cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...


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CIFW ANNUAL REPORT 200 7- <strong>2008</strong><br />

ICAC' meeting is in progrcss<br />

+ Work in rcscrvoirs and wetlands should be taken he prc~~lrcd. 'I'his woi~lcl fi)r~ii a<br />

up in a partnership mode with Statc (-i~vt./NFl)H so<br />

that outco~iic <strong>of</strong> the projccts can bc Sruitfirlly iltilizcd<br />

by the users. Community management <strong>of</strong>thc resources<br />

arc dtsirable. CIFKI ma* givc technical guidance for<br />

rcscr\.oir fishcrics dcvclopmctit.<br />

Low productive rcscrvoirs should also be selecteel<br />

so that management practices can be advocated for<br />

production cnllancen~ent through stocking or habitat<br />

enlianccnicnt.<br />

+ A lot <strong>of</strong> reservoirs were taken up in Co-ordinatcd<br />

research pro.jects <strong>of</strong> thc <strong>Institute</strong> and thcir proiiuctivity<br />

were enhanced before t,,tl(Iing over to State Govt. A<br />

s11urt study shc)i~ld be conducted by CIFKI to asccrtairl<br />

the present status <strong>of</strong> the rcscrvoirs studied i ~i ternis <strong>of</strong>'<br />

docirment fi)r refi.rc~icc by ulorkcrs.<br />

co~isolidatccl<br />

+ For dcvclopmcnt <strong>of</strong> tiiodcls irl csluar~c*s contr1c.t<br />

nlay be cstablislieci \villi Mckong rivur ~otllriirx-,iori,<br />

Laos who possess cxccllerit sucli models. Scit~~ilists<br />

cat1 hc sent or1 stircly Ioilr- 1i)r lcarn~ng.<br />

'The database dcvclopcd filr (;IS sl~o~rl~l hc<br />

cnrichud with various paranietcrs which arc cap:~l~lc<br />

<strong>of</strong>' projecting fi~turc scunarios oS Inlollicl lisl~c~rics liw<br />

for de\/cloping manage~iient strr~tcgics.<br />

+ All wetland projccts sliould tiavc a conlnlon;~lity<br />

in tcrnis <strong>of</strong> ahicctives, acti\rilics and socio-economic<br />

component 01'<br />

desirable.<br />

study. Commilnity par-ticipr~tion is<br />

producti\lity and suggestio~is may be made for + Study on the f

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