cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...


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L'IFRI ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2007</strong>- <strong>2008</strong><br />

G~wahali held at IIE on Ma! 29. 200' (H K<br />

Bhellrchar~ya)<br />

National IVorkshop on "t'urf,ir~r~lrtpi/or<br />

Rert,rvr,ir F~~PII(,I i)~~~~~loj)ntmr" 0rgr:11zcd hy<br />

CIFRI, Barrackpore and lhcld at CIAt, Hlinpnl dur~ng<br />

2'-:I"'<br />

July OO7 (Pan~c~palcd hy K.h Vilii. LIS<br />

K~lshnaRro, \ I' Shn\asvava, 18.K Kutlba, A h Ilas. \I<br />

Karlh~lcya~l. K 1) Jaihi. V Paihrl. KD. Joihl. S U<br />

Smgh)<br />

Basin Lr\'el Workshop under C'hallmgr Program<br />

on Warer and t nod (CPM'F) l'roject enrltlcd i,nlr,rr~uil<br />

liiherin P,o$inivin' ci!s/ .M'm'rg',rnenr<br />

iri o.y>biii<br />

lnvltatloll from U~rcctni. CIFA (H P \loiiant! 1<br />

Nat~onal \Vorkshop on 'Surta~nah~l~t) <strong>of</strong> Indla~~<br />

:2quaculturc Industr)' (St I IAIN-.\Ol h ll'l.<br />

org~lnlled hy the IIT. Kilardgpur. Seplemhrr I-20.<br />

2001 (tl P Mollant))<br />

'Tralnmp workshop na 4q~1ntlc U~ILICIOI)<br />

surrc~llmcc and cnlcrgcncy prcparcdncss orpi~nl;.cd<br />

hy ICAR, hen nclhi and WACA. Bangkok Ilul~i at<br />

Chrnlla~ dur~ny luptcnibcr 3.'. <strong>2007</strong> ihld<br />

AR;thuddln)<br />

Annual uorl\shl,p US prolcct oil Impact nl<br />

F~rhcrfcrescarclt in lnd~elicldat('lliA.('lic~~;~a~ fi~1111<br />

AUyust2~3'<strong>2007</strong>(Ci"nush('hmdrui<br />

Annual Stakcholdcrc M'o:kqhop undcr Cllalicnpe<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>rani on Water & Food lield at BARC', Dhah<br />

[BanfladeahIonFeh 27-8.!IiOX(N<br />

Inicj(urr workhop 01 kc,)<br />

l,ronnfifm ,if<br />

I' hrwn\iaral<br />

siukr 1iiikk.r~ oti<br />

ornii,,tpniu/ fiah pmdi,~ fta,! o,,i/ woii I,,<br />

hcirncrfrrkir organ~zcd hy Aqua REACI-I Ibundat~on,<br />

Depaniiie~lt <strong>of</strong> F~sherlsr, Govl <strong>of</strong> Kamataka atid<br />

Kamataha Fishcrics IJcvclnpmeitr Corporation on<br />

7.11 <strong>2007</strong> at Uniierstty <strong>of</strong> Agr~cultural Sc~mces.<br />

BanpaloreiM FcrurKhan.PrsetllaPanlWar)<br />

Launch Workshop <strong>of</strong> .Re NAIP on "Arsenic In<br />

food chain . cause, et'fect and m~tigat~on"<br />

Hidhan<br />

Chandra Kr~sh~ V~suavidyalays. Kalyan~ on O1.0 OX.<br />

IS. Samanm,S K.Manna,B.PMohanry)<br />

DHT-sponsored 'Idea Generation Workshop In<br />

Aquaculture H~otechnology held at CIF'A.<br />

Kausalyapanpd on 26-27 September. <strong>2007</strong>, un<br />

orga~llzed by NBFtiK. Luck~ioir lhuld 81 (ntuitiial~ ii11<br />

Decemhrr IH-14, <strong>2007</strong> (R K Hhnlrchdrlyr tianeah<br />

Clla,,dra,hld<br />

Aflabudd,,l)<br />

State-lcrcl worhihop for Fornlulnr~ati ill tisl~cr~cs<br />

legal con~prehens~\e statule orgo~led h! ARIAS<br />

S~clet), Gail ol Asam on Januar) 04. (lllX (1% k<br />

Matsya Llaliotsai 8: Scmlnar Cunl \'.'orkshop<br />

De\elop~nent <strong>of</strong> F~shrrbes In Assam urgdn~le[l S)<br />

Dept, oi'F~sher~es. (invt <strong>of</strong> Assnm on 29 -i I' Marc11<br />

OOX iii K iihi~tlscharjya, Linc,h Ch,indr.~. Md<br />

Aitnhuddln, K K \am>unndI' (ri>yill)<br />

\Iccti~~p attcndctl<br />

Dr K K Vass panic~pated in rhc meellng (IS thc<br />

International Scient~fic Committee - l'%orld<br />

on<br />

Lake<br />

Conference at CGO Complex, Lodl Road, Sex Delh~<br />

on 30'May,:00'

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