cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...


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CIFRI ANNUAL REPORT 200 7- <strong>2008</strong><br />

Invcstigatit~ns uridcr the project was aimed at<br />

tleveloping a niodcl for assessment <strong>of</strong> w;ltcr quality<br />

using rciiiotc sensing imagery. Water and soil clu:~lity<br />

wcrc rccordcd from 1i)urtccn selected watcr i)odics ol'<br />

two districts namely I'uruli:~ :\lid Hankura in West<br />

Hcngal during pust-monsoon. 'l'hc p:~r:~riictcrs ol'~tudy<br />

wcrc Tcmpcrnturc. 'Tr;~nsparcncy. Dissolved ()>cygen,<br />

. ,<br />

Sp. Conductivity. pH. Total tlissolvcd Sol~d, I'ot;~l<br />

Alk;llinity, Frcc C'O,. chlorinity, Salitrity, NO,, 'fatal<br />

Nitrogen. PO,, Sulpliate. Silicntc, hardness, Ca, Mg.<br />

Gross I'rin1;iry Production, Net Primary Pruduction<br />

:rnd Kcspiration. C>bsc~vations on soil characlcristics<br />

wcrc madc on sand, silt. clay, pH, sp. C'oricluctivity,<br />

org:iiiic C'artrnn. rot:ll Nitrogen, ;i\lailnblc I'Iiospll;itc,<br />

Free CaCO, arid avi~ilablc-N.<br />

svstcm at Alla11:thad ccritrc. Conimotl carp is tlic<br />

iiinior contributor to thc fishcry during <strong>2007</strong>. 'Tlic tot;11<br />

catch from Siidiapur h;~s hccli c\lorkcd out ;II I 15.% t<br />

and fi-om I)araguii,j it has hcc.11 wor-kcd out at 30.02 1.<br />

'The dat;~ collcctcd at tlic ccntrcs. Allaliabatl i~rld<br />

(i~i~~ahati 11;ivc heen coliipilcd and stored in tllc<br />

d:~tabnsc for liltl~rc usc.C;~tcl~ c1;1t;1 ha\~c \>cc~~ utillsctl<br />

for the creation nf'(icographic:~l Itili~rm:~tion Systctnl<br />

((;IS) li)r the easy storage and rctric\,iil.<br />

Dc~~*clol~rttcrtt <strong>of</strong>' s(!/~IvNI'~ : A s~f't\\~;~rc 111od~1l~ I1;1s<br />

hccn tit.vcloped usillg Visi~nl3:lsic and Access ;is hack<br />

cnd. lJsirig key and illi;igcs and slictclics. the ~oli\\~ar.c<br />

will idcritil'y orders atit1 lii~nily <strong>of</strong>'tlic lish. Idclit~l)'illg<br />

gciii~s and spcci;~l imagcs is under p~.occss.<br />

Furtlicr 'T'opographical slicctx ol'Mvlurugama wiltcr<br />

shed in tlic block .Ih:ild:i , Purulia district wcrc gcorcfcrenccd<br />

and ~nosaiccd fix the first second and third<br />

orticr strt.:~ms . Ilatabase has hccti attached to vcctor<br />

filc related to villages ol'thc watcrshcil.<br />

Thc mapping <strong>of</strong> watcr bodies with area above 10<br />

ha had bccn cumplctcd in the stntc <strong>of</strong> Madhya I'rudcsh<br />

with post monsoon data.<br />

I)c\.tbloptl~c.rlt ;~nd stirricl;ir.i., ,z:bfior~ oi' tla t ;rl);rw or)<br />

(;IS pl:iti'orrt~ for c;lpt~~r-c fisl~(~rir.s<br />

Fish Catclt data : Mor~thly data on fish catch arc<br />

recorded at Guwahati for Rrahamaputra river. Thc<br />

species -, like A. morar and C. cat10 are the dominant<br />

-<br />

1<br />

species in thc catch. Thc estimated total catch is<br />

worked out at 259.56 tat the centrc during <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

. -.- .. . . .. . a The catch data are rccordcd from the Ganga river<br />

-<br />

Fig. 9 : Water bodies <strong>of</strong> West Bengel on web pace

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