cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...


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CIFRI ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2007</strong>- <strong>2008</strong><br />


+-<br />

Trainings Organized<br />

Topic<br />

Bcncfic~ar~es<br />

Vcnuc & Datc<br />

Inland Fisher~cs dcvclopmcnt 30 lish fi~rmers<br />

Cunscrvation <strong>of</strong> iin fish sced and<br />

prawn seed<br />

Slop dcstructiuns ul'firh seed<br />

and shrinip rccd<br />

Value addition and nct mak~np<br />

Fish farmers training<br />

Recent Advanccs and<br />

achnolog~ec for<br />

fisherlcs dcvclopmcnt in<br />

Norlhc;~slem lnd~a<br />

Frcshwatcr rlslt Farming<br />

i'!~iur Add~lion <strong>of</strong> F~rh Prnducts<br />

atid Net Maklng<br />

E~npowcrmcnt <strong>of</strong> u,omen<br />

through net ~niaking activity<br />

l'nlnlng course for 'Matsya<br />

Mltra' oilharkhand<br />

Comlnunity capacity<br />

strengthcn~ng workshops under<br />

CP project<br />

27 fisl~crmci~<br />

I65 Fishermen<br />

25 lr~balirhcr women<br />

I3 progrcsqiw fish farmers <strong>of</strong><br />

Andhra Prddcsh undcr ATMA<br />

Curriculum <strong>of</strong>(jovt ol'lndia<br />

26 subject matter spccial~sts <strong>of</strong><br />

Krlshi Vlgyan Kcndras <strong>of</strong><br />

Northrc~atcm region<br />

20 lishrrs from Jharkltand<br />

50 u'omen <strong>of</strong> fihhcr community<br />

25 lishrr.ui~mrn<br />

40 F~shcrr, sponsored by the<br />

Drprnrnent uf F~shcr~ci Cinvt Of<br />

Jharkhand.<br />

F~shcrmcn community<br />

lodakheii. South 24 Psrpanas<br />

on 17050i<br />

Har~por, Namkhaixa. South 24<br />

Parganai on I X 05 07 and<br />

29 05 07<br />

Mund'ipera. Kakdu~p, Nilnh24<br />

Parpanaa during 11-1 6"Junc.<br />

<strong>2007</strong><br />

19-23" June. <strong>2007</strong><br />

Rcgio~lal icntrc nfCIFRI.<br />

Ciuwnhntl dur~ng July 4 lu 0''<br />

<strong>2007</strong><br />

CIFRi. Barrdchparc. July If! 25,<br />

200'<br />

Mundaparu ilnd Dcbn~bas.<br />

Sundarhanr dur~ny .luly I I-16"<br />

and 23-28': <strong>2007</strong> ,<br />

Debnibas Namkhana, from<br />

23 07 <strong>2007</strong> to 28 07 <strong>2007</strong><br />

CIFRI. Barr~ckporc, July 16-21',<br />

<strong>2007</strong> and August 20.29".<strong>2007</strong><br />

Duhud reservoir ultd Puhu~<br />

rcscrvoir, Aprd 27" <strong>2007</strong> and<br />

August 2 I", <strong>2007</strong>

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