cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...


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CZFRZ ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2007</strong>- <strong>2008</strong><br />



Linkaps and cnlluhuration iti India and al~t.r~iid<br />

0 1,lnkdges have been made with Katlonal Rc~iiote<br />

Sms,~ig Agmcy. Ilyderahad to procure satellire nialrs<br />

TIic help <strong>of</strong> Survey <strong>of</strong> India. KoIkntn and NAI'MO.<br />

Salt Lake. Kolkata !has hecn Idken for us111p their<br />

ueriiind and urhcr maps. Suncy <strong>of</strong> India. Dehradun.<br />

was contscted to procure d~glral data on village<br />

houndariesand block hou~idaricsniaps<br />

L~nkagc l~as heen estabhshed u~th <strong>Central</strong><br />

Pollution Control Boerd through a cullahoraubc<br />

project ctitttlrd'Asresrment <strong>of</strong>lishcries v.11h regard in<br />

waierqual~iy m tllenver GaneaandYamuna'<br />

Strcngthcning <strong>of</strong> darahase and ~nformation<br />

ncrwurk~ng fur fisheries secrur. F~sher~cs Div~s~on.<br />

Deptt Of 4.H. & Dulrytng. Miriistn <strong>of</strong> Agrlcultiire.<br />

Nev. Delhi.DeccnibrrOO3. Contmucd<br />

CGlAR Challenge Progranimc on Nstur ond<br />

Food(CPWF) Project on "ln~pro\rdf~slicr~ee<br />

pruductlvily and ma~lagrmcnt in tropic.11<br />

rcservu~rs"(World I ish Cc~itre. l'enn~i$, l\lsla!s~a).<br />

MarchOO- Co~ii~nucd<br />

0. The Vddodara Cenrrc <strong>of</strong> ('IFRI has dcvclopcd<br />

Iit~kagcs u ~th Sarddr Sarwar Nar~iiade \~gaiii<br />

Llmircd, Git~~dl,inlig~r. Dcpannicnlol Flalicrlrr, (iili.1<br />

<strong>of</strong> tiujrat. tiujrat Ecolog~cal Soclcly, Vadod.lrs .)nd<br />

Depaninnil <strong>of</strong>%oolog), M S 1 nlvcriity <strong>of</strong>Bor,lda on<br />

prugramilleaolmutoal inlcrcil.<br />

0. The Vadodara C'cnrre <strong>of</strong> L'IPRI I\ cxccutlng 311<br />

earernail)<br />

funded project cniitlcd "Fisll<br />

cunsemational and h)dro.hinlog~cal perhpcctiber ol<br />

river Nar~iiiida ~1111 reference to S.ird.ir<br />

I'rojccl (SSP)", aponsorsd hy Govr, <strong>of</strong>MaIiiiristra<br />


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