cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...


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CIFRI ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2007</strong>- <strong>2008</strong><br />

tralnlng. demnnsaaliun, advisory scrv~cc, fish<br />

famrrs' day, camp discussion, film show, rxhibmon,<br />

CtC.<br />

Thc 1)ircctnr in Research Managcmcnt Pos~llon<br />

heads tlic Instilute. 'Thc respunsib~lity <strong>of</strong> nvcrall<br />

managcmcnr <strong>of</strong> thc lnslitule lle, w~th Mwagcnlc~lt<br />

Cum~ii~tlce undcr thc cha~rmnnship ul' the D~rrctor.<br />

l'hc Inal1lu1e Research Coln~n~ttcc and thc Research<br />

Advisory C'ommillee mukc 1hc *pcclf>c<br />

rec~~mmendalionspcnainingtorcscarchilnd cxlcnsiun<br />

acriv~tlrs ol' the rnslllute. Thc Inst~tulc'~cscarch<br />

activit~cs are organiacd under varluus rcscarch<br />

pru~ccrs, which arc cxcculcd liom iho hcadqi~sncrs at<br />

Harrdckpore (Kolknta). und Rcg~onal Ccnlrci ;at<br />

hllahabad. Banplurc. Vadod,im and Cluwalrul~ 'Thc<br />

structural oulllne ul' rhr ~nrtllulr Ir dcplclcd 111 thc<br />


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