cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...


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Exposure <strong>of</strong> the Fish to envirunmcntal pollutant in<br />

iaboratorics for gene spsc~lic tranicrlpt gene<br />

expression was donc /.uhpo milira young fi*hci wcrc<br />

cxposcd to three diffcrcnt concentrations <strong>of</strong>cadni~um<br />

dirsolvcd In 20 liters <strong>of</strong> water alunp with a ci~ntrol<br />

expei>mcnt In whicli the cadmtum wus not added.<br />

Flshes uerr exposcd to 3 dlffcrcnt concentrdaons. I<br />

mgl I. 5 n~gl and 10 mgl ' Tu'o dlfferenl sel or<br />

melallulhionrin apcc~fic gcnc prtmcrs were ulllired<br />

for delecttun ui the exprcwnn <strong>of</strong> TWO di:fercnt<br />

~s<strong>of</strong>urms oimelulluthionrtn pctlcc Thc control fishcs<br />

dld no1 express thr metdlluth~oncin genci as tndicatcd<br />

by ahsence <strong>of</strong> cDNA ampl~ficatton prnduct<br />

Detcctahle gene expresston <strong>of</strong> only one ia~funn <strong>of</strong><br />

inctal;othtonc~n gene was obren,od<br />

Protctns froin foot ttssucs <strong>of</strong> pastropuds (B(~l1arnin<br />

he,igii/p,lsir and Pvh g/mh,riel and foot, gill and<br />

tnantlc tissuc5 <strong>of</strong> thc h~vsivcs (/.rim~ilidr,~r<br />

n~rn~gi,io/i~l ~niolluscs collected from dlfiercnl ritrs ui<br />

thc rlvcr Datnodarwere analyred h one-d~mensiondl<br />

iodiuln dodccyl anell~s polyacryli~m~de gel<br />

elcctrophorcris iorthetrproteinpr<strong>of</strong>ilesanalyr~s.<br />

Experiment wcre conducted ill laboratory *~th<br />

lingerlings <strong>of</strong>Lohrr, wiiiio kept In 30 hrrc jar unteruf<br />

pH 7 8-8 3, rlkailn~ty 1x0-23Umyl and ihardncsr IXO-<br />

200 tngl . Thty were cxpnlcd for 30 dab, lo sub Icrhsl<br />

copperconcentratlonr(0 02 mgl. 0.01 nlgl .0.04 lnpl<br />

and 0.05 mel 1. The rcrults Indic,bte 11ui1 tlte<br />

finpcrlings <strong>of</strong>I.uheti nililie did inut cxh~h~t r~pn>lic.inl<br />

phystological changes ~n terms uiIli~crnaglnb~nti.(1.<br />

8.0), blood pH(h 8-7 0). Cholcrturol (lSX.227<br />

mgidL).Glucosci27.5h1~g~dl) .Tri~I>~cr~de(Sh 6-54<br />

mg'dL) and Control (54-93np;mli O~,tl~ib~ilg IIIC<br />

hon~eustrs~~ui lish<br />

The inelel cmntetit ill uatcr saniplcs cxh~bited ,~hr~~icu<br />

ufrny appl.cciablc atnnunt <strong>of</strong>thc \tud~i'cl mcl.lli (Cci.<br />

Cu. Mn. Ph and Za) Prosence or Mn 'lnd Zit war<br />

noticed ti1 unt; froill 1)urgapur arcs uniy ~n oar<br />

aampltng<br />

ILlkc water, the lneliil conlcnt in liill flcsh ~amplc~<br />

exhtbited absence <strong>of</strong> ni:) apprcc~ahlc amo'unl oi tile<br />

studied mtltiia(Cd. Cu. Mn, PhandZii) Only eonlent<br />

olZn wasnoticed in lish fleshup to5 Rpprn

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