului vechi. Aici, `n fa]a prim\riei noi, au `ncremenit cinating costumes. A great parade ends, in the middle a crowded street, the charming excess of fantasy. fermecate personajele mecanice ale caruselului - Glockenspiel. THE SHOP WINDOW, Centrul e dens, fascinant [i poate fi str\b\tut pe jos. ~ntre localit\]ile germane Munchenul p\r\se[te [abloanele istorice, tocmai pentru c\ nu i se poate identifica un centru omogen al Ora[ului Vechi. Nuan]ele proaspete [i str\lucitoare se asorteaz\ de minune cu THE ALLURE OF THE OLD TOWN Residenz Palace is always the target of a traditional promenade A LANDSCAPE WITH BEAUTIFUL OBJECTS There is no shortage of Bavarian antiquities, from the cheapest clay tradi]ionalul rustic, iar postbelicul arhitectural separ\ zone compacte through the trees that mark beer steins to the massive furniture, de cl\diri venerabile, unele dintre ele dat‚nd nici mai mult, nici mai pu]in, de la originile ora[ului. Operele baroc [i rococo `[i revendic\ `ns\, f\r\ drept de apel, gloria Bavariei, `n detrimentul goticului, care... nu a prins aici, `n Sud. Altstadt este situl ora[ului medieval, cuprins `ntre Sendlinger Tor, Isartor, Odeonsplatz [i Karlstor. La nord-vest, palatul Nimfenburg [i frumosul s\u parc g\zduiesc fabrica [i muzeul dedicat celebrului por]elan cu acela[i nume. Str\b\t‚nd la pas toat\ aceast\ `ncreng\tur\ lini[titoare de str\zi [i opere arhitectonice, ve]i descoperi c\, pe alocuri, normele au interzis ridicarea unor cl\diri mai `nalte dec‚t Frauenkirche - catedralasimbol Maximilianstrasse. Nearby there are great collections of art - the Modern Art Gallery, the Old and the New Painting Gallery. The Deutsches Museum, one of the most important places dedicated to science, was built on an island in the Isar River. The new city imposed itself irresistibly over the old one. However, the long streets - popular in the houses of farmers, at the multitude of small shops on Westenriederstrasse and Viktualienmarkt. The shelves bend under the weight of curiosity, superb collections of old dolls and toys. At the same time, unusual and inexpensive objects and assorted trinkets from all around Eastern Europe are put on display at weekend al ora[ului. ® Kaufingerstrasse or Neuhauserstra- fairs, close to Arnulfstrasse the ® sse, which are closed off to automobiles, leave the main train station and Karlstor - one of the city’s gates, toward Marienplatz, the heart of the Old Town. Here, in front of the new city hall, stand the famous mechanical characters of the carousel - Glockenspiel. The center is densely populated, fascinating, and can be travelled on foot. Among German cities, Munich drifts away from traditional patterns, precisely because one cannot identify a definite center of the Old Town. The fresh and brilliant nuances match wonderfully with the rural traditions, while the post-war architecture separates compact areas of admired buildings, some of them dating back to the beginnings of the cty. The baroque and rococo works claim, without any dispute, the glory of Bavaria, to the detriment of the Gothic style, which did not have much success here in the south of Germany. Altstads is the site of the medieval town, nestled among Sendlinger Tor, Isartor, Odeonsplatz and Karlstor. Toward the northwest, Nimfenburg Palace and its beautiful park play host to the factory and museum dedicated to the famous porcelain of the same name. Exploring this gentle network of streets and architectural works on foot, you will discover that, here and there, regulations have forbidden the construction of buildings taller than Frauenkirche - the cathedral which serves as a symbol of the city.

INSIGHT TAROM Prim\var\/Spring 2007 15<br />

Schwabing, locul scriitorilor, al poe]ilor, actorilor [i muzicienilor, dar [i<br />

preferatul studen]ilor, pentru escapade nocturne mai pu]in previzibile<br />

din perspectiva... spiritului nem]esc. Via]a de noapte a ora[ului are<br />

acela[i chip cu anotimpurile. La `nceputul anului s-a `ncheiat Fasching,<br />

carnavalul bavarez, pornit prin noiembrie, cu `ncoronarea Regelui [i a<br />

Reginei Nebunilor, prilej cu care s-au etalat admira]iei publice unele dintre<br />

cele mai insolite [i fascinante rochii de bal. O mare parad\ pune<br />

punct, `n plin\ strad\, fermec\torului exces de fantezie.<br />


Palatul Residenz e mereu ]inta unei promenade tradi]ionale, printre<br />

copacii care traseaz\ Maximilianstrasse. ~n apropiere a[teapt\ marile<br />

colec]ii - Galeria de Art\ Modern\, Vechea [i Noua Galerie de Pictur\. Pe<br />

insula Isarului a fost amenajat Deutsches Museum, unul dintre cele mai<br />

faimoase locuri dedicate [tiin]ei.<br />

Ora[ul nou s-a impus irezistibil celui vechi. Dar str\zile lungi,<br />

Odeonsplatz<br />

Photo: Frank Riessmann<br />

ing, since the first decades of the<br />

last century, in Schwabing, a hangout<br />

for writers, poets, actors and<br />

musicians, but also a favorite spot<br />

among students for spending the<br />

evening out, which is not so expected,<br />

from the perspective of ... the<br />

German spirit. The city’s nightlife<br />

has the same face as the seasons.<br />

The Bavarian carnival Fasching,<br />

which draws to a close at the beginning<br />

of the year, begins in November<br />

with the coronation of the<br />

King and Queen of Fools, an opportunity<br />

for the public to see a parade<br />

of some of the most unique and fas-<br />

apar]in‚nd exclusiv pietonilor, Kaufingerstrasse ori Neuhauserstrasse,<br />

p\r\sesc gara principal\ [i Karlstor - una dintre por]ile urbei, spre Marienplatz,<br />

inima Ora[ului vechi. Aici, `n fa]a prim\riei noi, au `ncremenit<br />

cinating costumes. A great parade<br />

ends, in the middle a crowded street,<br />

the charming excess of fantasy.<br />

fermecate personajele mecanice ale caruselului - Glockenspiel.<br />


Centrul e dens, fascinant [i poate fi str\b\tut pe jos. ~ntre localit\]ile<br />

germane Munchenul p\r\se[te [abloanele istorice, tocmai pentru<br />

c\ nu i se poate identifica un centru omogen al Ora[ului Vechi.<br />

Nuan]ele proaspete [i str\lucitoare se asorteaz\ de minune cu<br />


TOWN<br />

Residenz Palace is always the<br />

target of a traditional promenade<br />



There is no shortage of Bavarian<br />

antiquities, from the cheapest clay<br />

tradi]ionalul rustic, iar postbelicul arhitectural separ\ zone compacte through the trees that mark beer steins to the massive furniture,<br />

de cl\diri venerabile, unele dintre ele dat‚nd nici mai mult, nici mai<br />

pu]in, de la originile ora[ului. Operele baroc [i rococo `[i revendic\<br />

`ns\, f\r\ drept de apel, gloria Bavariei, `n detrimentul goticului, care...<br />

nu a prins aici, `n Sud.<br />

Altstadt este situl ora[ului medieval, cuprins `ntre Sendlinger Tor,<br />

Isartor, Odeonsplatz [i Karlstor. La nord-vest, palatul Nimfenburg [i frumosul<br />

s\u parc g\zduiesc fabrica [i muzeul dedicat celebrului por]elan<br />

cu acela[i nume. Str\b\t‚nd la pas toat\ aceast\ `ncreng\tur\ lini[titoare<br />

de str\zi [i opere arhitectonice, ve]i descoperi c\, pe alocuri, normele au<br />

interzis ridicarea unor cl\diri mai `nalte dec‚t Frauenkirche - catedralasimbol<br />

Maximilianstrasse. Nearby there<br />

are great collections of art - the<br />

Modern Art Gallery, the Old and<br />

the New Painting Gallery. The<br />

Deutsches Museum, one of the<br />

most important places dedicated to<br />

science, was built on an island in<br />

the Isar River. The new city imposed<br />

itself irresistibly over the old<br />

one. However, the long streets -<br />

popular in the houses of farmers, at<br />

the multitude of small shops on<br />

Westenriederstrasse and Viktualienmarkt.<br />

The shelves bend under<br />

the weight of curiosity, superb<br />

collections of old dolls and toys. At<br />

the same time, unusual and inexpensive<br />

objects and assorted trinkets<br />

from all around Eastern Europe<br />

are put on display at weekend<br />

al ora[ului. ® Kaufingerstrasse or Neuhauserstra-<br />

fairs, close to Arnulfstrasse the<br />

®<br />

sse, which are closed off to automobiles,<br />

leave the main train station<br />

and Karlstor - one of the city’s gates,<br />

toward Marienplatz, the heart of<br />

the Old Town. Here, in front of the<br />

new city hall, stand the famous mechanical<br />

characters of the carousel -<br />

Glockenspiel. The center is densely<br />

populated, fascinating, and can be<br />

travelled on foot. Among German<br />

cities, Munich drifts away from traditional<br />

patterns, precisely because<br />

one cannot identify a definite center<br />

of the Old Town. The fresh and brilliant<br />

nuances match wonderfully<br />

with the rural traditions, while the<br />

post-war architecture separates<br />

compact areas of admired buildings,<br />

some of them dating back to<br />

the beginnings of the cty. The baroque<br />

and rococo works claim, without<br />

any dispute, the glory of Bavaria,<br />

to the detriment of the Gothic<br />

style, which did not have much success<br />

here in the south of Germany.<br />

Altstads is the site of the medieval<br />

town, nestled among Sendlinger<br />

Tor, Isartor, Odeonsplatz and Karlstor.<br />

Toward the northwest, Nimfenburg<br />

Palace and its beautiful<br />

park play host to the factory and<br />

museum dedicated to the famous<br />

porcelain of the same name. Exploring<br />

this gentle network of streets<br />

and architectural works on foot,<br />

you will discover that, here and<br />

there, regulations have forbidden<br />

the construction of buildings taller<br />

than Frauenkirche - the cathedral<br />

which serves as a symbol of the city.

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