cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...


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CTFRT ANNUAL REPORT 200 7- <strong>2008</strong><br />

inacrophytc~ and dccrcascd due to suhmcrgcd<br />

onc. C'cllulosc h~scakdown incrc;tsed tluc to<br />

tnncrophvtcs cxccpt liic -itiror.rtirr c-r-t-r.v.vipc8.v. M icrohiill<br />

dehydrogonasc activity incrc;iscd in fijur nlncrophytcs<br />

with signi ticant decrease in 1 i11li.vric~r-irr .s/~ir.lrli.s.<br />

Wntcr hyrlcinth <strong>of</strong>lkrctl ncgat i\,c itllpi~ct OII<br />

platlkton as r~-\~c;ilcd hy its lo\vcr pl;rnk~on cicnsity<br />

writ11 rcspcct to cjtlicr typc's 01' n~ncrophytcs.<br />

Mncropliytc lice cn\,irotln~cnt provided a hcttcr<br />

cn\~ironn.rcnt fir pl:lt~kton ns c\.idcnccci by its irighcr<br />

clcnsilv in lhc cont:lit~cr ~'itl~oitt ~ii;~cropI~ylcs.<br />

Macrophytes<br />

Organic<br />

matter (%)<br />

Soil pH<br />

Sp. Conductivity<br />

(4 S cm")<br />

Without macrophytcs (Control )<br />

6.48<br />

0.5<br />

246<br />

Eic.4hor.n ill (*~-(~.v.vi/)o.~<br />

t7.4X<br />

6.3<br />

217<br />

St-rllvin ia ni (I/(lslc~<br />

0.37<br />

6.4<br />

240<br />

1i~~tir.ilirr \~~-ticil(~t(/<br />

0.3 I<br />

0.6<br />

223<br />

C'(~rv~r~/~h \*llltnr Dc~rt1rr:~rrrn<br />

6.27<br />

0.0<br />

22(7<br />

I JII~.VI~ (J~;(I it.(^ li,~<br />

6.07<br />

0, I<br />

216<br />

Fig 5. KfScct <strong>of</strong> macrophytc on scdimcnt ctizyrnc pr<strong>of</strong>ile<br />

CIl l:rcllhorn~;~ c,ru\.;lpcL.<br />

llll;l lllOll~\l;l<br />

en I ly1lr lll;l vl~r.llcll;l1;1<br />


El UIIIISI~;I~I;I spir;111\<br />

-<br />

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Alkl' AcidP (3 gluc

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