cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...


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percentage <strong>of</strong>' Gcophytcs after Errant vascular platits,<br />

(iv) that only a few species tend to ovcrtakc the niches.<br />

Icaditig to declinc in the diversity <strong>of</strong> trur hydrophytcs.<br />

The fish firuna, plankton and niacro-bcritic divcr5ity<br />

found positively corrclatcd with thc abuntlancc <strong>of</strong>'<br />

macrophytes. Appirrctitly, the Heels <strong>of</strong> Assan) and<br />

Wcst Bengal necd rcliabilitation it1 tcr~ns <strong>of</strong>' tht.<br />

mnn:tgctncnt <strong>of</strong> macrophytcs, cspccinlly thc weeds li~r<br />

fishcries cnhaticcment.<br />

Thc Ecology and Managcmcnt <strong>of</strong> Aquatic<br />

Weeds in Gangs and Brahmaputra basin with<br />

particular refcrcnce to Fisheries ~nhancement<br />

(ICAR Ccss Fund).lJnder the prqjcct a total <strong>of</strong>'(,[) (30<br />

Assanl arid 30 Wcst Bcvgal) flocxiplain wetlands have<br />

cxtcnsivcly bccn survcycd it1 rclation to niacropliytc<br />

diversity, abundance and their itnpact on other<br />

biodiversity, such as plirnkton and benthos. A total <strong>of</strong>'<br />

5 1 spccics in Assnrn and 43 spccies <strong>of</strong> macrophytes<br />

could bc collected, idcntilicd and photogr~licd. The<br />

trend <strong>of</strong> tnacroptiytc proliferation (phyto-sociology)<br />

in floodplain wetlands <strong>of</strong>' Assam and West Hcngal<br />

showcd thc grcatcr dominance <strong>of</strong> crrant vascular<br />

plants followed by theorophytes, indicating (i) that the<br />

lakcs arc losing their acluatic chitracteristics by<br />

becoming shallow and heading towards a marshy<br />

condition, and ultimately to tcrrcstrial habitat, (ii) that<br />

thc greater dominance <strong>of</strong>' errant vascular plants<br />

followcd by geophytes in West Rcngal and<br />

therophytes in Assam also indicate high lcvel <strong>of</strong><br />

eutrophication, (iiilthat the aquatic regime in<br />

Wetlands <strong>of</strong> Wcst Hcngal is relatively better as<br />

comparcd to Asom as evidenced from the higher<br />

Popularisation <strong>of</strong> Organic Farming :ipproach<br />

in Pishcrics for Sustainable Dcvcloprncnt (IC'AR<br />

Ccss Fund). Thc project work is bcing carricd out :~t<br />

Karnarhati and Surynpur undcr thc District <strong>of</strong>'Nortli 2.3<br />

1'arg:uias and .I:~yrarnb;r~i ur~dcr Hankurir I)istrlcl in<br />

collaborntion with Iiamakrishna Vivck:~n;lticla<br />

Mission. Main thrust has bcctl givcn oti utilrz;~tion <strong>of</strong>'<br />

orglnic inpiits nir~iicly Raw C'OLY I)~rtig, C'OIIIPOS~,<br />

I'oultry littcr, Duck dropping anti VC~-tiiicolnpos~ to<br />

grow fishes in the walcr hodies. Mnxi~nurn protlt~ction<br />

L<br />

<strong>of</strong> 2800 kg/lia/6 months was ohtaiticd lio~ii a ponil<br />

whcre duck dropping was uscd.<br />

Databiisc on Taxonon~y and distribution <strong>of</strong><br />

Freshwater fislles <strong>of</strong>' India (IC'AR ~'css Funcl) it1<br />

linkage with N13FG12, L,ucknow. IJndtr tli~s project,<br />

indigenous fish spccics occurring it1 Magtrri hcel (;I<br />

;,ercnnially opeti bccl located near Ci~riji~ti fish Iirtlding<br />

centre <strong>of</strong> River Dibru) in Tinsukia district iuici Ilipor<br />

beel (a soasonally opcn bccl located net!; Ciuwahnti )<br />

was documcntcd. Maguri beel recorded n fi.w rivcrinc<br />

forms (c.g., Cllcla c~rt*ll iirs, Botitr c1[rtaio, f"rtltirr.v<br />

g~1iu.v) in additic~n to I tirto. M\:~tlr.r. \yi//trllr.s :in(/<br />

Cira~~rru p~otctntzr.v. 111 Dipor becl (which has rccctitly<br />

bccn dcclared as a Katnsar site) orily 12 small<br />

economic fish species (Colisa ,fir,ccirrtlu. Nontlu.~<br />

iiuttdw, ./ltrahas tcr.~rdii~c~trs, Mjl.rtri~ littrrtlr.~, /I.

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