cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...


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Fig-6 :Sediment ALP and b-Clucoslda~e comparative a$i\ltles (rcading gni' I1 )<br />

The prercnl study so far~ndicatcd that. unlikc available<br />

literatures from tcmpcratc<br />

t.cg~ot~s. the ohrewed<br />

enzyme activ~t~cs sccn~s lo be hlph und could bc<br />

est~matcd In low saniplc volumes and in less rlmcs.<br />

Ovcrall, warcr ALP activittea were much h~ghcr than<br />

Ihat<strong>of</strong>p.Glu.<br />

Thc rlvcr Darnudur rrdimcnl Jchydrogct~asc activlty<br />

was lhtgh a1 Raniganj, Hurnpur and Durgap~~r<br />

indlcatitlp incrraaed tnicroh~al actlvlty and resp~ralion<br />

at industr~al slres.<br />

Asaeasmentnfplonkton and bcnthicorgonirms<br />

Based on eslimatcd Shannon Diversity lndcx values<br />

(H: 2.507 to 3.014) <strong>of</strong> phytoplankton. this rivcrmc<br />

stretch between Burnpur tn Durpapur was modcratciy<br />

polluted~n surfnccand sub-qurfacc lcvcl<br />

Tlic nbtalncd I1 valuc* (1.060 and 1.704) <strong>of</strong><br />

ruuplsnkton for I)urgapur and Hunlpur Iha\c proved<br />

that thew slt:s arc modcratcly pollmcd In surihcc;lnd<br />

culu~iin layer.<br />

Thc donii~~ancr ol' Annsltd $11 Burnpur (6.1 XU/") md<br />

Anhropodat I)urgapur(49%) and hiimo-Mci11t(5%)<br />

in tutai benthus have clcnrly ~nd~cated that rlic~c site*<br />

havc dcvclopcdanucroh~c hotto~ri zonc. ,<br />

'Thc quantltattvc lhealtll asscssmonl Index fbr rtipld<br />

evaluatiun uf fiah cunditlun In thc field was done to<br />

evaluatcthcpcncralhcaltl~status<strong>of</strong>fi~hpupuiat~on~~n<br />

river llamodcr froma polluted andnon.pollulrd altr

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