cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...


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CIFRI ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2007</strong>- <strong>2008</strong><br />

competitions likc nihu~t~li~ Ic~hlt~rn, ~I/)/)LII!\~ IC~IICJII,<br />

shi~htl~r\z~nli. ,scJntrrtj*tJ ~\'LII~. ~tilokl7, /~r~r.s/lnolf~lr:'.<br />

hinrli t~rr1knn werc conducted. A large number <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong>ficers and staf'l' including marly scicntists<br />

participated in thesc compctitivns and won prizes. In<br />

the Valedictory function Llr. Shivnath Pandej.,<br />

f'r<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Hindi, Mollsin C'ollegc, C'hinsura was the<br />

C'11ie~'C;uest and it was presided by llr. K. E;. Vnss.<br />

D~rector, C.'IFRI. Ttie mcssage issucd by the Horiorablc<br />

Minister <strong>of</strong> Agriculture, Govt. <strong>of</strong> India, Shri Sharad<br />

Pawar Si was rcad on thc occasion.<br />

l i 1 1 1 1 1 i<br />

\ I 1 tb;t11l lllt-~l ill24<br />

Thc (.'IFRI Quinquennial Kcv~ew 'Team (C,)RT) for<br />

2002-07. constituted ol'Dr, P.V.De1iadrai Ex-l)DG(t. y<br />

) ICAK as Chairnlan, and Pr<strong>of</strong> M.S..lohal I-lcad , Dcpt<br />

<strong>of</strong>' Zoology Pun-jab IJriiversity, Pr<strong>of</strong>. l).P.Zutshi, Ex<br />

Ilirector. CORD, liashnl~r IJniversity. Dr. f'.Kumar<br />

Ex-Pr<strong>of</strong>. lAR1 arid Pr<strong>of</strong>: Kauslial Kumar Head, Dcpt <strong>of</strong>'<br />

Zcjologv CQ<br />

Dean Faculty <strong>of</strong> Sc~cnce 1l.Il.U.<br />

(.iorakhpur Univcrsit> hcltl its first rnccting at C'IFRI<br />

Harrackpore on 20-2 1" Suly <strong>2007</strong>.'The achicvemcnts <strong>of</strong>'<br />

all thc projects werc prescntcd by scicntists and<br />

revicwcd. The ORT visited thc Regional Rcscarch<br />

centrcs I,r reservoir fshcrics at Hessarnghata,<br />

Bangalore during Octokcr 3-6, <strong>2007</strong>, and fix thc North<br />

castern region at Dispur, Assam CIFRI during 17-19<br />

December <strong>2007</strong>. The team vis~tcd the rcspectivc<br />

otliccs and participated in the interaction with<br />

Scientists and otlicr ~ncnlbers <strong>of</strong>staf'i;<br />

A total <strong>of</strong> four visits and scveri meetings were<br />

held at CIFKI HQ, Harrackpore, Kolkata and its<br />

Regional Centrcs at Bangalore, (;uwahati and<br />

Allahahad. Thcse visits and meetings helpcd thc-<br />

Tcam to gct relevant feed back from thc scientifi:.<br />

tcchnica! and ndniinistr;~t~vc ~CI'SOIIII~~.<br />

pertaining to the \vorklprogra~il~~ics undcrtakcn<br />

during thc period 2002 to <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

The 'lcam cxariiincd all thc points given it)<br />

the tcrms <strong>of</strong>' reference had dctailcd discussions<br />

with members <strong>of</strong>tlie staff.. Afier thoro~~gli I-L~\~I~.\~<br />

<strong>of</strong>' the overall reseascll achievcmcrits <strong>of</strong> thc<br />

C'cntr;~l Inland 1:isllerics Kescarch <strong>Institute</strong> lijr tlic<br />

period 2002 to <strong>2007</strong>, tlic tcarn niadc<br />

rc.comn~rndatio~is l'or Suture rcscarch d ~rcction.<br />

These :Ire grouped under Rcscarch, Policy<br />

support, llurn;l~~ resoilsce uc\/c.Iopri~c~it,<br />

Manpower, Inf'rastruct ure, Kcgiot 1:1l<br />

act~vitics and Adnlinistration.<br />

4"' \<br />

( 'crltrc<br />

( k t \\ orl, \ l t ~ c ~ ! iol i ~ ~ 1% i\t~tbri(b\ \ci(&f~ti\t\ ill<br />

\~r-ic*~ilt rlr.:~l Ilv$c.:~r-c.ll I t~\fit 111c\*, convcncd h\ thc<br />

Fisheries D~vision, IC'AR, was hcld on 2"" I:chl-uary<br />

<strong>2008</strong>, at C' I 1; K i. Rarrnckporc. f'ight fisllcrv sc~critists<br />

from seven Agricultural Kesearcll inst~tutc's <strong>of</strong> ICAK<br />

partic~pated in the n~ceting. Rascd on the d~scusslons

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