cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...


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Basln Lcrel Workshop af Challenge Program<br />

Project<br />

Sccond Indn4angettc Basin Lcvcl workshop <strong>of</strong><br />

CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food<br />

ICPWF) Project "Improved Fisheries Producttvily<br />

and Management in tropical Reseri,otrs" uas<br />

oryanired on Deccmhcr 17, <strong>2007</strong> at <strong>Central</strong> Inland<br />

Fisher~es Research Inst~tute, Barrackpore. Dr S<br />

Ayyappan, Dcpug Director Gcneral (Fy), [CAR,<br />

New Dclht, Dr. K. K Vaqs, Director CIFN,<br />

Barrackpore, Dr \'. V Sugunnn, Assistant Director<br />

General (Inland F)). ICAK, New Dellil. ProL H R.<br />

Slngh, Former Vice Chancellor. Allahabad<br />

University, h~gh <strong>of</strong>fic~als lronl Depanmcnt oi<br />

Fishertes, Ciovernments <strong>of</strong> Uttar Pradesh,<br />

Llttarakhand, Rajasthan, Jharkhand and Madh)a<br />

Pradesh. rescwoir lislicrs Ron1 Utl~r Pradesh, C.IFRl<br />

sctentlstsandprojcctresearclr slaffpanic~pated !ti the<br />

workshop Dr. Vasr explained thc prqect actiiilies<br />

and expected output. Dr. Sugunan tiimuoncd dbout<br />

he implementation <strong>of</strong>tlie pri>jcct stlice itr inception.<br />

Dr Ayyappan suggested the states to scleci Itmltcd<br />

number <strong>of</strong> reserkolrs durltlg XI piall fbr o~eraii<br />

fishertes dc>rlopnicot. Hc assured full financral<br />

suppon from hat~onal F~shcrier 1)evelupment Board<br />

and technxal suppon from CIFKI. Barrackpore He<br />

wanted that the benefits nfthesc eflirris should reach<br />

the poor fisher community The rcpreaentatives from<br />

ail thc paniclpatiny states presented the status.<br />

problcmr, chalicnyes and suggestions for rescrvotr<br />

fisheries development in their states. Elahorale<br />

dtscussions were held on I) meeting the fish seed<br />

demands for rcsen'oir fisheries enhancemmts; 11)<br />

conimunily-hasedlco management in rcserrolr<br />

fishcrtes; tii) prospects . . <strong>of</strong>capeand - . pens for raistnr! the<br />

fish sccd, IN) tralning needs for overall reservoir<br />

development; v) creation <strong>of</strong> reliable data-basc and ita<br />

updailun; \I) mechanism for UFDH funding Tor<br />

reservoir fisheries enhancenimt, iwi) ensuring<br />

Improvement inliarvest & post hrrvcst. value addltlnti<br />

andmarkcring.<br />

The Comniun~ly Capac~ty Sacnptheninp Uorlshopa<br />

UtIderCPprn~ecl a1 Dahnd Rcsrrvo~rnn Aprll7.ii07<br />

nnd at Pahul Rcscwoir on Aopiist I. <strong>2007</strong> Tbc<br />

Consenius Hullding Workshopi wcrc heid un July 23,<br />

<strong>2007</strong> at Dahod Kcselvolr and on August 22. Oil7 at<br />

Paliuj Rescr!,oir.<br />

The National Ftsh Farmcri' dn) to ci~mmrmorsta ilrbt<br />

succcsr <strong>of</strong>induced brrcd~ng by Ihcrcnowned Sc~cntist<br />

Dr. Hiralal Ckoudhuri <strong>of</strong> C'IFRI uas cclcbrilcd h)<br />

Cetitral ltila~id Fisherlcs Kcsearch Instltule at<br />

Hatrackpore on 10 July. 1107. Hon'blc Fisher~ci<br />

miniatrr <strong>of</strong> Assail> Sri Nuijamnl Sarhdr was the ch\ct<br />

pucst and l'r<strong>of</strong> C.S Chakrahony, L'ice.~l~anurllor<br />

WXUAFS presided over ihr fuiict~on C.I FK I<br />

confcrrrd Ftsli Farmer Award to 5 liah farliicra and<br />

liihcrnmen <strong>of</strong> Manipur, Jharkhand, Midjs Pradeih.<br />

H~niachal Pradesh, Ahsam and Oriss~ for tlie~i<br />

outstandlnp contr~butloii~n lishcrierarctor Durlngthc<br />

occasion. Sri Nurjanial Sarkar, Honorahlc Minirtcr <strong>of</strong><br />

Fislicr~es, Assam relcascd a special souvcnlr mutlcd<br />

'Kemintrcence' ds pan <strong>of</strong> ClFRl Diamond Juhilce<br />


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