cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...


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was adjudgcd the C)vcrall Champion <strong>Institute</strong>. Sri<br />

A. N. Mallick, C'o~iimandant, 6"' Battalion, Statc<br />

Armed I'olicc, B:~rrackporc was the C'llrei'Ciuest in tlic<br />

valedictory programme and distrihutcd the medals to<br />

the prize winncrs.<br />

Innup~lral function ol'thc IC'AK 7orii1l Sports Mcct<br />

( b,astcrn Zone) <strong>2007</strong>-OX<br />

\f'irrtcr School<br />

A Winter School cntitlcd "Social science<br />

research tools in inland fislicrics development" was<br />

org:mized r~t this lnstitutc during 7-27<br />

1 d<br />

Sanuary<br />

2OOK.Tlie Winter school was innugirratcd by Dr.<br />

R.K.Samanta. V.C. HC'KVV .'l'he school provided an<br />

opportunity to thc researclierslscliolars to dcvclop<br />

propcr pcrspcctive on social science and acquainted<br />

thcm with the tools and tccliniqucs for cotlclucring<br />

research in lisheries sector. A total <strong>of</strong> 22 participants<br />

from State Agricultural Utiivcrsitics, Conventionril<br />

Universities, Statc Fishcries Departments and<br />

Research Scholars <strong>of</strong> various Institutions undcnvctit<br />

the course. Thc rcsourcc persons across the country<br />

belongcd to TCAR Organizations, State Agricultural<br />

Universities and Retired Scientists, <strong>of</strong> which<br />

personalities like Dr. R.K.Samanta, RCKV, Pr<strong>of</strong>.<br />

Agricultun~l cost mid Price C'ommission, Ciovt. <strong>of</strong>'<br />

India, Dr. P. Kumar, 1:ormc.r C'onsultant, World Fish<br />

C'cntrc, Dr. D.Scn, For~iicr Director ot' Extcnsioti,<br />

RC'KV. Pr<strong>of</strong>. Sovslircc Roy, Dcpt. <strong>of</strong> Economics,<br />

Satiovpur IJn~\lcrsity. T)r. TJ.T1as. Fortiicr Dircctor<br />

NHFCiK arc wor-th L<br />

t~~ctitioning. Apart frotn thcorctical<br />

arld practical aspccts, the participants wcre exposecl to<br />

stbidllinar. debate, media prepl1r;ttion and a PRA<br />

exercise for 4 days was also conducted :it<br />

tiroup photo <strong>of</strong> participants <strong>of</strong> ihc Winter school on social<br />

scicnce research tools in inland fisheries dcvclopmcnt<br />


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