cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...

cifri annual report 2007- 2008 - Central Institute of Brackishwater ...


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conserving the precious blodivcrsity. It IS in this<br />

backdrop the focus<strong>of</strong>the <strong>Institute</strong> has roshifi from:<br />

9 Product~on Optimization to Sustainable<br />

Productivity<br />

9 Fish as the only benefit, to Ecosystem Health and<br />

Benefits.<br />

With this shift in focus, the mandate <strong>of</strong> thc ~nstitutr is<br />

as undcr:<br />

9 To undertake basic, strategic and appl~ed rcscarch<br />

in inland open-water fisheries viz, rivers, reservoirs,<br />

Iakcs,cstunriesand assuciatcd waters<br />

9 To develop ecosystem-based technology and<br />

strategies for productivity enhancement in mandated<br />

waters<br />

9 To monitor envirunmental changes, thcir iinpacts<br />

on fisheries and developing initlgarion action plans in<br />

collaboration with other organizations<br />

9 To crcatc awareness, provide training and<br />

consultancy in inland open-water fishrry<br />

managcmcnt.<br />

Organisatlanal Structure<br />

Presently, the institute IS pursulng its rcscarch<br />

activities through dlffcrent divisions which arc in turn<br />

rupponcd by different rcscarch suppon scrviccs I<br />

sections. TheRiverineDivision, with its hcadquancrs<br />

at Allahabad, in UP strivcs to monitor and develop<br />

effectwc management action plan for rlverine<br />

fisheries and rcsourccs <strong>of</strong> the country with adequate<br />

emphasis on the conservation <strong>of</strong> fish stocks and<br />

rivenne environment. The Rese~oirDivirion is biiird<br />

at Bangalore, in Kamataka Thc tnvesapatton.; cnrrted<br />

out in the Division are ilimcd at dr\clnp~ng<br />

managemcnr nonns for optimising fish yield frnln<br />

large,medium andsmall rcscrvolrs ufthe country. The<br />

Barrackpore (Kolkata).based E.~fuarine Diilion is<br />

involved in working on rstuarinc fishery L ecology,<br />

coastal wetlands and Sunderban mangrove eculogy<br />

The Fi.sh Heahh and Environmmrai Monirorirtr<br />

Division, 1% working on lirh health and environincntal<br />

Issues relilted to open-waler fishcv rcaources \W7.<br />

rivcrs, wetlands, rcrcrvoiri and estunrics. It is also<br />

lnnk~ng at biochemical, microbiological iund<br />

biotcchnological approaches for environmcnl<br />

munitoring and management. Dc\riopmcnt <strong>of</strong><br />

millgation acrlonplan forecosy~tem rcsioratlon IS alao<br />

the responsibility <strong>of</strong> this Oivisiun. The Floodplain<br />

WeflandsDivision carrics nut research un the wctland<br />

ccnsystcm productiun proccrrcs and iish pruduct~on<br />

cnhanccmcnt providii~p special anemion 10<br />

biodiversity' conservauun and dcvclopment ol'<br />

cnvironmcni.fricndly technulug~es. Thc Rerourcr<br />

Assessment Divisio~r is located a1 Burrackporc<br />

(Kolkata) and conducts research aiming at creating ti<br />

database on the fish stuck:. and fishciy rcsourccs 'The<br />

Division is geared up lo de\,elop ratlorla populntion<br />

inodcls that can lead s sustninablc exploitation <strong>of</strong><br />

inland fish stocks and develop resource inandgcnlcnt<br />

database on GIS format. The Human Re,iourcc<br />

Development and Transjer <strong>of</strong> Technnlogy Disisiwt IS<br />

locatcd at Barrackpore (Kolkata). The Insutute has<br />

aimed at inanpowcrtraining andeducation <strong>of</strong>fisheries<br />

personncl undcr Human Kesourcc Development. 'The<br />

Transfer <strong>of</strong> Technology wing undcnakcs on rcgulnr<br />

basis thc d~sscmination <strong>of</strong> various tcchnologtcs <strong>of</strong><br />

inland fisheries to the fish fanncrs, fishermen.<br />

entrepreneurs, extcnsinn functlonarics through

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