cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...


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CIFRI ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2007</strong>- <strong>2008</strong><br />

Other exotic fish specics commonly encountered arc<br />

Borhon,vmus gonionottrs (Printitrs ,qoriionotris)<br />

P(~ngasiano(fon h.\pophthalmu.s (Yangclsiri.s .rutceki),<br />

C1aric.r~ g~rric>pinnuc., 0rcoc.liromis nilot inis nilot icvc.~,<br />

Ptcg\lgopIirkth~~s di.rjtrnc.tivus and Pinr~c-tu.r<br />

hraclrj~pornus.<br />

Fig. 4: (:etch anti yield <strong>of</strong> n~iursl fish stock<br />

fronl wethnds <strong>of</strong> West Rrncal<br />

Fish catch, yield arid CPUE increased with increase in<br />

water lcvel to a certain lcvel arid then showcd<br />

decreasing trend. The yicld <strong>of</strong>'stockcd tishes (Indian<br />

and Chinese tnqior carps) was 44X to 1637kg ha '.<br />

Rindi~c~r.vitj, stutrrs qf w~tlnnds nf U+,vt R~ngul : A<br />

total <strong>of</strong> 76 specics among 55 gcnera and 30 li~rnilics<br />

were recorded. 7'hc nunibcr <strong>of</strong> fish spccics recordcd<br />

fomi Hcladanga. C'handania. Bhornra, Khalsi. K;ija,<br />

Charnorciaha. Hot-thy and Kol wet larid was 5 1,55,30,<br />

3 1.33,25,38, arid 6 1 , rcspcctively.<br />

ol~~~o,~/lt~ol~l/\<br />

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ICxotic fish species recurded from wcrlands<br />

Fish stock assessment in wctlands<br />

Fish catch and yield as well as environmental<br />

paramctcrs from C'handania. Hcledanga, C'hamordaha,<br />

Borthy and Raja wctlanfls, situated at 24 Prrrganas<br />

North district; Khalsi and Bhomra at Nadia district and<br />

Kol at Hooghly district, were studied. The yield <strong>of</strong><br />

natural fish stocks fiom these wetlands varicd from<br />

139 to 609kgha. The catch composition showcd that<br />

Puntius spp. as a group forl~ls a major contributor to the<br />

total catch <strong>of</strong> these wetlands (6-20%), fi)llowcd by<br />

C'hanna spp. (7- 1 8%) and prawns (5- 12%).<br />

-<br />

Mahane wctland located on Cianga river basin in<br />

Unnao district <strong>of</strong>' Uttar I'radcsh was selected for<br />

investigation. Thc total water sprcad area <strong>of</strong> thc<br />

wctland was 39.9X ha. Watcr qualiti\ rcflccts that<br />

wetland IS highly pmductivc.<br />

Biotic. c~ornnrunitic~s : Plankton in Mahane wetland<br />

varied from 380 to XXO UI ' (av. 506 UI ').<br />

J'hytoplankton (95.25 "4) productivity was<br />

significantly highcr with prcdorninancc <strong>of</strong> tliatoms<br />

(48.55 %). Modcratc periphytic density (830 IJcm ")<br />

was rccorded during post monsoon and which<br />

significantly increased in winter month (305 1 IJcm ').<br />

Nurncrical nbundancc <strong>of</strong>' associated rnicro flora and<br />

f'auna in the wetland varied from 7 I0 to 2 100 Ucm 'on<br />

average valuc basis. lr~fcstation <strong>of</strong> macrophytcs was<br />

poor. only shorc arcas had luxuriant growth <strong>of</strong> lj~ornc~~

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