cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...


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Participation <strong>of</strong> Scientists in<br />

Conferences, Meetings, Workshops,<br />

Symposia, ctc. (India and Abroad)<br />

12"' World Lake Confercncc "TAAL <strong>2007</strong>" at<br />

Saipur, Rr!jastInan during (.)ctobcr, 28 to Novembcr 3,<br />

<strong>2007</strong> and presented papers (I'n~Zicip~tcd by K. K. Vass,<br />

i'radccp K. Katiha. N. 1'. Shrivaslavu, V. K. Shamla and S.<br />

Sarkar, M. K, Randopadhyay, A, K. Ilus, N. 1'.<br />

S. Ssm;inta)<br />

Shrivastnva.<br />

C'hnttopadhyay and K.K. Nasknr, 11r. (Jtp;il I3hi1~11nik)<br />

National Symposium on "Ecosystcm Hcalth and<br />

Fish For 'I'ornorrow" jointly organized hy Inlalici<br />

Fisheries Socicty ot' India and ('entral Inlnnd<br />

Fishcrics Research <strong>Institute</strong>. 14- 10"' Dcccrr~her. <strong>2007</strong><br />

at Rarrackporc, Kolkata (Many scientists o1'C'IFKI<br />

particip;rted)<br />

Seni~nar on "Str.s~rrrn,.l(lrrtr 07" hcld ;rt<br />

Inst~tutc 01'<br />

Indian<br />

Technology, Kharagpur clt~ri~~g<br />

September 27, to 29,<strong>2007</strong>. (IJ. 1311au1n1h)<br />

1<br />

National C'onferencc on C'lin~ate Change and<br />

Indian Agriculture organized by IC'AK (luring 12- 13<br />

October <strong>2007</strong> at NAAS. New Dell~i (Participated by<br />

M.K.Das1.<br />

International Synnpc)sium on "Managc~nent <strong>of</strong><br />

Coastal Ecosystcm: 'T'cchnologrcal Advancement and<br />

Livelihoort Security" Jointly Organi~ed by lrldinn<br />

So(.. Of' C'otrstcll A,qt-ic RCSCCII-(-/I LIII(/ C'en tral Soil<br />

Saiirlity Research institute, Rcgional rcscarcl.1 Station.<br />

C'annlng '!'own., Salt lakc City, Clctobcr 27-30, <strong>2007</strong><br />

and presentcd papcr (I'artlclpatcd hy A. Cjhosh, ;I. K.<br />

8"' Asian Fisheries Forum on l"i.vltcr.ic~.v ,rtltl<br />

t~clritrc'lrltl~~-c~: ,S'/r~trtc~,qic~ o~riltrok ,fi)t, .-t.vitr, orgnllizcd<br />

by Asian Fishcrics Society, Indian Hrancli held at<br />

Kochi, l~ldiil during Novctrlhcr 20-23, <strong>2007</strong>. (I.;. K.<br />

Vilss, H.K. Singh, K.D. Joslii, Utp;il 13hnunlik, It.<br />

I'alnn~swar~l~, V. K. Shasma. 1\1. 1'. Sh~-ivast;l\,:\, i'.K.<br />

Katilia, Amitahl~il Ghosh, 1j.S. lirishn;r Kuu, M. Feroz<br />

Khan, M. K:~rthikcy;in. I)r.Prct!rha I'anikknr. f\.K. Ihs,<br />

K.K. Marina, Md. tltiah~rdclin, Vd. A. I lassan, I). N.<br />

Singti. 1'.<br />

K. Stlkurllnrnn)<br />

LJ(-iC' Spc~nsorcd Scnlinar on ';.5'tt.~rt*tl11-~1i<br />

C~LJ/I~L~.~<br />

it7 III(' ltltjitlt~ L"*ot1ot1~\"' org;in~zed by thc<br />

Dcpartnncnt <strong>of</strong> Econc~mics, Kahinclr;~ Bharati<br />

University, during Murch 13- 14, <strong>2008</strong>. SC~CIIIIS~S<br />

presented paper.<br />

Scrnlnar on "!nductivcly Coupled I'lasnia Mss<br />

Spectrometry (IC:I'-MS) - Solutions" organlzcd b><br />

Agilent Tt.clnnoiogies India I'vt. Ltd. .4t Kolkata on<br />

04June, <strong>2007</strong>. (S. Sanianta)<br />

Interaction session in Midtertn Review Meeting <strong>of</strong>'<br />

IC' AK Regional Committee-11 is in progress<br />

Seminar-cum-Awarcncss programme on 1n~liligcnou.v<br />

orntinic*nt;ll .,fish cj' ./l.c.,s~rt~t - t.v prospect ilrlu'<br />

nttrrketing jointly organized by the Ilirectoratt: oi'<br />

Fisheries, :\ssarn, MI'EDA, Kochi and I I E,

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