cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...


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Reservoir Fisheries<br />

The improvement <strong>of</strong>reservoir fish production isan<br />

important thrust area <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Institute</strong>. In this direction<br />

casestudiesindifferent statesare being worked out for<br />

developing site specific protocols. Accordingly,<br />

Suvarnavathy reservoir in Karnataka was investigated<br />

in which the total catch was 39.5 t and Indian major<br />

carps contributed a high <strong>of</strong> 95% to the total catches<br />

followed by tilapia. The mean CPUE was 12.3 kg<br />

registering per unit fish yield <strong>of</strong> 80.6 kgiha. Interim<br />

recommendations for enhancing productivity <strong>of</strong><br />

Suvarnavathy reservoir have been formulated for<br />

implementation by the StateFisheriesDepanment.<br />

Another issue <strong>of</strong> concern for reservoirs is<br />

developing a model for appropriate management. In<br />

this direction secondary data on reservoirs (which<br />

include mo~hometric details, fish catch statistics,<br />

yield potential, primary production, etc.) collected<br />

from different states (viz. Karnataka, Rajasthan.<br />

Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu. Uttar Pradesh. Haryana,<br />

Kerala. Himachal Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh. Orissa,<br />

Madhya Pradesh and Punjab) were conlpiled and<br />

analysed for development <strong>of</strong> s<strong>of</strong>iuare models.<br />

Preliminary analysis <strong>of</strong> data carried our to assess any<br />

relation <strong>of</strong> fish yield with area, mean depth and<br />

primary production and other critical parameters.The<br />

relationships worked out indicated a high coefficient<br />

<strong>of</strong> determination (R') forthe relationships Mew Deplh<br />

vs ~eld(R'=0.889)andAreuvsCalcl(R*=O.715).<br />

Estuarine Fisheries<br />

The country has significant resource <strong>of</strong> estuarine<br />

ecosystems. In this context, a backwater lake was reassessed<br />

for its ecological status and fishery.<br />

Accordingly. physico-chemical pr<strong>of</strong>ile, soil quality<br />

and texture, primary production and biotic production<br />

were extensively studied in Pulicat lake. The fisher~es<br />

<strong>of</strong> Pulicat largely depend on the catch <strong>of</strong> P indirus.<br />

mullets (M cephalus > M lade > M canneolus > .U.<br />

macrolepis > Lira puruiu) and Cliaitm chairos The<br />

dominant fishery <strong>of</strong> 1970s and 1980s. the Chonos<br />

chanos has, however, become almost rare. Similar has<br />

been the abundance <strong>of</strong> P ,nonodon, the tiger prawn<br />

which was predominant during 1970s & 1980s The<br />

average catch per fisher per day has been estimated to<br />

bepoorat300gtoS00g1day,mainiy <strong>of</strong> P inri'icu.\<br />

While working in the Godabari estuarine s)stenl a<br />

total <strong>of</strong> 68 species <strong>of</strong> fishes, beloii~iiig to 37 fnm~lirs<br />

and I2 Ordcrsl~ave been recorded.<br />

Tliecontribution <strong>of</strong>uetlandr to open water inland<br />

production itsignificant and the lnst~tutr is inviil\ed<br />

in improving their fish yield. In this context. uutiund<br />

programme is executcd in differe~lt h1nd9 nl'<br />

ecosystems. Accordir~ply, during this period fish catell<br />

and yield as well as environmental parAmeters ii-urn<br />

seven wetlands, situated at 24 Parganas Nonli dislricr.<br />

Nadia distria and at Hooghly district <strong>of</strong> West Bengai<br />

were studied. The yield <strong>of</strong> natural fish stocks tioni<br />

thcsc wetlands varied from 139 to 609kg:ha. The catch<br />

composition showed that Punrrur spp. as a group<br />

forms a major contributor to the total catch nf these<br />

wetiands (6-20%). followed by Cilanrro spp. (7-18%)<br />

and prawns(5-12%).<br />

A total <strong>of</strong> 76 species among 55 genera and 30<br />

fanlilies uere recorded from beeO <strong>of</strong> West Bengal.<br />

Exotic fish species vrz. Barbon,vrnus pa~lio~rorui<br />

(Punliur po~~ioiiohrs) Pongasianodon Ii,vpophrhobnur<br />

(Pangasius sulchi). Clarras gariepinnur.

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