cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...


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and Eichhornia. Macrobenthlc abundancc in the<br />

wetland was recorded 258 and 692 nos.m3 (average<br />

475 nos.m") durtny monsoon and winter,<br />

respcctively.<br />

Fishegv . Thc wetland harbours rich fish dtversity,<br />

besides, stockcd IMC and cxotics, a lolal <strong>of</strong> 23 fish<br />

species were recorded during the period. Total fish<br />

production from the wetland durtng past 3 ycars has<br />

bcen reponed from 9.0 1012.0 L'ycar (225.0-300.0 kg<br />

hayr'). Ptsh catch composltlon <strong>of</strong> the jheel<br />

reponcdly dominated by IMC. foliowed by exotics.<br />

catfiuhes, murrcls and wccd fisher. Thc jhccl holds<br />

sizeable population <strong>of</strong> some highly prized murrcls<br />

(Ophioccphulur marulius and Ophiop,cnrs, Cirundo nonro<br />

1,~pldocephaius Kuniea, ctc. In addit~on, thc Indm<br />

majorcarps (C,'. curia. L. rohilu, C, mrigu1a)and exotic<br />

carps (C idelia. H mol!lrrx and C ~arpirr) wcrc<br />

stocked In the clcnrcd ponlon <strong>of</strong>thc bccl durlng Junc-<br />

July. <strong>2007</strong>. A tentatlvc statirt~cal dcstgn oi<br />

experiments (randomlrcd block destgn) lias been<br />

prepared for carryinn out in ~ilu cxpcrlmcnts on I<br />

pen enclosures <strong>of</strong> npprox. 500 5q.m. sac) rrn<br />

stnndardizat~on<strong>of</strong>'lish srock cnhanctmientprotocols.<br />

Slandardizingfish slnckenhuncernen~pro~ocol,~<br />

Dorakohora ,an, u closcd serpcntlnc shilllow bccl<br />

(waler-sprcad area 7.71 ha; avcrage depth 1.2 m)<br />

locatcd at Kalnrup dtstrict <strong>of</strong> Assam, was<br />

~nvcstryated. 'l'hc beel was lheavtly infested wtth frccfloating<br />

macrophytes (mamly C'!('hhorniu c'rusr~pcs)<br />

foiiowcd by rubmcrgcd (Hydnlla sp.. Vulirncriu sp.1<br />

andmarglnal macrophytcs(~phasp.).<br />

Wuirr qualriy . Chardcterlscd by alkaltnc pH (7.4),<br />

moderatc temperaturc (32C1, ion dissolvcd uxygen<br />

(4 mgl") and moderatc free CO, (6 rngl ')<br />

conccntrdttons, moderatc total alkaltnity (64 rngl I),<br />

low hardness (32 mgl I , moderatc spccific<br />

cunductivity (95.6 pScml) and torsi dissolved solids<br />

(46.3 ppm), low calclum (16.03 mgl") and<br />

magnes1um(h.5 mgl ).<br />

Fi,rhery: Ftsh fauna <strong>of</strong> the bccl comprlacd 45% alrbreathing<br />

fishcs (Anubas lesludineus, Cnliro<br />

Microcosm expcrinlcnt US 35 days duration uuh<br />

performed to smdy lhe cffcct <strong>of</strong> five diffcrcn~<br />

macrophytcs vtz. Ekhhnrirm tusiipc,. So/,r,81i~<br />

nioi~~s~o, ilvdrillu ~ ~~n~~illota, VUJI~OIC~U .spir~,li~ otid<br />

Cemrophyllum dcmcrrum using one contuner<br />

without ntacrophytr ai control Thc cxperlmvn:<br />

rrvealcd thi~t Eichhornia cru~s!p~i ~nllucnccd<br />

negatively on water temperaturc, watef-pH, dissolved<br />

oxygen and spcctfc conductlvlty and posltlbc Illl~dCt<br />

on free C:O, and total alkdiintty as compared to othcl.<br />

typcs <strong>of</strong> macrophytcs. Vullisneria rp. showed strong<br />

negative influcncc on total alkalinity sign~fylng Its<br />

capacity toutiltzc HCO, ion forphotuayntlicsis.<br />

Vallirneria sp, and water hyacinth were the<br />

most elliclcnt in utlltzing avaiisbic ions pnrcnt In<br />

sedlment as revealed hy low sp conductiv~ly <strong>of</strong><br />

sediment as compared lo other typcs <strong>of</strong> niacrophytea.<br />

Sedimcnt enzymc pr<strong>of</strong>iles showed decrcascd<br />

phosphorus solubtlizauon in terms <strong>of</strong> alkaline<br />

phosphatasc activity whcrcas that in tcrms US acid<br />

jarciafur, Clarias balmchus, Hetempncwr~sfo~~sil~~,<br />

Channo srrtatus, C punclanis, C onenlulis, ctc. phosphatase activity increascd due to float~ng

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